WITHIN ISRAEL:ir9111, NORTH AMERICA: 866·550·4EYE, GREAT BRITAIN: 0800 1700 EYE WWW.EYESQUAD.ORG; [email protected] I . -------- ·-·- ---------------- ~ -------- ------------------- -------- --- ---------- ------- --·-=l ··· . h IN THIS ISSUE ewts•. LETTER FROM JERUSALEM 6 UNiTY Is Nor ON THE HoR1zoN, /BSEl{VER Yonoson Rosenb!urn THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 IS PllBl.lSHED 10 NE!THER HEKHSHE.R, NOR TZEDEK, _\IO"ITHLY, EXCEPT JU!.Y & Al!GL'Sl Rabbi Avi Shafran Ai'iD A COMIHNl':fl !SSliE FOi~ J..\"IU.\JniFEllRUi\RY. BY THE AGPOATH ISRAf;L OF .l\MERIC..\. 42 BHO ..\!lWAY. :'JEW YonK. NY iooo4. ELUL: PREPARING FOR A NEW START PERIOOlCAl.S POSTAGE PAID IN Nt\V YORK, NY. SliBSCRll'TJON S25.00/Y~.All; 14 STAYING ON TRACK IN TURBULENT TtMES, 2 YL\RS. 548.oo::; YEARS, $69.00. 0l 1TS1DE OF THE UNITED STATES (L'S Rabbi Aaron Brafrnan fll"IOS DRA\VN ON ."i US B."-NK ON!.Y) S!$.OO ~URCllARGE Pl'll Yb\R. SINGl.r NEVER AGAIN AGAll'l, COPY S:;.so: Otr!SJOf: NY •\llEA $3,95; 18 FOllHG:-1 54.50. 1Vafta!i Versch/eisser POSTMASTER: SF"'D ADDRESS CHANGES TO! 21 FROM BE.4R STEARNS TO BAVA METZ/A, TEL 212-797-9000, FAX 646-254-1600 PRlNTt·:o JN THE USA f.!..ndrevv .f\Jeff RABBI NlSSON Wotrri'i. Editor 26 FROM KoLLEL ro THE WoRKPLt,cE, f-.'ditoria/ floord Yos1 l~eber RAUB! JOSEPH f:1.1As, Omirmrm RABI\! ABBA BHliDN) Jos1·:PH Fn1t·:DENSON 29 SHOFAROS: ARE THEY ALL THE Sr\ME? RABBI YISl~Ol-:l. M1,:l11 i<IRZNER 1 R.•\lllH NOSSON Sct!UtMA"i Rabhi Ari Z. and .l\ri Grr:_ en:>pdn PROF. /\ARON TWFRSKI 1-i!imdcn D11. ERNST L BoDE."i!IE!'l.lFR Z"l. RABBI BORUCH BORCHARDT, '7"::1t RAIHJl Mo.~l-IE S11~:rH'R Z"L 33 !NsP1Rto BY RABBI BoRucH BORCHARDT, 7··2:\1, Manoqcmrnt Hoord BASED ON .£'.\ TRIBUTE BY Pabbi Yitzchok Borchdrc!I ;-.:,,fTOl.I HlHSCH. ISAA(: K1nz;.;r;n. ]),\vro SL..,.Gu1, NActnrM s-n:i:" 34 RABB: BORCHARDT Is THE Dfl..oov OF Us ALL, Mns. J.r:,\11 l.AGELBAt'M. THE DADDY OF Us Au... , f\abbi Yosef c_ Advcrtil'ing ,\-/anagcr PV!ll.!SHED BY 38 OF PUBLIC RECORD ,,\G!IUATl! ISHAU. (H i\MEH!C'\ .S. TUAUE DISTHlll!'-101< FE!.l)l-IFJM P!!IH.tSJH;ns Jwfl Airport t.:nn1tin· lt11h Namu:t. SI' /Of!.'i-> CORRECTION BrtlT!~t! RIOPHl':Sl\NTA'! l\T In Yitzchak Brandriss's "Personal Ren1iniscences" on Rabbi M:I: IJ1nU.MA ..... Gro.\1c11or \l(Jrh> Alter Chanoch Henach Liebo\vitz, 7··~r, in the Su111rner '08 MO(lllf 1'/c111011t /Ii// Umdon h:J .<JNL l::VG/A.\1J JO, his first reference to the Rosh Hayeshiva \Vas n1eant to be follo\ved by n··::iil. Unfortunately it vvas misspelled. The HIFNCH HEPRESE,,.TATl\IF RAUlll BAM!lFHGFH letters stand for the expression i:i::rvn n,!l::i 'l',il - literally, !!I !Joulcrnrd rtm/ram ..-;;ono Mel:.:. I RA:\'C/ "I an1 atonen1ent for his resting place" - reserved for one's parents and rav during the first year of their passing, as !SflAFU Ht:l'HFS~:"iT-\T!VF IN"fNL. MEJ)]A l'!.ACl:'M~.N-! per Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Dei'a, 242:28. 1'0/-l 71.'15 I .97./l!ffii /-,'nod feruw1/cm .<JJS.;o. ISN1\U STATEMENT OF POLICY llELGJ>\N IU:l'Hl·:SENT.. \Tl\11 MK E. APTJ·:H Tin h:Wl'>H O!~StflVF!I HA"> (Jl'.VOll·:[} A [,/{!-_Ar[}~.-\!, or Sl'A<T ro /.rmqc Kicvill·/r. !!IJ lf!t·. PU~!l.S (Jf' TH~: IYn:RNET A."lD TO THE NF:l·:D 1'011 l·:Vt·:HYO'.'.'I 10 2018 Anl1;·crp. /J/:l,G//IM !H: EXTRL\tFLY \l!Gll.ANT !N TfS trSE. \VE tlAVT t-CtlOl'D Tt(!-; Pl.FAS SOlrTH ,\Fll!CAN tlfo:f'HESl·:NTAT!\11 or OIJH GEDOUM TH.'\T !T Si!Ol!LO ,....-0-1 !H. ["' \).'iE. UNLESS n IS AN _\lft. V. T.'\l\ACK l'NAVO!Di\IH.t: NFCl•.SSJJ'Y, .\ND THi'>'i 0'.';LY WITH ALL 'iUJTAU!.I l'O /lox 51552, rHE .IEWISH OBSERVER DO!·.s No·r .-\~Sli~H Nucrlrne. Johmmnhurq -~An:GUAflOS. Wll!LI·: ITS D.-\N(;E!~S \Hl<;T Ill': IU·.COGNJZl'D AND CON­ RfSl'ONSlRJl.I rY FOR THE i(,\,~HR~IS OF ANY PUOD\ICr. 2124 SOU!f/Af-'RIC:l Tf{OLLED TO f-:\IE!IY l'OSS!IJ!.[-; DFGIH:r-:. OUH Gl::DOUM UECOGN!J:E TH.AT Pl'ULJCATtO,"i. OR SERVICE AD\IFf~TISED Jr-< l rs l'AGI·:~ MANY Pl':Ol'L.I·: AND lH'SINES'>r'.S llEQ(llRE ITS! IS~,, ANU THEHF:FORE Ir AUST!l.-\LlAN JH:PHF:Sf:NT'\Tl\IF i DR. A. D!NNE!'; !!.'\.~'\OT TH-:l-:N llA."lNED. THIS IS WHY\\'!·: .-\CCEl'T .-\D\IF:llTlST-:ME:"iTS 77 !liniqo Noad © (OPYRIGHT 2008 l.ISTJN(; WEllSJTE ·\DDRESSES. llUT !N NO WAY 001-:s ·nus IMl'LY THA'l I !Jcl/cnrc ffi/1. •\15\l' 202.J. c\l_r.\;TRAIJA rHE GEDOLIM OR T11r-: JI.:W!Sl--1 Onst-:fl\'EH CO.'iDONE CASUAL USE()~ ' SEPTEMBER 2008 / VOLUME Xll rtn. INThRNl-:T. L _____________________ NO. 6 ------------ - , >f.?X.'c:',·.·< .• ,.~;:;1~~~t~¢~itfj!:~,l]~1iT aillong mitzvah observant Jews in JEr(?tzY:is;~~Ia~enothi11g new. But they took on new force after the slaughter ofeight yeshiva students, in the midst of their studies, at Mercaz HaRav in March, on Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheini. Calls for greater unity between the Chareidi and national religious popu­ lations, however, are more frequently heard in chutz la'Aretz than in Bretz Yisroel, where they tend to be viewed as hopeless utopianism. There are, of course, points of con­ parties; nor did it occur to anyone that In June, for example, Rabbi Avichai tact between the National Religious they might. Ronsky, the Chief Rabbi of the Israel and Chareidi worlds Many families Points of tension between the two Defense Forces, accompanied troops on can clain1 cousins and even siblings worlds are abuudant. More than twenty a Shabbos mission in Gaza. In response in both worlds. During the Simchas years ago) the national re1igious educa­ to criticism of his actions (son1e of Beis Hasha' eva celebrations in To Idos tional system purged Chareidi teachers. it from within the national religious Aharon and at the Mosad HaRav Kook Once, the Chief Rabbinate was viewed world itself), Rabbi Ronsky replied book fare, kippot serugot and black hats as the almost exclusive province of the with an analogy. He likened himself to 1ningle easily. There are pron1inent national religious world. Today, it is the kohein meshuach milchama, who figures in the Chareidi world who have more frequently (and exaggeratedly) accompanied Jewish troops into battle. large followings in the national religious described as Chareidi-controlled. He did not defend his presence in terms com1nunity, and even one who regularly of pikuach nefesh - IDF missions, after gives shiurim in a hesder yeshiva. all, are routinely conducted without the Yet, for the most part, the two reli­ THE PIVOTAL POINT: presence of a rabbi - but solely in terms gious co1n1nunities remain quite dis­ of his ability to lift the spirits of the THE STATE tinct. The demonstrations that attract troops so that they would fight better. Chareidim generally do not attract Rabbi Ronsky's ready analogy of the national religious, and vice versa. he fundamental division between the IDF to the armies ofYehoshua and Recent discussions about unifying the the two worlds remains theologi­ David Hamelech and himself to the right-wing religious bloc before the next T cal, and focuses on the question: kohein meshuach milchama reflects a elections did not include the Chareidi What is the significance of the creation traditional national religious cast of of the State oflsrael? Is it reishit tzmichat mind, \vhich tends to view the n1odern geulateinu - the first flowering of the State of Israel as a renewed Jewish king­ RABBI ROSENl~LUM, WHO LIVES JN JERUSALEM, lS A CONTRIBt ~TING EO!TOn TO T11E ]EWISll 0BSEUVER. Redemption- or theologically indeter­ dom. It is safe to say that the analogy HE JS ALSO DmECTOR OF THE l.'>RAEU DlVISJON OF minate? The different answers to that between the chief rabbi of the IDF and AM ECHAD, THE AG!!DATH ISRAEL·lNSPmED EDUCA­ question, it turns out, have profound the kohein meshuach milchama is not TIONAi. OUTfU·:ACH EFFORT AND MEDI;\ RESOURCE. iinplications even for the interpretation one that would have occurred to any of the most basic mitzvos. Chareidi poseik. _J THE JEWlSH OBSERVER THE CONVERSION (SSUE a requi~e111e11t fzrcg?Ye~~iQ!J,aud that Already in 1984, Rabbi Shlomo n·. no a~ea,. ~?'Y~ver, has tJ::~ c~asi;i a .§i!Jcere ~1sfre }C!.attach. ??~self. t? Zalman Auerbach, RabbiYaakov Yisroel .between tl!e9al~chi?.~PPr?aches?f the Jemsh people fa· ~ufficie?t' 1'!1.11s, KaJ1ievsky, R.abbi Elazar Mena chem Man I the pa ti?pal ~~ligio~~ aJ1~pharei\li ~e ~~)Teloped•f~.t;'.'!Jqy11" ~Qncept ?f a Schach, and. t;"';>:i>, Rabbi Yosef Shalom wotl<lsbeep more evident, ov~~a period geir(lsthat is valfd o'.'.lysz lQng ~stheger Elyashiv issued il pubicletter stating that of decades, thani that of conversiop. continuestoliveiulsrael.f!e had this kaballa~ al mitzvos is· an indispensable Thereis a lcmg tradition in the natiop.al qualific~tion.~tterr on his sertific~tes requireinent of .geirus, and that. ~atei religious world of factoring ideologi­ of conversion.
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