Issue Number 13 Autumn/Winter 2018 M essage from the C h air H elloand welcome toou r winter s ion of s ome perennialplanting, news letter, its eems no time atall toprovide attrac tive, c os teffec - s inc e Iwrotethispiec e las tyear. tive and more eas ilymaintained d isplays. O u r annu al C hristmas lights events are d etailed inthe article W e have c ontinu ed ou r provision below and we look forward to of hanging bas kets inbothD ale welcoming you alltoboththe Kirk A bbey and KirkH allam and they H allam and D aleA bbey events. remaina popu larfeature throu gh- ou tthe s u mmermonths. This yearmarked the 10 0 thanni- versary of the end of W orld W ar I hope you find ou r N ews letter one and the P arish C ou nc illaid a interes ting and informative, wreathon behalfof the c ommu ni- pleas e give u s you r feed bac k as L ty, atthe Remembranc e D ay s er- we wou ldlove tohearfrom you . I vices inbothD aleA bbey and Kirk O n behalfof D aleA bbey P arish C H allam. C ou nc ilI wish you alla very k R Road s afetyhas been ofparticu lar H appy C hristmas and a P eac efu l N c onc ern over the pas t year with N ew Year. u U . regard tothe nu mber ofinc idents E along the A 60 96, pleas e s ee fu r- g O ther d etails inthe articleon page P eterFarmer r two. C C hairD aleA bbey P arishC ou nc il o T . O u rflorald isplays were u pgrad ed www. d aleabbey-pc. org. u k c over the pas tyearwiththe inc lu- H T p S - I y C h ristmas2018 E e R b A L b P a e S l Y This year our lights switch on The lights will be switched on by a E ceremony will take place in Kirk His Worship the Mayor of Erewash d Hallam on Tuesday 4th December Councillor Chris Corbett a Christ- . B starting at 6.30pm with carols mas message and blessing from W around the tree accompanied by Anne Cousins Church Warden, All w B Ilkeston Brass. Saints Dale Abbey. A w E The lights will be switched on by After which we invite you all to the Deputy Mayor of Erewash join us back to the Gateway Centre w E Councillor Mrs Susan Beardsley where warm drinks, mince pies with a Christmas message and and refreshments will be served. L N blessing from the Rev. Christine These events are a wonderful op- A French and a visit from Santa portunity for us all to meet and Clause with gifts for the children. come together to celebrate the be- D We also invite everyone from Kirk ginning of the festive season. In thisissue: Hallam, especially the children, to Please come along and join the cel- join us in Dale Abbey, at the Gate- Message from the Chair 1 ebrations and support the contin- way Centre, on Thursday 6th De- ued success of these very popular cember where we begin at 6.oopm Christmas 2018 1 event. with storytelling, activities and refreshments for the children. Peace and goodwill to all. Useful Contacts 2 Followed at 7.00pm by Carols around the tree accompanied by Christmas around the Churches 2 Ilkeston Brass. Councillor Contact Details 2 Other News 2 UsefulCon tacts C h ristmasaroun d the N ew sin B rief C h urch es Erew ash B orough C oun cil REM EM B RANCEDAY A llSain tsD aleA bbey Tel: 0845 907 2244 The Parish Council was represented Sunday 16h December 3.00pm www.erewash.gov.uk at the memorial services of both Dale Christmas Carol service followed by Abbey and Kirk Hallam Church on refreshments at the Gateway Sunday 11th November this year be- Ilkeston Tow n H all Tuesday 25th December 9.00am ing particularly p0ignient, marking Wharncliffe Road Christmas Holy Communion 100 years since the end of WW1 wreaths were laid, on behalf of the Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5RP There will be no service at Dale community, in remembrance of all Abbey on Sunday 30th December. those who have lost their lives L on gEaton Tow n H all through war and conflict Derby Road, Long Eaton A llSain tsKirkH allam M EETINGVENUES Derbyshire NG10 1HU Wednesday 12th December 7.30pm We recently announced that the Par- Tree of Lights Memorial Service ish Council are now able to meet at D erbyshireC oun tyC oun cil the Kirk Hallam Community Hall County Hall, Matlock Sunday 16th December 11.30am which has proven invaluable over the Christingle Parade Service past few months due to the Gateway Derbyshire, DE4 3AG Sunday 23rd December 6.00pm Centre suffering a serious water leak Tel: 0845 605 8058 Carols by Candle Light and had to be closed until repairs were completed. Fortunately every- Monday 24th December 11.00pm P olice,Ilkeston A S ection thing is now back to normal and a Midnight Mass schedule of meeting dates and venues Ilkeston Police Station Tuesday 25th December 10.00am can be found on our website. Heanor Road, Ilkeston Christmas Day Holy Communion H IGH W A Y ISSUES Derbyshire, DE7 8DY The Parish Council continues to work Tel: 0345 123 3333 P arish C oun cillor tirelessly on a number of concerning issues, potholes, fly tipping and C on tactDetails HGV’s travelling along weight re- Fire stricted roads are followed up and Ilkeston Community Fire Station V illage W ard always reported to the relevant au- thority. Derby Road, Ilkeston, Cllr Peter Farmer 0115 930 3593 The safety of A6096 is of particular Derbyshire DE7 5EZ concern with regard to high traffic Tel: 0115 932 0222 Cllr Susan Bown 0115 932 2612 speeds and dangerous junctions. Sadly there has been yet another fa- Ilkeston C om m un ityH ospital Cllr Trevor Davies 01332 661091 tality, this time close to Bartlewood Heanor Road, Ilkeston Lodge and police investigations are KirkH allam W ard Derbyshire, DE7 8LN ongoing, we have been advised that there is nothing further we can do Tel: 0115 930 5522 Cllr Russell Oates 07505 358052 until the final outcome of the investi- gation is known. We continue to Ilkeston L ibrary Cllr John Smith 0115 932 5517 monitor the situation and will pursue Market Place, Ilkeston matters further once the outcome of the investigation is made public. Derbyshire, DE7 5RN Cllr Kevin Tribbensee 07818 483616 We welcome your comments on the Tel: 0115 930 1104 L adyw ood W ard safety and traffic situation along the A6096 through our parish, all feed- M aggie Th roup M P (Erew ash) Cllr Steven Street 0115 932 8370 back will be collated and used to Bridge House, Derby Road, strengthen the case for safety im- provements. Long Eaton Cllr Charles Just 0115 932 6766 Derbyshire NG10 1NL Tel: 0115 9722 419 C lerktothe P arish C oun cil Please contact us with your views on any of the above, we would love to P auline L atham M P Mrs Laura Storey 07810 717534 hear from you. (M id D erbyshire) www.daleabbey-pc.org.uk email: [email protected] The Old Station, Station Road Or call Laura our Parish Clerk on: 07810 717534 Spondon, Derby DE21 7NE Fin d uson the w eb 01332 676679 w w w .daleabbey-pc.org.uk.
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