Digitally Continuous Multivalued Functions, Morphological Operations and Thinning Algorithms Carmen Escribano • Antonio Giraldo • María Asunción Sastre Abstract In a recent paper (Escribano et al. in Discrete Introduction Geometry for Computer Imagery 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4992, pp. 81-92, 2008) we have in­ The notion of continuous function is a fundamental concept troduced a notion of continuity in digital spaces which ex­ in the study of topological spaces. For dealing with digital tends the usual notion of digital continuity. Our approach, spaces, several approaches to define a reasonable notion of which uses multivalued functions, provides a better frame­ continuous function have been proposed. The first one goes work to define topological notions, like retractions, in a far back to A. Rosenfeld [19] in 1986. He defined continuous more realistic way than by using just single-valued digitally functions in a way similar to that used for continuous maps continuous functions. in W1. It turned out that continuous functions agreed with In this work we develop properties of this family of con­ functions taking 4-adjacent points into 4-adjacent points. He tinuous functions, now concentrating on morphological op­ proved, amongst other results, that a function between digi­ erations and thinning algorithms. We show that our notion of tal spaces is continuous if and only if it takes connected sets continuity provides a suitable framework for the basic oper­ into connected sets. Independently of Rosenfeld, L. Chen ations in mathematical morphology: erosion, dilation, clos­ [5, 6] seems to have developed the same notion of continu­ ing, and opening. On the other hand, concerning thinning ity, using the terms immersion, gradually varied operator, algorithms, we give conditions under which the existence of and gradually varied mapping. Chen's work appeared origi­ a retraction F : X —> X\D guarantees that D is deletable. nally in Chinese. The converse is not true, in general, although it is in certain More results related to this type of continuity were particular important cases which are at the basis of many proved by L. Boxer in [1] and, more recently, in [2-A\. thinning algorithms. In these papers, he introduced such notions as homeomor- phism, retracts, and homotopies for digitally continuous Keywords Digital space • Continuous function • Mathematical morphology • Simple point • Retraction • functions, applying these notions to define a digital funda­ Thinning mental group, digital homotopies, and to compute the fun­ damental group of sphere-like digital images. However, as he recognizes in [3], there are some limitations with the ho- motopy equivalences he gets. For example, while all simple closed curves are homeomorphic and hence homotopically C. Escribano • A. Giraldo (Kl) • M.A. Sastre equivalent with respect to the Euclidean topology, in the Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Facultad de Informática, digital case two simple closed curves can be homotopically Universidad Politécnica, Campus de Montegancedo, Boadilla del Monte, 28660 Madrid, Spain equivalent only if they have the same cardinality. e-mail: [email protected] A different approach was suggested by V. Kovalevsky C. Escribano in [17], using multivalued functions. This seems reasonable, e-mail: [email protected] since an expansion such as f(x) = 2x must take 1 pixel to 2 MA. Sastre pixels if the image of an interval has still to be connected. He e-mail: [email protected] calls a multivalued function continuous if the pre-image of an open set is open. He considers, however, that another im­ that the deletion of simple points can be completely char­ portant class of multivalued functions is what he calls "con­ acterized in terms of digitally continuous multivalued func­ nectivity preserving mappings." By its proper definition, the tions, and in Sect. 6 we extend this result to simple pairs. image of a point by a connectivity preserving mapping is In the last sections we characterize thinning algorithms in a connected set. This is not required for merely continuous terms of digitally continuous multivalued functions. Specif­ functions. He finally asserts that the substitutes for contin­ ically, we show that the existence of an (TV, k) -retraction uous functions in finite spaces are the simple connectivity F : X —> X \D guarantees that D is 4-deletable (respec­ preserving maps, where a connectivity preserving map / is tively, 8-deletable) whenever D is made of 4-boundary (re­ simple if for any x such that f(x) has more than 1 element spectively, 8-simple) points. The converse is not true in gen­ then f~l f{x) = {x}. However, in this case it would be pos­ eral although it holds in certain particular important cases sible to map the center of a 3 x 3 square to the £-boundary which are at the basis of many thinning algorithms. of it leaving the points of the £-boundary fixed, obtaining For information on Digital Topology we recommend the in this way a "continuous" retraction from the square to its survey [15] and the books by Kong and Rosenfeld [16], and £-boundary, something impossible in the continuous realm. by Klette and Rosenfeld [13]. Other results on the discretiza­ The multivalued approach to continuity in digital spaces tion of topological notions can be found in [9, 10]. As an has also been used by R. Tsaur and M. Smyth in [23], where illustration of the usefulness of topological results, as those a notion of continuous multifunction for discrete spaces is presented in this paper, in applications, we refer the reader introduced: A multifunction is continuous if and only if it is to [11, 21], where the combination of continuous and digi­ "strong" in the sense of taking neighbors into neighbors with tal topological notions has allowed the development of al­ respect to the Hausdorff metric. They use this approach to gorithms to solve important problems, such as topological prove some results concerning the existence of fixed points constrained segmentation. for multifunctions. However, although this approach allows more flexibility in the digitization of continuous functions 1 Digital Spaces defined in continuous spaces, it is still a bit restrictive, as shown by the fact that the multivalued function used by them In this section we recall the basic notions of digital topology. to illustrate the convenience of using multivalued functions We consider Z" as model for digital spaces. is not a strong continuous multifunction. In a recent paper [7] the authors presented a theory of Definition 1 Two points in the digital line Z are adjacent if continuity in digital spaces, using multivalued functions, their coordinates differ by a unit. Two points in the digital which extends the one introduced by Rosenfeld and provides plane Z2 are 8-adjacent if they are different and their coor­ a framework to define topological notions, like retractions, dinates differ in at most a unit. They are called 4-adjacent in a far more realistic way than by using just single-valued if they are 8-adjacent and differ in exactly one coordinate. digitally continuous functions. In particular, the deletion of Note that a point is 8-adjacent to 8 different points and is simple points, one of the most important processing opera­ 4-adjacent to 4 different points. Two points of the digital 3- tions in digital topology, is characterized as a particular kind space I? are 26-adjacent if they are different and their coor­ of retraction. dinates differ in at most a unit. They are called 18-adjacent In this work we look more deeply into the properties of if they are 26-adjacent and differ in at most two coordinates, this family of continuous functions, now concentrating on and they are called 6-adjacent if they are 26-adjacent and morphological operations and thinning algorithms. differ in exactly one coordinate. In an analogous way, ad­ In Sect. 1 we revise the basic notions of digital topology jacency relations are defined in Z" for n > 4, for exam­ required throughout the paper. In particular we recall dif­ ple, in Z4 there exist 4 analogous adjacency relations: 80- ferent adjacency relations used to model digital spaces. In adjacency, 64-adjacency, 32-adjacency and 8-adjacency. Sect. 2 we revise Rosenfeld's notion of digitally continuous Given p e Z" and X c Z" we say that p and X are k- function. In Sect. 3 we introduce the notion of subdivision adjacent if p g X and there exists x e X such that p and x of a topological space used to define continuity for multi­ are ^-adjacent. valued functions and show some basic properties concern­ Given X\, X2 c Z" we say that X\ and X2 are ^-adjacent ing the behavior of digitally continuous multivalued func­ if X\ n X2 = 0 and there exist xieXi and X2 e X2 such that tions under restriction and composition. In Sect. 4 we show x\ and X2 are ^-adjacent. that the basic morphological operations of dilation and clos­ Alternatively, the adjacency of a point and a set, or the ing are continuous functions. We also show that, although adjacency between two sets, can be defined replacing the the dual operations of erosion and opening cannot be mod­ condition X\ n X2 = 0 by X\ ^¿ X2, or, like, for example, eled as continuous functions, they are so if we consider in [16], without imposing any of those conditions. The re­ them defined on the set of white pixels. In Sect. 5 we show sults in the paper and the proofs, with slight modifications, p P P 1 2 3 ' s t p P P 8 4 P P P f 7 6 5 Fig. 3 p is 4-isolated and 8-isolated, q is 4-isolated but not 8-isolated, Fig.
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