Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-16-1997 The BG News October 16, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 16, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6227. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6227 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. OPINION 2 TODAY Directory TRIBE JVATCH Tribe going to Switchboard 372-2601 Reader responds to column on alcohol and Classified Ads 372-6977 World Series Display Ads 372-2605 hazing among Greeks Editorial 372-6966 Sports 372-2602 ALCS Game 6 Entertainment 372-2603 Cleveland wins series, 4-2 NATION 4 Story idea? Give us a call Indians 1 partly sunny weekdays from I pm. to 5 pm., or NASA launches rocket bound for Saturn e-mail: "[email protected]" see page 6 Orioles 0 High: 57 Low:34 THURSDAY October 16,1997 Volume 84, Issue 36 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio 'Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75 years" & Universities look to combine education with diversity ED/TOR'S NOTE: The University □ University initiatives dis- The sessions planned at the conference fining Merit." John Hope Franklin, a leading is an active participant in "Educat- will focus on how institutions can educate writer and historian about race and ethnici- ing 1/3 of a Nation," a conference cussed at a diversity conference EDUCATING students about the importance of diversity. ty, will join Ribeau in the session. Franklin is on diversity issues beginning today also scheduled to address the conference. in Miami. University President Sid- may be highly influential to University presidents will meet with di- A CAMPUS ney Ribeau will join many national other higher education institu- versity researchers to find a common Judith Winston, executive director of President Clinton's Initiative On Race, will aures, including President Billtions. ground on the combination of higher educa- nton, to discuss Bowling Green's tion with diversity issues. personally meet with Ribeau and other uni- diversity initiatives. By DARLA WARNOCK versity presidents. She will also participate Today is the final of a four-part The conference will kick off Thursday series previewing this forum. BG The BG News with an opening plenary session by the Hon- in a news conference in which some of the University's efforts on diversity will be News reporters Darla Wamock and orable Alexis Herman, Secretary of the U.S. Fourth in a series Sarah Bednarski are in Miami and Diversity, opportunity and American a- Department of Labor. It will continue highlighted. will provide in-depth coverage be- chievement will be the focus of the "Educat- Lorna Gonsalves-Pinto, research associate ginning Friday. throughout the weekend with sessions ing 1/3 of a Nation" conference starting in scheduled to discuss the next steps of di- in the Office of Diversity Initiatives,.is ex- Miami Thursday. And the initiatives at the versity in education. cited to attend the conference because of the University may turn out to be highly in- University President Sidney Ribeau will focus on the importance of a diverse educa- fluencial to other institutions of higher edu- moderate a session Friday morning concern- tion. She is scheduled to take part in the con- cation. ing "Diversity, Af irmative Action and Rede- • See CONFERENCE, page four. Free Stuff? Hockey player pleads not guilty Price was driving home from a □ Dan Price pleads not football game, when he misjud- guilty to aggravated ve- ged a curve, causing him to lose control. The car then went off of hicular homicide at his the right side of the road and into arraignment. a ditch. The BG News The passenger and owner of the car, Ryan Bernthisel, was Arraignment was held killed after being ejected from Wednesday for University stu- the car, which rolled over several dent, Dan Price, who was times before stopping. Price, who charged with aggravated vehicu- was also thrown from the vehi- lar homicide for an accident that cle, received minor injuries. occurred on Sept. 13, which left Neither of the men were wearing one dead. seat belts. Price, a member of the Univer- Small amounts of alcohol were sity hockey team, pleaded not detected in Price's blood, accord- guilty to the charges and is ing to Larry Schneider, the Union scheduled to appear in court for a County prosecuting attorney. scheduling conference on Dec. Schneider said the charge is a 16. At that time, Price will either felony of the third degree and if accept the plea given by the convicted, Price faces one to five Union County Prosecuting Attor- years in jail and license suspen- neys Office, or set a trial date. sion. Clinton speaks to BG Ncwi PhMo by Cliu Fit mln« children in Brazil )amie Cremean, freshman undecided, Allison Neely, freshman spe- I fill out a survey on the Education building steps in order to receive President Clinton conspicuous sign read. "Go Back cial education major, and Chris Sniegowsky, freshman art major, a free dry-erase board. □ praises Brazil's president to USA." But on the field, the president for trying to improve got a rousing welcome. He was schools. accompanied by Brazil's soccer Latino panel tries to dispell stereotypes legend, Pele. Olympic Village, a The Associated Press program largely financed by □ Latino students share RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil -- Xerox, provides education, job some of their cultural From Brazil's wealthy financial training and sports to lift chil- experiences. capital to a gang-ruled slum, dren out of despair. President Clinton visited this na- Clinton's message: that By ROCHELLE CONVERSE tion's haves and have-nots on government and business have a The BG News Wednesday, lamenting the "age- "practical and moral obligation" old curse of Latin America." to alleviate poverty. He praised Growing up Latino varies from Amid intense security, the President Fernando Henrique person to person and is as di- president and his wife, Hillary, Cardoso for trying to improve versified as the people who are ventured to the entrance of the primary and secondary schools. included in the ethnic group. Mangueira Hill shantytown, £ "Brazil's most important debt With experiences ranging from slum of board shacks and brick is to its children," the president skin color, to language, to dealing houses notorious as a drug- said. "Educating all of them is with stereotypes and mispercep- selling spot. the best investment Brazil could tions, several Latino students make." shared their experiences of \ In a nation of sharp economic Later, Clinton toured Rio by he- growing up in America as a La- [inequality, Clinton said, "It is licopter, twice passing by the tino Wednesday. Wong for only a few to reap the famous mountaintop Christ stat- A panel of six representatives penefits of the wonderful ue, 126 feet tall, aides said. from the Latino Student Union, ichanges going on while many The president then flew to included those with Spanish de- |remain mired in poverty. That is Buenos Aires, Argentina, for a cent as well as Mexican, Puerto a betrayal of our values of indi- rwo-night stay. Rican and Panamanian. vidual integrity and equal oppor- Once known as the birthplace "When I walk across campus, tunity." of samba, Mangueira has gained people will think I'm black be- Sharp- notoriety for the violent gangs cause of my complexion," said shooters with that control the shantytown hill- Xiomara Eaves, corresponding binoculars 25 BF1 side and Rio's other slums. The secretary of LSU. BG Newf Pholo by Amy Strieker watched the 10-year-old Olympic Village pro- With a lot of people initially hillside above gram has helped change; some of perceiving her as African- Members of the Latino Student Union, from left to right, Jennifer Kabasan, Gabiel Marquez, Marta the "Vila Olim- its athletes even participated in American, Eaves said many have Romero, Bellanira Vega, and Xiomara Eaves share their expereinces of growing up Latino in the United pica" _ Olym- the 1996 Summer Olympics at At- been astonished and given her States at a University Community event yesterday. pic Village - lanta. looks of disbelief when finding soccer field "For here school attendance Is out she is Latino. president of LSU, the Issue of high schools In the city, St. John's tinos. Now, as a freshman at the where Clinton nearly perfect. Dropout and Ju- Yet, she was raised by parents, dark skin color is a mispercep- Jesuit. University, he plans to continue spoke to an au- venile crime rates have plum- who taught her to be proud of her t ion of Latinos. While in high school, he his involvement. dience of poor children. Soldiers meted," the president said. Panamanian ancestry. "If you go to South America, learned the importance of be- "It's my family and it's my lined nearby streets. On a free- According to Gabiel Marquez, you will find many Latinos with coming involved with other La- • See LATINO, page five. way ramp behind Clinton, a • See CLINTON, page five. 1 page 2 The BG News ^hursda^^ctobeM6J997 Tony Cavallario Opinion Editor Opinion 372-2604 CopyrijhtC 1997, TV BG Newt. Bowling Gran. Ohio. Reprinting of any material from this publication H without the permission of The BG News- is strictly prohibited. TV BG News it an independent publication founded in 1920 and it published daily during the academic year and weekly during the summer semester.
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