7424 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1898. of Wales'-road (from Albert-road to Rivers, The Thames. Victoriairoad) j- Latchmere-road. • Canals, none. •Within the parish of Fulham— 10. To authorise the Undertakers by agree- Wandsworth Bridge-road to New King's- .ment to purchase, hold, acquire, and take on road, then on to Stanley Bridge, through lease lands or easements in lands for the pur- . Harwood-road to the Broadway. The poses of the Order, with power to sell and -whole of the Fulham-road (from Stamford dispose of such lands, and to acquire-and hold Bridge to the Fulham Palace-road) through patent rights and licenses in relation to the Melmoth-place to Dawes-road. Up North manufacturing and distribution of electricity, •End-road' from Dawes-road' to "The and to manufacture, purchase, hire, sell, and Cedars" Public House, and Dawes-road supply meters, lamps, appliances, machinery, from Melmoth-place to " The Salisbury " and apparatus in relation thereto. Public House. 11. To authorise the Undertakers to levy, 8. -The streets, roads, or places not repairable make, and recover rates, rents, and charges in by the local authority, which the Undertakers respect of electricity supplied by them, and in propose to take power to break up (but not to respect of the sale and hire of machinery, plant, the exclusion of such other streets, roads, and apparatus, and instruments, and to confer, vary, places non-repairable by the local authority and alter exemptions from the payment of such as are within the area of supply) are as rates, rents, and charges; and to confer, vary, ollows:—.'• and extinguish other rights and privileges. • .As to the parish of St. Mary, Battersea— 12. To empower the .Undertakers from Altenburg-gardens, Ballingdon-road, Brewery- time to time to make, alter and rescind regula- cottages, Brighton-terrace, Buckton-street, tions and bye-laws for, or relating to the use, •Cringle-street, Emir-road^ Gaines-cottages, misuse, or waste of electricity, or electric lines, Gambettarstreet, Garden-cottages, Garden- or apparatus connected therewith, and to im- wharf-lane,' Gayville-road, Gosling's-yard, pose and recover penalties for the breach of Juer-street, Kirtling-street, Kyrle-road, such regulations or bye-laws, and to authorise Longbeach-road, Marjorie-grove, Mayfield- the Undertakers, their officers, servants, and road, Miles-cottages, Old Park-avenue, workmen, to enter upon lands,'buildings, or Ravensleairoad, Saint Peter's-place, Starch other premises, and to examine any machinery, Factory-road, Stonell's-place, Taybridge- plant, apparatus, or instruments supplied by the road, Tennyson-street (Thackeray-street to Undertakers, or used in connection with their Robertson-street.), Thurleigh-roa'd (Bus- lines or works, and to execute such works and ham-road to Wronghton-road), Warriner- to do such things as shall be necessary for the "mews, Wexford-road, Winifred-grove. regulation or prevention of such use, misuse, or As to the parish of Fulham— waste, and to impose and recover penalties for Approach to Putney Bridge-station, Ash- the tampering or fraudulently interfering with combe-road, Beltran-road, Bishop King's- any such machines and things aforesaid, road, Bo werdean-street, Buer-road, Burn- 13. To empower the Undertakers to raise fbot-avenue, Danehurst-street, Campbell- capital, and to apply their capital and funds to street, Clancarty - road, Clonmel - road, all or any of the purposes of the Order. Cromwell-avenue, Darlan-road, De Morgan- 14. To confer upon the Undertakers all or road, Durell-road, Edgarley-terrace, Eri- some of the powers and privileges, exemptions, vane-street, Felden-street, Firth-gardens, and rights given, or proposed to be given, to Friston-street, Hestercombe-avenue, Harb- Undertakers by the Electric Lighting Acts, ledown-road, Hdlyport-road, Hurlingham- 1882 and 1888, and to authorise and enable avenue, Side-road at south end of linperial- them to exercise and enjoy the same throughout road, Kimbell-gardens, Kingwood-road, the said area of supply, and to confirm any • Lambrook-terrace, Loma-road, Macmurdo- agreements that may have been come to, or ... road, Malvolto-road, Napier-avenue, Nar- may be entered into between the Undertakers borough - street,* Petley - road, Queen's and any company, body, or person. Club-gardens, Rainville - road, Ranelagh- And notice is hereby given that, on or before avenue, Ringmer-avenue, River-avenue, the 30th day of November instant, a map or Rostrevor-road, St. Olaf's-road, Sidbury- plan, showing the boundaries of the area of street, Settrington-street, Studdridge- supply, and the streets in which it is proposed street, Stephendale-road, Swift-street, that electric lines shall be laid down within a , . Townmead-road, Vera-road, Wandon- specified time, together with a copy of this road, Wandsworth Bridge-road, Wardo- notice as published in the London Gazette, will avenue, . Wingrave-road, Woodlawn-road, be deposited for public inspection with the Woolneigh-street, Wyfold-road, Albert- Clerk of the Peace for the county of London at . mews, Ashton-terrace, ' Beaufort-mews, his office at the Sessions House, Clerkenwell- Campbell-place, Cedar-mews, Carlton- green, in that county; with the Vestry Clerk of r mews, Crown-mews, Cumberland-crescent, the parish of Saint Mary, Battersea, at his office Devon-mews, Distillery-lane, Elysium- at the Municipal Buildings, Lavender Hiil, mews, George-square, Grove-avenue, Grove- S.W., with the Vestry Clerk of the parish of . .terrace, John's-place, Lawn-terrace, North - Fulham, at his office at the Town Hall, "Walham . ampton-place, New-road, Orchard-place, Green, S.W., with the Clerk of the London passage from North Ead-road by " Crown " County Council at his office in Spring-gardens, Public House to Chestnut-alley, passage London, S.W., and also at the office of the Board from Church-row, Richmond-place. of Trade, Whitehall-gardens, London; and also 9. To authorise the Undertakers to open and at the Parliament Office of the House of Lords, break up, and cross with their electric lines and and at the Private Bill Office of the House of works, or otherwise interfere with the following Commons. railways, tramways, rivers, and canals so far as Notice is also given that printed copies of the •the..same are respectively situated within the Draft Order will .bo deposited at the office of the area of supply (that is to say) :— Board of Trade on or before the 21st December • Railway?, none. next,'and printed copies thereof when deposited, .Tramways, The South London Tramways. and of the Order when made, ean.be Obtained at.
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