• ' ^ ■ ...: "jEysSf jjr.yh- £,>„• 'j, _ >k-l :>.‘. 'w Se w s &• -* -.- ■ 7 o •JflPs? t s w i j o r lahw lcalcr. ^rwsrr. 7$ NUMBER 3 VOLUME XLVIII CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1920 1 SECOND TOUCH OF WINTER FAIRBURT HAS BIG FIRE MARRIED AT PONTIAC .A, INTEREST CENTERS Damage Amounting to $60,000 From Miss HilDa Aellig, of Strawn, anD First Snow of Season Fall* This Cariestnesa of Someone. Albert Hornickel WeD. Forenoon—People Shiver. f * Straw hats aud low shoes were 1 One of the most serious fires SaturDay noon at the MethoDist AROUND ABOUT US THE COURT ROUSEnot very popular this morning when IN NEH ELECTION parsonage in Pontiac Rev. T. E. which has occurreD in Fairbury , within recent months was that of NewlanD uniteD in marriage Miss residents awoke to find a blinding Every Voter SBbulD Take Time to Short News Items GleaneD From Interesting News Items Gleaned SaturDay night, when the large gar­ HilDa Aellig, of Strawn, anD Albert snow storm on. Exchanges anD Other Sources couple K Expreu His Choioe on Tues­ age anD livery barn known as Clau- Hornickle, of Germanville township. From the Pontiac Daily True the snow lasted only a of hours but covered the ground for Don's Motor Mart was completely TolD in a Paragraph. The happy couple were accom­ Leader the Past Week. Day, November 2D. a short time. Thermometers reg­ ■ ** —- DestroyeD. The builDing anD busi­ panieD to Pontiac by Miss Nellie Miss ADa Wilson, a 17-year-olD istered 10 at 8 o’clock, the coldest Every women anD every man en­ ness was ownet} by N. J. ClauDon, Hornickle anD Ernest Kemnitz, who Republican women voters of the Fairbury girl, DieD SaturDay morn­ of the season. titleD to vote at next TuesDay’s elec­ anD the loss to him will be a serious were also witnesses at the weDDing. county held a big harmony meeting ing after a week’s Illness with Diph­ Following the ceremony the Just a week ago today the ther­ tion shoulD vote. one, aa it was only partially covereD in Pontiac Tuesday. The weather mometer registered 76 in the after­ It is a Duty each owes to his coun­ by Insurance. The builDing was in theria. couple went to Chicago on a short kept the crowd down but practically noon and was over 100 in the sun. try. No matter whether you are a three Distinct parts, one being of At the fall festival helD recently weDDing trip. They will resiDe on every township in the county was Such is the rapid weather changes Republican or a Democrat (anD wooD, one of corrugateD iron anD at Paxton by the American Legion the Henry Hummel’farm in German­ represented at a noon day banquet in Illinois. Distant readers w ill be there are really only two parties) go the. thirD of brick. The fire starteD poet of that city, $2,700 was netteD. ville township as soon as Mr. Hum­ given to 160. A number of promi­ interested in reading that for a to the polls anD vote as you think in the hay mow of the part whiefl That post now has $4,100 in its mel vacates the farm about January nent Speakers addressed the new whole month preceding this week Is the right ticket to vote. But vote was DevoteD to the housing of horses treasury. « 1st. voters. The briDe is a Daughter of Mr. we have had the most D eligh tfu l some ticket. The flames starteD in the east siDe Elmer Neth, a young man of Fair­ The U. S. Marine Band, commonly weather with warm sunshiny Days Semple ballots of the coming elec­ of the block an# burneD west. Men bury, was aDjuDgeD insane before a anD Mrs. J. W. Aellig, of Strawn anD known as the president’s own band, the groom a son of Mr. anD Mrs. and beautiful nights. This fine TOR. IN I - * tion have been placeD In public connecteD with the business haD commission in the county court was scheduled to give an open air weather stopped Sunday with a rain places. They are there for informa­ been engageD on SaturDay in filling TuesDay anD orDereD committeD to ConraD Hornickle. Both are promi­ concert in the court house yard this that continued r.t close intervals un­ i TO THE tion to voters, anD It will be worth tho mow with alfalfa, anD one the­ the Kankakee asylum. nent young people anD the public afternoon from 1 to 3 o’clock but til Wednesday evening. Cloudy the time it takes to look them over ory is that one of them DroppeD a Arthur Hansen anD Peter Persch- will wish for them a long anD happy the bad weather will probably cause 5 TAILOR weather prevails this forenoon. caiefully. By the time this paper cigar or ctgaret in the hay, which nick, both young men qf Dwight, marrieD life. the concert to b^ called off or else CHARGES appears next week the election will caught fire anD smoulDereD until each haD an eye removeD last week, given in doors. There are 52 mem­ be over, anD then it will be too late about 7:30 when it broke out into ihe Injury to Hansen’s eye was caus­ Relative of Melvin People Murdered. bers in the band. Body Laid to Rest. to vote. People who Do not take a furious conflagration. The builD eD by getting a cinDer in it. Monday was divorce day in the The body of Vernon Marr arriveD enough Interest in the affairs of the ings burneD covereD a total space of E. V. Lawless, who has been post­ ReV. FreDerick Huff, pastor of the Livingston county circuit court, on the noon Wabash train at Forrest REE AND | government to vote on election Day about 160 feet by 100. The fire De­ master at Campus for several years Memorial MethoDist Episcopal Judge G. W. Patton granting three Friday from Trinidad. Colorado anD have no right to complain about the partment was quickly on the scene DieD a few Days ago following a thirD church in the exclusive north shore divorces after hearing evidence pre­ was conveyed to Chatsworth by PORTANT government. Hon. Samuel B. Capen anD fought the flames from six Dif­ i stroke of paralysis. He'haD been in District in Chicago, was shot anD sented, besides hearing several hearse. once saiD, “For an American citizen ferent leaDs of hoBe. Owing to their ill health for the past six months. killeD by a tenant in his apartment others which were continued. The The body was accompanied from to neglect to vote is to be false to heroic work aDjoining builDings He was a well respecteD anD great­ builDing in Chicago SaturDay morn­ case in which decrees were awarded Colorado by the wife of the DeceaseD the flap that covers him, anD to the were saveD, except one house owneD ly aDmireD citizen of Campus anD ing. the plaintiffs were: Mary B. Gud- and their little daughter, W anDa UR BANK. State anD city that protect his pro­ by Robert Harris. Just across the vicinity. FreDerick Sextro, wealthy man­ gell vs. William Gudgell; Pearl G. Mae. J. E. Marr, of Sycamore. 111., perty anD his home.” alley is a whole block of business Miss Alvira GooDrich, of Forrest, ager of a coal company, aDmitteD, Smith vs. A1 A. Smith; Bernice Lud- father of the unfortunate young “As noiseless fall those printeD slips houses, anD none of these were Dam­ anD Harley Metz, of Fairbury, were police saiD, that he shot anD killeD ke vs. Walter Ludke. In the case of As fall the silent Dews of night, ageD. All tne horses anD automo­ marrieD in Pontiac by the Rev. T. the pastor. Frank Davis vs. Luiu Davis Judge man. and ,>Irs. Harold Brown of Yet never worDs from human lips biles in the builDings were removeD, E. NewlanD on WeDnesDay, October He saiD, accorDing to the police, Patton heard the evidence and then Rochelle, sister, met the funeral REST. HhD greater majesty anD might. but there was consiDerable loss on 20. The groom is employeD by the he mistook the pastor for a burglar dismissed the case for insufficient party in Chicago and accompanied They are the flat anD the will Of patriots who love their lanD accessories burneD. Mr. ClauDon express company at Fairbury. They when they met in the hallway. proof. them here. Who aim their Duty to fulfill, estimaieD uis loss at $40,000 to $50,- went to Peoria for a few Days, af­ The pastor, his wife anD three Chris Steidinger, a resident of The funeral services were held in AnD on that firmly take their 000, partially covereD by insurance. ter which time they will make their chilDren were preparing for an auto­ Fairbury, was brought to Pontiac the Methodist church at 3 o clo^k, stanD.” The householD gooDs belonging to home with the groom’s mother at mobile trip to Melvin, that Day Monday evening by Deputy Sheriff conducted by Rev. Dudman. after- The straw vote taken at the Rex- Mr. Harris were mostly saveD but a Fairbury. where they planneD to visit a Codlin, of Fairbury, and* turned over which the body was buried in the all stores over the UniteD States lot of canneD fruits anD vegetables The eleventh annual statement of brother of Mrs. Huff. to Sheriff R. T. Gorman. Steidinger Chatsworth cemetery. shows the following vote up to 6 p.m. in the basement burneD? the Watseka Farmers’ Grain Co., Mrs.
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