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Z CO ^ ;iES SMITHSONIAN LIBRARIES INSTITUTION NOIinillSNI NVINOSHlll^S S3|yvyan — SMITHSONIAN — INSTITUTK W-_to — to ISNI I NVINOSHIIIAIS S3 I y Vy 3 IT LIB NOIinillSNI I RAR ES^SMITHSONIAN~'lNSTlTUTION ""nVINOSHIIINS 3 y Vy a I r- r- Z r- z t-,, z X.>v;^5^ ' ' m --X^- ^ rn Xiv^^^^JZ w ^^^^^^ ^ ^^j^??^ n ~ C/) ± C/) ± c/5 _ ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIinillSNI NVINOSHlllMS S3iyvyan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIC ^ CO ^ ^ z»co Z ^ zZ >co> — 00 J7) MM M^: O X i.sNi_NviN0SHiiws'^S3 vy I 1 y a NoiiniiiSNi"^NviNOSHiiws'^S3 n li b rar i es'^smithsonian^institution y vy a z \ — ^ 5 to — «^ ^ ^ z \ I CC C ^/l ITLJOZ-IM 1 A I 5 7 %,65 THE" VELIGER A Quarterly published by CALIFORNIA MALACOZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Berkeley, California Volume 15 January 31, 1973 Supplement A Systematic Revision of the Recent Gypraeid Family Ovulidae (Mollusca : Gastropoda) BY CRAWFORD NEILL GATE The Veliger, Vol. 15, Supplement [G. N. Gate] Plate 1 Figure 229 C Figure 228 C Phenacovolva (Pellasimnia) gracilis (198) Phenacovolva (Pellasimnia) weaveri pseudogracilis (197) Color photoeraphs by Jian M. Gate THE VELIGER A Quarterly published by CALIFORNIA MALACOZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Berkeley, California A Systematic Revision of the Recent Cypraeid Family Ovulidae (MoUusca : Gastropoda) BY CRAWFORD NEILL GATE Research Assistant, Department of Invertebrate Zoology Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California 90007 and 905 Strangler Fig Lane, Sanibel, Florida 33957 (51 Plates, 4 in Color) Page III Vol. 15; Supplement THE VELIGER Forty years have elapsed since Professor Schilder at- tempted to bring the moUuscan family of the Ovulidae into modern arrangement; reappraisal is now overdue. The present work on the Ovulidae commenced in 1968, and many of the problems encountered were discussed at length with the late Professor Franz Alfred Schilder. In one of his last communications to me, he said: "I am very glad that you continue an intensified study of the Ovuli- dae. I myself, as you are aware, concentrated these last fifty years chiefly on the true cowries, and the semi-cowries (Triviidae, Ovulidae) were a second class matter for me; I am glad that your plan to specialize in this forgotten group continues." Professor Schilder passed away 11 August 1970; with deep respect I dedicate my work to this great scholar who first attempted to bring the Ovulidae into conformity with modern concepts. It is my great regret that he could not have lived to see it in print. Schilder (in the above communication) called the Ovu- lidae a 'forgotten family'. There seems little doubt of the accuracy of his statement. The monumental problems en- countered in the present work, including species identifi- cation, the number of new species involved and their illustration; the need for redescription of previously in- adequately described species; past indiscriminate relegat- ing of many species into restricted, inadequately proposed genera; and the widespread misidentification of species in important museum collections, all attest to the correct- ness of Schilder's conclusion. Page IV THE VELIGER Vol. 15; Supplement Abbreviations and Conventions AGSN Arcademia Gioenia di Science Naturali, Catania, MHN - Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland Sirilia MNHN - Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France ANTNH American Museum of Natural History, New York MS - Schilder, Maria, Halle-Saale, DDR 402 AM - Australian Museum, Sydney, New South Wales NMV - National Museum of Victoria, Victoria, Australia ANSP - Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Penn- NMW - National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom sylvania NRS - Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden iiMNH - British Museum (Natural History), London, England NSMT - The National Science Museum, Ueno Park, Tokyo, BPBM - Bernice E Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii Japan BTJMO - Bairstow Collection, University Museiun, Oxford, OCCM - Oxford City and County Museum, Oxford, England England PNM - Philippine National Museum, Manila, Philippines - California Academy of Sciences Geology Depart- CAS RGM - Rijksmuseum van Geologie en Mineralogie, Leiden, ment Type Collection, Golden Gate Park, San Fran- Holland cisco, California SAM - South Australian Museum, Adelaide, South Australia CNC ~ Gate, Crawford N., Sanibel Island, Florida SDNHM - San Diego Nattiral History Museum, San Diego, DMNH - Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, California Delaware SU - Stanford University Paleontology Type Collection, ELM - East London Museum, Cape Province, South AfHca Stanford, California FAS - Schilder, Franz Alfred, Halle-Saale, DDR 402 UMM - University of Manchester Museum, Manchester, FMNH - Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois England FSM - Florida State Museum, Gainesville, Florida UPSO - Universite de Paris, Faculte des Sciences, Labora- GIY - Oeologiral Institute, Yokohama National University, toire de Paleontology, Orsay, France Yokohama, Japan USNM - United States National Museum (Smithsonian In- HNSM - Hirohito Collection (National Science Museum, stitution), Washington, D. Tokyo, Japan) C. - University Zoological Museimi, IFAD Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noir, Dakar, West UZMC Copenhagen, Den- Africa mark IRSN Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, WAM - West Australian Museum, Perth, West Australia Bnixelles, Belgium ZMA - Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, LACM Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Holland Los Angeles, California LSL - Linnaean Society of London, London, England [OD] - by original designation MA - Azuma, Masao, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, Japan [SD] - by subsequent designation MCZ - Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, [TT] - by absolute tautonymy Cambridge, Massachusetts (COOOO) - shell sp>ecimen in collection of C. N. Gate Page 1 Vol. 15; Supplement THE VELIGER INTRODUCTION Since this is the first major revision of the Ovulidae since Schilder (1932), it seems appropriate to reassess the relative systematic positions of the currently accepted family Ovulidae, as understood today, comprises The genera. The present study has revealed that the most several well known species. Their nomenclature dates outstanding characteristic to be seen in this group is the species of Linnaeus (1758). Since that time from the six transverse dorsal striation present in nearly all of the our knowledge of the species has broadened, with new cyphomids species (with only a few exceptions) ; only the added over the years. Recognition of taxa having been and a very small number of species in other genera lack slow because of the many complex- these species has been this typical sculptural character. The dorsal striation may in most recent times ities of their shell morphology; only vary from being restricted in number over either terminal their anatomy, but even have efforts been made to study process, to a complete ornamentation of the dorsal surface, this is limited perhaps to less than a dozen dissections. the base, and even the columella. Unlike the shells in the The purpose of this work is to furnish a revision of the closely related family Cypraeidae, the ovulids are not, as family Ovulidae. In the present work, 94 new species, 7 a general rule, as spectacularly colored and ornamented. are new subspecies, 19 new genera, and 7 new subgenera After much study of these shells, it becomes increasingly described, and a reevaluation of the generic structure as clear to me why collectors and serious students alike have a whole is presented. The type specimens of all species tended to avoid confrontation with them. Many of the have been illustrated, wherever possible; in addition,
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