vjcjiilj, " -- n' - TOT j Tf iMf jt , ; " rr"" THE TIMES, 'WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MAY 8, 1899. pennant-win- n season, tag trick of last he -H-H-H-H -I' I M-I-- MONEY AN DPHBA7AL IN promises to give the winner a good race. WAMEB AMI TO LOA.f. Buffalo has started oil well and under LOANS' OS STOCKS,' boTdsmt poUcrrCltorage BEDFORD the careful guidance of Hilly Nash will be mtipti, buildir.K isscdjtlon shirts, etc.: no Doctor Martin's Miy. V. II. YEllKIiS, 1JH p In at the death. , George StalUngs still ,(; nw. controls the destinies of the Detroits and Unmatchable Specials. my I CAMERAS he has few superiors among minor league Homeopathic FOR FILM OR PLATES. managers. Indianapolis, though at pres- ent, some down ladder, PRIVATE LOANS distance the has you tit your Eight-Clu- ll te piy debit and bay not The Two b Leagues a strong aggregation. the money, 1( or you want the ready caah to 1 REMEDIES In the Eastern League the .clubs all ue I will make you a loan on your 0C 1 0c Scheme Takinjr Shape. seem pretty well balanced. Providence piano, etc. without publicity, or delay. If yea started the season by taking three v- -v ujr ivn wKHJanj inu mm iney are charg- ing cm straights from Syracuse, but only one of' J too much, lust drop me a line and I will NOT CORE-ALL- S. them was anything like a walkover. Wally help you out. Addrcua BO 165. Times Oflce. A apS-t- i Separate Cure Jor Each Disease. .May (!o Pro- Taylor Is at the helm in Toronto, and he Washington Into (lie may depended ciFFEctur be on to get good work out UU3EY TO LOA COLLAT-EltA- cms rot Of APPitOTEU DIFfCUIIf CbEiSES. posed American Association. of the team. Weak spots are being No dela. CH.WtLKS A. DAKtli, 35 strengthened by the managers, and a red Bcems 40 to li, Uifurott Building. 1110 w. feW-t- f FREE hot race is looked for. f TREATMENT nr,n; Newark and Reading are setting the past history cf your diseasa and present symp- toms. You will your dug-ncr- CrTc-c-l Shrcve-po- Live case skillfully ed .An Agreement lo Tlml Itc- - pace In the Atlantic League, while rt MONEY $50,000 MONEY snd receive full, scientific, ad- iiirrioc! tie Ifec-i- i has climbed from the bottom to the vice by FBEK OF CIIAUOK. Ilnc To loan on furniture, pianos, lull. strictly conS. , The top in the Southern League contest. The etc., without ddtlal snd professional. .No matter your Willi the AVnffiicr Ilrcillic-rs- above cut represents our BEDFORD or publicity and the day you nhat Interstate League Is up a good ar- ask for it. dficase ray be, send us your name snd address NO. I, for daylight loading, film cartridges, putting He will loan any. amount making time and ticle of ball and prospects toiay. and we will send you a e bcttls size of picture, ZMti'A. Every point es. are for a close to suit, Kivin? one morth or one year as ot charge. scntial lo tho finest results, is embodied race. you desire, and at rates that yon can afford to Kew York, Jlay 7. While the National In thlp Camera. Ask your The Texas League and Western Asso- pay. II you now hare a lean with any other dealer to show company TOE OR, MARTIN HOMEOPATHIC League teams are busy on the diamond yov the ciation are doing well considering tho size and dc;lre more money, pire us m call. of the towns of which Will as cheerfully make a $10 lean as 100 and the magnates arc still scheming to bring BEDFORD NO. 1. PRICE J3.00. the circuits are no charge expense U composed. California league of or loan is not made. Always FAMILY MEDICINE about a reorganization of the circuit to Write us for catalogue. has a ready and willing to give information regarding COMPANY, six clubs In the field, and everything is rates and methods to secure a Ws are the the end that two eight club leagues may Full information on application. !cn. P. BOX sent FREE Drignt on the baseball horizon of the Pa- oldrrt loan company in the city, and will ghe 0. 827. BALTIMORE. UU be formed under control of the National cific Coast. jou honest treatment. All business strictly agreement. From time to time "The Sun" XOZY CAIER1 CO, Private offices. FEIISOXAL. has published the undeniable statement DIAMOND DUST. Washington Mortgage Loan Co., Pept. 2, that the plan formulated means the re- Bedford St., Boston, Mass., Felliacli is both U. hitting lurd and fitldinc well 613 F N. W. tirement of Freedman, Rogers. Kerr, S. A. ior wie Jtcus. Street Specialist, Drcyfuss, and others from the councils of The Keds have struck 'their gait, and arc play- ing DO TfOU NEED the League. The leaders in this move- fast ball. Dr. Yoiia? Cor. 12th game ment are prepared to let Greater New has improved wonderfully tsince he joined the Superbas. MONEY? and F Sts. York take care of itself for the present for Third Baseman Williams of the PittOmrgs, is We will lend any amount Ircm JM up, thry already have a powerful ally here in plajing the position splendidly, but is weak at Oldest in age; longest located: newly bat. ON HOUSEHOLD the constructed Brooklyn club. the FURNITURE, Regular graduate two schools: The syndicate formed to back a new Cincinnati Rave St. Louis the worn drubbing pUnos. toraet. carriages, Saturday iricotu, cr pnoiul Authofuedb the District club to supplant Frccdman's Polo Grounds that the Tebeauitcs hare experienced property cX in Und, without rerriOTa! from Gotemment to treat eeason. $3.f5 Dresden Clocks, outfit includes several influential Tamma- this $1.09. jour possession. Loanj can be carried aa lotff aa Alldlsca-eso- f the Nose. Throat, and LungsTlIeart, desired, ny officials and is prepared to put- - up Arthur Irwin's new phenom it practidng at and payments can be made at any time Brain, Blood, Skin." Stomach. Kidneys, and to cult S"". Un-w-. Jj00,CO0 in cash to build grounds, stands, the park twice a day. He is truly a promising The sale the past week was phenomenal. Such a the conreolence of the borrower. We are Bladder. Mght Sexual Weakness, and all The Senators Opon Again Hero the only properly organized loan company In the and roadways, to joungtcr. world-beate- ' ersex. HtrIcture.Varlcoccla in addition securing the Clock at such a price is a city. If you appreciate low and Hj drocele cured w Pitcher Frank Killcn is citj-- , We'll continue nXn. courteoui Hhout cuttln? or operation. finest players available. The grounds till in the not treatment, and attention to your interests, yoo No pain. No lo on Mav 15. liaving as made suitable arrangements the special one week more. of time. A prompt and rr-- have been selected and are on jtt for will call on Offlcea prirate and easily reach- - Just the the future. ci. E?Mer',2a,S:g?arai:,e:d- SypWHaaystagekured other side of Central Bridge, facing Royal Bonn Dresden Cases the genuine imported ed. Leans made in any part of the city. No mercury or potash. So c!rocsuT. Jerome Avenue. The members of the syn- The leaders are closely bunched, and each day delay. Open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. CHARGES LOW. is liable to bring about a change in their rcpet-th- c cases stamped with that "Royal" stamp. Ansonia dicate have received assurances that when A positions. MEDICINES FURKIIQHrr. the upheaval comes they wilT get a fran- Prosperous Year Among .lie movement by SECURITY LOAN COHPANY, Mercer's playing left guaranteed us for time for one year. mCC UoaIS-10- in nould be creditable to BOOM 1, ',o and 3 to . chise. This is taken to mean that the al-- WARDEtt BUILDIXO. to'li I Sundtx .Many Minor Leagues. an regular outfielder. He is o using hU stick to Six different patterns to choose from. Xot to be 'con- 10 Eastern circuit will be confined to Bos- good advantage. Comer 6th and F sts. nw. ton, Brooklyn, New York (under new founded with cheap Clocks. Not one of FREE CONSULTATION. One hundred and forty-fou- r safe hits w ere these ever sold management end ownership),' and Phila- made by the ariou plajcrs of the League In for less than 3.75. Come quick! delphia, with Chicago, Cincinnati. Pitts Itcvlxnl oflntcrrM In IMninly VIhI- - .Saturday's games. HONEY TO LOAN at 4 and h per cent In sumi burg, and St. Louis In West. ol (1,000 to 110,000 on D. C real eUte; pay the It has Iile, mid (.ond CrcmilN - Tor the reason that ihey play honest, clean, eft 5 and S per cent mortgage and begin The "3 Days" Cure been magnates have Arc Tnni- and anew; learned that the decent ball, the sentiment of the country is - fl all transactions conducted with economical coo (for men) leads remedies a Wag- InK Out lis ers where. Uoiton U T til la this city; reached an agreement with J. Earl with the Club. vk sideration for borrowers, W1L IL SAUNDERS X prompt and permanent cure or no charge. ner and his brother, who own the Wash- Dinncen pitched a magnificent game for the CO.. Ii07 V it. aw. icti-ti-e- free. Dlt. UcKEEIIAX, CIS 12th St. ington club, whereby that city will go into Senators .Saturday, and it was hanl luck that nw.
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