37480 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 19, 1975 We can save a great deal in those the Budget Committee, the senior Sena­ . Upon the disposition of the congres­ amounts. But with such things as social tor from Maine (Mr. MusKIE) and the sional budget resolution, the Senate will security, retirement programs, and pen­ distinguished ranking minority member take up the Interior appropriation bill, sions, we are not going to reduce those, of the committee, the senior Senator with a rollcall vote expected on final and I think we all recognize that. from Oklahoma (Mr. BELLMON). passage. Mr. DOMENICI. There may be some In the past year they have assembled The Senate conceivably could be in reform necessary, and that might occur, a truly excellent staff, and proved that session until a reasonably late hour to­ but I think my distinguished chairman is the complex provisions of the budget and morrow, with rollcall votes throughout. saying if the Budget Committee were to Impoundment Control Act of 1974 can put a figure in other than the real outlay in fact help to reassert the congressional expected for one of those programs we control over the Nation's purse that the RECESS UNTIL 8:45 A.M. would be fooling ourselves and we would Constitution provides. Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, if there be fooling the American people on the Over the past year I have often dis­ is nothing further that any Senator budget, because there is a legal entitle­ agreed with a majority of the committee wishes to say at this time, I move that ment that exists in the field on the part on specific issues. But I have been deeply the Senate do now recess until 8:45 a.m., of the American citizen unless Congress 1mpressed with the fairness with which tomorrow. changes the law. So I make that point. I all points of view have been treated. The motion was agreed to; and at 9: 04 think the chairman will agree with me For the first time we have looked at p.m. the Senate recessed until tomorrow, that we would be doing a useless act un­ Federal spending with all the relevant Thursday, November 20, 1975, at 8:45 less this Congress wanted to change some question before us-the overall state of a.m. of those laws, unless we put thos-e in en­ the economy, the import of the deficit titlement--entitlement being the legal on credit markets, the available revenue, CONFIRMATIONS right to receive on the part of the benefi­ the specific question of priority which ciaries-who are predominantly Ameri­ determine the allocation of available Executive nominations confirmed by cans who have received that right from funds. the Senate November 19, 1975: Congress in valid law. Is that not correct? And in future years, I am convinced DEPARTMENT OF STATE Mr. MUSKIE. That is correct, and let that this committee's usefulness to the Walter L. Cutler, of Maine, a Foreign Serv­ me give another perspective. The $72 bil­ Senate will grow-and stimulate a new ice officer of class 2, to be Ambassador Ex­ lion sounds like a lot of money for social and badly needed national debate on this traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the security, when one looks at the $72 bil­ Nation's priorities as we face the fourth United States of America to the Republic of lion, but the average payment to a bene­ Zaire. quarter of the 20th century. James W. Spain, of Florida, a Foreign ficiary is $7.50 per day. That is a little Service officer of class 1, to be Ambassador over $50 per week, which is well below the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the poverty line in this country. So although PROGRAM United States of America to the United Re­ it is a large amount of money, when Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, public of Tanzania. viewed in terms of its totality, in terms the Senate wiU convene at 8:45 a.m. Nathaniel Davis, of New Jersey, a Foreign of those who are dependent upon social tomorrow. There will be a brief period Service officer of the class of Career~ Minister, security to buy food, to pay rent, to pay to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni­ for the transaction of routine morning potentiary of the United States of America their bare essentials, the average pay­ business until 9 a.m., at which time the to Switzerland. ment is well below the cost of living. Senate will go into closed session to dis­ Mary S. Olmsted, of Tennessee, a Foreign So we have to have those perspectives cuss the report on the special investiga­ Service officer of class 1, to be Ambassador as we talk about budget control, budget tion of the CIA. That closed session will Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the cutting, and budget balancing. There is a not exceed 4 hours. United States of America to Papua. New . human equation involved in all of these When the Senate resumes open session, Guinea. programs that Congress has to consider. the Senate will conduct further debate (The above nominations were approved Mr. MONDALE. Mr. President, I wish subject to the nominees' commitment to on the congressional budget resolution. respond to requests to appear and testify to express my appreciation for the fine Rollcall votes are expected thereon and before a duly constituted committee of the work of the distinguished chairman of on any amendments thereto. Senate.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS GOLDEN JUBIT..EE OF THE MEDICAL GOLDEN JUBILEE of the women of the world, even though they MISSION SISTERS 1975 has been a. very special year of cele­ had to personally sacrifice the privilege of bration for the 700 Medical Mission Sisters making public vows in the Church until all over the world. 50 years of living, grow­ Canon Law was changed in 1936 to permit HON. JOSHUA EILBERG ing, successes, fa.Hures, beginnings and ends women religious to practice surgery, medi­ OF PENNSYLVANIA have been poignantly remembered and, once cine and obstetrics. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES again, gratefully appreciated. Memories of In the past 50 years the Medical Mission the early days and the constant support of Sisters have grown in their concern for the Tuesday, November 18, 1975 sacrificing friends have been and continue healing of persons and the advancement Mr. En.BERG. Mr. Speaker, the Medi­ to be re-lived and represented to the Father of women in the world. ThrQugh their pro­ for His blessing. And the reminiscences of fessional medical care, training schools and, cal Mission Sisters, which have their the m1111ons of patients and friends whose most recently, grassroots public health, com­ world headquarters in my district in lives we have shared around the world have munity development, nutrition education, northeast Philadelphia, will celebrate deeply enhanced our joy and gratitude dur­ family counseling and home-industry de­ their Golden Jubilee this year. ing this 50th Anniversary Year. velopment work in the villages, they have The Medical Mission Sisters are an It is perhaps coincidental, perhaps provi­ tried to meet head-on the many screaming, outstanding group of women who devote dential, that 1975 has also been celebrated glaring needs for healing that they have seen worldwide as the "Holy Year of Reconcilia­ and heard.· Yet, the Community is keenly their lives to helping persons in under­ tion and Renewal" and "International Wom­ aware that there is still so much to be done. developed and troubled areas. en's Year," for both he8J.ing, the full mean­ Thousands and thousands of men, women In the 50 years of their existence they ing of "reconciliation and renewal," and the and children still cry out for healing all over have established a record not only of cause of women have been central to the the world, persons not only weighed down service, but of bravery and devotion to Medical Mission Sisters' vocation since the by physical or mental disabllities but criti­ the people they have chosen to serve earliest days of the Society. It was the need cally broken by the oppressively unjust eco­ for healing of so many women of the East nomic and social systems operative ln our and they deserve our thanks and honor world today. In every corner of the globe for their work. tha,t first motivated Anna Dengel to begin her unique Community of religious women in there are also thousands of women who At this time I enter into the RECORD 1925. And it was this basic motivation of need to discover their worth as persons, their an article from their newsletter which healing that encouraged and challenged the value as intelligent, creative and responsible outlines the work of this fine organiza­ early members of the Society to dedicate human beings in the family setting, in the tion: themselves to the imperative medical needs local community and in society. November 19, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 37481 As we celebrate our 50 years of hea.llng muslim women and children, are tremendous­ Medical Mission Sister to go to India to service, the task looms as great as ever as ly overwhelming. She knew, too, that the work. The next year she was followed by Sis­ we more fully realize the height, depth, American women would be very challenged ter Agnes Marie Ulbrich, and soon there width and breadth of the need for healing by the need and hoped they would be gen­ were dozens of Medical Mission Sisters help­ of all persons and the special needs of wom­ erous in their response. ing to heal in the need areas of the world.
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