: m^&' '^'iyi^^^^W^WW^' PPPsPfP???!??^!^^ V ':•• , Eight THE CRANFORD CiTiSaEN A&D CHHONICLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, House, Newark, for 25 years' serv- tinental "Big Inch" pipeline that Lincoln avenue 'at South avenue. 17th testimonial dinner in the Walter, motor corps chairman; ing in their kome rooms, and mem- Local Woman Assisting ice with Radio Corporation of played a dramatic role in the logis- Luncheon arrangements have been Hotel; Essex House, Newark, on Ellen Van Hiram, publicity chair- befs of the publicity committee! High School At Phi Mil Meeting America, Electron Tube "Division,' tics of winning the war. made at the Peacock Inn. Saturday. Mir. Lewis bad 51 years' man;' Agnes TingerUn, William distributed materials. They were Woodbridge. A gold* watch and • Mr. O'Connell received engi- service with th* railroad. DiTuUlo, and Patricia Malesky. Ellen Van Hirtum. Agnes Firiijer-I Mrs. George Albertson of 10 Representatives collected cloth- "- Janet and James Walter PTA Holding Dartmouth road will be a co- scroll was presented to _the local neering training at Syracuse Uni- man, and he was introduced into versity and at the University of Troop 75 Fathers Hear Holiday Btuaar Slated hostess Monday at a joint meet- the Quarter Century Club. California (Los Angeles).' He is £ ing of the Union and Essex Coun- Report on Paper Drive rout •Food Fair' registered professional 'engineer By Methodist Church ijen Favorite home-cooked dishes ty clubs of Phi Mttahimnaet to be and .is licensed in New York State* A report on a recent paper drive- —A Holiday Bazaar ha* been PICK UP THE PHONE entered aa Meond tUm mall matter at donated by parents will be placed held at 8:30 p.m. in the home of Plainfield-Union as a Grade 1 water plant operator. was given hut week at the month- scheduled by the Cranford Meth- Vol. LXV. No. 43. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1958 Th> Pot ptflc« at Cfnlofd., N. J. 4 Sections, 26 Pages—10c Mrs. Homer lichtenwalter, Jr.. of He belongs to the American Society ly meeting of the fathers' commit- odist Church on November. 21 on sale at 9 o'clock tomorrow tee of Boy Scout Troop 75 of Cran- morning when the Cranford High Short Hills. Tells Appointment of Civil Engineers anil the Ameri- from 2 to 9 p.m. Items for sale AND SHOP AT HOME TODAY ford Methodist Church. The group include handmade goods, home- School PTA opens its eighth an- The meeting will celebrate the can Water Works Association. He is a long-time Rotary Club met at the home of Bernard Co- made foods, jewelry, plants, poek- nual food fair at A. & A. Hard- second anniversary of the North- Of Chief Engineer ventry of 219 Retford avenue. For CutfomModo ern New Jersey Alumnae Al- member and was. an engineering etbooks, aprons, 'toys and books. Municipal Building Project ware, 12 North avenue, west. The Appointment of Conrad W. The upkeep, and storage of troop liance's installation. student adviser at Syracuse Uni- A White Elephant booth and a I-!;. :;il fair will continue until, 5 p.m. O'Connell as chief engineer of the versity. °' ' camping equipment,was discussed Christmas booth will be set up, There will be a meeting of the Plainfield-Union Water Company by Committee Chairman' Roland Mrs. Richard Carlson, chairman, executive board of the Alliance as well as a snack bar. Children's Above Present Capacity by 1961 urged all senior high school par- was announced today by Francis Garretson. A report on the con- movies will be shown from 4 to prior to the meeting. - Window,. president of the util- College Club Group servation week-end at Camp Win- TABLE PADS ^, A marked increase in school Committee Named by Mayor ents to take their homemade cakes, 7 p.m. pies, cookies, rolls, potato salabV ity. He succeeds George M. Has-To Visit Morven nebago was given by Scoutmaster population is forecast in a re- Mayor John L. Brennan to- to hduse municipal offices, po- Plainfield, who- has. been re- baked -beansVfJ casserole dishes, kew of Westfleld, who retired after Herbert Sjursen. Bundle Day Drive Called Call BRidge 6-0866 and well have a representative port accepted by the Board of Stamp Dealer a long career in the employ of Mrs. Robert B. Meyner, first The group will meet next at the United Fund Special Appeals day announced the appoiafc lice headquarters and the Pub- tained as architect for the pro- spaghetti and meat balls,' relishes lady of New Jersey, plans to greet Education from the Long and pickles to A. & A. Hardware Plalnneld-Unlon. «~ home of Carl Kaufmann of 104 Success by Jr. Red Cross call at your convenience to measure your table for f ment of a mayor's advisory lic Library. posed municipal center, pres- as soon- as possible after 8:30 aJn.To Address Club The new operations executive the. members' of the Cranford Col- Preston avenue. .' , , Cooperation of all students at Aimed at Fihishihg the Job'Range Planning Committee, a ntiy is engaged in making a Santiago Porcella, well-known our custom-made pads. With the* holidays coming committee on planning for the The mayor revealed also There will be no pick-up service. returns to his native. state from lege Club when they visit Morven Cranford High School made the An appeal for voluntary, additional contributions to help "finish special committee of citizens, study of the feasibility of using local stamp dealer, will address Pasadena, Calif., where he was. on Tuesday. Mrs. Irving Wilner. Bundle Day Drive for. the Save the proposed municipal building that Ernest Thornell Brown of The "chairman aikfd that all the Cranford Philatelic Society at Honored by Railroad Children Federation last week a and parties and dinners to give — you'll want the the job" will close the first campaign of Cranford's new United fund. school staff and board ftiem- the old Grant School for the general manager of the Bailly chairman of the Princeton trip, an- • i ••-•-•^ donors clearly mark their names 8 p.m. (Monday. The group will Arthur J. Lewis of 109 Spring success, the Junior Red Cross re- The fund's board of directors decided on this action at a meeting Mon- bers which has been studying project. on containers, which they wish re- Engineering Enterprises, engaged nounced this word from the gover- maximum protection these pads give your table day night in fund headquarters. meet at the parish house of Calvary in engineering consultation proj- Garden street, a train dispatcher, ports. Students collected cloth- the problem of building needs Following his study, Mr. turned. Lutheran Church and then go to nor's mansion at the open meeting .was among six half-century men, ing, shoes, and bedding for needy The decision was taken as directors considered the current status The PTA hopes to raise $600 ects throughout the Southwest. of the club held in Fellowship Hall against heat and stain. for the past year. UJC Offering to Sell Brown is to present compar- Mr. Porcella's home.. From 1950 to 1056 he was gen- receiving special honors as the people at home and abroad. of the campaign—$60,922 received, the food sale. Mrs. Carlson of the First Presbyterian Church Jersey Central Railroad feted 284 Those who helped to pack The committee estimates that ative cost figures, on renova- said. She stated that this is the A foremost authority on the eral manager and chief engineer with., the regular canvass almost-' definitive issues of the Dominican Monday evening. ' employes who have retired dur- bundles were David Hall, presi- complete and' about 3(50 cards in the present school population of ation of Grant School and the al- association's only. fund-raising of the New York Water Service Available in wide variety of simulated leathers 5,091 will reach about 5,700 by Republic, Mr. Porcella will discuss Corporation, a utility comparable Chartered buses will leave at ing the past year at the railroad's dent of the Jr. Red Cross; James the hands of a special "cleanup" Evaluation ternate proposals of erecting a new project to cover budgeted items 10:30 a.m. from, the west side of 1961 and about 6,900 by 1966. The Grant School to Town which include $200 for operating the meaning of the stamp business in size and scope with Plainfleld- and felts — guaranteed to fit your table perfectly. squad of 48 volunteers. building or buildings on township from the dealer's viewpoint Receipts total 82 percent of the board is rftiw studying plans for Union Junior College has. offered to sell its present home, the property on one or both sides of expenses in next year's treasury, Unlon. Session Held coping wjth this. steady increase former Grant School, to Cranford, it was announced today by Dr. Everett Von Gersdorff, presi- Earlier in his 35-year career in MID-JERSEY Extra leaves available. HAPPHST DAYS—Scene from "The Happiest Days of Your Fund's goal, which, according to Springfield avenue at North Union $100 for the junior-senior prom, in numbers of students. Kenneth. C. MncKay, president. and $150 for the scholarship fund. dent, announced that the stamp water supply engineering, Mr. Life," to be presented by the senior class of Cranford High School published reports, put ^Cranford avenue. auction at the American Legion second to Westfleld in Union Coun- Comparison of capacities of the The college purchased the building in'1950 for $20,000 from the "Since we arc a four-year school O'Connell engaged In projects in COMPANION DOO TRAINING CLUB in the school auditorium tomorrow and Saturday nights.
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