— Serving riie Town Since 1890 — USPSU020 YEAR Sana* Clw IM«I PlU M WotteM, NJ. Thursday, September 5,1991 iurt4i) 232-4407 FORTY CENTS Future Usage of Roosevelt and Edison Intermediate Schools Will Be Studied Board of Education Committee on Facilities Use Decides To Employ Team of Consultants from Columbia By SARAH KRIMSKI last Wednesday evening to do further and Edison Intermediate Schools. would initially cost an undecided sum Enrollment, as researched by As- and subsequently taperoffasthe year SfKMI, Wrinnfor The WtufitU Lmrfrr research using a team from Columbia The combination of the schools due to construction, renovation and sistant Superintendent for Business 2000 approaches. The Special Committee of the University in New York City to ex- would save Westfield taxpayers ap- altered transportation routes, board Dr. William J. Foley, is expected to This being a point of argument for Westfield Board of Education decided plore the future uses of Roosevelt proximately $2 million annually, but members said. increase slightly in the next five years coHTimto ON rut! List Book Town Hall Renovations Is Signed Will Increase in Cost In Town By About $200,000 Murder Case Sleuths By K.K. FASZCZEWSKI budget each year rather than invest, Reunited with Authors SpnMf Wrimnfsr tkt Weitfrld tradtr Mr. Malloy said. Increases incosts for various items After Ihe school tax fund isdepleted When Timothy B.Benford and Dr. involved in the proposed renovation in four years, however, the Admin- James P. Johnson sat down to sign ofthe Municipal Building will cause istrator warned, the town no longer copies of their new book Righteous an approximate rise of $200,000 in Carnage: The List Murders published the total price tag ofthe project, the by Charles Scribner's Sons, at the Town Council was tojdTuesday night. Garwood Man Dies Quimby Street Bookstore in Westfield According to estimates supplied recently, they were joined by many by Mrs. Barbara Vincentsen of From Town Crash participants in the John List murder Westfield, the architect fortheproject, The first death in five years in case. the total cost will increase from Westfield resulting from an auto- Edwin Jlliano, the drama coach $2,601,000 projected in December to mobile accident occurred Monday who taught Patricia List, Captain $2,798,500. morning at Overlook Hospital in Frank Marrancaof the Union County Of this total, $153,000 previously Summit as George A. Robinson, Prosecutor's Office who helped was funded. 39, of Garwood succumbed from conduct the case. Lieutenant Detec- Town Administrator John F. injuries suffered in an August 24 tive Bernard F.TracyoftheWestfield Malloy, Jr. noted the council's 1991 accident on East Broad Street, ac- cording to Sergeant Carl V. Geis of Police Depurtment, who helped get capita] plan anticipates $2.3 million for the project, the Westfield Police Traffic Safely the case on American's Most Wanted, Bureau. and the two members of the Westfield TOGETHEK AGAIN...At abouk signing fur "Righteous Carnage," shown, left lo.right, participants inlheLislcaseare: He added that a 5 per cent down Police Department who discovered Lieutenant Detective Bernard F. Tracy oriheWeslflcId Police Department,co-author Timothy b.Benfbrd,Edwin Illiano, payment for the project, amounting The accident happened near the Patricia List's drama coach, co-author. Dr. Jam** K Jatutmon; WntriitM Patraiown Charlu A. HalKrr and atorg, entrance of Fairview Omefeiy the bodies, George Zhelemik, now Zhelesnik, now retired from the West field Police Department. to $140,000, could be appropriated retired, and Patrolman Charles A. from the capital fund and $960,000 when the car driven by Mr . Haller, all spent part of the afternoon would come from a fund set up sev- Robinson was struck head on by signing books as well. eral years ago to construct a parking one driven by Stuci L.Teitclbauni deck in the central business district of Springfield. "We were delighted that so many Scores on Scholastic Aptitude Tests Also injured in the accident were people connected wilhlhe case joined which was never built. Miss Tcitclbaum and HollyArcnas us in our new store for this event,: The balance of the funding will of North Bergen, a passenger in her said the bookstore's owner, Mrs. come from the sale of town assets, car. Meryl Layton. "The book has had Soar to 114 Points Above Average such as municipally-owned land, the Although Miss Tcilelbiium exceptionally strong sales, and we sale oflots in the Ewan Tract and use originally was charged with failing now have copies for sale that have Extremely pleased with the average the Superintendent of Schools, re- 1,000," Dr. Smith said. "We are ex- of some of the $4 million in invest- to keep right, an investigation is been signed by all these participants scores achieved by Westfield High leased Weslfield's average scores tremely pleased with the aptitude ment proceeds from past collection continuing into the accident. Ser- in the case. Someday they will be School students in the 1991 Scholastic today that show a soar of 23 points scores achieved by our students." of school taxes which the stale now geant Geis said. collectors' items." Aptitude Tests, Dr. Mark C. Smith, above last year's scores, scores that requires the town to appropriate in its are 114 points high than the state average and 104 above the national average. History of Town High School Football Rabid Kitten Didn't Spread The average scores achieved by Westfield High School students rose 23 points while Ihe average scores of Relived in New Book on Gary Kehler Disease to Caretakers New Jersey students dropped five Two authors closely tied to West- Mr. DeNigris is the Managing town has been found and members of points and national average scores that publication, Mr. DeNigris was By R.R. FASZCZEWSKI field, Lee M. Hale and Thomas Editor of Giants Extra, a weekly close to the Union County area high Sptrially Wriilinfor The W,,f,riJU<jJ,r the family are not in danger of dropped four points. DeNigris, are scheduled to release a newspaper devoted to the coverage school footbnll scene, three times catching Ihe disease, according to "This is the first time in 19 years The family which August 18 bookdetailingthe astounding success ofthe football Giants. being invited to help select Ihe As- Board of Health Sanitary Inspector, that ihe average scores reached dropped off a kitten later determined Miss Pamela Gause. of Wcstfield High School football Prior to his current position, the sociated Press All-State Team. under the 22 seasons of Coach Gary to be rubid at a veterinary clinic in the "The contact of the family members author was the Sports Editor of The In the two years before he joined was so long past the time when the Schools Will Close Kehler's mentorship this month. Suburban News in Westfield. The Suburban News, Mr. DeNigris Armed Robbery symptoms appeared that the disease During the 22 seasons, from 1961 In his more than nine years with was not able to be transmitted to For Rosh Hashanah through 1982, Coach Kehler's teams Reported in Town them," Inspector Gause said. The Westfieldpublicschools will won 171 games and had nine undefeated seasons and a 48-game An employee of aCentral Avenue The kitten had been left in a box at close for students and staff mem- unbeaten streak, while losing only 26 service station reported to Westfield the front door of an employee apart- bers on Monday and Tuesday, and tying seven. Police on Sunday night that a man ment at the Weslfield Veterinary September 9 and 10, for the Rosh In 22 seasons Blue Devil gridiron pointed a gun at him and robbed Group at 562 Springfield Avenue and Hashanah holidays, learns were selected as the top team $12 from him. after ihe cat was euthanized and sent Classes will resume at Ihe usual in New Jersey a record four times and Police searched the area, but no to the state laboratories in Trenton it starting time on Wednesday, Sep- during that time they captured 17 suspect was found. wns found that the animal had the tember 11. n Wytchung Conference titles. The secrets to Couch Kehler's success lire detailed in the book, "The Couching Edge, The Gary Kehler Story, His Strul?f>ics anil Philoso- phies." Mr. llule.ulong-timetowri resident and a member of Ihe Westfield High School Boosters Association, is re- tired as the Assistant.Trcusure of Merck & Co., Inc. of Rahway. He has been active in the Financial Executives Institute, St. Elizabeth Hospital in Elizabeth, the Westfield Town Council, the Westfield Foun- dation, the Westfield "Y," the West- field United Fund, the Weslfield Hospital Association and Children's Specialized Hospital in Mountainside. A grmluale of the Wharlon School of the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Hulc is ii member ofthe Scu Pines Counliy Club, the Nussmi Club, the Echo Luke Country Cl ub iincl the Buy I luiul Yacht Club. Ik1 uiicl his wife. Mis. Anne: I lulu, have Ihrcc children, Catherine, lliir- haru and TJnnniis Hale. All Town Cats Must He Licensed Ciil licences arc Mowiiviiilnbli! in llie Town Clerk's Office, All cats uvcvci siixx months ul'imc lire rci|uircd lid I'fT hi I»I)L' licemed. I'l'oofo IUSri1tIltl.lSlli;i*...'77ipC»Ht7i(HK/i(ter.V7ipr/(if>rKr/i(*r5l«n',"iibookuhuttt n.n, ri>»«oi«w«ki tor dilutions nnisl bo shown nl the tho history nf Wi'MllrUI Ill«li School riiuthnll under Clinch Kolilur. will be AN OUNCK < W I'KICVKNTKlN.HUr. Richard Mnuinnil MIM (.'lirtnlliiv Luti'jt,«neoriilpi ii»,«l.ilmH«, Inoiiiliilv M Inkl the limcol'inirdiHNC.Thc license fee i.i rvlciMoil ll'il!i iniinlli liv uuthiir.i riiiiiniii DcNIgrl* mill I,ti' M, Hide, i'lou.io ate cut njjiiln.il ruble*.
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