THE TRAILWALKER NEWSLETfER OF TilE FRIENDS OF ISSUE No. 37 TilE HEYSEN TRAIL AND OTHER WALKING TRAILS INC. OCTOBER 1992 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. SBH 1454 .. •• .... •• .. •• .. .. • •• .. .. .. •• •• MEMBERSHIP ACKNCWLEDGEMENTS Since publication of the August issue of the "Trailwalker", the following new members have joined the Friends' and a warm welCOUE is extended to them from the President and members of Council. Individual Family Barbara Burn Meredith ~ord Alan & Beulah Dutton Mary Crawford Rosalie Wallington Paul and Helen MJrgan Peggy-Lea Napper Helen Thomas Edward Perkins Erica Senyszyn Jean Wood Sue Skipper Barry Finn G.R. O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. E. K~rthy Kristy Arbon Jan Clarke Julie Kuchel & Family Jan Clarke Robert Wallace Carolyn Spooner Mary Caneron Robin Stanley Bob Watson & Anne Pemberton Ralph & Ann Ollerenshaw Richard Cove Helen Gostlow Organisation J.T. & E.A. Alvey Walking for Fitness and Pleasure MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM To The Treasurer, Friends of the Heysen Trail and Other Walking Trails, 10 Pitt Street, Adelaide, 5000. Tel. 212-6299 Please enrol me as a member of the Friends'. I enclose $__ ~ Membership fee is $10 {individual) I $15 (family) I $25 (school organisation) 1 $50 {other organisation) . NAME: ADDRESS: POST CODE: ---- TEL.NO.: ---------------- "1HE TRAll.WALKER" IS PUBUSHED BY "1HE FRIENDS OF 1HE HEYSEN TRAil. AND OrnER WALKING TRAll.S INC." PROUDLY SPONSORED BY 1HE SOUfH AUSTRAliAN GOVERNMENT 1HROUGH 1HE SOUfH AUSTRAliAN RECREATION INSTITIITE EDITOR : DOUG PAICE 2 CP •• ... THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE OUR NEW HOME! THE EXCITING NEWS IS THAT "FRIENDS OF THE HEYSEN TRAIIS" HAVE A NEW Ha.1E IN THE CITY! 10 PITT ST ADELAIDE - PHONE 223-6299. MORE THAN 'IWICE THE SIZE OF OUR OLD PREMISES AND SITUATED DIRECTLY OPPOSITE KINGS CAR PARK AND ONLY 100 METRES FRGi THE CENTRAL MARKET AND HER MAJESTY'S THFATRE! WE CAN AT LAST CATER FOR OUR MEMBERS REQUIREMENTS AND THE GENERAL PUBLICS ENQUIRIES REGARDING OUR ASSOCIATION AND THE HEYSEN AND OTHER WALKING TRAIIS AS WELL AS DISPLAYING AND SELLING MAPS AND OUR CMN CLOTHING. WE a-m OUR NEW Ha.1E TO THE GENEROSITY OF THE CENTRAL MISSION WHO WELCCMED US ON A PERMINANT B/l..SIS FREE OF CHARGE BECAUSE OF THE "SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP" WE HAVE DEVELOPED WITH "WRIGHT COURT~ MEN" WHO 00 MOST OF THE HERITAGE HUTS I BRITGES ETC. ON THE TRAIIS. ALL WE NEEDED TO 00 WAS TO TIDY UP OUR NEW H<l'-1E, WHICH WE BELIEVE HAS BEEN OONE QUITE WELL. COME AND INSPECT OUR NEW HOME - 10 PITT ST!! SEE WHAT YOU THINK OF IT! ! WE WJULD LIKE TO ROSTER A VOLUNTEER EVERY DAY TO ASSISr WITH THE RUNNING OF THE OFFICE - CAN YOU HELP? CONTACT THE OFFICE ON 2236299 Nev Southgate, W£ ARE PRESIDENT H~i\E VICTORIA SQUARE G. P.O. THE TRAILWAKER SGIC HILTON THE TRAILWAKER \ HOTEL NEEDS NEEDS ~ ~ ~ (J) A NEW (J) THE z X MISSION w A NEW - 1- EDITOR ...J PITT ST. 0 CENTRAL ~ (l)w a: EDITOR KINGS >-a: MARKET z PARKADE a: I-I- <-' PLEASE CONTACT <l: w(l)< a: J:~W PLEASE CONTACT <J: u.. :::EI- THE ABOVE THE ABOVE 3 •• ... ... •• •• .. •• THE TRAILS REPORT FollCMing the fairly recent frenetic activity of the marking of the Trail between Quorn and Hawker, the last two rocmths have been much quieter from a trail maintenance point of view. As sone of you will be aware, the heavy rain over the weekend of 29/30 August caused flash flooding in the Adelaide Hills. The Warren .Bonython bridge at Mylor and the bridge connecting the Hale and Warren were both destroyed. Pending reviews I cannot say when, or indeed if, the bridges will be rebuilt. I will let you knCM as soon as we receive IOC>re information. The Adelaide Central Mission, under a contract with Recreation S.A., has built a new bridge over MeaC!cMs Creek adjacent to the golf course next to the Kuitpo Forest and Knott Hill. The completion of the bridge will now allCM a re-route of the Trail through the forest taking the walker further to the north-west on this section; IOC>re details later. Trail maintenance has continued with various teams carrying out much needed \«)rk. Areas include the south coast in the vicinity of Balquhidder, Adelaide Hills and Barossa Valley. A significant event, which passed unnoticed · by llX)St of us, was the completion of marking of the whole Trail. This occurred in September when Hugh Greenhill and Joylene McCann of the Burra Branch completed the marking of a three kilonetre stretch south-east of Spalding. The Trail is now marked; there are a few minor \«)rks still required but, with very great credit to all concerned, the Heysen Trail has been completed four years ahead of the projected date of 1996. Having said that, I must reiterate that a lot IOC>re ·\«)rk is required; improved marking, re-routing, and making gcxxi after vandalism, for example. New Network Trails will also be developed as will overnight accorruoodation - ranging from basic camp sites with water tank to comfortable huts. Exciting tines. To conclude. The part of the Trail from Wilpena Chalet, south-west across the Pound to Bridle Gap, and from M:>ralana. Drive to a mid point tc:Mards Mayo Cottage off the Elder Range has recently been re-marked. Ambiguous marking and all marks on live trees have now been reiOC>ved. I ~d appreciate walkers' cOimJen.ts on the marking of this and any other sections of the Trail. Please note that the \«)rkshop location will change very shortly to Kidman Park. The IOC>ve is being arranged by the Depar1::lrent and should occur by the end of the year. Mike Fretwell, Trails Co-ordinator GET WELL SOON MESSAGES There are possibly many sickies out there with the persistent wet weather and to each of them we extend sincere Get Well greetings. AIOC>ng those who have cone to my notice are John Sulnners who is I'lCM undergoing bypass heart surgery following treabnent for a heart attack; Rob Hill who was treated for a heart related problem; and Tom Thomasson who is recovering from trea1::lrent to both knees. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and resumption of activity to each of the above members and to others who may not be feeling one hundred per cent. A.O. 4 ( •• •• •• •• •• •• • • •• •• •• .. • • FRIENDS OF PARA WIRRA RECREATION PARK Dear Friends, I am the Publicity Officer for Friends of Para Wirra. On 19 September I met some of your members on their way to Humbug Scrub to work. I was told that some walkers w:mld like to see an extension made to the Lizard Rock Track in Para Wirra. I mentioned this to our President, Ted Hughes, and he said that he had in mind getting permission to mark two other trails, one in the area of two dams near Humbug Scrub and the other the old Nursery Farm access road, some of which has disappeared. He was interested in what I told him about extending Lizard Track. I am enclosing a copy of our work prograJD~JES in anticipation that some of your helpers can spare some time for us and maybe, with the Ranger's permission, extend the Lizard Track. Yours sincerely, (Signed) (Mrs.) Isabel Colman For the interest and information of our CM11. members who may wish to assist, the programme of activities for Para Wirra is listed below. FRIENDS OF PARA WIRRA - PRC>GRAt+tE 1992-93 17 October Goldfields Trail Clean-up 21 November Seed collection - weed eradication 19 December Wind-up and BBQ. Social Day. 1993 January Recess 20 February Seed Propagation 20 March Evening Walk 17 April Propagation- Tree Planting 15 May Propagation - Tree Planting A.G.M. All activities subject to alteration as needed. Meetings start at 9.00 a.m. at the Office, Para Wirra Recreation Park, front gate. Isabel Colman - 255-1820 - Publicity Officer .. •• 4 •• ... •• .. •• .. • •• .. ... ... LETTERS TO THE "TRAILWALKER II Dear Thelma, The enclosed cheque is offered to the Friends for maintenance on the trail we love so much to walk. As I've said before, we put in 20 cents each week and $1 each m::mth for our "projects" which over the years has am::runted to $637 up till now, $200 of which we've been able to give to Friends' . Other projects have included CAA, ~lood appeals, Barbara Hardy's appeals and Friends of the Onkaparinga Gorge. Our numbers now vary from eight nucleus to eleven full count, not bad in our tenth year. Wishing you well. In sincere appreciation, Pat Bruun (for the Wednesday Walkers I) FRIENDS OF NATIONAL TRUST RESERVES Information received in this group's Spring Newsletter includes the following dates to remember:- Saturday, 17 October - 12 noon - Open Day at Roachdale. Guided walks at 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. Tuesday, 20 October - 8. 00 p.m. - Stangate House. Guest Speaker - Peter Bird - "Sooe Native Mammals of the Arid Regions of S.A." Friends of Engelbrook - The battle against English broom has continued in the western side creek. The area is now nearly clear of the taller plants; prickly wattle ~ verticillata, varnish wattle A.verniciflua and the native iris Patersonia occidentalis were all discovered beneath the dense broom. Gorse and broom renrwal has al~ continued in areas adjacent to the peat bog. Many thanks to all the active friends, in particular Colin and Joan Beer, Jenrry, Paul, Helen, Carlsa and Enid. A working bee will be held at Engelbrook on Saturday, 7 November, 1992 at 2.00 p.m. Everyone welcooe. Renenber, the Heysen Trail passes through this delightful reserve of native vegetation.
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