mmm ••w -m^^^mm .ol"19"^ VOLUME 29 NUMBER l MONDAY, JUNE 14,1993 » WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 44 PAGES FIFTY CENTS 1993 Suburban.Cwmtunications CorpornliOn Family escapes fire, dad charged Robert Mulka's pregnant wife is standing by her hus­ . The flames erupted about 6:30 a.m. Mulka, who had'worked at Leader May 25 and 'spread rapidly through Machine Products Inc. in Westland, band. Mulka is charged .with attempted murder and' the residence because the living room has been scheduled for a preliminary arjson following a house fire that started while Mulka's had'been doused with a flammable examination Thursday — a hearing wife and their two children slept. liquid, .Westland fire officials have that will determine if he should stand ruled. trial on the charges. Election results: Find but how The mother and children escaped Mulka glanced toward his family as your neighbors voted in your BY DARRELL CLEM trollably after Mulka was arraigned from the heavily damaged house near authorities led him in Jhandcuffs from school election by calling our hot STAFF WRITER in court Friday afternoon on three Palmer Road and Venoy by climbing the courtroom. He could face up to A financially distraught Westland counts of assault with intent to mur-. through the 7-year-bld girl's bedroom life in prison if convicted of trying to line, 953-2024. Callers will be able man has been charged with trying to der and onef count of arson. window, Westland Detective Sgt. kill his family. He could face 20 years to find but vote totals in their kill his pregnant wife and their two MuLka's wife, 22, and two daugh­ Marc Stobbe said Friday. if found guilty.of arson. communities as well assurround- young children by setting the family ters, ages 7 and 1, escaped from the Robert Mulka, wearing blue jeans Wendy Mulka, accompanied by ing suburban communities. Vote house on fire while they were sleep­ family's four-bedroom brick ranch and a black T-shirt, was arraigned family and friends, sobbed as she ing. home in the 32500 block of Parkwood Friday before 18th District Judge C. walked from the courtroom Friday, totals will be available at 9 a.m. on Robert Michael Mulka's wife, after the older daughter awoke and Charles Bokos, who set a $250,000 and she did not stop when the Ob- Tuesday, June 15. Wendy, who police, said believes her "couldn't breathe" in the. smoke- cash bond. A plea of not guilty was husband is innocent, sobbed uncon­ filled house, Westland police said." entered for him. See FIRE, 4A Festival fun: For updated infor­ mation on area festivals, such as the Garden City Festival or Livo­ nia Spree, dial 953-2005. College Gunman sought: Police are look­ ing for a gunman who robbed a gasoline station at Ford and Venoylast week./3A • - • at Stake TASTE BY SUSAN ROSIER STAFF WRITER Sensational steaks: Three fa­ Polls are open until 8 p.m. for vot­ thers who love to cook share tips ers to cast ballots in local school elec­ for grilling beef./IB tions and the race for Schoolcraft Col­ lege Board of Trustees. In the college race, six candidates Super Suppers: "What's for din­ are seeking three seats on the board ner?" Our new column offers ideas for putting dinner on, the table in a • ELECTION hurry after a busy day at work. — one four-year term and two six- /IB year terms. Squaring off for one four-year term are Winifred Fraser of Northville and STREET SCENE Richard DeVries of Livonia; Seeking the two six-year terms are Catherine Broadbent of Westland, Linda Chuhran of Canton Township, John Walsh of Livonia and Patricia Watson of Northville. .,••..-••. Fraser; aj>^intedfitid:the "School­ craft board in January, is retired from GUY WARREN/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Wayne State University, where she. Seniors of the Year: Eleanor and Edward Zajdel, married for 47 years, made history by See COLLEGE, 2A becoming the first couple to be honored together as senior of the year for community service. Togetherness: In a way it's a mini music revolution. Bands are Voters visit working together, taking charge of 'Together' couple honored their careers. The end result has been Club of Faith, although the polls today club part should not be confused for service to community Don't forget to vote today in one of two board of education elections. with the clubs they perform in./5B Polls will be open to 8 p.m. for BY DARRELL CLEM That's the way they do things — named Westland Senior Citizen of Wayne-Westland and Livonia school STAFF WRITER together. the Year for Community Service. district residents1. INDEX With their marriage 47 years "He's always helping me," Elea­ They recently won the award dur­ In the Wayne-Westland district, strong, Edward and Eleanor Zajdel nor said. "I can't be without him. ing a ceremony at the city's Friend­ voters will fill two four-year terms. remain inseparable. The neighbors say they've never ship Center. Candidates are John Brady, Patri­ When she goes to hospitals to seen two people like us. We're al­ Westland residents for 33 years, cia Brown, incumbent Sharon Felan, Classifieds . B-D Obituaries . 9A visit the sick, he drives her. ways together." Eleanor, 75, and Edward, 74, are Mathew McCusker and Roberta Pa- Auto C,D Personals . 7B When she visits elderly and dis­ It seems only fitting that the known for their dedication to St. quette. Felan was named to a vacancy Employment . C,D Street Scene SB abled senior citizens in nursing Zajdels have become the first cou­ last summer and is running for a full Real estate . .B,C Sports ... 1C homes, he accompanies her. ple ever to share the honor of being See COUPLE, 4A term. Crossword . OB Taste. IB Malls 6A In the Livonia district, which rep­ resents the northern section of West- land, there are nine candidates seek­ Senior for Leadership ing two four-year terms. HERE'S HOW TO REACH US They are Suzanne Clulow, Pamella Guarneri, Frank Kokenakes, James McNeilly, incumbent Diane (Pat) looks out for the needy Tancill, Clifford Thompson, David Newsroom: 591-2300 Underwood, Ralph Walko and Leo Newsroom Fax: 591-7279 BY DARRELL CLEM liver the meals in a van from West- Weber. Nightline/Sports: 953-2104 STAFF WRITER land's senior citizen Friendship Tancill is the only incumbent on Center. Reader Comment Line: 953-2042 Armand Russo, 70, is a welcome the ballot. visitor to some of Westland's needi­ "When you walk into an apart­ - Westland residents in the Livonia Classified Advertising: 591-0900 est residents — senior citizens who ment of the less fortunate people, district can also vote for three School­ Display Advertising: 591-2300 are shut in at their homes because they get a big smile on their face," craft College board positions. Home De//Very; 591-0500 of physical disabilities or illnesses. Russo said, smiling himself as he Richard DeVries and incumbent Several days a week, the West- talked about his volunteer work. Winifred Fraser are seeking a four- land man volunteers to take meals Russo has been named Westland year term while Catherline Broad-, to homebound seniors. He even got bent, Linda Chuhran and incum­ a commercial driver's license to de­ See LEADERSHIP, 4A Armand Russo bents John Walsh and Patricia Wat­ son are after the two four-year terms. Chamber activities ist in the Miss American Princess pageant, sched­ uled for the Holiday Inn South-Lansing Aug. 1, The Westland Chamber of Commerce has a PLACES & FACES Holly is the daughter of Lonnie and Judith Ash- flurry of programs scheduled for this month, start­ burn and is sponsored by L&J Transport. Her ing with Michael Duggan, deputy county execu­ its annual Michael Sonk Memorial Golf Outing at hobbies are'daneing, scouts, reading and swim­ tive, who came to town last week to discuss the 9 a.m., Thursday, July 29, at Fellows Creek golf ming. Contestants will be judged on poise, person­ planned Metro Airport expansion. The chamber course, on Lotz north of Michigan Avenue, Canton ality, stage appearance, personal interview and will sponsor its annual golf outing June 29 and Township. Donation is $100. Proceeds will sup­ achievements. , \ take part in the Five-Star legislative breakfast on port the Invest in Youth program which allows June 24 featuring Detroit mayoral candidate low-income families to take part in Y programs. Dennis Archer. Archer's appearance set for the Tickets are available from Tom Brown, 595-1699 Hellenic Cultural Center, on Joy east of New- or the Y office, 729-7044. The outing will include Albion graduate burgh. Information on all the chamber functions 18 holes of golf, a riding cart, refreshments and a in June may be obtained by calling 326-7222. dinner. John Brannan of Westland received a degree in economics and management from Albion College Golf outing Pageant finalist last month. He is the son of Rtqiard Brannan of The Wayne-Westland Family YMCA will hold Holly Anne Rose, 7, of Westland is a state final- Westland. •_ , __ i •••-•- „ , . ; : , , .,,1....,. _*— mmmm ^F^w 2A(W) The Observer/MONDAY, JmE 14,1993 Scholarship winners: Seniors Wayne-, Boardhonors Westland students Da­ win vid Thomp­ high-flying son, Brooke Eggers, awards Mary Ann Englehardt Four Wayne-Westland stu­ , ana Walter dents have won college scholar-v Spadacini A graduating senior whose ships from the Westland Rotary received ' • 'Kevin represents Club. accomplishments have includ­ the best and brightest Westland ed receiving ah appointment to John Glenn High seniors David Rotary Club the • Air' Force Academy was •.fo r a long time In the Thompson, Mary Ann Engelhardt honored by the board of educa­ and.
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