UNITED DP NATIONS GoverningCouncil of the Distr. United Nations GENERAL Development Programme DP/1991/10/Add.4 16 September 1991 ENGLISH ONLY Thirty-eighth session ISUPPORTI 3-25 June 1991, New York Item 2 of the provisional agenda ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATOR FOR 1990 STATISTICAL ADDENDUM MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED 91-30166 2607g (E) /... DP/1991/10/Add.4 English Page 2 MAJOREQUIPMENT ORDERED DURING 1990~1 COSTOF EXECUTING LOCATIONAND NAMEOF SUPPLIER ORDER AGENCY DESCRIPTIONOF EQUIPMENT (US dollars) ANGOLA tusolanda 26 000 UN DTCD Computers ARGENTINA Telec E Inform 33 292 GVT Designand printing of reports AUSTRALIA Scientific EquipmentInc. 101 700 GVT Atomic (GBC) absorbtion spectrometers Australian Tropical Plant Supplies 43 320 FAO Seeds BondorPty. Ltd. 22 476 FAO Refrigeration equipment CodanPty. Ltd. 22 633 FAO Telecommunication equipment Cairo 41 871 FAO Seeds GBCScientific 27 140 FAO Laboratory equipment KWEngineering 20 000 FAO Packaging equipment Aircrew Training SystemsPty. Ltd. 20 285 ICAO Pilot aptitude testing device AWALtd. 919 570 ICAO DVOR/DMEsystem Vaisala 39 813 WMO Meteorological data system Seismic Supply Co. 46 173 UN DTCD Drill rig GBCScientific Equipment 100 996 UNDP/OPS Atomic spectrometer Inductotherm 165 312 UNIDO Furnaces GBCScientific 53 795 UNIDO Spectrophotometers GBCScientific 53 922 UNIDO Spectrophotometers U.V. Tech Australia Pty 21 004 IAEA Minicure UV system AUSTRIA Hewiett Packard 23 809 ICAO Electronic test equipment Hewlett Packard 22 809 ICAO Logic analyzer and accessories Pharmaeia LKB Instrument GMBH 67 982 WHO Chromatographicanalyzers Aufricht 36 889 IAEA Industrial x-ray unit AIImos Electronic Gesmbh 46 625 UNIDO Measuringinstruments AIImos Electronic Gesmbh 68 0O0 UNIDO Measuringinstruments Asea Brown Boveri AG 162 712 UNIDO Circuit breakers Cheminst GMBH 166 360 UNIDO Measuringinstruments Comb.Veb Carl Zaiss Jane 25 491 UNIDO Precision tools, measuring instruments a/ ’Major equipment’refers to individual purchaseorders of $20, OOOor more. DP/1991/10/Add.4 English Page 3 AUSTRIA{continued) Dataservice 31 000 UNIDO Computers Digital EquipmentCorporation GMBH 65 000 UNIDO Computers Dipl. Ing. Petr Marchetti GMBH 76 229 UNIDO Powercontrol Dipl. Ing. Lothar Quitte 103 619 UNIDO Handtools Dynamic 47 150 UNIDO Computers Dr.lng. S. Sztatecsny 25 630 UNIDO Laboratory equipment Gesselschaft Fuer TeohniacheSysteme 23 736 UNIDO Computers Hewlett Packard 58 4<)0 UNIDO Chromatographs Hewlett Packard 61 282 UNIDO Chromatographs Hewiett Packard 255 508 UNIDO Computers Hewlett Packard 55 000 UNIDO Chromatographs Hewlett Packard 270 000 UNIDO Chromatographs Hewlett Packard 74 700 UNIDO Precision tools, measuring instruments IMC Data Systems GMBH 89 121 UNIDO Computers Interklima GMBH 191 162 UNIDO Cooling devices Jahoda & Co. GesMBH 55 202 UNIDO Drawing equipment Keithley Instruments GMBH 25 505 UNIDO Precision tools, measuring instruments Labor Handels Ges 35 274 UNIDO Laboratory equipment LaborgeraeteHandelsgesellschaft 25 050 UNIDO Laboratory equipment Mannesmann 54 310 UNIDO Chromatographs MBA GMBH 67 400 UNIDO Computers MBA GMBH 30 875 UNIDO Computers MBA GMBH 47 926 UNIDO Computers MBA GMBH 23 875 UNIDO Computers MBA GMBH 23 875 UNIDO Computers MBA GMBH 22 336 UNIDO Computers Merck Gesellschaft MBH 36 930 UNIDO Laboratory equipment ObegeIndustrieofenbau 52 548 UNIDO Furnaces OIw A.G. 28 791 UNIDO Audiovisual equipment BANGLADESH Flora Limited 23 000 FAO Computer equipment Localpurchase _b/ 106 646 ICAO Computer equipment BARBADOS Local p urehase 20 975 UNCHS Vehicles BELGIUM Bekaert 28 152 FAO Fencing equipment GCImport-Export 24 097 FAO Bicycles/office supplies Sotrimex 55 158 UPU Computerand accessories Sotrimex 39 904 UPU Printing equipment Sort/max 28 606 UPU Electric cutter Polar 76 SD-P Cetel A.E.G. 46 000 UNESCO Didactic electrical machine Pardevo S.A. 22 094 UNDP/OPS Equipmentfor woodworkingworkshop DGSInternational NV 46 190 UNIDO Steel, iron, etc. Hamo AG 51 537 UNIDO Laboratory equipment Intelligenetics, Inc. 69 380 UNIDO Computers PolymerTechnologies & Services S. 204 960 UNIDO Rubberand plastics processing machinery ~/ Wherever the term "local purchase" occurs, it refers to purchases made locally in the identified country by the Resident Representative on behalf of the project. DP/1991/10/Add.4 English Page 4 Local pbrohase 22 385 UNDTCD Vehicle BOTSWANA BotswanaLivestock 133 552 FAO Livestock/livestock equipment Overland Motor Pty. 24 945 FAO Vehicles BRAZIL Regmed 40 948 UNIDO Laboratory equipment BURKINAFASO Socletet I d’Equ pamentpour I’Afrique 26 596 GVT Vehicle - NisaanPatrol Diafa Sovoda 21 309 ILO Mitsusbiahi stafionwagon CICABurkina 27 840 UN DTCD Mobi lettes BURUNDI SogerbuS.A.R.L. 21 127 FAO Vehicles Toyota-Burundi 28 472 WMO ToyotaLandcruiser CAMEROON Afrique Equipment 31 006 FAO Computer equipment CANADA Bradley WNManufacture 34 560 GVT Mining equipment DTI Teleoom 150 000 GVT Station ClGGT 22 000 GVT Performanceevaluation software Gregory Geoscience 58 072 FAO Laboratory equipment Pamap 92 200 FAO Computerequipment/software Semex Canada 27 360 FAO Laboratory equipment ATS Aerospace 493 150 ICAO ATCsimulator ATS Aerospace 450 150 ICAO ATCsimulator Lab-Volt 184171 ICAO Training equipment, mechanicaland electrical Unysis ClanedeInc. 73 625 ICAO Computer equipment PamapGraphics Limited 23 100 UNCHS Computersoftware Bradley Manufacturing 35 469 UN DTCD Mining equipment CanacInternational 59 386 UNDTCD Spareparts CanadaDiamond Drilling 25 118 UN DTCD Diamondset products CodanLimited 27 856 UN DTCD Telecommunication equipment JKS-Boyles 79 166 UN DTCD Coredrill DP/1991/10/Add.4 English Page 5 CANADA|continued| CanadaCommercial Corp. 58 999 UNDP/OPS Microcomputers CodanPty. Ltd. 64 742 UNOP/OPS Radio equipment Conviron 52 345 UNDP/OPS Plant growth chamber GeoniosLimited 39 250 UNDP/OPS Radio equipment Guilline InstrumentsLtd. 84 270 UNIOO Electrical equipments CHAD Tohad Motors 29 578 FAO Vehicles Commercialisation Automobile 32 308 ILO Nissan stationwagon All Philippe Safer 160 480 WMO Building equipment Local Purchase 29 284 UNCHS Office equipment/furniture Sooicte GeneralElectronique 21 672 UN/DTCD Photocopier CHILE SistemasOracle de Chile 34 545 GVT Computer equipment Sisteco 120 226 GVT Sun spare workstation Sonde 47 222 WMO Computer system Apple Chile 32 974 UNDP/OPS Computers& accessories ProveedoraGeneral S.A. 92 250 UNOP/OPS Transient analyzers Sisteoo 120 226 UNDP/OPS Computerworkstation Unisys 69 110 UNDP/OPS Computerworkstation CHINA China int’l Nat. ContractorsAss. 50 403 ILO Computersystem & offset press Hue Yi Software Engineering Co. 149407 ILO Computer hardware China International Computer 119 232 UN DTCD Computerstation China International Computer 30 000 UNOTCD Microcomputer ~OLOMBIA Local puroheee 21 286 UNCHS Computer equipment AcoesInformatica 32 668 UNCHS Computerhardware and software 105 493 UNCHS Computer equipment NCRde Colombia S.A.t Sistema de Tecnologla Avanzada 255 200 UNCHS Computerequipment Unimerk ComputerCorporation 86144 UNCHS Computer equipment Local p umhua 38 404 UNDP/OPS Clearing chargesfor various equipment COSTARICA Xerox de Costa Rice 20 835 GVT Copymachines Local p urohaae 297 624 UNCHS Building materials ~OTED’ IVOIRE Fax & copy machines Burotic 20 700 UNCTAD CUBA Fork-lift Nissho lawa Corporation 25 000 UNCHS /coo DP/1991/10/Add.4 English Page 6 CZECHOSL_.OVAKIA Strojimpoort 26 518 UNIDO Machineryfor leather industry DENMARK United Milling SystemsA/S 82 810 GVT Disc mill for non-woodplant raw materials Maskinfebriken Cormall A/S 49 860 GVT Briqueting plant Funki A/S 23 889 FAO Incubator Kjaer & Kjaer A/S 21 660 FAO Vehicles Kruuse Jorgen A/S 24 550 FAO Veterinary equipment Induperm A/S 30 682 ICAO Airfield lighting training system BukkehaveTax Free Cars 34 884 ILO Mitsubishi stationwagon Kjaer & Kjaer Worldwide 25 302 ILO Toyota Hi-Lux IAPSO 23 491 UNCHS Computer equipment IAPSO 21 574 UNCHS Computer equipment Autotest A/S 33 875 UNDP/OPS Automotive equipment Danish OverseasProcurement Agency 41 212 UNDP/OPS Electric stitcher IAPSO 580 000 UNDP/OPS Chemical, books Kjaer & Kjaer WorldwideA/S 20 803 UNDP/OPS Theodolite Burmeister & Wain Energi A/S 52 113 UNIDO Apparatus and machineryfor chemical andallied industries CabinplantInternational A/S 455 582 UNIDO Food processing and packaging machinery Cormell 66 760 UNIDO Apparatusand machineryfor chemical andallied industries SabroeIndustry Division 56 420 UNIDO Refrigeration/ventilation/drying equip Struers Tec 52 954 UNIDO Laboratory equipment United Milling SystemsA/S 100 329 UNIDO Apparatusand machineryfor chemical andallied industries DJIBOUTI Sotraco 32 890 GVT Generators Marill 55 210 GVT Waterpumps/wall drilling equipment Babands 44 635 GVT Well drilling equipment Marill Ets. 51 139 FAO Vehicles GovernmentStores 40 000 UN DTCD Construction materials ECUADOR EE.UUXerox 37 846 GVT Copymachines LOCalp urchaae 84 885 ICAO Office furnishings and photocopier Local p urchaee 76 716 ICAO Computer equipment Local p urchaee 23 864 ICAO Software Local purchase 178 000 ICAO Communications equipment Unysis 89 283 ILO Computerserver Local p urchaae 190 000 UNCHS Construction materials Microtronic/Coeideco 128 565 UNDP/OPS Computer& peripherals EGYPT AI Husseny’s 52 DO0 UNCTAD Laboratory equipment NASRPolonex 64 466 UNDP/OPS Vehicles(6) DP/1991/10/Add.4 English Page 7 EGYPT(continued) Egyptian ComputerSystems 105 801 UNIDO Computers T.E.A. ComputersS.A.N. 82 550 UNIDO Computers EL SALVADOR DIDEA 57 900 UN DTCD Vehicles Sokkisha Co. 30 172 UN DTCD Office equipment Sokkisha Co. 20 050
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