Codes used for Blooms in the Boerner Botanical Gardens Garden Codes arb Arbor dg Daylily Garden ec Education Center gh Garden House herb Herb Garden hl Heirloom Garden ig Iris Garden pg Perennial Garden pw Peony Walk rain Rain Harvest rock Rock Garden rose Rose Garden sm Shrub Mall Codes used for Blooms in the Boerner Botanical Gardens Type Code Bloom Codes (lower case) p perennial First flower: The first flowers are completely open. You can see the e b bulb stamens among the unfolded petals. w woody shrub, tree, vine x Full flower: At least 50% of the flowers are fully opened. a - annual used for herb garden only p Past bloom: Flowers are still colorful but generally fading. c Cut down: Trimmed by horticulturist or rabbits/deer GENERAL LOCATION CODES: Location Code in the bed (left) e or w East or west side of bed n or s North or south side of bed Location Code (right) - this code is optional m Middle of bed (usually near bench or marker 50) f Front of bed b Both sides of bed (2 plants) m Middle st Statue between beds b Back 2015 - BBG FINAL Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct REPORT Arbor Garden Typ Loc- Botanical Name Common Name Garden e Bed Loc-1 2 Code 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Achilla x 'Hoffnug' Hybrid Yarrow pg b 05 n x x e x x Achillea filiipendulina Fernleaf Yarrow herb p 11 la e e x x x x p Achillea millefolium Yarrow herb p 2 m la x x x x x x x x x x x p Achillea millefolium 'Montrose Rose' Common Yarrow pg p 04 e e x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x p c Achillea millefolium 'Oertel's Rose' Common Yarrow pg p 03 w b e e x x p Achillea millefolium 'Red Beauty' Common Yarrow pg p 03 w e e x x x x x x p x x p Achillea 'Strawberry Seduction' pg p 10 w x x x x x x x x x p Achillea x ‘Feuerland’ Feuerland Yarrow rain p D,f F x x p p p p p Achillea x 'Coronation Gold' Hybrid Yarrow pg p 05 w x x x x x x x p Achillea x 'Coronation Gold' Hybrid Yarrow pg p 05 x x x x x x x x x Achillea x 'Coronation Gold' Hybrid Yarrow pg p 03 b e x x x x x x x x x x x x p Aconitum carmichaelii Azure Monkshood pg p 04 eb e x x x p Aconitum carmichaelii Azure Monkshood pg p 11 e la x x x x x x p Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' Azure Monkshood pg p 02 w b e x x Aconitum henryi 'Spark's Aconite' Monkshood rock p cw-e 35 x x x x x p Aconitum napellus 'Album' Monkshood pg p 11 e la x p Actaea rubra Red Baneberry pg p 11 w la e p Actea Simplex 'Brunette' rock p e n 129 x x x p Bottlebrush Aesculus parviflora Buckeye sm-w w la x Bottlebrush Aesculus parviflora 'Rodger's' Buckeye pg p 13 e x x x p Agastache 'Blue Fortune' Anise Hyssop ec-s p sg x x x Agastache 'Blue Fortune' Anise-Hyssop ec-s p sbs x x x x x Agastache rupestris 'Apache Agastache - Apache Sunset' Sunset herb p 8 la x p Blue Fortune Agastache x ‘Blue Fortune’ Hyssop rain p E F x x x x x x x x x p p p p Cockleburr or Agrimonia eupatoria Agrimony herb p 11 n la x p Cockleburr or Agrimonia eupatoria Agrimony herb p 2 n la x x x p Red-stemmed Alchemilla erythropoda Lady's Mantle rock p cw-w 40 e Alchemilla mollis 'Auselese' Lady's Mantle pg p 08 e x 2 / 79 2015 - BBG FINAL Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct REPORT Arbor Garden Typ Loc- Botanical Name Common Name Garden e Bed Loc-1 2 Code 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Alchemilla mollis 'Fravermantel' Lady's Mantle pg p 11 e la e x x x x x p Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller' Lady's Mantle hl p ne x x x x x x x p Common Lady's Alchemilla vulgaris Mantle herb p 2 no la e x x x x x p Common Lady's Alchemilla vulgaris Mantle herb p 5 e la e x x x x x x x p Alium Purple Sensation ornamental onion rain b p p p p Allium 'Mt. Sinai' Chives rock b cw-w 38 w x x x x p Allium afflatunense Ornamental Onion sm-e b e n 5-c la x x x x x c c Allium angulosum 'Summer Beauty' Mouse garlic ec-s p sg x x x x x Allium angulosum 'Summer Beauty' (syn. A. tanguticum Summer Beauty 'Summer Beauty') Allium rain b F x x p p p p Allium Angulosum 'Summer Peek- a-Boo' Ornamental Onion pg p 1 m e x x x x x x x p Allium atropurpureum Rose Purple Onion ec-s p sg x Allium cepa Egyptian Onion herb p 11 e la x p c Allium cernuum Nodding Pink Onion pg b 05 w e x p Allium cerruleum Nodding Onion herb p 4 la x x x x p Allium Christiphii ( Albopilosum) Star of Persia pg b 17 e x x p Allium christophii Star of Persia pg b 04 w e x p x Allium cyaneum ec-s p sg x Allium Giant hl p sw xp Allium giganteum Giant Onion pg b 02 e x x x x p Allium 'Globemaster' Ornamental Onion pg b 10 w la x x x x p Allium 'Globemaster' Ornamental Onion sm-e b ne n 1-g la x x x x c Allium 'Lucy Ball' Ornamental Onion sm-w b la p Allium moly Lilly Leek ec-s b sg map x x x Lily Leek/Golden Allium moly Garlic pg b 10 e la x x p Allium 'moly' Allium arb p arb la x x x p Allium multibulbosum 'Black Garlic' Allium, white ec-s p sg x Allium nigrum (syn. A. multibulbosum) Black Garlic ec-s b 04 la x x Allium obliquum Twisted-Leaf Garlic pg b 03 e e e e x x x x p 3 / 79 2015 - BBG FINAL Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct REPORT Arbor Garden Typ Loc- Botanical Name Common Name Garden e Bed Loc-1 2 Code 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Allium schoenoprasum 'Forecaste' Chives rock b cw-e 55 e x x x p Allium schoenoprasum 'Forescate' Chives herb a 3 e la x x x p Allium senescens German Garlic pg b 04 e x x x x x p Allium senescens 'Blue Twister' German Garlic pg b 10 e la x x p Allium senescens var. glaucum German Garlic pg b 02 e e e e e x x x x x p Allium 'Sphaerocephalon' Round headed leek pg p 08 e x Allium thunbergii alba Japanese Onion rock p i-e n 73 w w w w x x p Allium thunbergii 'Ozawa' Japanese Onion rock b cw-w 50 x p Allium tuberosum mauve Garlic Chives herb a 3 s la x x x x x x x x x x x x x x p Althea officinalis Marsh Mallow herb p 5 w la e x x x x x c Amelanchier laevis 'Prince Charles' ec-s w 05 x x Alleghaney Amelanchier laevis 'Prince William' Serviceberry ec-s w sg la x x Lamark Amelanchier lamarkii Serviceberry ec-s w 04 x x Amelanchler ainifolia'Regent' Serviceberry pg w 13 e x p Amorpha canescens Lead Plant p 12 la x x x x x p Amsonia hubrichtii Arkansas Amsonia pg p 07 n x Amsonia hubrichtii Arkansas Amsonia pg p 08 w x x Amsonia hubrichtii Arkansas Amsonia pg p 10 w la e x x p Amsonia orientalis ‘Blue Ice’ Blue Star, 12-16" ec-s p sg x x x x x x x x x Amsonia orientalis 'Blue Ice' Blue Star rock p i-w e 85 x x x x x x x x p Amsonia 'Seaford Skies' Blue Star Flower pg p 04 e x x x p Blue Star/Eastern Amsonia tabernaemontana bluestar hl p nw e x x p Willow Bluestar, 1- Amsonia tabernaemontana 3' ec-s p sbs la x x x x x x Amsonia tabernaemontana var. Eastern Bluestar, 1- salicifolia 3' ec-s p sg x x x x Blue Star/Eastern Amsonia 'WFF Selection' bluestar rock p cw-w 52 e e x p p p Amsonsia orientalis 'Blue Ice' Blue Star pg p 12 n la e x x x x x p Common Anchusa officinalis bugloss/Alkanet herb p 11 la x x x x x x x x x x x p Andropogan Scoparius 'The Blues' Little Blue Stem pg p 03 w b x 4 / 79 2015 - BBG FINAL Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct REPORT Arbor Garden Typ Loc- Botanical Name Common Name Garden e Bed Loc-1 2 Code 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Anemone blanda (mix) Grecian Windflower pg p 12 n nl x x x p Anemone blanda 'White Splendor' Grecian Windflower rock p e-st e 10 x x Yellow Wood Anemone ranunculoides Anemone rock p w n 67 w e x p Anemone ranunculoides 'Flore Yellow Wood Pleno' Anemone rock p w 76 x x p Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima' Grapeleaf Anemone pg p 11 w la e e x x x x x p Anemone x hybrida 'Max Vogel' Hybrid Anemone pg p 12 s la e e e x x x x x x p Hybrid Japanese Anemone x hybrida 'Party Dress' Anemone pg p 11 m la x x x x p Anethum graveolens Dill herb a 3 x x x p Grandiflora Angel Face Rose/color Orange 13a e x p p e x x x x Angelonia 'Serenita Purple' arb a arb x x x x x x x x p Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass herb p 8 m la x x x x p Aquilegia caerulea Columbine hl p SW x x x p Columbine - American Aquilegia Canadensis Columbine sm-e p x x x x x x x x Aqulegia 'Grandmothers Garden' Columbine hl p se x x p Arabis caucasia Rock Cress hl p ne e p x x x x Spreading Rock Arabis procurrens Cress pg p 08 e x x x x Arisaema triphyllum Jack in the Pulpit rock p e-st 13 x x x p Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-Pulpit pg p 13 e x x p Aristolochia manshuriensis Dutchman's Pipe arb w arb pw4 la x x p Armeria Maritima 'Bloodstone' Dwarf Sea Thrift pg p 04 e x x x p x x x c Armeria maritima 'Bloodstone' Sea Thrift pg p 10 w la x x x x x x p Armeria Maritima 'Cottontail' Drarf Sea Thift pg p 02 w x x x p Armoracia rusticana Horseradish herb p 3 la x x x p Aronia melanocarpa 'Autumn Magic' Black Chokeberry ec-s p sbs x x x Arrhenatherum bulbosum 'Variegatum' Bulbous Oat Grass pg p 11 e la e x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Artemesaia absinthe Wormwood herb p 9 ### la x x x c 5 / 79 2015 - BBG FINAL Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct REPORT Arbor Garden Typ Loc- Botanical Name Common Name Garden e Bed Loc-1 2 Code 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Wormwood, pink Finnis' flowers ec-s p sbn la x Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Wormwood, yellow Finnis' flowers ec-s p sbs la x x x Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort herb p 9 e la x p Aruncus aethusifolius Dwarf Goat's Beard pg p 12 s la e x x p Aruncus aethusifolius Dwarf Goat's Beard pg p 15 e e x x x p Aruncus dioicus Goat's Beard hl p se e x x x x p Aruncus dioicus Goat's Beard pg p 09 b x x x Aruncus x ‘Horatio’ Goat's Beard ec-s p sg x x x Asarum canadense Wild Ginger rock p cw-w 20 x x x x x x x p Asclep Ias Sulivntii Prairie Milkweed pg p 05 m e Swamp Milkweed- Asclepias incarnata pink flowers ec-s p 05 x x Sullivant's Asclepias sullivantii Milkweed-pink fl.
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