Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Council TUESDAY, 16 JULY 1901 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy QUEENSLAND PARLIA~IENTARY DEB~LtTES. 1Legtzlati1Je Q.toundl anl:l 1Legizlatihe '!zzembll!. FOURTH SESSION OJ:<' THF.l THIRTEEN'J:'H PARLIAJVIRlN'T'. APPOINTlW TO ME.ET AT BRISBANE ON THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF JULY, IN THE FIRST YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HIS· :l'lAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1901. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Qaeen Victoria, of blessed and ~lorious memtlry,. departed this life at Osbome House, in the Isle of Wight, on the 22nd day of J annary, 1901, and TcESDAY, 16 JULY, 1901. that on the 1st day of J<'ebruary, 1901, His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward VU. was rluly and lawfully proclaimed at Bri,banP as MEETING OJ<' P ARL1A::YIENT. King by tlw Grace of God of the United King­ PcasUANT to a proclamation of His I~xceUency d"m of Great Britain and Ireland, Defender of the G<>VPrnor, bearing da' e 14th June last, con­ the Faith, Em!Jeror of India, and Supreme Lord vening Parliament for "the dP··ratch of bu,;i­ in and owr t,he St<tte of Queerbland in the nes~," and a furtht>r proclan1ation of His Commonwealth of Australia. Exct->llency th Lieutenant-GovPrnor, bearing "\Ve have it further in command to let you date the 9th .July in,;tant, alttriog the time oi know that, as so1m as you shall have taken or mee~ ing r·rom ~' 12 o'clock at noon" to "half­ made the oath or affirmation of allegiance to His past 10 o'clock a. m.,'' the l'ouncil met shortly :VIost Gracious }f,,j,,stv, as by the said Act you before th"t hour. are required to rln before ,itting and voting The respective proclamations were read by the in your re8pectJ ,.e Hunses, His Excellency will Clerk of the Parliament. declare to you the causes for which y•m are called together.'' Parliament was opened by a Commission con· sisting of the Right Hon. the President, the Hon. 'l'he Assembly then withdrew. G. \V. Gray, and the Hon. W. H. \Vilson, C.t1.G. COMMISSIONERS TO ADMI:\'ISTER THE At the request of the President, the Usher of OATH. the Black K<>d acquainted the Speaker and The PRESIDEXT r,roduced a con.missinn members of the Legislative Assembly that their constituting him and the Hon. G. W. firay presence was required in the Council Chamber; Commissioners to administer the Oftth required and, they being se,,ted by the desire of th>l Com­ by law to be taken by ruernber.~, which was read missiouers, the Commission was read by the by the Clerk. Clerk. NEW MEMBERS. MESSAGE FR0:\1 THE LIEUTENANT­ GOVEKNOR. The PRESID~JNT announced the receipt of letters from the Private Secretary to the NEW OATH 01<' ALLEGIANCE. Lieutenant-Governor, intimating that His Excel­ lency h~d been pleased, by writs of summons Th,PRESIDENT rPad the following message resn<'cti\'ely dated 12th March and 15th July, from Hi., Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor:­ 1!l01, to summon the Hon. John \1urray; William "HoNOURABLE GEN1'LElllEN oF THE LEGISLATIVE Villiers Brown, Esq., Townsville; Fmncis Isidore COUNCIL, ANI> GENTLE1IEN OF 1'HE LEGISLA­ Power, Esq., Gympie; the Hon. Berkelev Basil TIVE AssEMBLY,­ J\IIoreton, Brisba,ne; and Arthur John Carter, " We have it in command from His Excellency E~q., Brisbane, to the Legislative Council. the I,ieutenant-Governor to acquaint you, in The Hons. F. I. Power, B. B. Moreton, and accord>tnce with the 4th section of the Constitu­ A. J. Carter, afrer being introduced to the tion Act of 1867, that our late Sovereign Lady President, took the oath and snbscribed the roll. 1901-B 2 [COUNCIL.] Opening Speech. OTHER MEMBERS SWORN. the J!;mpire at large she will be remembered as the Royal Lady who for more than sixty years The following members also took the oath and snbocribed the roll :­ wa.s the living symbol of its unity, and under whose fostering care it marle such rapid progress The Ri'{ht Honourable Sir Hugh Nelson, and enjoyed such unexampled prosperity. P.C., K.O.M.G., D.C'.L. The Honoumble IV. Allan " Indications a~8 not wanting that the loyalt~ The Honourable J. Archibald and de\"OtlOn whlCh her VIrtues ~ould not fa1l The Honourable A. H. Barlow to inspire are in an equal 1nanner accorded to The Honourable IV. D. Box her son and successor, His Most Gracious The Honourable F. T. Brentnall Majesty King Edward VII., whose acces,ion The Honourable F. Clewett has been the occasion, throughout the Empire, of The Honourable \V. Forrest fervent prayers and hopes that he too might 'The Honourable A. Gib,on have a long, happy, and glorious reign. The Honourable G. 'vV. Gray The Honourable A. C. Gregory, C. M.G. "That our attachment to the Throne is 'The Honourable ,J. C. Heu"sler neither unobserved nor unappreciated is proved The Honourable J. Lalor by the fact that, at a time when circumstances The Honourable C. F. Marks, M.D. seemed to demand the presence in :Englar:d of The Hononrable J. McMaster every memb<r of the Royal Family, His The Honourable B. D. Morehead Majesty graciously permitted the Heir­ The Honourable H. Mosman Apparent and his Consort to come to Australia The Honourable ,J. Murray that added lustre might be shed on the greatest The Honourable A. Nnrton event in its history. Their Royal Highnes>oes The Honourable vV. G. Power visited Brisbane, auwng other capitals, and it is The Honourable A. Raff highly gratifying to know th,;t the welcome they The Honourable J. T. Smith received was of the most enthusiastic nature, The Honourable .T. C. Smyth and such as to c..use them to carry away the The Honourable E .•T. SteYens most pleasant memories of Queensland. The Honourable 'vV. F. Taylor, M. D. "It wets quite in harmony with the greatness The Honourable A. J. Thynne of the event that our future King should asso­ The Honoumble A. Heron IVilson ciate himself with the initiation of the Australian "The Honourable 'vV. Horatio 1\~ilson, Commonwealth by openin'{ its first Parliament. C. M. G. The union took effect on the fir"t day of the new At two minutes pnst 11 o'clock, century, but could not be regarded as finally established until the federal legislature bad heen The PRESIDENT stated that he should called into existence. I b,;ve an earnest con­ ·resume the chair at live minutes to 12 o'clock. victior, that the union thus consummated wiil At the time named the PRESIDEN~' resumed not only greatly promote the welfare of Australia .the chair. but will add not a little strength and grandenr to the Empire of which it i' a por-tion. No federation was ever established nndcr conditions THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR'S more favourable to the federatinl;i States. Only OPENING SPEECH. such functions as each State smf(ly crmld not At noon His Excellency the Lieutenant­ effectively perform have been surrendered to Governor came in state to the Parliamentary the :Federal authority, and for evpry operation Buildings, and was received at the main entranc3 necossary fnr its own development E'ilClJ State is by the President and other members of the independent and free to work out its own Legislative Council, and conducted tothediiis in destiny. Every State in the Commonwealth is the Upper Chamber. bound to derive many advantages from the new order of things, the chief gainer probably being The House being seated, a message was sent to this State with its extensive territory, varied the Legislative Assembly to the effect that His resources, and energetic people. Excellency desired the pre"ence of Mr. Speaker and hon. members in the Cnuncil Chamber; and " It is a source of much regret that Lord the Assembly being seated in the place reserved L;;mington has taken his departure from the for them below the bar, State, for all must have formed a high estimate of his character and ability, and I am certain His EXCELLENCYread his Opening Speech, you will unite with me in wishing that all good as follows:­ may attend him and his family. " HoNOURABLE GENTLEMEN 01<" 'fHE LEGISLA'rrvE "The war in South Afric:. seems to be within COUNCIL, AND GENTLEMEX 0~" THE LEGIS­ measurable distance of termination, and the LATIVE AssE;IIBLY,­ ready assistance the State gave the motherland " You have been summoned together that I n her hour of need continues to be the theme of way ava.il myself of your assistance with respect gratitude and admiration in every portion of the to various important matters. Empire. "'Early in the present year the death of Queen "Yon will miss to-day many gentlemen who Victoria plunged this State, and every other were here on former occasions of this character, portion of the l:<~mpire, if not of the civilised not<>bly Sir ,Jamec. Tlicbon and the Horwurable world, into mourning for the best of Sovereigns. J. V. Chatawny, both ,f whom died suddenly in Able, dignified, and t;•ctful as Her Majesty was the midst of active public life. Sir J:~mes, after in public affairs, vigilant and resolute as she v. as a long and distinguiiihed political career in this ·in all that concerned the welfare of her subjects, State, lutd been called to the Federal Exc cuti\ e, she was no less distinguished by her womanly but >urvived only a few days to enjoy the sympathy, h0r private charities, her simple honours he,towed upon him.
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