• •••• •••• • • • •• • • • wip' ro•ifi: . ·. ....•. •: . • • •• •••• • • •••• ••••••• October 3, 2019 The Manager - Listing BSE Limited (BSE: 507685) The Manager - Listing National Stock Exchange of India Limited. (NSE : WIPRO) Dear Sir/Madam , Sub: Newspaper Advertisement- Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are enclosing a copy of newspaper advertisement published in the Newspaper of Business Standard and Kannada Prabha. The same has been made available on the Company's Website www.wipro.com . Thanking You, For WIPRO LIMITED ·N/CY/ A~ M San~~I~ ~ Company Secretary Re gistered Office: Wipro Limited T : +91 (80) 2844 0011 Doddakannelli F : +91 (80) 2844 0054 Sarjapur Road E : [email protected] Bengaluru 560 035 W: wipro.com India C : L32102KA1945PLC020800 Business Standard MUMBAI I wrn•EsoAv, 2 oaoBER 2019 ECONOMY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS 5 W B Govt Tender Abrid g<" d t-~ .I.T. !'io.:- WB IW/Sfl:\JBQ'l'IT·0lfr)f) 9·2 0 PHILLIPS CARBON BLACK LIM ITED I) ~pc-"1al rC'p:11r t<J l)1~mbutary oo .1 of Mahan:inda M:un Can.al In September, UPI bucks CIN l23109WB1960f>LC024602 from ch 00010 10 I~ km \.i1Tl()l"2ofDy 3 from ch 000 10 I b R99(1 Qt!';c. 31.tkta)Sul>llasRoao.KoluUl-700001 l..i11.~1mor .lofDy~ lrom0001u I Jll l.rn.M1nor~ufDy) from T•I• •913366251-461-5'1 F1~•'.U 1322~01•0/22436681 Corporal• Qfriee RPSG HouM, 2Ja .1uOQes Court Roao, 4ltl Floof 000 to I 71 l,;m along wnh siructuro of Dy 3 of \ 1!abJ11anda Kot,,alll -700027. T•e•91l340870500J0600 Mam C";mal m Ph,nmkw-,. Dism<:t-l>al)e<"hnl! E-mad: pcblQrpSQ 111. weo www com ~"° ··(A m ount Put t o tendn R~. J. l -t \12.612.0tl). the trend to register NOTIC E ?un..ianttoR~29ANdW>thR~i.tion47ol!N!S.0.,,,,C,nlf1dExct,..-is,e Bid Jijbminlon l1111 d a tt & l'imt 04 l l 201Q 11 IS 00 Hrs t-ur BoAfdoflndlaililllngOblog1110nsandOosdosu-,.Rt<iU11-)Re')lllatior11 furth,·r d~1.:11ls of I\ I T pkaw , 1• 11 ~-1cndcring dm:c1 w,·'o~u.: 2015,atarnetldeld.NolallM>rebt'gtvenlNIIIMIMingollheBoarddO.-f>ClOl"I btlQ ·/Jwhlrndra fPr in ,nd dcpanmen1,I wd,,11.: ol1Meomi,.nyis$Cheduledlobet..idonW«lne1<1ay S..30fo<1ay<lfOclot>..- 2<111.n1..-•10ton5IO..-andapprO\-ttr>eUnaud,IIICIFftlall(:lalRHultlolm. ~-"Nwdro••tn highest-ever volume Comp;iny ror lhe Quittei 1nd"' monthl fflded on 30th Sec,1emoei 2019 >di· Th• u,o Not•c• may tHI ac:c.sHG c,n rn• Company·• ,.. 011t• 11 tn• S.C" h,knbony link · h tlp:/lwww.pcblltd.com ....a may also be 1a:Hsed on thl w.t>sd• ,\la h 11 m111 d11 ol th Sl<X~ E~cnan11n al t/\e 1,n~1 /\t1 p .l/ww w.nHl ndl1.co m Sup t ri1llt11 di ng t,nrint n , 8a rr11 11: t Cirtle YIMWHAUk ON GROWTH PATH http:li'loww. bHlndlacomandhttp:lk;H.;,,diu:om. ir:mabahcrdc'i'nhindrexin Ben1alu11,1,10Ctobt1 Voluml'{mn)(!HS) ForPhilhpsCarbonSIK~Ltm;tl(l ~l(c,lkal,a K.lu"1rkMukh..-1H After a ftw months of 1epid ~ 1,200 __==-=-~=r½a-== Dltl. 1•t 0c1obttr 2019 Company ~ry volume, lhl' government­ owned Unified Paymen ts 900 lntcrfac<.' (UPI) is back on the Agro Tech Foods Lim ited growth traje<:tory. _15,000 Hoth volumes, as well as Re9i1i.r.-:I Office: 31, S..-ojinl Devi Rofd. 5ec:undotr1bad • 500003. the total value ort.ransatllons 300 _ "$,. _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ : _14 ,000 NIStfTHA STEELS PRIVATE LIMITED Tel : 91-40-66'50240, Fu : 11-40--27800947. W.O: www.attoods.com made over the digital pay• JACOIJEUNE APfS FLUT NO I, FIAST FLOOA, I( VlU.A Ol.l.l". ments interface. have grown ~ a ll! .. "·••o MUMBAI • Mays Jun Jut Aug Sep -C~~:1=~=~~=~~indlfo.com Pur&uanr to Regulation 29(1) read with Regulatt00 47{ 1}(a) of the over the las\ three months, SEBI ilistmg Obligations and D1sclo&ure Requirements) recording !he highest-ever """'' Regulations, 2015, No11ce 1s hereby given that a Meeting ot the numbers last month. (P..,,("ln!toR<lle301NCQmptrl>e,5(1,w;Ofl)Ol"llt,or,)R.-,2014) Board of 01rectOl'S will be held on Wednesday, the 23rd Oclober, lnScptcmbC'r. UPI record• The latest numb<.'ts may In di1i:ital paym <.'nts. a hnst ital paym('nts is by l h<' gO\'­ SEFOt'IE ™E REG,ONAL OtRECTOR/CENrRAL GOVERNME~T WESTERN 20,s, inter alia. 10 consider and approve the Unaudited Financial e<l 955.02 m1lhon transactions be seen as an mdicaror 1ha1 of players are expanding the ernment itself. In the 2019 REGION MVMBAI ,!, INTHf MATTER OFSU8-S£CTIONl•JOF SlCTION 130F COMP,t,,N:ES .t.CT, 201J AND CLAUSE 1.-.1 OF SUS.RUl.E (SJ OF RULE 30 OF THE Results for the quarter and hal! year ended 30th September. 2019. wonh {l.61 1rillion. This is 4 consumer economic act iviry ecosystem and acceptance of Un ion Budget, the Centre COMP.-,NIES(INCORPOAATION)RULES.201( per cenl higher in terms of is s1eady d~spite an overall mobile payments. Players hke announced that certain bus,­ Further, 111 terms ol the Company's "Code of Conduct tor Insider volume and 4.5 per cent more slowdown In the economy. PhonePe, Google Pay. Paytm, nes~es will not have to pay a Trading and Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair D1sclosura In the nal;le< ol N1SH"ttt.l.$TEELS PRIVATE LMfTEO ,........., Cl lt>9Sle<ec! olhcl al of U"4)Ubl1shed Pnce Sensitive Information", adopted under SEBI in 1t:rms of value over August, India's GDP ~rowth rate has and half a do1.cn others arc digital payments charic JACOUEL!NE APTS FLAT NO IS, FIFISr FLOOR K VILLA THAN MUMB.-.1 wh,n the corresponding fallen below 6 per cent. While offering tncenth·es and cash called MOR (merchant dis­ MAHARASHfRA- -400e01 Pff'ionolt (Prohibition ot Insider Trading) Aegulanons. 2015 as amended, numbers stood at 9J8.3S mil­ consumer spending has backs tn consumers for p.iy­ count rate) if they accept pay­ Noe>c:a•rw•Oy~1ott>eGeri1,IIPl.clcll'latlha~"'1'0f<IPOIIHIOmllta the trad,ng window 1or dealing ,n the secunties of the ~y l1on andtl.54 1rilhon, respec- dropped 1n the automobile mg through their apps. men1 over digital means, &POk-1•1111101Mc..tralGovemmen! ...... 119dN:>n13ollNCon,p-.Acl.Xl13 for Directors and Designated Employees {and all their Immediate H1l<t'igconf,'l"'W!Oflolall•anonolff'11"41morandu"l,olAsll.Oci&10nallMC4mpa<'I\,' Relatives) shalt rematn closed trom 1st Oclober, 2019 1111 the 11\·ely. The UPI platform came sector, the telecomm unica­ Banks have also come includ!ng the UPI. T his had _,_ollhl80K>.olrMOlubonpaulldltlt>9Ulr•o.di-wry~.olMN!t,gt-.ld into being in August 2016. t1on mdustry's d ebl 1s bal­ forward 10 launch UPI over led 10 a host of rC'tail~rs and 111130'"0.,yal Ma,r,:h,20191<> ....... f,."""'IW>)'lo<nl"'J"U~tllfll<IOl'lc. second workmg day after the announcemen1 of Unaudited lrom-st.11ollilw<Mhl11" IO "Nltir>nalCapite[TNri!011Yoll>alhl", Financial Resut1s !or the quarler and haU yea r ended 30th Da1a from Na tional looning and lndlan banks are their own banking applica­ supermarket chalni. to mar­ ...,., ~ - inl9rllt II libPy to be -~- Oy tho ?fopoHCI c:hlngit ol lM September, 2019 (both days Inclusive) . Payments Counc,l of India battlin!,'! ~ainst bad loans .. tions. Also. under thl· UPI 2.0 ket the UPI a nd card pay­ Registarld oll,c. or u,e cofflpany ,nay dM,v11 -'!IM< 1111 tlM MCA-2 1 port1I (NPCI), which manages UPI, llowever. lhe trend may framework , people can now ments at their cash counters. (.,.._.n,ca. ~v.l11JOy Mu'1l.WN-IO<Compl1-,(form01e&11HtobldliNfilldo,...-.a An analyst call on the results is also scheduled tor Thursday, 24th shows that the numbers are also mean that more and ~ubscribc to ini1ial public According tn repons. th(' byr1951e,1C1po:llol,,,.,,,.,ObfldiOrll,~Oyer,a1MI.Vt1-rqhr•1mnol October. 20 19 between 2.00 pm and 3.00 pm. The Notice of this 1'11/het.,!erMI ancl lJl'O'Jnoldopooa,t-c,n IOS.. Rog.o,,al O,,octor, Woslem ~ steadily rmng since J uOI!. more transactions are hap­ offerings (IPOs) through UPl,a government is also planning llhllddtt$1 E- 15"Floor,100~DflwMun'Clll - <I00002""11W1lau'I_, mealing is also available on the Company"s website, T his comes as a positive sign pening d igitally, instead of feQlure that is now being to incemlvise the use of QR· dl.:,ooltr,.<laleol~alltlitnob09WlltlaCopflOlt..appik:_,,!c;,orr,p,,"'l'lllll www. atloods.com and also on the Stock Exchange's webs te. viz. as lh~ vol um~s had declined cash transitions, which do nO( rolled out sel~t1vely and was cod~s (us~d for UPI pay­ ll91Sbltldol!kaa!IM.adr1$1-t,,olow- www.nsemd1a.com and www.bsemdia.com. month-on-month between conclus!vely point to the fact used In the rettnt 1PO of Affie. ments) by offering merchants ~ Apia FIii '6a Ii, Fi,-t Floor, KVIN::"::::::::=.:. March and May. that consumption il> rising. A major push bchmd dig- taxmcenuves BY ORDER OF THE 80ARD ForNISHTHA STEELS PRIVATEUMITED.... For Agro Tech..,. Foods Limiled SUNll 8.1.NSAL Oare 13,09(2()19 Plac• : Secundefabad Jyoti Chawla Only 7% taxpayers will be required '""- ON ::~~ Oat• : 1~ Oclober 2019 Company Seerelary l"'i •i, p,bht ,~nounceme,,1 !or .-,10.,,.,1 o,, purpou, o,,~ i,,a • ..011 Pro,,p11:1~ ,Mo,mtt-1 ana 009S not con,tmllt 11'1 m~UI o,, or oUer 1c, acq~ r~ pur<~'-• gr ,ub<.,nl)e tg sttunt••• Notro,rol••"' pubhcal>ooor<listrbutroodo,odyorondir~<1})out•dtlnd,~ to submit monthly GST returns PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT DIU.SH .Uml turnover of less than ts crore PrakashKwnar,chiefe.xecuuYe IWWOtlhl,lOCtobtJ will ha\'e the opuon of tlli ng offlcer.
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