SOIL CONTAMINATION Studies Heavy Metals in System Water-Ground in the South Uzbekistan M. Shuhrat 1, E. Ravshan 2 1Southern Regional Science Center Academy Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Karshi, Uzbekistan, [email protected] 2Department of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Karshi Engineering Economic Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan, [email protected] Abstract Bibliographical analysis has allowed revealing that detailed programmed researches on estimation heavy metals in system "water-land" in the south Uzbekistan were not conduct- ed. On example of the river basin Kashkadarya are choose representational plots with the help of GPS and is realized sampling in 55 points. Laboratory analysis allows revealing some regularity and work out GIS - heavy metals of the region. Also are provided for developing of the technical decision is provided on sanitation of soils. Key words: heavy metals, system "water-soil", representational plots, land sanitation, excavation, desalinization and readjustment soils, GIS technology Introduction On the monitoring of Nature protection The studying of heavy metals in soils, committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan is underground and surface waters concerned installed excess possible standards (the Bul- with many scientists Johansson K., Anders- letin board. T.: 2006, p.27) of the value of son A., Andersson T., 1995, Tivo P.V., Bycko heavy metals on area are located in close prox- I.G., 1996, Evanko C.R., Dzombak D.A., imity industrial enterprises, tailing pit and 1997, Ovcharenko, 1997, McBride M.B., sludge storage in Surkhandarya, Navoiy, Sauve S., Hendershot W., 1997, Lacatusu R., Andijan, Namangan and Tashkent provinces Dumitru M., Risnoveanu I., Ciobanu C., of Uzbekistan. The local determination of Lungu M., Carsea S., 1999, Lambert M., heavy metals was conducted as a whole repub- Leven B.A., Green R.M., 2000, Tandzhi K.K., lic of Uzbekistan (Aparin B.V., Bakiev S.A. Karadzhi F., 2002, Voegelin A., Barmettler K., and others 1998-1999 y.), Karakalpakistan Kretzschmar R., 2003, Kolomiycev N.V., Ili- (Hudaybergenova A., 2009), in Khorezm ina T.A., Kisileva O.E., Korneshevskiy B.I., (Zahidova D.V., 2002, 2004, 2005), 2004, Rasulova T. Umarova Z., 2004, Samarkand (Bobobekov I.N., Fayzullaev O.F., Galichenko S.V., Mazhayskiy Yu.A., 2004, Ili- 2005, 2006), Navoiy (Abdurahmanov T.A., inskiy A.V., Kireycheva L.V., Hohlova O.V., Ahmedov Sh.M., 1998), and Kashkadarya Yashin V.M., 2004, Aydarov I.P., Golovanov provinces (Muradov Sh.O., Holbayev B.M., A.I., 2005, Mazhayskiy Yu.A., Tomin Yu.A., 1992; Hydromet of Uzbekistan, 1998-2002). Evtohin V.F., Dorohina O.E., 2006, Iofin Z.K., Evidently, the detailed programmed 2007, Makino T., Kamiya T., Takano H., Itou researching of heavy metals in system "water- T., 2007, Belozyorova G.I., Sergeev A.P., land" in separate basin was not conducted. 2008, Galiulin R.V., Galiulina R.R., 2008, Considering aforementioned facts, our Ioan S., Constantin C., Mihai T., Sorana D., researches are directed on estimation of the Lorentz J., 2008, Begum A., Ramaiah M., contamination with heavy metals water-land Irfanullakhan, Veena K, 2008, Hudaybergeno- resources representational plots of va A., 2009, Alekseevskiy N.I., Mihaylov Kashkadarya province, development of the V.N., Alabyan A.M., Babich D.B., 2009, Chis- technical methods on readjustment of soils. el A.V., Galeeva M.V., Kozlovskiy E.V., 2010, Postovalov V.M., Denisova E.V., 2010). Materials and Methods And nevertheless, which is noted by In the south of Uzbekistan Kashkadarya V.D.Postavalov and E.V.Denisova: "At the last province is a large object industrial enterprises years problem of the polluting natural envi- (14.6% - a share of the polluting the atmos- ronment with heavy metals was attended pheric air of the Republic in industrial enter- more attention, but in conceptual, theoretical prise area, basically such large enterprise as and practical plan it is not developed enough" Shurtan gas chemical complex, Unitary (2010). Branch Establishment (UBE) "Shurtan- neftgaz", Mubarek gas refinery industrial 15 th ICHMET 743 SOIL CONTAMINATION enterprise, UBE "Mubarekneftgaz" - I cate- However, repeated our analysis of soils gories to dangers, altogether 10 major enter- (in 2009) on representational areas have prises, total atmospheric emission is com- allowed with defining availability of some posed 104,0 thousand tons in 2005-2006 metals: Lead, Nickel, Zinc, Strontium, and years), motor transport (77,479 thousand tons Barium. In all probability decreasing of contaminants in 2005-2006 y.) and irrigated heavy metals in soils are connected with agriculture (more than 500 thousand ha). reduction of the share contributed mineral Our researches can be up to quality of fertilizers for the last 20 years (if in 1991 was republics where priority at a walk for prepar- contributed 108538 tons then in 2009 - ing the question of the joining to Interna- 63392 tons, given province agriculture tional Orhuss protocol on heavy metal chemical committee). (1998) is provided to proceed with determi- Considering that these pollutants, nation of the sources surge of heavy metals monitoring carried reconnoitering character, and estimation to efficiency applicable tech- necessary undertaking wide-ranging detailed nology and measures of the checking researches, which - have installed the geog- (National report of Committee for nature raphy, the sources and promoted the devel- protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan, opment of the way of fighting with heavy 2005. - p.30). metals in water and soil. Urgency of these research increases in Well known ways of desalinization of connection with requirements of priority soils, founded on plowing the area desalin- Orhuss protocol on heavy metals (the ization and its washing by flooding or other December 29, 2003 y.), which is one of eight ways with the following ejection of the salts protocols Convention of European Economi- by means of collector-drainage flow (the way cal Commission UNO (About trans-bound- of desalinization soils. The author's certifi- ary air polluting at a greater distances - cate is 460034, in 1975). Partial problem of LRTAP), including members which are per- the removing heavy metal dares under acid taining countries of the Europe, USA, Cana- of soils (the method of the improvement of da, Israel, Russian Federation as well as soils. Patent Germany 1542905, 1974). republics of Central Asia. The most efficiency method of the trans- Until today in the republic this prob- lation of the element from active in passive lem is spared insufficient attention. This condition, in which it can't be used by plants, witnesses the facts of Nature protection is the using of the phosphate calcium which Committee of Uzbekistan, which notes practically will not dissolve in water, phospho- about polluting of waters and soils with rus in this form to be in bound to form and heavy metals. With growing of the number inaccessible for plants. However it will fairly of industrial enterprises and amount of the well dissolve in the form Ca (H 2PO 4)2 or motor transport and contributed mineral fer- H3PO 4 (Svetkova L.I. and others Ecology.- tilizers, given problem, especially in SPB.: Himizdat, 1999.-p.123 - 127.). Kashkadarya province, has gained para- Broadly wide-spread method of excava- mount importance. tion is abetting quick defogging of soils. However, undesirable process is a carrying Results and Discussion polluted material on the other territory. This The estimation of the polluting with process requires undertaking the ecological heavy metals were conducted in 1991 by monitoring (Lambart and others, 2000. p.2). Muradov Sh. O. and Holbaev B. M. on local Execution of given problems allow to irrigated area of Karshi steppe at the meth- solve the responsible problem, which also ods of the All-Russian research institute of pertain and region of the republic of Uzbek- water engineering and land reclamation. istan in context international effort on The following heavy metals were deter- ensuring the firm development with provi- mined on irrigated lands: Lead, Rubidium, sion for that burden, which impose industry, Barium, Zirconium, Vanadium, Strontium, agriculture and motor transport on bios- Cobalt, Nickel, and Zinc. It is necessary to phere and technologies which they possess. note that in that time of the value of such Given problem is subjects to International elements as Vanadium, Rubidium, Zirconi- worry (the General Assembly UNO, Rio-de- um, Barium were found above at maximum Janeiro Declaration on surrounding ambi- permissible concentration (MPK). ence and development. Principle 14, 1992). 744 15 th ICHMET SOIL CONTAMINATION The study of the question will allow Summarizing is possible to note that at reducing the risk of the damaging to not only present realized separation representative population given territory, but also the other area by means of modern navigational region. This is an important argument in instruments GPS is displayed tests on 55 many-sided of agreements on chemical mat- areas and is made some findings. Provided ters and environment. formation GIS maps - a heavy metals in soils and water of Kashkadarya province, is Conclusion approved new way of the fight with heavy Thereby, at decision given problems metal. we shall provide the prevention of the increase the risk of the damaging surround- Acknowledgements ing ambience or the general resources and in The authors thank the financial sup- particular water-soil resource, from which ports providing from Science Academy of the depends on dividing products of the feeding. Republic of Uzbekistan (Fundamental Pro- Urgency and timeliness of the execution in ject 41-10 "Scientific substation heavy met- given functioning is motivated also in als in system water-soil and development republic that in purpose of the restriction theory reclamation physical-chemical char- and reductions surge of heavy metal is devel- acteristics (by the example of river basin oped national strategy, the policy and pro- Kashkadarya). gram. The most actual is considered that sys- References tem of water-land is a main ambience, in Lambert M., Leven B.A., Green R.M.
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