
Auckland Shell Club Auction Lot List - 22 October 2016 Albany Hall. Setup from 9am. Viewing from 10am. Auction starts at 12am Lot Type Reserve 1 WW Helmet medium size ex Philippines (John Hood Alexander) 2 WW Helmet medium size ex Philippines (John Hood Alexander) 3 WW Helmet really large ex Philippines, JHA 4 WW Tridacna (small) embedded in coral ex Tonga 1963 5 WW Lambis truncata sebae ex Tonga 1979 6 WW Charonia tritonis - whopper 45cm. No operc. Tongatapu 1979 7 WW Cowries - tray of 70 lots 8 WW All sorts but lots of Solemyidae 9 WW Bivalves 25 priced lots 10 WW Mixed - 50 lots 11 WW Cowries tray of 119 lots - some duplication but includes some scarcer inc. draconis from the Galapagos, scurra from Somalia, chinensis from the Solomons 12 WW Univalves tray of 50 13 WW Univalves tray of 57 with nice Fasciolaridae 14 WW Murex - (8) Chicoreus palmarosae, Pternotus bednallii, P. Acanthopterus, Ceratostoma falliarum, Siratus superbus, Naquetia annandalei, Murex nutalli and Hamalocantha zamboi 15 WW Bivalves - tray of 50 16 WW Bivalves - tray of 50 17 Book The New Zealand Sea Shore by Morton and Miller - fair condition 18 Book Australian Shells by Wilson and Gillett excellent condition apart from some fading on slipcase 19 Book Shells of the Western Pacific in Colour by Kira (Vol.1) and Habe (Vol 2) - good condition 20 Book 3 on Pectens, Spondylus and Bivalves - 2 ex Conchology Section 21 WW Haliotis vafescous - California 22 WW Haliotis cracherodi & laevigata - California & Aus 23 WW Amustum bellotia & pleuronecles - Queensland 24 WW Haliotis tuberculata & wallalensis - Europe/USA 25 WW Haliotis fulgens - California 26 WW Haliotis ovina & glabra - World Wide 27 WW Equichlamys & Mesopeplam - Ausrtalia 28 WW Chlamys - Pacific Is 29 WW Chlamys & Lyropecten - USA 30 WW Pectinidae - Japan/USA, Chile 31 WW Acqupecten opercularis - Europe 32 WW Pectinidae - USA, Japan 33 WW Pecten maximus - Europe 34 WW Chlamys - USA/World Wide 35 WW Pectinidae - USA, Japan, South Africa 36 WW Pectinidae Acquipecten - USA 37 NZ Pecten novaezelandiae - Auckland 38 NZ Chlamys gemmulata - NZ 39 WW Pecten annachlamys - Australia 40 NZ Chlamys delicaluta - NZ 41 WW Cypraeidae assortment 39 species including nivosa, subteres, martini and many others 55 specimens in total 42 WW Cypraeidae from Niue and Samoa 38 species including goodalli, dillwyni, margarita, caurica samoensis and many others 100+ specimens 43 WW Conidae assortment 34 species including nobilis victor, nigrescens, lynceus and many others 43 specimens in total 44 WW Volutidae, Olividae, Muricidae as well as a selection and assortment of other families 42 specimens in total 45 NZ Schizoglossa novoseelandica novoseelandica: 9 gem specimens, including the 26mm (WRS) one shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/347C.jpg. Plus about a dozen of their eggs. Karamu walkway, Waikato, Jan/1998 46 NZ Schizoglossa worthyae: The giant 32mm (WRS) gem specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/347M.jpg. Mauku, South Auckland 47 NZ 300 Schizoglossa gigantea: The 23mm gem specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/347Q.jpg. Mt. Hikurangi, East Cape, 1978 48 NZ 300 Schizoglossa gigantea: The 35mm (WRS) specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/347B.jpg. Mangaone Cave near Nuhaka, Hawkes Bay, 1933 49 NZ 300 Schizoglossa major: The 42mm specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/347E.jpg. Limestone bluff in the Aramiro Valley, west of Hamilton, Feb/1999 50 NZ Calliostoma turnerarum: Giant 71mm specimen w/o, good quality/colour. 350-400m. North of Cape Runaway 51 NZ Semicassis thomsoni: 56mm nice specimen from Great Exhibition Bay, Aug/1982. Ex Ian Scott collection 52 NZ 200 Semicassis royana: 133mm good specimen with strong colours. From craypot 10km north of Three Kings Islands 53 NZ Semicassis pyrum (abernethyi form): The 75mm specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/1581N.jpg. Dredged off Castlepoint 54 NZ Eunaticina papilla: The 24mm specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/159F.jpg. Uretiti Beach, Northland, 1970's. Largest specimen recorded from NZ 55 NZ 100 Galeodea triganceae: Two gem specimens w/o: 40mm and 37mm. 430-490m. From 70 miles east of the Auckland Islands 56 NZ 100 Casmaria perryi: The 35mm specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/160O.jpg. Rock pool on open coast at Bland Bay, Jun/2002 57 NZ 300 Tonna sp.: The 72mm specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/161F.jpg. Bland Bay, Northland, Jul/2000 58 NZ 300 Eudolium crosseanum: The 76mm specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/162Y.jpg. Dredged from 366m. Off the Aldermen Islands, Apr/1989. Largest specimen recorded from NZ 59 NZ 200 Tutufa bufo & Tutufa bubo: The 129mm gem T.bufo shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/168P.jpg (Craypot off North Cape. 1960's). Plus a very nice 159mm T.bubo found by a diver in the Parengarenga Harbour in the 1960's 60 NZ Prototyphis eos: 30mm - large and very good condition. Collected by diver Ian Scott at Hihi Beach in Apr/1987 61 NZ Muricidae: Six good rare specimens - Uttleya williamsi, Agnewia tritoniformis, Neothais smithi (w/o), & Morula palmeri (w/o) 62 NZ 200 Babelomurex lischkeanus: The 57mm gem specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/182B.jpg. Trawled from 15m. Bay of Plenty 63 NZ 200 Nassaria miriamae: The 41mm specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/196Z.jpg. From Wanganella Bank, West Norfolk Ridge, Jan/1981. Ex Dave Gibbs collection. Extremely rare 64 NZ 200 Amalda benthicola & Amalda bathamae: The 20.4mm gem A.benthicola w/o shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/208K.jpg (From the Chatham Rise). Plus two very good A.bathamae (29.5mm & 32mm) from off Eastern Otago. Ex Ian Scott collection 65 NZ 100 Provocator mirabilis: Nice 112mm specimen with a long unbroken spike. 450m. Chatham Rise 66 NZ 200 Alcithoe benthicola: 211mm. Has a well disguised hole, but otherwise perfect. 350-400m. North of Cape Runaway 67 NZ Alcithoe larochei ostenfeldi: 123.5mm. Chipped lip. 20-25 fathoms. Trawled off Karamea, Jun/1963 68 NZ 100 Comitas onokeana vivens: The 70.7mm giant w/o shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/228E.jpg. Trawled from 300-500m. Mid Chatham Rise 69 NZ Perirhoe circumcincta: The 29mm gem specimen w/o shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/245U.jpg. 25 fathoms. Bay of Islands 70 NZ Bullina lineata (3 forms, all w/o), Hydatina physis, and Hydatina albocincta - all gem specimens 71 NZ Umbraculum umbraculum: 73mm specimen with good colour. Collected by diver Ian Scott in Leigh Harbour, Apr/2001 72 NZ Lucinoma galathea: The 27mm gem specimen shown at www.nzshells.net.nz/Images/385N.jpg. 450m. Pegasus Canyon, NE of Banks Peninsula, Oct/1979 73 NZ Small & micro shells - 77 lots including Anabathridae, Cerithiopsidae, Eatoniellidae, Galeommatidae, Marginellidae, Rissoidae, Tateidae. For details see http://nzshells.net.nz/PP2016.xlsx 74 Drawers Wooden cabinet (1130mm high, 450 wide, 510 deep) with 10 wooden drawers with internal measurements of 60mm high, 385 wide, 410 deep. 75 WW LUCKY DIP! A variety of shells including large cassis flame, Distorsio perdistorto, Architectonia perpectiva, Strombus galls, Amoria maculata, Cymbiola rutila, Pseudovertagus clava, Large Amoria grayi, Harpulina lapponica, Cymbiola flavicans, Cypraea tigris, Fulgaria rupestis, Pecten vexillum, tiny Cypraea tigris, Tonna perdix, Voluta nobilis and heaps more! 76 WW 100 STROMBIDAE - LAMBIS: Rare Lambis wheelwrighti, Rare Lambis scorpius indomaris, Lambis millepeda, Lambis chiragra arthritica from Africa and from Chesterfield Reef, unusual black Lambis lambis, tiny Lambis adamii and more. 77 WW 50 AUSTRALIAN VOLUTIDAE: Cymbiola magnifica, Amoria hunteri, Amoria jansae, Ericusa sowerbyi, Rare cymbiola irvinae, Melo miltonis, Amoria molleri, a beautiful Livonia roadnightae and deep orange Ericusa papillosa. 78 WW 200 CYPRAEIDAE Large: Rare location of Fiji Cypraea aurantium, perfect large Macrocypraea cervus, Microcypraea mauritiana from New Guinea, Cypraea histrio from Cocos Is. large Cypraea pantherina, Cypraea hesitata, large Cypraea carneola, Trona stercoraria rattus, Macrocypraea zebra, gorgeous Macrocypraea cervintta, Lyncina ventriculus, Cypraea nivosa, Leporicypraea mappa with pink base, Large Lyncina argus, Large Cypraea maculifera scindata, and heaps more. 79 WW 50 SHELLS FROM THE PHILIPPINES: A beautiful selection including Lima lima, Sirratus alabaster, Ficus gracilis, Columbaria muricata, Xenophora pallidula, Distorsia anus, Harpa articulates, Oliva minacea, Architectonia maxima, Terebra maculate, Nectarous pagodus and more. 80 WW 30 FIVE LARGE VOLUTES: Livonia mammilla, Melop amphora, gorgeous Melo umbilicatus, large Cymbium glans and a Cymbiola magnifica. 81 WW 100 CONIDAE: 50 shells including the Rare Conus queenslandis, Conus sulcatus, Conus figulinus, Conus amadis, Almost white Conus betulinus, Conus terebra, rare Conus tribblei from China, Conus rattus, Conus retifer, White Conus thevenardenisi, Conus arenatus, Conus gubernator, and heaps more. 82 WW 200 VOLUTIDAE WORLD WIDE: A stunning selection including a pink Cymbiola malayensis, Ericusa fulgetra (Worth $50) Scaphella junonia, Adelomelon ancilla, Cymbiola innexa, Rare Cymbiola irvinae (Chipped) Cymbiola aulica, Callipara kurodai, Voluta polypleura f. hilli, Cymbiola chrysastamoa, Ampulla priamus and heaps more. 83 NZ 150 VOLUTIDAE: 15 shells including Alcithoe larochei, Alcithoe ostenfieldi, Alcithoe pseudolutea, Alcithoe calva, Alcithoe tigrina, Alcithoe arabica f swainsoni, small Alcithoe fissurata, Alcithoe arabica f motutarensis, rare Alcithoe fusus hedleyi, Alcithoe wilsonae f smithi and Provocator mirabilis. 84 WW VOLUTIDAE Amoria zebra variation. 10 shells including a golden zebra. 85 WW VOLUTIDAE Amoria canaliculata variation. 7 shells 86 NZ 50 TURBINELLIDAE: 4 Shells Coluzea mariae, Coluzea altocanalis, Coluzea spiralis (small hole) and Coluzea wormaldi. 87 WW 100 VOLUTIDAE Adelomelon americana: Variation 5 beautiful shells. 88 NZ 3 NZ SHELLS all registered as the largest found in NZ. Janthina janthina (38mm) Cantharidus opalus (52mm) and Amalda mucronata (62.5mm) 89 NZ 50 BUCCINIDAE and RANELLIDAE: Penion ormesi, Penion sulcatus, Penion fairfieldae, Argobuccinum pustulosum, Fusitriton magellanicus laudandus, Cabestana spengeri and Charania lampas capax.
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