July 21, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 15429 Training Manager. In July of 1985, he was re- TRIBUTE TO CHIKAMING to serve his fellow man. After his military serv- assigned to the 37th MAPS unit at March Air TOWNSHIP ice, Mr. Roberson went to work for Ford Motor Force Base where he eventually became the Company in their Labor Relations and Per- Superintendent of Operations. In 1989, Chief HON. FRED UPTON sonnel Services of Industrial Relations Depart- Harlow was promoted to the rank of Master OF MICHIGAN ment ultimately staying for 33 years. Through Sergeant. In November of 1990, he was reas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this position, he was able to help many indi- signed to Saudi Arabia in support of operation viduals find employment, in turn bettering their Desert Storm, and served as his unit’s Deploy- Thursday, July 20, 2006 own lives. The Reverend’s other services are ment Team Chief. Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to numerous, including posts as Treasurer of the Upon his return from Operation Desert pay tribute to the 150th anniversary of the Huron Valley District Association and Presi- Storm, Chief Harlow was awarded the ‘‘Senior founding of a storied community in Southwest dent of the Ypsilanti Housing Commission. Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year’’ award Michigan, Chikaming Township. This Satur- In 1954, Reverend Roberson heard the call and was promoted to the rank of Senior Mas- day, members of the community will come to- to service and became the Pastor of the Met- ter Sergeant. Later, he was reassigned to the gether to celebrate the township’s sesqui- ropolitan Memorial Baptist Church in Ypsilanti. 56th Aerial Port Squadron, where he intro- centennial. He has stayed with Metropolitan Baptist for 52 duced a set of training exercises known as the The earliest known residents of Chikaming years and by every account his service has Aerial Port Field Exercises. This program Township were the Miami Indians, who were been productive. He provides leadership and trained Aerial Port Squadrons in the areas of first encountered by the European explorer, moral guidance for his congregation, in turn mobility deployment and chemical attack sur- Father Jaques Marquette, in 1675. By the leading the community through his example. vival. Chief Harlow’s program was so success- early 1820s the land was ceded to the U.S. His tenure has been so successful that he has ful that it led to the 56th Aerial Port Squadron Government and Chikaming was formally es- received the Lawyers Association’s Liberty being awarded the Air Force’s prestigious tablished on March 6, 1856. The first pioneers Bell, the Ypsilanti Police Department’s Honor ‘‘Aerial Port of the Year Award’’. to settle there were lumbermen who harvested Award, the Washtenaw Community College’s In June of 2000, Chief Harlow was pro- trees that were used to build the piers that ex- Service Award and the city of Ypsilanti has moted to the rank of Chief Master Sergeant tend out into Lake Michigan—a source of designated December 14th as Reverend S.L. and became the Superintendent of Squadron great pride for all Michiganders who reside on Roberson day. His faith also led him to serve Operations. In June of 2005 he was reas- the lakeshore. As time passed, the first of as Chaplain of the Ypsilanti Police Depart- signed to the 50th Aerial Port Squadron as many successful farmers and growers in ment. Superintendent of Squadron Operations. Southwest Michigan took advantage of the soil Reverend Roberson is a man of faith who Chief Harlow has received numerous deco- and climate of Chikaming by harvesting a vari- embodies the characteristics of service, love rations including the Air Reserve Meritorious ety of fruits and vegetables. The magnificent and decency. I am glad and fortunate to know Service Medal with Seven Oak Leaf clusters, weather and scenic beauty of the land at- the Reverend and the people of Ypsilanti have the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Air tracted families to vacation on the lake’s truly benefited from such an upstanding and force Achievement Medal with two Oak Leaf shores and continues to be a popular summer committed civic and spiritual leader. I thank clusters, the National Defense Service Medal, escape today. the Reverend for his service and wish him the the Southwest Asia Service medal, the Kuwait Chikaming Township has also long been an best in his future endeavors. Liberation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism important center of commerce for Southwest f Service medal, the Air Force Good Conduct Michigan. Forestry and agriculture are only medal, and the National Defense Service two of the many industries that have strength- INTRODUCTION OF INSPECTOR Medal. ened Southwest Michigan’s economy. The GENERAL RESOLUTION Throughout his extraordinary service to our beautiful beaches and friendly residents have country, Chief Harlow has always been a dedi- been bringing generations back to the town- HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. cated and loving family man. He is married to ship for years. OF MICHIGAN his wonderful wife, Laurie Harlow. Together I would like to congratulate the residents of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they have two sons, David and Daniel, as well Chikaming on their sesquicentennial. Know Thursday, July 20, 2006 as four grandchildren. that your vital community will continue to be a Mr. Speaker, it is with an extreme sense of blessing and an asset to our comer of South- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, today I, along respect and pride that I stand here today to west Michigan for many years to come. with Reps. HOWARD BERMAN (D–CA) and recognize Chief Master Sergeant David G. f JERROLD NADLER (D–NY), am introducing a Harlow. His contributions to his family, the resolution commending the U.S. Department United States Air Force, and this great nation TRIBUTE TO REVEREND S.L. of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General. serve as a wonderful example of patriotism for ROBERSON For those who may not be aware, the Office all Americans to follow. of the Inspector General (OIG) was estab- HON. JOHN D. DINGELL lished in 1988 as part of an effort to inves- f OF MICHIGAN tigate waste, prevent fraud, and review legisla- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion at the Department. PERSONAL EXPLANATION The OIG and its agents and employees Thursday, July 20, 2006 have been unwavering in their pursuit of jus- HON. MIKE ROGERS Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tice. Even in the most trying of times, the OIG OF MICHIGAN pay tribute to the tremendous works of Rev- has been steadfast in its resolve. For instance, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erend S.L. Roberson, of Ypsilanti, Michigan as it was the OIG that uncovered the truth behind he marks his 52nd year of service to his the incarceration of Brandon Mayfield as a Thursday, July 20, 2006 church and his community. material witness in the Madrid bombing inves- Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, on Born in Moundville, Alabama, Reverend tigation. It was the OIG that exposed the the legislative day of July 10, 2006 the House Roberson moved to Ypsilanti when he was abuses of detainees in federal custody after voted on two measures under suspension of two years old and has remained there since. the September 11 attacks. the rules. H.R. 5061, the Paint Bank and He attended school in Ypsilanti and went to On June 21, 2006, Special Agent William Wytheville National Fish Hatcheries Convey- Eastern Michigan University for his under- ‘‘Buddy’’ Sentner gave his life in service to his ance Act and H.R. 2563, to authorize the Sec- graduate degree and continued his education country, attempting to execute a search war- retary of the Interior to conduct feasibility stud- at Detroit Bible College, ultimately earning his rant on behalf of the Department. He left be- ies to address certain water shortages within Doctorate of Divinity at Urban Bible College. hind a legacy of public service and patriotism. the Snake, Boise, and Payette River systems While honorably serving his country in the His service no doubt will inspire those who fol- in Idaho. On rollcall votes No. 358 and No. United States Marine Corps, the Reverend low. 359, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been formed the unique perspective he has on the This resolution recognizes the contributions present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ world, one that would help him in his decision and sacrifices of the agents, attorneys, and VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:34 May 03, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR21JY06.DAT BR21JY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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