Banana Root System: towards a better understanding for its productive management Proceedings of an international symposium held in San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 November 2003 Sistema Radical del Banano: hacia un mejor conocimiento para su manejo productivo Memorias de un simposio internacional, San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 noviembre 2003 David W. Turner and Franklin E. Rosales, editors INIBAP – International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain The mission of INIBAP is to sustainably increase the productivity of banana and plantain grown on smallholdings for domestic consumption and for local and export markets. The Programme has four specific objectives: • To organize and coordinate a global research effort on banana and plantain, aimed at the development, evaluation and dissemination of improved cultivars and at the conservation and use of Musa diversity • To promote and strengthen collaboration and partnerships in banana-related research activities at the national, regional and global levels • To strengthen the ability of NARS to conduct research and development activities on bananas and plantains • To coordinate, facilitate and support the production, collection and exchange of information and documentation related to banana and plantain. INIBAP is a network of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), a Future Harvest centre. MUSALAC – Banana and Plantain Research and Development Network for Latin America and the Caribbean MUSALAC was created under the umbrella of FORAGRO on 6 June 2000 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, following the signing of a Constitution Agreement. MUSALAC is composed of 15 national research and development institutions representing their respective country (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Venezuela) and 4 regional/international institutions (CATIE, CIRAD, IICA and INIBAP). The main objective of MUSALAC is to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the plantain and banana commodity chain through scientific and technological development by strengthening national research and development programmes, facilitating exchanges between stakeholders and prioritizing and coordinating actions in Latin America and the Caribbean. MUSALAC is led by a Steering Committee composed of one representative from each member country; one President and two Vice-presidents and an Executive Coordinator, which is INIBAP-LAC, headquartered at CATIE in Turrialba, Costa Rica. CORBANA – National Banana Corporation S.A. CORBANA S.A. is a public, non-profit institution, with the following objectives: • To strengthen research on the banana crop • To increase banana productivity at a minimum environmental risk. • To promote programmes on cost reduction • To provide services in research, technical assistance and information on prices and markets. • To facilitate an equal relationship between national producers and export companies. • To establish jointly with the Costa Rican Government, banana policies to help maintaining the industry on the long term. • To centralize banana information to promote and facilitate the participation of the banana sector in research and technological development of the banana sector. Citation: Turner D.W. and F.E. Rosales (eds). 2005. Banana Root System: towards a better understanding for its productive management: Proceedings of an international symposium / Sistema Radical del Banano: hacia un mejor conocimiento para su manejo productivo: Memorias de un simposio internacional. International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain, Montpellier, France. Cover illustration: Transverse section of a mature root of ‘Williams’ (Musa AAA, Cavendish) showing aerenchyma development in the mid cortex. (Credit: Michael W. Shane). INIBAP ISBN: 2-910810-61-5 © International Plant Genetic Resources Institute 2005 INIBAP MUSALAC CORBANA S.A. Parc Scientifique Agropolis II C/o CATIE A.A. 6504-100 34397 Montpellier Cedex 5 Apartado 60 San José France 7170 Turrialba, Costa Rica Costa Rica Banana Root System: towards a better understanding for its productive management Proceedings of an international symposium held in San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 November 2003 Sistema Radical del Banano: hacia un mejor conocimiento para su manejo productivo Memorias de un simposio internacional, San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 noviembre 2003 David W. Turner and Franklin E. Rosales, editors 2 The problem of banana root deterioration and its impact on production C.A. Gauggel et al. 3 Acknowledgements Reconocimientos The International Network for the Impro- La Red Internacional para el Mejora- vement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP) miento del Banano y el Plátano (INIBAP) and the National Banana Corporation y la Corporación Bananera Nacional (CORBANA, S.A.), organizers of the (CORBANA, S.A.), organizadores del International Symposium “Banana root Symposium Internacional “Sistema system: towards a better understanding radical del banano: hacia un mejor cono- for its productive management”, underta- cimiento para su manejo productivo”, ken by INIBAP and CORBANA, wish to agradecen a los patrocinadores y cola- thank the sponsors and co-sponsors who, boradores quienes, con su contribución, with their contribution, made possible hicieron posible el desarrollo de este the development of such an important evento tan importante para el beneficio event for the benefit of the banana sector del sector bananero mundial. worldwide. Sponsors/Patrocinadores: • Lefruit, Ecuador • Dole Fresh Fruit International & Standard Fruit Co. of Costa Rica S.A. • Abonos Del Pacífico S.A. (ABOPAC), Costa Rica • Bayer CropScience, Costa Rica Co-sponsors/Co-patrocinadores: • Grupo Colono División Agropecuaria, Costa Rica • BASF of Costa Rica • Makhteshim-Agan, Costa Rica • Grupo Trisan S.A. and Kemira Grow How, Costa Rica • Industrias Bioquím Centroamericana S.A., Costa Rica • Syngenta, Costa Rica • Chiquita Brands 2 The problem of banana root deterioration and its impact on production C.A. Gauggel et al. 3 Contents i Preface ii Objective 1. Banana root deterioration and impacts on production 1.1 The problem of banana root deterioration and its impact on production: Latin America’s experience C.A. Gauggel, F. Sierra and G. Arévalo 13 1.2 Research in progress and future perspectives on root system management (Abstract) D.H. Marín 23 1.3 Banana yield response to nematode control in Dole farms in Costa Rica (Abstract) M. Castro, R. Duarte, C. Portillo and J. Gonzales 24 1.4 Relationship between functional root content and banana yield in Costa Rica E. Serrano 25 2. Root anatomy and morphology 2.1 Anatomy and morphology of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous roots N. Vásquez M. 37 2.2 Methodologies for root system assessment in bananas and plantains (Musa spp.) G. Blomme, K. Teugels, I. Blanckaert, G. Sebuwufu, R. Swennen and A. Tenkouano 43 2.3 Distribution of banana roots in time and space: new tools for an old science X. Draye, F. Lecompte and L. Pagès 58 2.4 Development and formation of plantain roots (Musa AAB Simmonds) S. Belalcázar C. F.E. Rosales and L.E. Pocasangre 75 2.5 Stratification and spatial distribution of the banana (Musa AAA, Cavendish subgroup, cvs ‘Valery’ and ‘Grande Naine’) root system M. Araya 83 3. Root physiology 3.1 Factors affecting the physiology of the banana root system D.W. Turner 107 3.2 Ion absorption and proton extrusion by banana roots B. Delvaux and G. Rufuikiri 114 4 The problem of banana root deterioration and its impact on production C.A. Gauggel et al. 5 4. Soils and root development 4.1 Soil physical properties and banana root growth R. Vaquero M. 125 4.2 Interrelations between the soil chemical properties and the banana plant root system C.A. Gauggel, D. Moran and E. Gurdian 132 4.3 Banana soil acidification in the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica and its relationship with increased aluminium concentrations E. Serrano 142 4.4 Banana root and soil health (BRASH) project – Australia T. Pattison, L. Smith, P. Moody, J. Armour, K. Badcock, J. Cobon, V. Rasiah, S. Lindsay and L. Gulino 149 5. Pathogen – root system interactions 5.1 The potential use of microbial communities inside suppressive banana plants for banana root protection A. zum Felde, L. Pocasangre and R.A. Sikora 169 5.2 Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and other rhizosphere micro-organisms on development of the banana root system M.C. Jaizme-Vega, A.S. Rodríguez-Romero and M.S. Piñero Guerra 178 5.3 Biological control of nematodes in banana E. Fernández, J. Mena, J. González and M.E. Márquez 193 5.4 Parasitic nematodes on Musa AAA (Cavendish subgroup cvs ‘Grande Naine’, ‘Valery’ and ‘Williams’) M. Araya and T. Moens 201 5.5 The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) - nematode interactions on the root development of different Musa genotypes A. Elsen, R. Swennen and D. De Waele 224 5.6 Secondary metabolites in roots and implications for nematode resistance in banana (Musa spp.) N. Wuyts, G. Lognay, L. Sági, D. De Waele and R. Swennen 238 6. Recommendations 247 7. List of participants 251 4 The problem of banana root deterioration and its impact on production C.A. Gauggel et al. 5 Contenido i Prefacio ii Objetivo 1. Deterioro radical del banano y sus impactos en la producción 1.1 La problemática del deterioro radical del banano y su impacto en la producción: Experiencia en América Latina C.A. Gauggel, F. Sierra y G. Arévalo 13 1.2 Investigaciones en progreso y perspectivas futuras para el manejo del sistema radical (Resumen) D.H. Marín 23 1.3 Respuesta en producción de banano al control de nematodos en fincas de Dole en Costa Rica (Resumen) M. Castro, R. Duarte, C. Portillo y J. Gonzáles 24 1.4 Relación entre el contenido de raíz funcional y la producción de banano en Costa Rica E. Serrano 25 2. Anatomía y morfología de la raíz 2.1 Anatomía y morfología de raíces monocotiledóneas y dicotiledóneas N. Vásquez M. 37 2.2 Metodologías para evaluar el sistema radical en bananos y plátanos (Musa spp.) G. Blomme, K. Teugels, I. Blanckaert, G.Sebuwufu, R. Swennen y A. Tenkouano 43 2.3 Distribución de las raíces de banano en tiempo y espacio: nuevas herramientas para una ciencia antigua X.
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