ft w p m E 7 By Anpolntmebt to ; , iiMt.v. i'- HIB'MAJESTY THE JONG. i .. l i u A N ‘ ti HKB MAJESTY, THE.QUEEN. ft 1 AUL'S 'j'. 1- iJ HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDBA. i l l S' A' ear. C ■ A tits w eek showing M i !-■ EASTMAN L t d . '.S5 . X f a mi jnif c^nt lange! of £ r s o n ' S'i- I4 (Dyers and Cleaners) Ltd. J , | 1 T be London' Pyers & Cleaners. BK; 't c I ntotJN ES i ' itti i 0 t{ • 2 / ' CARPETS DYED ! IflADE U^P iAS THEY ARE, ■-ll B MIGEST OiRCt UtiAillON AE( PAPER. OLDEST EST LISHED. 5 3 8 t 5 i a . T e mi i aus Roa<], • At ■ 12, Sussex Gardens,! i '' *«H*wl IASTB9URNE, erminus.Road, Eastbourne. :> T plephpne S24i ti YEAR ClF A > U B U C K t IiON N o . 3 0 9 2 , . '4'- .; BECJKE'i.'T, LCD., P ro p rieto rs: C dices,wi""" 4, FeyeDSov Road. EEGISTE^E i r THECi.P 0. 2^0 Branches. \r Tel. 1161. “ Gazette ‘ T elephone N o; 987 (two lines). EA^TEPDRljn! '‘isiM SD A Y , M a y 2 4 , 1 9 1 6 . NEV|i PAPg it O n e P e n t s y . t . r •7T ...... I. ii!.,. B i R T n |s . M A RIAG^S. DEATHS BUSINESS ANNOUNCEAI ENTS. ED^ilCAtiON. EDUCATION, PUBLIC NOTICES. PREACHERS] FOR THE WEEK IRTHS. a p t is t ROR'WABD m i s s i o n , l RANVILLE KOG3E, E A ST B O^ U R N E C 0 L LEGE, CONVALESCENT PATIENTS, : l # « COSSOW.ihOnI the 7th of MAy, a t 38, iSe'aef de­ , SEASIDE, 1 road, El tbpurne] the wife of A. Gossow of EL. 4:24: TE[L. 424 GAD DICK n o iD l MBA DS.. BA'STBOUB NE. B^iEIVBD IN .BOAUrjlNQ HOUSE ON SEA B Treacher SUNDAY. MAY 28, 191A I a sou. , PBESlDEtil: Morning, at II. i- • i I; t h B: D U ^ OF DEVpNSHl 8El K.G. ' lioNT KEPT BY TWO CEBTIFICATED . h a in e I- lay 18tb, a t Bath l/'iUa. Eastbourne, ! NUP.toS. Evening, at A33. ' i to Me. i ndiMrs. m Uainp, a son.. Besidentiai 'Phopaijatory and Finishing Girls' HUDIUSTEB! MR. C. FORD B m M : M E l i l - M - I i EY, I School. _ . BEV. F; S. WILLIAMS. M .i. JOHNSO...4.—Oh _ tbel §:stof Uiy. at'Ea8tb6ui*ne. (Londbn Evangelization Society). the vifei-ot tlen .ut A. |l . Johnson, is t EVEEY CAKE AND ATTENTION. THE HOUSEHOLD d A' ' Brlglit Gosnel Services. Sankey'sHymaa " busseot Teomanr:,.. of a eoii. ' ! A E E E S i Prinelpala: HUS. i;C. B. d«r ,la MOTHS and h e 1 SCHOOL Is a .F1B8T kiBhDB SCHOOL AU seats fr^ and unappropriated. WISE. tay^23i d, 1S16. xjt Lism<fte,I^Medds. MRH.. NBI.8CHr FOLET (B.8A. Umd.). late of T forr the sonb ot gentlemen; 3oyt are pre- to tb^ 9Ke>r. Wise i.pd H r s, iW te^ a A K E SHOW IN G T H IS W^JiEK I the Ladies’ ( ollegc, Dbelteutfam. asSltted by a pared, lor_ the__ Oniversitiee.___ _______ the__ Army,' Navy d I i /1/ Visits to Paiiefits in their Own iwefl-qualt6ed'StaO. and - 0 vil> Services, Profession i. and Com- PPERTON ^CON G RfiGATION AL claugbtejfr. Life; : MI^RRIAGI:. merplal H om es i f required. a CHURCH,I UPPEHTON BOAD. I g ; lAKD FALUE 3N LACE CUBT.UNS. KGVE T I E S I N L i CE BLlNDS.i '■ .■>■ ... ‘ I i ■ There are ispecial Army and Claisee. ...... ■ .r ! ' '-'''I RUSskl.L.'-Ap:'il 1 27, liat Holy House boautiIf|nlly situated .rd its own grounds. For prilepectusiAnd information as to recent SUNDAY NEXT,! MAY 28.' i ’f T rinity SChniroh, Upper iker, byi: the Key. Uuod,■ ..'Tcuni^ I , qjmrt van*;.- PiaringT Field. snccess is appucation shpqld be made to - the MRS. E, D-D|rX0N, • , l,(vic a,yrt. aesisted by tiieth e Kev. ............. W. XGepiional Bai gains in CUjR'rAIN N ETS fl om 3 jd. tc i / i l i y a r d . Ueoreation- e 1ad-'GymnUsiuitt'Bourn Sutt.'long. UeadmuBter., ji , , REV. W. MACFADVEN Sc'o TT. t of St. Clenient's, Eaetohei ip). PhyM ial drill .is compulsory fbr the whole MISS'SOUIAB, Special adfautaim fur Mstno aiid'tiodern school. At 11 QiUi. and 6.30 p.m.- i Willita-irl G ordon,: roppsest ( on of Mr. William 'Langaagehi SANDOl^i ‘m a r in e PABADE. Andelradn, Irev- e Etlieldijeda,' ’ eda eldest’ ’ daiigh-’ * 50 pairs each ojf Choice Desig ns in LACE URTAINS, 3 yards Intelrcessory Beivioo for the tyar on Thursday, at Prospectui ind Befereacdk-bn appliOation. 1.7.30 p.mi ter Off the iev. 6 M. Bnseell. Icmg 50 inches wide, 3/11J, wc t h 5 /1 1 . ^ I ■ i DEATHS, CLOVELLY-KEPPLESIONE, Telephone 1205. OOUTH STREET CONGREGATION AH' Charming Designs, 3 yards|long 48 inches ide, 3/IiJ ijvolith 3 /it, k J . i CHURCH. CLU8j--)»ay i mh^ a t 19.a.. Carlton road, the s t a v e :jBT B o iD . MEADS. E kSTBOTJKNE, re^iaen^o of his i on, Kohi r t Bllis, aged 80. CLARE 0 N'T, BOLSOVER ROAD, , .(Tel. No. 118.) &|P I R E L LA COR S E T S (COUKTEBS OF HDNTU/OPPN'S Tb UST), I Exceedingly Fi ae LA CE pU E IT A IN S , 2 i ards ioiig. by 65 inches kfi^DSj EASTB^BNE. SUNDAY, MAY 28. Preacher- M HOATHE{l.-M.vy 17; at I 11, Priory-street. CHOOL FOB.,' UiELB; (Frepi iratory and —' Made to Measure. — : , il!dutho«ar.ir|iewcs William; Uoatheiv aged p3. wi(Je, in ’W^hite ECru a d Ivory, 9/11^, egular pricp.i3yil, ,,| S, .'Finishing). Morning at lit I ! f t # / ; jrii 24thj a t Prijibess A ice EVELYN HEDGES, Evening at 6.30. 1 I ‘ KINWAliD.^Pn A licuolii,., Mbs. F. H. HKOlViNE and:Miss TAIT-BEID. B.A. ||E V . j . WESTBURYl: JONES) M.A. HospJtaJ, EfietDO_ i/ne, Eliiiabeth Ann Ben Ruiidles of Single Pairs of thfi'-datight^ of UenGemen.. ; . ,.i.-;','(Princlt|glB). , I ', of ASiriLE CURT; iN sU o^W lffFnci'l O rHpSdislh 'euoBUnehdpd'bKntue OuUuiess ot. I Bi Trinity C h a m b e rs, EAS'l'BODRNB. wardL wfirloiv of t le late George B^nward, Oarnacvoii, bOMrei D A stlet^rs; WrUughtem, A^istei I by. a^large .resident. Sti B o t Tralnbii Sunday School at 3. Bil:(lo Classes at 3US, “ ' eld' hterrirracp, aged 73. ... ; . ] .' .iv WouUey A w antage, v^Ons 'itev,; F, a. Uerti8bat^'Engfisb ;ahii Foreign Teachers.' rSTEAb.—Dll Thursi ay, Mayi kstll, I9i6, at ph.lr- WiUiame, „ ladmaetei^’uf Eastbourne nHEUsol’HlCAL SOCIFTY’ IN ENGLAND"* mead, Wooilhall i on Jesst > CliarlOtte Stead, Uoilege), K<ci/netb: s'raser. rlEsq.; M.D* and JL; I' W A L E S . A N D R E W ’S PBjESBY TEBIA B widow of the late]WiUiam-8tead, hsed 60. fiOLLER BLIN D S A S E E l I A L I T T s present'Pari uta. I Befernnebs are kindly permil ted amongst I Orpheus Lodge, 53c, Terminus Boad S' CHURCH, BLACliW^-TEE ROAD. Cortiheatet ISnglieb; Acid foreign' UistreiUistreeees matay,. ithers. ' to the lollowinr Eastbourne !.? • j (Over Gallery Kinema>. In Memorial n. and host 'limmon 'MMtdrs. Hpemalities.—La.—Lan- resinbnis;—The (Bev, F| 8. W illiams, M.A. b^ectiAe to-day (Wednesday), at five o'clock, ; "reocAer;—SUNDAY. MAY 28: at 11 a.m. A i 1 ! guagea Musfe il Mo HUluras; tn'tae OsfOsford (Head aster of Eastbourne College), the Ber. I SpeaKer : Mrs. Sidney Ban son— i 6.30 p.in. CAUSDEN.-iIh r-loving memory' of our Ohctrles Crowded; D.D.(L[ (late Headmaster of dean Aintty (Phi she). Whowho passed away at Seaside Road Drawmg H EDUCATION IN! TH E LIG H T OF REV. JAMES REID, M.A. aad Tefmintis Road. :'plane in EastboiirneEastbb tCi^tege) and. Mrs. Crowdeh, Sir l'\ t h e o s o p h y .” Thursday at 8 p.m. Week-night Service. ' Meads, tUay 25 th, 1912. 1908. AU Lindss• ] .LindSaV-Hqgg. iBart., Lady ■ L t d . i Heace, Perfect Beace, .{I. uvvcly Omdtloh. : Tennis Hogg, >lx>rd>'fbnil & d y WUlinudon, M^^ings are free. AU ihtcrested are cordially AH laoaut seats are-free FivEi minutes before thf ■ » mvited. ’ i , time of servme. [« SHORT. lovini memory olf Alfred Shhrt, ibid.' Speoial; uoihe bare. GoSt , EaciM j\KiCt8.. U.‘ Cameron, :g e . illed in^alotion a t YpresI on Esij., f U..CJPb,;,M.R.aS.J 4D.t>.fly Cam., .amf t , week ; “ What Theosophy Teaches Ue I ■ ‘ H .rA vhJ iwan II d a w So n ; ' ^ ^ ^ Mrs;< eroHi W Frctet, iSeq.^ M.I ., , , ; About Death/* by lliias Clara .Codd. I May 915. |ged 25 years. , Hard .E*u, J .P , M.E.I5.P., _______ Ne^t Wednesday : ’* Education m the Light of Fbl Kii|g and Country. ;; RAVES ------- - Beg.; .Add Mrs. Hollins, the Bev. C. ' i]-ITheosophy/* by Mrs. Sidney Bansom. ^ ‘ r jy .I. i i \ b o u h n e : y. UREffUCflOFT.ELLESHreREj lorsbuygb ana M rs.^oreburjih, tpe Kev. U. U. .E SALVATION ARMV OIIdiDEL/ Abfci|owledgmiint. Show that you bavib nc t forgotten the li ist member o; your family, ant* ■■ ' ' - .
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