Indians.. 'more than revelant ,less than romantic' get just as surely as the hunter the SUB Theatre at B:OO p.m. If to five everyday, or reservations by JUNE 0-HANLON distasteful picture of the geno­ cide of a people. He combined tracking his prey. It is a power­ you're a student, it's Sl .00 with can be made by calling 994- factual material - the actual ful message - one that some­ student l.D.; othervvise, admis­ 3901 . It's the exceptional play that words and lives of Indians how has not been fully heard sion is S2.00 or 50 cents for chil­ combines a message with good themselves - and the mythical though many have tried. See the dren under twelve. Reser- The stage setting suggests the theatre. INDIANS, by Arthur fantasy that surrounds Buffalo play; hear the message. vations are suggested, espe- head of a drum, carrying Kopit, is that rare exception. Bill Cody. It is a fragile fantasy The cast is large - too large to cially for Friday and Saturday messages to those unseen. I saw this play in New York City that surrounds Buffalo Bill Cody. 1fst here. though each deserves nights. Tickets can be pur- Don't be one of those unseen. during its Broadway run. At that It is a fragile tightrope that Kopit an honorable mention. Bruce chased at the box office from one see Indians this week time, it seemed relevant, but constructed, but he keeps the Jacobsen. both directed and romantically distant. Now, liv­ balance at every step. When the starred as Buffalo Bill. It's diffi­ ;**************************** ing in Montana and seeing tension becomes so great that cult to direct and harder still to : I Hey Buffie I INDlANS again. it's more than the audience might tune him direct yourself. and Mr. Jacob­ relevant and less than roman­ out, he offers a light moment. a sen did both admirably. Craig tic. touch of humor. Hudson. with restraint and * I The I* Arthur Kopit set himself a hard subtlety and dignity. acted as task: to show, in a form that But the message stays, ! Fusser's: Sitting Bull. Stacey Bergquist always, hauntingly. It never would appeal to general theatre broadly played Wild Bill Hick­ leaves the mark, it keeps on tar- audiences. the hard and ock. And I could go on and on . i Guide ! There were stars other than the actors. Lights by Argan * Will Be Here * Johnson; superb costumes and : Soon I sets by Signe Anderson; and an understated, yet dramatically : Then Everyone : dynamic sound system by Dave * Will Know Your* BDllE Applegate. Excellent visual &Ellli : Number? # " The Taking of Pelham One Two at no extra cost, and everyone effects were provided by Kathie Three" will like you for it. · McGlumphy. * What's a poor guy to* The choice is 50/ 50; and ei- INDIANS plays this week, No- do! A lot like T. V. ther decision will be a good one. vember 19 through the 23rd in * I By Kent Goodman ***************************** The Tak ing of Pelham One The story they were afraid to talk about Two Three is an explosive thrills­ and-spills movie that looks as if it becomes the movie were a made-for-television crime drama. Not that it isn't they can't stop talking about. exciting (is it). and not that the acting seems second rate (the major roles were played by Walter Matthau, Robert Shae, Martin Balsam, Hector Elizondo and Earl Hindman), but the problem is: why go pay S 1.75 to see a movie that looks exactly like what you'd see on " The Streets of San Francisco" or " McCloud?" These days the only thing you can't see on TV is raw sex and really rough language. If you stay at home, you don't have to wait in line for a seat, you can make your own popcorn with butter all the way through it. and you can then turn off the lights and invite your girl over and you can see the same things. But it's more fun to go to movies. Every­ one notices you. By shelling out money for a show you cari prove CANDICE BERGEN · PETER STRAUSS to a lady that you're really seri­ BJ.Ul''sTARTS WEDNESDAY ous. ''SOLDllB Al'JOVIEWHOSETIMEISNOW ~ 7;30 & 9:30 So now you have a choice; you WDRDEB can go to the movie or buy a six­ pack and stay home. The movie has this going for it: CLINT EASTWOOD PROVES THAT it's about four really desperate or1TA1.r. men who want to make a million "ONE OFTHE BESTEVER MADE!" "A SPELLBINDING FILM I" HE'S A GIFTED DIRECTOR IN ONE · Los Ancelts Times ~ - S111 Francisco Examiner ' bucks quick. They get on a sub­ OF THE MOST ENJOYABLE FILMS way and hijack one car and 17 people. This is the exciting part. YOU'LL SEE ALL YEAR! Then the city of New York is faced with either giving up a WE GUARANTEE THIS ONE!! million dollars or 17 people. The mayor's answer to the problem Her name is a disgusted "Shit, piss. fuck, " is Breezy which pretty well sums up the attitude of most big cities when ... ardb.e they are faced with a problem of people. Finally the mayor gives was all they in. because he knows he'll get ta:J in corrmcn 17 sure votes. This is the social comment part of the movie. The WILLIAM HOLDEN end (which you can see for your­ KAY LENZ. self) 1s more thrills and spills fare, and a little bit of heroics at IRtt.lY ~ the last. Staying at home has this go­ ing for it: you can have a six-pack I of beer for the $1. 75, and you can cook up any type of meal your heart desires. Besides that, SHOW TIMES 5:00. 7:00. 9:00 you can invite your friends over soRRv No PASs£s 2 - THE EXPONENT - Tuesday, November 19, 1974 'Soft iazz' guitarist here Thursday By Ginny Prior influenced by Johnny Mathis. with several big name artists Campus Entertainment Com­ Nassan claims he can let words and groups including Roberta mittee will host a concer1 this hang in the air on his guitar. the Flack, Three Dog Night. and Thursday night with a musician way Mathis can when he sings. Herbie Mann. who 1s known for his remark­ Nassan attended school at the The guitarist will appear in the able 'soft iazz' guitar talen1s. University of Cincinnati with SUB Ballroom this Thursday interests in music and night at 9 p .m . The concert will The musician 1s Sandy bac1eriology. He has appeared be free of charge. Nassan. protege of flu11st Herbie Mann S-andy has been playing the guitar for 12 years, both 1n night clubs and college -Madrigal Dinner campuses all over the country. Reservations can be made ence. The program features a Reviews of the 25 year old guitar now for the traditional Madrigal holiday feas1, plus the color and players concerts say he uses the Dinner. scheduled Dec. 8 and 9 music of an old English Christ­ guitar as an orchestra rather in the MSU Student Union mas. including carols, the than a single instrument. Building. wassail bowl and boar's head Nassan does all his solo The Christmas celebration 1s ceremony. appearances by improvisation. sponsored by Mu Sigma Alpha On both nights the dinner will He doesn't sing, he says his music honorary. Proceeds go for begin at 6:00 p.m. 'Johnny Smith Gibson special scholarships and help finance expresses everything he wants musical productions. Reservations can be made at POETRY TONIGHT - Galway Ki nnell, to express This year the dinner is the Student Union main desk considered by many readers and critics as one of ,telephone 994-3081 . Although the guitarist does scheduled two nights, to keep the most vital and imaginative and contemporary not sing, he maintains that his the crowd smaller and bring the Tickets are $4.00 for MSU American poets, will read from his recent work musical style has been most performers closer to the audi- students and $4.50 for others. tonight at 8 p.m. in 101 Gaines Hall. The free program is sponsored by the English and Theatre Arts Department. Kinnell will also give an info,rmal talk Wednesday morning at 11 a.m . in SUB 310. His topic will be the poetry of Walt Whitman. ~~ I I I I 'NEW KNEE LENGTH AND I BELOW THE KNEE DRESSES ' (Open Friday Night) Where the A ware Woman Shops Dance on our stainless steel LACK dance floor Wednesday is Ladies Night 9:00 half-price drinks for all the ANGUS ladies all night Steak House &Lounge Featuring BBR TRIO 9 Mon. -Sat. 520 West Mendenhall Thursday is Tequila Night $.75 only Pandora's Box Margarita Tequila Sour Sunrise Brave Bull Tijuana Horny Bull Smash Michelob on tap 12:00 Mexican Hatdance winners win a 4-7 soc shrimp cocktails fifth of tequila in the lounge f HE EXPONENT :- Tuesday. November 19, 1974 - 3 by Stalud laid " Ca11pu ... Are you satisfied? Last Saturday, before the final Bobcat game of the season, there was a small gathering of people in a little court yard where Gatton Field used to be. They were there to dedicate the new court as a memorial to former MSU athletes who played on Gatton Field, in honor of the great MSU football player, Cy Gatton. The ceremony was a pleasantly touching one. as a teammate of Gatton's stood up and told the group of Gatton's accomplishments and his tragic death in World War I.
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