S~ifItufa1 inUMtci tLEOLtIM~a hudm fee trairu is. pas scu IL.OPfSCT0 WCNWNCA0~ AUMaMAn It. TV"c opbc"f uLmmsm A Caum Mwsul for Eaxtin Trani Prollmmi Wift"MVGLmn v BlrATEE Al IVAN. W/W A It p.rinted: April. 1970 ZIformation Rlesources Division/PDIM TAMJ OF Comus IN.R EDUCTW N .. ....I $ ... ............. .................. A. EXTUMM TRADWC- -FHM I ............................. mAdmmwmofm u m a ............................. Ww, Ij . ..................... ... ,1 u lotmAVaud A .. ......... ....... l so n (%Bch lu t .......... ...... Fo Vm u ....... ...... 0 Rw M &Plouru .. ... ... S. T1Dg OFg ilft1 OF AGURLATURAL LXTDGCRE FlG RAM C EXT)OM TUMIAWG- MAK II . .......................... , m Y A d . ........... ...... Hm Fer O AM IkM 160 ..................... 1u Lm " " Pms . .. ............................. Ag.mml lm g . .lm. .. ... .. .. .. .. Cjm,mn m om%m .................................... '. ,.mLAW La mm' .. .. ............................ lulusm 49 .. .. .. .. .. la a llw " .... .. p wm v Ch,am ca ra ...... ............................ ..... we . ° . .° -°• AP IM ........ .... o . .. .. .... .. .. °.o. N tu am a %P nodC to" sow smm snm a" No 0 b oln* a"n 6IN WML kl ia tim o U a aw m &W aer ao OwMeL t pom mu biw bre boe bes p fro a r of in w.l - ow Dowbop .a,UeAsid SIM tmew of Air uir e. MIinJ PretIla As ­ C'UNIVral COm au&Inm NA 1I COOTRal Psgbm P110119 4 but7 1118bw ts a d foair ia ist rare ctent or miarl tm cba directly WMV, dweo Wo a Loral peugram aIs the w ad tow a s of tho biy to s Ue tow anmei olLowd in tM hadboo mre adpt for &M tried i the traWL aI Kos lys skn gtaff Tlwy bave bee sucs in that stato A sbrvej of codkm for 0220"bM trals" wa the first stop MANY '. the aw tA describd aI th PArviy are kIoht s vli Ilieyb a r­ ftaedlial of spemcdo local conSmou becomes nwcoenry beore adUA* recan- we,%WA can be maws t is gale, Imee ta o(NiL a coursea ction from th central office befre the rural rce and their preMs hove bee aftibd 1ll agrievitural, mned b@q use. the crops being grown. and the mrtsia probios are onily a low a thr teriore %Wcb req re tluh m cAi TIw wArvy i Keay& revealJ th 1teed for the ui*,diwtloo to ti Idlawry cA Agri' ture ao a programi oadol aci is4Itods and teoclat4e dIrect to the ofto farm family u, iagdw raral youfl and bm e*easkm Althawo to to aner are" are Itqval pansiof ay agricultural .Uentna program. M tra" to thm Ils es diealied to be carried us soamrately by Isdividl, to'kilam Ti selartkI ta ti *erIa program ailoew for broadr ,.Ilorcibn o these spectslsad su'ct for field p lrtkIo, staff npersol wuld br trainud for a cowilote family­ directed eainak program Materials, bs . vml -& aM t* cdvi for tI uial traaug ims v Imes Adoted to met the M I atas taa u rveyad aidsle had- d A o k alttelm has be mrad to beeji all the nasteral relatiu to theI f ind es~fraw ON the traimm Is all caei. direct paflkIPLMt in devsbmw and wor I are uMogral prarts of traila sens T1& badci. thw La a comilallhm of te conteau and materiaal ammeirie of 4gqvbskun *Ruta t nAMG seesn isLa deL4p oW T aetis nomIss that tb7 are bOonly avei, to *Meam trauuia Ratlbr. it to hd thaMit an d bx will ps ow~ srcm ides and ajiprasc bes that masy be aslhe to alb r to abl ve isa sUmblr simlka TO cmU ad i hnbo Isa~@W InLMtwo siv of tramd" ta have boom s operted la Ko" h a be ripl ci mme rial eig t expala program -imi to sgriviwo offere Inac cam be maLnse tl' cd do iryla have bom ted aw hadws Mar t amliss, aid my be iseaeaed or abepi Ow cls -7 1 mam sectu art Solowe by a @or%@ocisi sbsi to do bla r for caotif cla anm~ is agew wlwaexltwm tratif. 7W affmki ecfi No Ort@m and boiuwot 6w a mmfr of pmniow aftohr wnP s @* my beip clarty pedf in lbinfo wd pe,,tveflyt Onbetiw -~lli milwui IF A. EXTENUSON TRAINING "-mI SEXTNSION TRAINING - PHASE I The firs p& ad .emss tramq in geeys a.m Dto deve the prep­ baskca es of method cean wth P ole, sW 6 arst_ am No@ at sci pbe V adft Over viw c towmru yh da"home a dw .gme prrasi are imaedod in the first pume to mako traine aware e sibn rrxsrm as a family directed prolam Wh e satmo coirse oufimj kb fWows & r a ftve-day prcigam tr*tWrg to Kemy Wve *=A that more time my be requred ow review sad daftled dupcs­ ston on the ids" preeaed, either wth the whoit group or wIh Wdv6dol trameS. tim both In In general, bawver, the five day proram ~eei to be the ottim terms o clmc ,fem 1 oftruee aay fromnthe dily operat Maid Pbw a of informuton retained. SAMPLE PROG.RAM FM PHA&J5 I rI9MNHON T-jRAD(U 1/2 hr. lot day itegistratim and Introductiom Primcipies of Agrtculture Eztuicwm (lecture) 1 hr. Commmlcatting With others (lectire) 1 1/2hr. 1/2 hr*. Method Dammstrat"m (lecture) 1 1/2 br. Rand L*t ernig (lecture) 1/? hr. 2nd day Whh Vmisal For Me? (lecture) hr. Adaptig Olbutrations for Vimal AdU (hture) 1/2 I hr. Group AmWwlns for Method Denvxisratons (groups) Me4hod Iemomtratto - (lecture) "Makq a Rope aliter" 1 1/1 br Mtveiopmet of Croup Plans for a Method Dewwwratiev (gr br. I hr. 3rd day Cntimue Demoetration Plans and Preparation (groups) 1 hr. Use r HNadmts - Demoenratov o the Gplatim DuIictcr hr*. Completion of Plas Vimmals, and Man"s (group) 1 1/2 2 bra. Presmetation and Ajpraisa of Demonstratimo (tndiividful fu.p) 1 1/2 bra. 4th day Presentation of Demoarats (coatined) Polish up Your Plans (grot) kr. Rome E temiam Program (Iect are) Damonaratton Check Chart (lecture) 1/2 hr. I hr. TW Farm Vit" (Iectu) 2 bra. 5th day Runl Th Program (le-ture) 1/2 bra. utm ry and Evabsotka I 1 THE PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURAL EXTINUO ImasaaMke in agritcutr is impoeiMoe to daftin a a snlort c xLae p or smdeine. Ax avtp to detne it property nvofves a tegthy eplntlk al several priecldm. Sase my M Is a philosophy volviag a type (4 edwata Othrs my it I: Poopie worlkig tisher to Wars to solve tIir ov proM *es.t ia boti of three and mb nore Antwr dfNKim: AgrUt-WT5l exensio is a system ad e1atio, esMd beyod the clasearn(sof scoKos to the dividwl as the farm, ad is avalaiae to every member o the bmily. It is a two-way method tatag provn practies to farmers and at the sein time. oI"a me te farmer's prab. leas, and brIWagg them .a:kto research peopie for soit~so In turn, the solutiws dmewkWd by reearh are rMured to the farmer in smme developing contries the evoltion o4 agricultural extension came about very siowty The picture (4etxmwton in the United Mates today represents a wide contrast to the piWtvre Mlfty years ago when it had its beginning. Extension has keg pace with the time or it wmdd FAA exist today It passed through many stages while growmng up As the bsgtoiiaC the Io task o the etenoiou worker was to win the com lce ad the farmer The vuteeion workers o thi country today are faced with a similar attuatkat To win the confidence o4 your farmers you must change an attitude that exists as the result o4 p.st law, edorcement actioss carried on by the Iprtment of Agric lture in all counries it s necemsary in the beginninl to convime farmers that exteralon had somethig of value to after farmers. It was necessary to demon­ strata to them that uiletiic farmlit has a practical place on the farm. When some of the more progressive farmers became convinced, this opened the *or for the ex- tension worker and made it posibie for him to extend hm efforts to others It has been known for many years that a respected farmer can convince others to accept new ideas much more easily than can an extension worker. Ths is a fact worth noting, To be succes ful, extension must start where the farmers are and gradually build tht in wp to a level of higher standards ot achievement This bas been true of every country vbore extension is successful When farmers saw their neighbours making proress as the resut of the assistance received from extension workers, it opened their eyes. Once they were convinced, they convwed others. The fact that large utumbers (4 farmers attend your demontratlons is evidence that you have built their confidence in you. This has been the pattern throushou the world and is taking place in Kenya today. From wt has been said here, we can conclude that extension is a change in cuil­ tawe. Today, in countrles where exenusion is advanced, the farmer seeks the as­ siltance (4 the extension worker. This is quite a contras to the attitude of years Past- We have dlscuased extension in terms of some (4 its broader aegacts. There are several specific& which can be bet descrbed as the Principles o4 Agricultural Ex­ tessim. An analogy will help to clarity their signficaw.e "ltereare many hbarriers to esablishing extension in any country. It is mich Ue trying to cros a deep and svift river were there is no bridge.
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