Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Xavier Athenaeum Proceedings 5-16-1919 Xavier Athenaeum Xavier University, (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/athenaeum Recommended Citation Xavier University, (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier Athenaeum" (1919). Xavier Athenaeum. 41. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/athenaeum/41 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Xavier Athenaeum by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~XAVIbR ATfilNAillM "'"' ,_...ST. .:XAVIE~ COLLEGE.._, · Vol. VII Cincinnati, 0., Friday, May 16, 1919 No. 14 COLLEGE DEPARTMENT TO BE TRANS­ SAW REAL FIGHTING THE HIGH SCHOOL PLAY Father Mortell Relates His Ex­ The play, 41 Sandy Dandy," which FERRED TO AVONDALE SITE periences. was pl'esented by the Seniors of the It is expected that the l'Ollegian3 High School, was a success beyond all expectations. Indeed, . t was such of St. Xavier'3 w .IJ next year b~ BACK FRO)! CAMP DODGE. A pleasant surprise awaited us located' in a new building to he erect­ Jast Friday, when Father John ·r. a success that th.:!l'e was an immedi­ ed on the Dana Avenue property Mortell, S. J., chaplain of the 82nd ate demand for its presentation purchased eight years ago where St. New England Division, and an old again, not only at the College, but Xavier' Academy :s now situated. St. Xavier professor, walked in upon also in Covington, for the '!nefit of St. Elizabeth Hospital. T l. is, how­ 'fhis property is situated in one of up unexpec tedly and treated us to ever, could not be done, beca•Jse it the finest resideiice districts of Cin­ a most interesting talk on his late was Rev. Fr. Rector's wish that the cinnati, and contains 26 acres, ideaJly experiences in France. He had just boys get back again to their books placed for an educational inRtitution. fin:shed ten months of active service as soon as pos3ible in order to 1t was formerly owned by the Avon­ with our victorious boys rn khaki prepare for the final examination. dale Athletic Club, the present Aca­ and had seen some of the most excit­ However, the requests to put the demy building being the old club­ ing battles in the Great War. play on aga:n indicate very clearly house re-modeled. His talk was not about himself. He had little to ~ ay on that head, the favor with which its first pre­ The athletic field has been well but could not say enough about the sentation was received. It was the called the 14 campus perfect/' full size young heroes of the 82nd Division. first attempt of the kind made in base-ball diamond, gridiron and ten­ "Whenever you 8ee 8. doughboy/' he years, and the enthusiasm which it nis courts being surrounded by slop­ said, "take off your hat to him. aroused opens the way to something ing hills to form a natural amphi­ 'fl.ere are no btittcr or braver men more elaborate in the years to come. theatre. On this field the athletes on this or on the other side of the And when we say this we do not will have an ideal and convenient ocean than our American boys wuo wish to depreciate in any way the place to play their games and to de­ hrour.-ht victory to the Allies." quality of the work done by those velop teams to keep up the reputa­ 4 ' Yuu have heard," he said, "that connected w:th this year's perform­ t :on which the College has always the Marines won the war-or per­ ance. The boys in Fourth Year may held as a leader in sports. haps the M. P.; but I maintain, and well be proud of their accomplish­ The new structure will be in the ment. Those who were in the play Lieut. Jose1>h A. Verkam1>. I think I can prove to you, that the salient formed by the intersection of 82nd Division was a bigger factor in worked hard to perfect their parts, und tho~e who were not in it did all Bloody Run Boulevard and Harold Joseph A. Verkamp, one of five turning the tide of the war than any A venue at Dana A venue, and will in their power to make it what it brothers, all St. Xavier boys, was other Division or department in v.ras.-a :mccess in (">'ery sense of the face the boulevard. It is to be of comm ssioned last fall at Ft. Benja­ France." He went on to outline the brick and concrete, two stories in term. N1..w sce ne~·y was purchased, min Harrison, Ind:anapolis. Later he history of the 82nd's work in the height. The dimensions are to be artistic program..; were got out, tick­ was transferred to Camp Dodge, Ia., war. 142 x 61 feet. The estimated cost ~t s and make-up mnterial were se­ where he was promoled to a firs t (Continued on page 4, column 2. ) of this first building will be $50,000. cured, and the entire expense for lieutenancy in the 14th Infantry. these things was met by the fa!th­ The structure is inte ncl ~ d primarily J oe is now with the Tenacity Manu­ FATHER HENRY mLE'l' WRITES f ul work and co-operation of the to be a science building, and wi ll fucturing Co. FROM LUXEMBURG. whole class. contain physical, chemical and bi o­ Not only wert:! expenses made, but logical laboratories. Provision will ST. LOUIS UNIYESITY STILL $50.00 was left over in clear money also be made for class and lectul'e I Daniel Shannon has received tue LEADS MEDICA L SCHOOLS. for the library. This achievment it­ rooms. following letter from Father Milet, self brings its own reward. The science building is to he the S.J., who is a chaplain in the Army first of a group to be erected in the The medical depal'tment of St. of Occupation. Father Milet is due The managers of the play wish to thank their generous patrons and near future. When the entire pro­ Louis Univers ty, a sister school of to sail for America some time in friends for the assistance they ren­ gram has been carried out, the build­ St. Xavier 's, has always, since it was Mny. ing now about to be put up wil1 be inaugurated some fifteen yeal'S ago A. P. 0. No. 250. dered in making the play a success. devoted purely to scientific purposes. under the direction of the J esuit Fa­ 132nd Inf., 133rd Div., Especially do they thank Mr. Albert thers, ranked with the very best Cansdorf, Luxemburg. Weimer for his fine work in printing school s in the country. The Journal Dear Dan; the prog1·ams, and John and Eugene FATHERS BLAKELY AND CLOUD. of the American Medical Association, Your letter was handed to me to­ Eckerle, Edwin Boeh, Leo Spaeth, in its issue of Apr:t 19th, shows that night at mess. I was certainly glad Robert and Fra ncis Kappes a nd Mur­ Among recent vi sitors at the Co l­ last year's recor d is us good us that to hear from you, although some of ray Paddock, for the songs and mu­ lege were Rev. Paul L. Blakely, S.J ., of other yeal'S, your news was sad. I was especially sic they so generously and so finely and Charles H. Cloud, S.J. The Journal devotes senmd pages sorry to hear of the death or my provided. Father Blakely has been on the to l'ecords made by gl'Ud uates of the young soldier friend. I have attend­ editorial staff of "America," the va1·ious medical sc hoo ls as tested by ed so many of the boys with the I'll. ANDEl!SON RETURNS FROM Catholic weekly review, and conse­ the results of their examinations for uflu.'' both in France and here, that ARMY. queritly is famiJ: a rly known to our li cense to practice their profession. I am getting used to it. Thank God, co llege students. Table F groups all the sc hool::i that it is abating; at least the boys I Rev. Edward P. Anderson, S. J., Father Cloud is Regent 01 the had as many as fifty graduates ex­ have now seem to stand it better A.B., 1893, chaplain U. S. A., has med ical department of St. Louis Uni­ amined. Jn this list are in scribed and comparatively few go into pneu­ been mustered out of the service. Fr. vesity. Four years ago he -.-.·as a the names of veneruble institutions monia, which we dread most. Anderson made a number of trips member of the faculty of Xavier and famous educational centers - Nearly all of them have been over across the ocean aboard a transport Academy. every one with at lenst one failure the top. One Greek, not yet 21, ship during the war. He has taken These Fathers w.ere classmates at noted-until the name of St. Louis claimed he killed ns many Germans up his new duties as chaplain at the St. Xavier College in the late '90's. (Continued on page 3, column 3. ) (Continued on page 2, column 4.) General Hospital of Cincinnati. 2 T H E XAVIE R ATHENAEUM ian salute, which cons·sts of remov­ tithe of our spending money to pay eng .neering school a man learns en­ ing the hat and holding it over the the debt we have incurred.
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