LITTLE STORIES with B I G M E A N I N G Parables in Poetic Form by Shirley May Davis Copyright c January 2003 by Shirley May Davis TABLE of CONTENTS Index ..................................................................... 3 Lamp Light .......................................................... 5 The Difference ................................................... 6 New Versus Old ................................................. 7 Heart Condition .................................................. 8 Small Beginnings .................................................9 Wheat or Weeds .................................................10 Heaven Like Leaven ..........................................11 Treasure Without Measure ..............................11 Pearl Seeker .........................................................12 Fish - In or Out ................................................... 12 Lost and Found ................................................... 13 Importance of Forgiveness .............................14 Penny Paycheque ...............................................15 To Go or Not To Go ..........................................16 To Feast or Not To Feast .................................17 Vengeance in the Vineyard .............................18 Little or Much ................................................... 19 Ready or Not, Here I Come..............................20 Wise or Foolish .................................................. 21 Neighbourliness .................................................. 22 Unwise Decision ................................................ 23 5-2-1 = 10-4-0 .................................................... 24 Keep Alert .......................................................... 25 Persistent Prayer Prevails ...............................26 Unexplainable Growth .....................................27 Be Ready ............................................................ 28 Many or Few ..................................................... 29 Production or Reduction ................................30 Come and Dine ...................................................31 Time to Rejoice .................................................. 32 Care of a Coin ....................................................33 Count the Cost .................................................. 34 Two Pray-ers .................................................... 35 Who Will Be Your Master? ...........................36 Doing Your Duty ............................................. 37 - 3 - TABLE of CONTENTS (continued) Never Give Up ................................................. 38 Use Wisely What’s Given to You ...............39 Good to Bad and Bad to Good .................40 Common Titles for Parables .........................41 - 4 - LAMP LIGHT A light to those groping in darkness Is what God has called us to be. Have we covered our light with a basket? Is it high up so others may see? Our life should be lived before others That those who are watching may see Our good works, yet give glory to God, Not unto you or to me. The things that today may be hidden Will be revealed by God one day. Let’s allow Him to shine His searchlight Upon us and humbly pray. As the lamp illuminates surroundings By its bright and far-reaching rays, If we keep our lamp trimmed and burning, It, too, will show others God’s ways. Lamp under a Bushel Matt. 5:14-16 Mark 4:21,22 Luke 8:16,17 Luke 11:33-36 - 5 - THE DIFFERENCE Many heard the words of Jesus as He taught folks day by day Some acted upon what they heard, Others casually went their way. Jesus compared those who heard Him unto builders with a great plan. One man dug a foundation and labourously built - a wise man! The other man thought that he knew a simpler and quicker way. Without foundation, his house went up and was finished in just a few days. Soon came the rain and wild tempest, vicious storms in the midst of the night. Only one house had not crumbled when viewed in the morning’s light. What was the difference between them? Each heard what Jesus did say. The wise man acted upon what he heard. The foolish man did not obey. So, let us take heed and obey each word that the Master does speak, Then we will withstand life’s trials as they come to us week by week. Wise Man Builds on Rock and Foolish Man Builds on Sand Matt. 7:24-27 Luke 6:47-49 - 6 - NEW VERSUS OLD If one does sew an unshrunk patch onto a garment that’s old. The new will pull away and both the new and old be ruined, we’re told. Likewise, one does not put wine that’s new into wineskins which are old. The skins will burst, the wine will be lost. This is a parable which Jesus told. Fresh wineskin's required for what is new if the wine is not to be lost. So let us not mix flesh and spirit, but accept the new (spirit) at any cost. Unshrunk Cloth on an Old Garment New Wine in Old Wineskins Matt. 9:16,17 Mark 2:21,22 Luke 5:36-39 - 7 - HEART CONDITION A sower went forth one day to sow. Good seed was all that he had. Some seed feel upon good ground, Other seed fell upon bad. This is a parable which Jesus told To folks many years ago. Its truths are important for us today, Let’s listen so that we will know. Some of the seed fell on the roadside, On paths many travelled past. The birds of the air, ever watchful, Swooped down and snatched it up fast. Other seed fell upon rocky ground Where the soil was sparse and thin. Although it sprang up immediately, Died quickly, no depth within. When the heat of temptation arose And trouble began to come, Because there was not much soil, no root, Satan soon a victory won. Still some other seed fell among thorns Which quickly choked the good seed; Pleasures, deceitfulness of riches, Caused hearers to take no heed. But oh, some seed fell upon good ground, It was received, and held fast; Increased thirty, sixty or one-hundred-fold, Much fruitfulness, sure to last. - 8a - Heart Condition (continued) The Sower, we’re told, is the Son of man. The Seed is the Word of God. Let’s carefully heed the Word we hear, Make sure our heart is good sod. The Sower Matt. 13:3-9, 18-23 Mark 4:3-9, 14-20 Luke 8:5-8, 11-15 - 8b - SMALL BEGINNINGS The smallest among garden herbs are the wee, tiny mustard seeds. When planted, they grow and become very great, and meet other’s needs. The wild birds of the air soon find shelter in their branches, so tall. God has a plan for each of us even though, at first, it seem small. So let us yield, and allow God to plant us where ere He deems best. Fed by the Word, warmed by the Son, we’ll become a haven of rest. The Mustard Seed Matt. 13-31,32 Mark 4:30-32 Luke 13:18,19 - 9 - WHEAT or WEEDS The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a man sowing good seed in his field. He worked hard,he worked long, expecting at Harvest he’d receive a good yield. But while he was sleeping, an enemy came with a wicked plan in his mind. Among the good seeds,he sowed some weeks. Before long, the farmer these weeds did find. His servants observed his dilemma and offered the weeds to pull out. “Oh no!” the farmer replied, “Not so, and I’ll cheerfully garner what’s mine.” “Let both of them grow side by side ‘Til comes the great Harvest time. Then the weeds will be pulled up, burned, and I’ll cheerfully garner what’s mine.” We all live on this earth together, the wicked as well as the good. When Jesus returns at the end of the age all will be righted and end as it should. The Tares (Weeds) Matt. 13:24-30 - 10 - HEAVEN LIKE LEAVEN The Kingdom of Heaven Jesus likened to leaven. A woman took it and hid it In three pecks of meal -- yes, she did it! The leaven did cause the meal to swell. This parable Jesus did tell. The Leaven Matt.13-33 TREASURE WITHOUT MEASURE In a field a man found a treasure. Overjoyed was he without measure. He hit it, then ran, his possession to sell. WSith his new treasure he knew he’d do well. The Hidden Treasure Matthew 13:44 - 11 - PEARL SEEKER The Kingdom of heaven is likened To a merchant who had a great plan. He sought ‘til he found a fine pearl, Sold all and bought it - a very wise man! The Pearl of Great Price Matt. 13:45,46 FISH - IN OR OUT Again the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea. Fish of all kinds were gathered within, then sorted, their outcome to see. The good fish were put in containers, the bad quickly thrown away. At the end of the age, angels will come take out the wicked without delay. They will be cast into a furnace of fire, much weeping, to be sure, there will be. Let’s respond to Jesus, do as we should that this not happen to you or to me. The Dragnet Matthew 13:47-50 - 12 - LOST and FOUND One hundred sheep is what the man had, but one of his sheep went missing. The shepherd left the ninety and nine, and searched for the lost one, unrelenting. We’re ot told how many hours he searched, but of this we can be very sure. He searched ‘til he found his little lost lamb, carried it home where safe once more. ‘Twas then he called his neighbours and friends, to come and rejoice with him. Tho’ ninety and nine were safe in the fold, this lamb was precious to him. Just so, our Father who is in Heaven is concerned for all who are lost. Whenever a sinner truly repents all Heaven rejoices, knowing the cost. The Lost Sheep Matt. 18:12-14 Luke 15:3-7 - 13 - IMPORTANCE of FORGIVENESS A certain king called his servants before him. He wanted to settle accounts. As each appeared, the ledger was opened. Each servant was told his amount. One slave who came owed the king a huge sum. He had no money to pay. He and his family would have to be sold To help his debt to repay. The slave, upon hearing these stern words, Humbly fell at his master’s feet. “Have patience with me. I’ll repay you all.” The king, his debt, did delete. Forgiven, this slave went immediately out, Found one who owed him a small amount, “Pay back what you owe me, do it right now!” The slaved cried with a shout.
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