ACTON • ALFRED • BUXTON • CORNISH • HOLLIS • LIMERICK • LIMINGTON • LYMAN • NEWFIELD • SANFORD/SPRINGVALE • SHAPLEIGH • WATERBORO FREE COMMUNITY NEWSPAP EVERY YOUR ER THURSDAY! www.waterbororeporter.com Locally owned & independently operated VOLUME 17, ISSUE 37 PO Box 75, North Waterboro, ME 04061 • 247-1033 • [email protected] THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 Shapleigh’s lil’ bakery BY JOANNE BARGIONI She bakes many different kinds of bread; Oatmeal, Rye, Wheat, Lil’ Farm Bakery is a delight White, Cinnamon Raison as well waiting to be discovered at 353 as cinnamon rolls, brownies, cup- Owls Nest Road in Shapleigh. cakes, cookies and magic bars Owner and baker Laurie Beth which is a cookie bar made from Fowler uses only farm fresh eggs graham crackers, butterscotch and and she says “all of our goods are coconut and more. made completely from scratch, She also makes cakes for spe- from our cookies to our home- cial occasions such as weddings, made marshmallow fondant to graduations and anniversaries and our pie crusts. We never use box pies to order especially around mixes.” holiday time. Her homemade Fowler opened the bakery in jams and jellies from fruit picked 2016 adjacent to her farm. She from the farm are also on sale. has been baking since she was 14 Any food items not sold are do- years old and dreamed of opening nated to the Acton Food Bank. her own bakery. She starts bak- She has a working farm with ing on Tuesdays, with Wednes- chickens and a rooster, Nigerian days being her big baking day. (Continued on page 4) Laurie Beth Fowler at her Lil’ Farm Bakery in Shapleigh. PHOTO BY JOANNE BARGIONI Support for Southern Maine Feedback needed for Veterans Cemetery U.S. Senators Susan Collins Comprehensive Plan and Angus King announced Should we increase fire, po- that the Southern Maine Veter- BY C.J. PIKE lice and rescue protection? Is the ans Cemetery in Springvale has school system adequate? Should been awarded $2,035,202 for The Town of Newfield recently we increase financial assistance for an expansion project that will sent out tax bills and included in individuals or families that need it? enable the cemetery to serve them was an opinion survey for the And, what about business develop- approximately 40,000 Veter- comprehensive plan of the town for ment? ans, their spouses, and eligible the next ten years. Many live here because of the family members. This funding The committee has been work- rural character and the sense of was awarded through the U.S. ing on the plan for Newfield and community, but this is your oppor- Department of Veterans Af- would like feedback on how tax- tunity to say what else you would fairs’ (VA) Veterans Cemetery payers see the town moving for- like to see in town. It gives resi- Grants Program (VCGP). ward. dents the opportunity to express “The brave men and wom- According to Skip Tonge, sec- that anonymously. en of our military make count- retary of the Comprehensive Plan- According to the town, the less sacrifices to defend our ning Board, the committee would comprehensive plan is a document nation,” said Senators Collins like to see how residents see the that presents a vision for the future The Sacopee Energy Alliance is sponsoring a program that will and King in joint statement. future of the town regarding issues of Newfield. It was first created benefit local homeowners. COURTESY PHOTO “We welcome this important such as recreation, land use and in 1981 setting up the goals and funding from the Department more. growth for the town. It includes of Veterans Affairs, which will Hiking trails, tennis courts, kay- amending land use ordinances, Stay warm this winter and make much needed improve- aking, winter recreation, and other spending public funds and work- ments to the Southern Maine sports, for instance, are all things ing together with the town’s boards reduce your heating bills Veterans Cemetery so that fam- that could be included, if there was and committees to address issues, Last year we reported on a to fit your windows and are basi- ily and friends have a place to enough interest. Last year there and more, that affect local govern- new program for our area…mak- cally a pine frame wrapped with 2 honor their loved ones.” was money in the account for win- ment. ing low-cost insulated interior in- layers of polyolefin film and edged This project will devel- ter recreation and nobody used it. “Comprehensive plans must serts for windows that are drafty with foam rubber to assure a snug op approximately 1.6 acres According to Tonge this is a direct most of the anticipated and/or single-pane. There are a fit that doesn’t allow any cold air through the construction of 554 good opportunity to coordinate growth to areas of town designated lot of windows out there that are through. Although the windows pre-placed crypts, 234 green activities in conjunction with the as ‘growth’ areas, and away from allowing their home-owners to be could be punctured if homeown- burial gravesites, landscaping, library, or to arrange transportation ‘rural’ areas,” according to the cold in the winter or costing lots ers are not careful, smaller tears and supporting infrastructure. for those in need. Transportation original manual for Maine com- of extra money in heating bills. can be easily repaired with clear The VCGP was established may be a big issue as trips to the munities. It is a plan to “stimulate There will be another workshop tape and for larger tears, Window- in 1978 to complement VA’s food pantry, to town, and doctors economic growth, and conserve this fall to make more of the win- Dressers can re-wrap the frame National Cemetery Adminis- visits are all things that are need- large rural territories as working dow inserts. for a small fee. With care, these tration. The program assists ed in a community for those who landscapes and natural gems.” This is collaborative venture inserts can last several years and states, territories and federally don’t drive. Results of the survey will be between non-profit Window- pay for themselves with reduced recognized tribal governments Housing growth is another issue shared in the 2020 Annual Town Dressers based in Rockland, and energy costs in one or two years. in providing gravesites for Vet- on the survey. What should be done Report. Residents should eturn the Sacopee Energy Alliance Over the course of the last 12 erans in those areas where VA’s about housing regarding single their survey to the town office, (SEA) based in the Kezar Falls years that this program has been national cemeteries cannot ful- family homes, low income homes, by Oct. 1. For more information, multi-unit and subdivisions? area. The inserts are custom-made (Continued on page 4) ly satisfy their burial needs. contact Skip Tonge at 351-0101. PAGE 2 Thursday, September 12, 2019 REPORTER Community Calendar UPCOMING EVENTS HISTORY OF MT. WASH- MAINE MYSTERY WRIT- INGTON Friday, Sept. 13, 7 PM, ERS PANEL On Saturday, Sept. Email OXFORD COUNTY FAIR at the Arts Center at 8 Hancock 21, 1 p.m., the Arts Center at 8 news@waterboro Sept. 11-14, 67 Pottle Road, Ox- Avenue in Hiram, Mountaineer Hancock Avenue in Hiram pres- ford. “Oxford County Tradition!” Ed Webster presents a new lec- ents a Maine Mystery Writers Pan- reporter.com Community Day, Educational ture/slide show on the history of el with Richard Cass, Bruce Cof- Day, Demo Derby, Charlie Dan- Agiocochook/Mt.Washington. fin, Kate Flora, and Barbara Ross. ONGOING EVENTS iel’s Band. Visit www.oxford- Suggested donation $10 adult/$5 Free. countyfair.com for more infor- child. APPLE FESTIVAL The Al- WATERBORO FARMERS’ mation or call Jackie Young at CORNISH REPUBLICAN fred Shaker Museum, Giles Fam- MARKET open every Monday 739-9411 TOWN COMMITTEE MEET- ily Farm, the Brothers of Christian LIMERICK ACADEMY ING Sept. 17 at Pike Memori- Instruction and the York County from 2 to 6 p.m. on the Taylor WORK WEEK. Sept. 16 - 21, al Hall, Lower Level, 17 Maple Shelter will be holding their an- House Museum grounds on Route 2019. (Time each day: TBD), at Street (Maine State Route 25) at nual Apple Festival fund raiser on 5 in Waterboro. See list of vendors Limerick Academy Building (be- 6:30 pm. All Republicans from Saturday, Sept. 21 and Sunday, weekly on their Facebook page. hind the Main Street Bandstand). Cornish are invited to attend and Sept. 22. The Festival is held from CLARE LONGENDYKE TAYLOR/FREY/LEAVITT Donate a few hours any day this participate in this meeting and to 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and - PIANIST Sunday, Sept. 15, 3 HOUSE MUSEUM, 6 Old Al- week to help clean, organize, go take this opportunity to discuss Sunday. It is free and there is hand- to 4 p.m. at the Saco River The- fred Road at the intersection with through Odd Fellows regalia, help and explore potential inter-town icap parking at the Museum. Each atre’s The Old White Church, Sokokis Trail, Waterboro Cen- with various projects. Please check committee group meetings, ideas group benefits from your patronage 15 Salmon Falls Road, Bar ter, will be open each Saturday our Facebook page for specific for growing our local GOP organi- and thanks you in advance for your Mills. Tickets are $15. Reser- morning from 9 to noon through zation, and ways to prepare for the times, duties, etc. Bring cleaning participation and support. The Mu- vations call 929-6472 or www.
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