Government Gazette Republic of Namibia

Government Gazette Republic of Namibia

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA N$2.28 WINDHOEK - 5 July 1996 No. 1345 CONTENTS: Page Road Carrier Permits .............................................................................................. ROAD CARRIER PERMITS The under-mentioned applications for Public Road Carrier Permits indicate (1) reference number and the area within which the proposed road transport will be undertaken, (2) name of applicant and nature of application, (3) number and type of vehicles, (4) nature of proposed road transportation and (5) points between and routes over or area within which the proposed road transportation is to be effected and are published in terms of section 14(1) of the Road Transportation Act, 1977 (Act 74 of 1977). Representations which interested parties wish to make in respect of the applications must comply with the provisions of regulation 4( 1) of the Road Transportation Regulations, 1977 and must be in quadruplicate in respect of each application and must be delivered by hand or sent by registered post to the Secretary, Road Transportation Board, Private Bag 13178, Windhoek to reach that office not later than 21 days after the date of publication of this Government Gazette . '" 2 Government Gazette 5 July 1996 No. 1345 (1) 06/03/96 950P2750 (2) TRANSNAMIB LTD. , WINDHOEK -ADDITIONAL VEHICLE (3) TSD 720 T- HENRED SEMI-TRAILER- 30360 KG TSD 719 T- HENRED SEMI-TRAILER- 30680 KG (4a) As per the attached annexure "C". (5a) As per the attached annexure "C". "C" GOODS ALL CLASSES BETWEEN DETAILS OF ROUTES TYPE OF ROAD TRANSPORTATION Karasburg and Oubub-Spes Bona-Nanzes (Kal- Goods all classes Kais koendraai)-Uitkomst-Duur drift Nord (Duurdrif)-Stink- dom (Stinkdoring)-Oas-Love- dale Farm-Tsara-Xaibis-Platt- been-Tranedal-Gugunas-Schan- ~- zen-Lottersbron (Portion "A" of Warmfontein)-Orion-Vredes- hoop-Willies put-Marcelle. Outjo and Kamanjab-Otjovasandu-Kowares do. Ruacana 270-0tjitjihau-Opuwa-Ombambu- Ovambo. Outjo and Opuwa Kamanjab,-Otjovasandu-Kowares do. (9055) 270-0tjitjihua. Keetmanshoop and Aurus-Gariganus-Spitskop- do. Koes (9062) Grauhof-Blaukehl Noord (Bloedvlei)-Tsesreservaat- Shirley (Vaalgras )-Prosopis- /"""'""'~ Skurwevlei-Barbarossa-Namu- toni (Bloekomboom)-Chaub- Kayas-Chaub-Vertwall-Amabele (Suiderkruis ). Keetmanshoop and Aurus-Eisenstein-Gareb-Stamp- do. Aroab (9061) riet-Skrapklip-Guruchab- Deurstamp-Darmstatt-Gross Aub -Schwartzbronn-Hartebeesfon- tein-Hartebeestpan-Donas- Hartebeestfontein-Straussen- nest-Brakpan-Straussennest- Rheinland-Streitdamm . ••. No. 1345 Government Gazette 5 July 1996 3 Omitara and Steinhausen, Manina and do. Otjinene (9067) Summerdown. Omitara and Oko- Omitara Route - Otjinene- do. zondana Keilands-Evare-Summerdown. Walvis Bay and Rooikop-Farm-1 06-Solitaire- do. Steinfeld Farm 411-Escourt-Abendruhe (Tsondab )-Diepri vier (Diep- sand)-Weltevrede-Sukses (Tsarns )-Oorwinning(Wenning)- Goede Hoop-Hebron(Henrob )- Witwater-La Motte-Welverdiend -Neuhof Reserve-Hammerstein- Zwartmodder(Ertjie ), Asbakkies -Zaris. Keetmanshoop and Direct do. Goabeb Walvis Bay and Rooikop-B tillsport(B uelsport )- do. Rehoboth Kambes-Rietoog-Slangkolk- Blauputs-Nooitverwag-Gamis- Garies-Oos Diamant-Lepel- Diarnant-Klein Aub (Klein Aub- mine )-Dymoeb-Kobos-Moutons- vlei-K wartel-Marienhof-Spits- kop-Sandputz-Droe Willem- Rehobothdorp. Walvis Bay and Restock-Berghof-Chausib-Kos- do. Gamsberg (9079) Djab-Hopefield-Hohenheim. ,....., Otjiwarongo and Via Okosongomingo do. Okakarara (9059) Otjiwarongo and Okakarara do. points within Hereroland-West and East Mariental and N arris-Witv lei(Koetzee)Kilo- do. Grenslyn (9031) meter 43-Hofmeyer-Plaas 389- Hoogenhout (Hanhout)-Starnp- ~- riet-Walbum-Osterode North- Osterode South-Witkranz (Martinsau )-Groot N abas- Klein Nabas (Springwater)-Farm 386- . Fricourt-Bernafay -Sponholz- '• Kleinhtitte-Schilflage-N aub- 4 Government Gazette 5 July 1996 No. 1345 Kalverhok-Wildmoor(\Vilde- heide)- Kalkheuvel Kalkklip )- Mooilaagte(Kleinwasser)-Zon- derput-Gat; has-Barani- Hurachas -Oude Muragie(Omakuma)-Aubes- Okampuma-Kowes-Bremen-Trane- dal-Grauwater-Minneplaats- Volmoed(Skeurkrans )-Reo land- Witstruis-Steenbokvlei- Duikerloop-Buchholz-Vergenoeg -Eindpaal-Weilenrode-Geduld (Salsan)-Alpha(Braksand)- Katziesdraai -Constantia (Constanlaagte). Mariental and N arris-Witvlei(Koetzee )- do. Gumuchab (9031) Kilometer 43-Auros-Swartmod- der(Vlakswartmodder)-Schiirf- penz(Soverby)-Wohlzufrieden (Dryersfarm)-Gomaub Stid (Deining)-Campbellsdrei- Lidfontein-Klein Swartmodder- Vredelus (Somershoek)-Gomcha- nas-Paddington-Tsaurob-Derm- Luneberg-Derm-Gomnab-Derm- Kildare (lzakburr)-Blumfelde- Neumark-Blumfelde-Neusimmem- Gumuchab-Veronica-Gumuchab. Mariental and Keikanachab West-Kachas- do. Maltahohe/Nomtsas Groenewald-Dassisfontein (9033) (Windwaai)-Friedabrunn-Hari- bes-Stammland-Keinuchas- I~ Voigtsgrund-Breckhom-Kari- chab-Kachauchab-Maltahohe- Namseb-Marionreitz. Mariental and Koichas-Farm 86-Vogelstruis- do. Toe val pan-Kalkpan(Lendola)-Tugela (Mareesrus )-Teaksputz Tola- Brahman);-Lauenstein-Teaksputz -Louisenhof-Witbooisvlei- Waagkraal-Glinster-Bulwana- Wolwekraal (Ombunga)-Zonder- loop (Gemeenskap)-Aukam- Karaam-Aukam-Inhoek (Bont- bult)-Amandab (Toeval)-Persip Amadap. ••. No. 1345 Government Gazette 5 July 1996 5 Mariental and N arris-Witvlei (Koetzee )- do. Aranos (9031) Hofmeyer-Hoogenhout (Hanhout) -Stampriet-Auob-Eirup-Rohr- Beck (Uitspan)-Gunchab~Nunib- Gunchab-Rohrbeck-Muritz-Oam- seb-Strate-Oamseb-Mentin- Meerlus-Mentin-Oamseb-Cucurnis -Chroasheib-Riesa-Farm 320 (Hartmans Aue )-N abus-Vogel- wei de-Mersa (Rasthaus )- Matruh-Wilheben-Cambridge- Westminster. Windhoek and Klein Aub-Regenstein-Kupfer- do. Isabis (9038) berg-Haris-Bereck -Claratal- Vaalgras-Claratal-Farm Pros- pect-Hoffnungsfelds-Weideboom -Gurumanas-Welgemoed-Noas- Friediental-Rothenstein- lschau-Wessenfels-Hohen- heim (Damwater)-Gamsberg- Hohenheim-Wessenfels- Gollschau. Windhoek and Klein Windhoek-Florahof- do. Zaniasand (9037) Kappsfarm-Finkenstein-Voigt- land-Hohewarte-Grasland- Hohewarte-Hohenau-Humanskuppe (Waldheim-Brack-Elisenhohe- Stolzenfeld-Tsatsachas-Goas- Hatsamas-Bermas-Dordabis- Zeshoek -Gemsbokkoppies (Wit- (' glans)-Smalhoek-Springbok- laagte-N autabis-Anstatt-23 3- Kowas (Neuhof Kowas-Doom- poort (Omugonda)Gomgams- Achenib-Eulenruh-Gameros- Eulenruh-Pommerhagen -Spring- bokvley-Sewejaartjie-Rice (Verras )-Daberos. Windhoek and Windhoek-Achenib as above, do. ~ .... Doreenville Ache nib-Alice-Julia-Alice- (9037) Achenib-Endlich-Evril-Hope (New Illinois)-Flore at-Hope- Faith-Nina-Olive (Footprints) Marguerite - Constance . '" 6 Government Gazette 5 July 1996 No. 1345 Windhoek and Windhoek-Dordabis as above, do. Lauwater Slid Ibenstein,-Autabib-Garib- (9037) Lemoenkop-Garib Ost-Dudoabib- Compromise-Tigerpforte (Ro- landia)-Moedersrus-Bodesdraai -Kl. Nouas-Kiripotib-Klein Nousas-Tsams-Beenbreck- Rheinpfalz-Tivoli-Christerina (Domflaeche)- Domenpfanne- Eschenhof(Karolahof),Albano. Goageb and Farm 71-Isaaksbrunn-Soromaas- do. Helmeringhausen reserve-Bethanien-Umub-Zuur- berg (Vanniekersgenot)-Bossie (Bossiehite )- Dreylingen (Kouamseb)-Chamis Stid-Mooi- fontein (Sterreprag)-Corunna- Goais. Rehoboth and Vogelspan-Uitdraai-Chodab- do. Uhlenhorst Kartatsaus-Strife-Mertens- Wiese-Mertens (Rekenplatz)- Gravenstein (Schafrivier)- Kough (Lemhuhl)-Versailles (Sonderklip )-Girib-Versailles -Den Haag-Cowdry-Kaukerus- Driehoek (Bosula)-Uhlenhorst- Jena-Mbela-Jena-Uhlenhorst Rehoboth and Rehoboth Town-Droe Willem- do. Solitaire (9049) Sandputz-Spitskop-Marienhof- Kwartel-Barnadespan (Alcock- flats)-Nauas-Kubitsaus-Isabis /~ -Kubitsaus-Areb (Skyline)- N auams-N auchas-Alberta (Ekstelle )-N amibgrens-Alberta N auchas-Borodino-Guisis- Gugaub-N auzerus-Lepel-N auze- rus-N oab-Lepel-Remhoogte (High Hill)-Gneisab (Omutun- - da)-Stolzenfels-Abbabis. - I Rehoboth and Rehoboth Town-Droe Willem- do. Lepel(9049) Sandputz-Spitskop-Marienhof- '~- Kwartel-Moutonsvlei-Kobos- Dymoeb-Klein Aub mine-Diamant. Karasburg and Naruchas-Swarthuk-Ortmansbaum do. ~bad(9053) -Warmbad-Haldenwang-Schonau- No. 1345 Government Gazette 5 July 1996 7 Hochland (Nicoshoek)-Harib- Bruinheuwel-Ausschenker (Rooisandvlakte )-Reonama- Noordoewer-Swartbas-Suig- modder-Swartbas-Noordoewer. Karasburg and Naruchas-Bondelswart Reserve- do. Noordoewer (9053) Ri vierside(Y sterput )-Goeie Hoop (Syrivier)-Ausschenker (Rooisandv lakte). Outjo and Bier- Pforte-N amatubis-Trocadero- do. manskool Aimab-Tsaus-Kaitzaas-Tsaus- (9057) Welgemeent-Logonda- Welgemeend -Tsaus-Tzovaas-Otjovasandu- Afguns-Springbok-Vergenoeg- Excelsior-Eldorado-Montebello -Oberland-Montebello-Leeu- poort-Okaukuejo-Leeupoort- Montebello-Eldorado-Excelsior -Vergenoeg-Springbok-Afguns- Volmoed-Nimmerrus-Uitkoms- Eensaam-Marie anna-Vierling- Rustoord-Bakenkop-Windpoort- Mondesir-'Olifantshoek-Farm 295-Bergtoppe-Farm 287- Urumube-Kopermyn. Outjo - Kamanjab Pforte-De Hoop (Valata)- do. and Weissbrunn Luisental-N ungubais-Goreis- (9055) Kleinbegin (Hapu)-Gauas Nord- Transvaal (Eslof)-Galpan- 0 Transvaal-Noodweide-Transvaal -Chamkubis-Otjikondo (Sebras- pan)-Namatange-Elandsput- Chandamas-Nubes-Wagstaan- Spaarsaam-Kroonkom-Oenitzaub- Nadas-Oenitzaub-The Glen- Oenitzaub-Hohenstein-Saratoga Molden-Sydbury-Molden-Hohen- felde-Otjitambi-Hohenfelde- Westfalen (Borolongo )-Lusthof (Ongolo )-Hirabis-Cauas-Okawa- ~- (Nelsdraai)Sending-Okawa- Omuramba-Kalkrand( Granietrand) -Mazuren-Kalkrand-Beulah( Ap- pelblaar)-Kamanjab-Kamanjab North (Dubbeldop) . ••. 8 Government Gazette 5 July 1996 No. 1345 Outjo and Pforte-De Hoop-Luisental- do. Kamanjab Nungubais-Goreis-Hillendale- (9055)

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