1047 Diocese of Phoenix (Dioecesis Phoenicensis) Most Reverend THOMAS J. OLMSTED, J.C.D. Bishop of Phoenix; ordained July 2, 1973; appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Wichita February 16, 1999; Episco- pal ordination April 20, 1999; appointed Bishop of Wichita October 4, 2001; appointed Bishop of Phoenix Most Reverend November 25, 2003; installed December 20, 2003. Office: 400 E. Monroe St., Phoenix, AZ 85004-2336. EDUARDO A. NEVARES Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix; ordained July 18, 1981; appointed Titular Bishop of Natchesium and Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix May 11, 2010; episcopal ordination July 19, 2010. Office: 400 E. Monroe St., Phoenix, AZ Most Reverend 85004-2336. THOMAS J. O’BRIEN ESTABLISHED DECEMBER 2, 1969. Bishop Emeritus of Phoenix; ordained May 7, 1961; Square Miles 43,967. consecrated January 6, 1982; installed January 18, Comprises the Counties of Maricopa; Mohave; Yavapai 1982; retired June 18, 2003. Mailing Address: 400 E. & Coconino not to include the territorial boundaries of Monroe St., Phoenix, AZ 85004-2336. the Navajo Indian Reservation; Pinal--that portion of land known as the Gila River Indian Reservation in the State of Arizona. Patroness of Diocese: Our Lady of Guadalupe. For legal titles of parishes and diocesan institutions, consult the Chancery Office. Diocesan Pastoral Center: 400 E. Monroe St., Phoenix, AZ 85004-2336. Tel: 602-257-0030; 602-354-2000; Fax: 602-354-2427. Web: www.diocesephoenix.org Email: [email protected] STATISTICAL OVERVIEW Personnel Brothers....................... 2 Elementary Schools, Diocesan and Parish 36 Bishop. ........................ 1 Sisters......................... 33 Total Students................... 9,091 Auxiliary Bishops. ................ 1 Lay Ministers................... 1,780 Catechesis/Religious Education: Retired Bishops. ................. 1 Welfare High School Students.............. 4,838 Priests: Diocesan Active in Diocese..... 88 Catholic Hospitals. ............... 1 Elementary Students.............. 22,066 Priests: Diocesan Active Outside Diocese 2 Total Assisted................... 115,355 Total Students under Catholic Instruction 40,857 Priests: Retired, Sick or Absent....... 38 Health Care Centers............... 1 Teachers in the Diocese: Number of Diocesan Priests.......... 128 Priests......................... 5 Religious Priests in Diocese. ........ 94 Total Assisted................... 14,383 Homes for the Aged................ 21 Scholastics...................... 1 Total Priests in Diocese............. 222 Brothers....................... 3 Extern Priests in Diocese............ 63 Total Assisted................... 1,031 Day Care Centers................. 4 Sisters......................... 40 Ordinations: Lay Teachers.................... 897 Transitional Deacons.............. 1 Total Assisted................... 717 Permanent Deacons in Diocese........ 231 Specialized Homes................. 10 Vital Statistics Total Brothers.................... 13 Total Assisted................... 3,528 Receptions into the Church: Total Sisters. ..................... 173 Special Centers for Social Services. .... 39 Infant Baptism Totals. .......... 9,413 Total Assisted................... 1,687,416 Parishes Minor Baptism Totals. ......... 778 Parishes......................... 92 Residential Care of Disabled......... 24 Adult Baptism Totals.............. 327 With Resident Pastor: Total Assisted................... 132 Received into Full Communion. ...... 1,748 Resident Diocesan Priests.......... 63 Other Institutions................. 1 First Communions................. 8,709 Resident Religious Priests.......... 19 Total Assisted................... 1,215 Confirmations.................... 9,805 Without Resident Pastor: Educational Marriages: Administered by Priests............ 7 Diocesan Students in Other Seminaries 24 Catholic........................ 833 Administered by Deacons. .......... 2 Total Seminarians................. 24 Interfaith....................... 173 Administered by Lay People......... 1 High Schools, Diocesan and Parish..... 5 Total Marriages................... 1,006 Missions........................ 23 Total Students................... 3,516 Deaths.......................... 3,050 Pastoral Centers.................. 3 High Schools, Private............... 1 Total Catholic Population............ 800,149 Professional Ministry Personnel: Total Students................... 1,322 Total Population................... 4,369,735 Former Bishops—Most Revs. EDWARD A. MCCARTHY, Assistant Chancellor—Rev. MICHAEL L. DISKIN, 400 E. GREG MENEGAY; Most Revs. EDUARDO A. NEVARES, D.D., installed Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix, Monroe St., Phoenix, 85004-2336. Tel: 602-354- V.G.; THOMAS J. OLMSTED, J.C.D.; Revs. GARY R. Dec. 2, 1969; transferred to Coadjutor Archbishop 2471; Fax: 602-354-2427. REGULA;HANS P. R UYGT;DAVID SANFILIPPO; of Miami, July 7, 1976; installed Sept. 17, 1976; College of Consultors—Revs. FREDRICK J. ADAMSON, ALONSO SAENZ;GREG SCHLARB;DANIEL VOLLMER, died June 7, 2005; JAMES S. RAUSCH, D.D., Ph.D., V.G.; ROBERT ALIUNZI, A.J., V.F.; MICHAEL L. Chm. installed March 22, 1977; died May 18, 1981; DISKIN;RICHARD R. FELT, V.F., Chm.; Diocesan Tribunal—Office: 400 E. Monroe St., THOMAS J. O’BRIEN, D.D. (Retired), ord. May 7, CHRISTOPHER J. FRASER, J.C.L.; JOHN LANKEIT; Phoenix, 85004-2336. Tel: 602-354-2275; Fax: 602- 1961; cons. Jan. 6, 1982; installed Bishop of the DAVID SANFILIPPO;DANIEL VOLLMER. 354-2424. Diocese of Phoenix Jan. 18, 1982; retired June 18, Deans—Revs. ROBERT ALIUNZI, A.J., V.F., Northwest Judicial Vicar—Rev. CHRISTOPHER J. FRASER, J.C.L. 2003. Deanery; RICHARD R. FELT, V.F., East Deanery; Adjutant Judicial Vicar—Rev. ERNESTO REYNOSO, Vicars General—Most Rev. EDUARDO A. NEVARES, V.G. CHARLES G. KIEFFER, V.F., Central Deanery; J.C.L. Tel: 602-354-2477; Rev. FREDRICK J. ADAMSON, KIERAN KLECZEWSKI, V.F., Southwest Deanery; Director—NICOLE M. DELANEY, J.C.L. V.G. Tel: 602-354-2476. DANIEL MCBRIDE, V.F., South Deanery; PATRICK Diocesan Judges—AMY M. ARNOLD, J.C.L.; Rev. Moderator of the Curia—Rev. FREDRICK J. ADAMSON, MOWRER, V.F., North Deanery; DENNIS O’ROURKE, CHARLES G. KIEFFER, V.F.; Deacon WILLIAM V.G., Diocesan Pastoral Center, 400 E. Monroe, V.F., Northeast Deanery. FINNEGAN, J.C.L.; Rev. TIMOTHY R. DAVERN, Phoenix, 85004. Tel: 602-354-2180. Presbyteral Council—Revs. FREDRICK J. ADAMSON, J.C.L. Diocesan Office—400 E. Monroe St., Phoenix, V.G.; ROBERT ALIUNZI, A.J., V.F.; TIMOTHY R. Defenders of the Bond—Revs. ROBERT J. CARUSO; 85004-2336. Tel: 602-257-0030; 602-354-2000; DAVERN, J.C.L.; MICHAEL L. DISKIN;BENOIT PETER P. D OBROWSKI;JOHN D. EHRICH, S.T.L.; Fax: 602-354-2427. DRAPEAU, C.J.M.; JOHN D. EHRICH, S.T.L.; ROBERT FLUMMERFELT, J.D., J.C.L.; DANIELA Chancellor—Sr. JEAN STEFFES, C.S.A., 400 E. Monroe RICHARD R. FELT, V.F.; CHRISTOPHER J. FRASER, KNEPPER, J.C.L.; Sr. ELLEN SINCLAIR, S.D.S. St., Phoenix, 85004-2336. Tel: 602-354-2470; Fax: J.C.L.; DAVID KELASH;DONALD KLINE;WILLIAM Advocates—Sr. BRIDGET CHAPMAN, M.M.; SANDRA J. 602-354-2427. ″BILLY″ J. KOSCO, Vice Chm.; JOHN LANKEIT, Sec.; CONSIGLIO, M.A.; Rev. PATRICK FARLEY;DEBORAH PHOENIX (PHX) 1048 CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. MALATIN;WILLIAM AHEARN;CYNTHIA BENZING; Monroe, Phoenix, 85004-2336. Tel: 602-354-2130; Pres., Christ the King, 1551 E. Dana Ave., Mesa, Deacon ROBERT CAMPAS;Rev.H.FRED LECLAIRE, Fax: 602-354-2429. 85204-1719. Tel: 480-964-1719; TIMOTHY DAVERN, C.M.F.; ASENCION MURGA; Deacon JAMES FOGLE; Corporate Compliance—MONIKA DALEY, 400 E. J.C.L., J.V.; MICHAEL DISKIN;CHRISTOPHER J. JOZETTE NELMS; Rev. MICAH MUHLEN, O.F.M.; Monroe St., Phoenix, 85004-2336. Tel: 602-354- FRASER, J.C.L.; L. PIERRE HISSEY;CHAD KING; Deacon MILFORD SUIDA;CAMILLE O’MELIA;JAMES 2491. GREG MENEGAY;ANTHONY SIGMAN;ROBERT O’MELIA;DONNA WICKER;JOAN EDEL;TED EDEL; Diaconate Office—Deacons JAMES TRANT, Dir., 400 E. SKAGEN (Retired); PAUL G. SULLIVAN. Deacons CHARLES VOSS;PATRICK TOILOLO; Monroe, Phoenix, 85004. Tel: 602-354-2011; Fax: Priests, Vicar for—Rev. DAVID SANFILIPPO. WILLIAM JENKINS;JOHN MACKEN;RYAN QUINN; 602-354-2437; DOUGLAS BOGART, Assoc. Dir. Tel: Priest Personnel—Rev. DAVID SANFILIPPO, Vicar for SUSAN PIETRO;SHERRY BROOKS. 602-354-2012. Priests, 400 E. Monroe, Phoenix, 85004. Tel: 602- Auditors—NICOLE M. DELANEY, J.C.L.; JUSTINA Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs—Rev. MICHAEL 354-2480; Fax: 602-354-2427. SANCHEZ;CONSTANCE MANAK. L. DISKIN, Dir., 400 E. Monroe, Phoenix, 85004. Advisory Board for the Continuing Formation of Promoter of Justice— ad causam AMY M. ARNOLD, Tel: 602-354-2471; Fax: 602-354-2427. Priests—Rev. DAVID SANFILIPPO, 400 E. Monroe, J.C.L. Education and Evangelization, Division of— Phoenix, 85004. Tel: 602-354-2480. Censor Librorum—Rev. TIMOTHY R. DAVERN, J.C.L. OSEPH MARYBETH MUELLER, Exec. Dir., 400 E. Monroe, Priestly Life and Ministry Board—Revs. J Notaries—ASENCION MURGA;CONSTANCE MANAK; ″ ″ Phoenix, 85004. Tel: 602-354-2341; Fax: 602-354- BUI;KIERAN KLECZEWSKI, V.F.; EMILE BUD PATRICIA FISCHER;LINDSAY MARTINEZ;JORGE 2444. PELLETIER;FAUSTO PENAFIEL;PETER ROSSA; ERIVES;DEBORAH MALATIN;DAN KERESTES. DAVID SANFILIPPO, Chm.; Rev. Msgr. ANTONIO Ethnic Ministries, Division of—Most Rev. EDUARDO A. Appellate Case Coordinator—CONSTANCE MANAK. SOTELO (Retired). NEVARES, V.G., Dir. Tel: 602-354-2477; IGNACIO Priests’ Placement Board—Rev. DAVID SANFILIPPO, Diocesan Offices RODRIGUEZ, Assoc. Dir., 400 E. Monroe, Phoenix, 400 E. Monroe, Phoenix, 85004. Tel: 602-354- Archives—MARIA BETERAN, Archivist, 400 E. Monroe 85004. Tel: 602-354-2042; Fax: 602-354-2459. St., Phoenix,
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