§ 80.1185 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–15 Edition) (2) The character structure must con- (b) Portable ship earth stations must sist of 8 bits (seven bits plus one char- meet the rule requirements of ship acter parity bit) having equal time in- earth stations with the exeception of tervals. eligibility. (3) ‘‘Odd’’ parity is required. (c) Where the license of the portable ship earth station is not the owner of MOBILE-SATELLITE STATIONS the ship or fixed platform on which the station is located, the station must be § 80.1185 Supplemental eligibility for operated with the permission of the mobile-satellite stations. owner or operator of the ship or fixed Stations in the maritime mobile-sat- platform. ellite service must meet the eligibility requirements contained in this section. [52 FR 27003, July 17, 1987] (a) A station license for a ship earth RADIODETERMINATION station may be issued to: (1) The owner or operator of a ship. § 80.1201 Special provisions for cable- (2) A corporation proposing to fur- repair ship stations. nish a nonprofit radio communication service to its parent corporation, to an- (a) A ship station may be authorized other subsidiary of the same parent, or to use radio channels in the 285–315 kHz to its own subsidiary, where the party band in Region 1 and 285–325 kHz in any to be served is the owner or operator of other region for cable repair radio- the ship aboard which the ship earth determination purposes under the fol- station is to be installed and operated. lowing conditions: (b) A station license for a portable (1) The radio transmitting equipment ship earth station may be issued to the attached to the cable-marker buoy as- owner or operator of portable earth sociated with the ship station must be station equipment proposing to furnish described in the station application; satellite communication services on (2) The call sign used for the trans- board more than one ship or fixed off- mitter operating under the provisions shore platform located in the marine of this section is the call sign of the environment. ship station followed by the letters ‘‘BT’’ and the identifying number of [52 FR 27003, July 17, 1987, as amended at 54 the buoy. FR 49995, Dec. 4, 1989] (3) The buoy transmitter must be § 80.1187 Scope of communication. continuously monitored by a licensed radiotelegraph operator on board the Ship earth stations must be used for cable repair ship station; and telecommunications related to the (4) The transmitter must operate business or operation of ships and for under the provisions in § 80.375(b). public correspondence of persons on board. Portable ship earth stations are authorized to meet the business, oper- Subpart Y—Competitive Bidding ational and public correspondence tele- Procedures communication needs of fixed offshore platforms located in the marine envi- SOURCE: 63 FR 40065, July 27, 1998, unless ronment as well as ships. The types of otherwise noted. emission are determined by the INMARSAT organization. § 80.1251 Maritime communications subject to competitive bidding. [52 FR 27003, July 17, 1987] Mutually exclusive initial applica- § 80.1189 Portable ship earth stations. tions for VPCSA licenses and AMTS coast station licenses are subject to (a) Portable ship earth stations are competitive bidding. The general com- authorized to operate on board more petitive bidding procedures set forth in than one ship. Portable ship earth sta- part 1, subpart Q of this chapter will tions are also authorized to be operated apply unless otherwise provided in this on board fixed offshore platforms lo- part. cated in international or United States domestic waters. [67 FR 45375, July 9, 2002] 174 VerDate Sep<11>2014 09:41 Dec 07, 2015 Jkt 235213 PO 00000 Frm 00184 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT 31 lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB Federal Communications Commission Pt. 87 § 80.1252 Designated entities. PART 87—AVIATION SERVICES (a) This section addresses certain issues concerning designated entities Subpart A—General Information in maritime communications services Sec. subject to competitive bidding. 87.1 Basis and purpose. (b) Eligibility for small business provi- 87.3 Other applicable rule parts. sions. (1) A small business is an entity 87.5 Definitions. that, together with its affiliates and controlling interests, has average gross Subpart B—Applications and Licenses revenues not to exceed $15 million for 87.17 Scope. the preceding three years. 87.18 Station license required. (2) A very small business is an entity 87.19 Basic eligibility. that, together with its affiliates and 87.25 Filing of applications. controlling interests, has average gross 87.27 License term. revenues not to exceed $3 million for 87.29 Partial grant of application. the preceding three years. 87.35 Cancellation of license. (3) [Reserved] 87.39 Equipment acceptable for licensing. 87.41 Frequencies. (4) A consortium of small businesses 87.43 Operation during emergency. (or a consortium of very small busi- 87.45 Time in which station is placed in op- nesses) is a conglomerate organization eration. formed as a joint venture between or 87.47 Application for a portable aircraft sta- among mutually independent business tion license. firms, each of which individually satis- 87.51 Aircraft earth station commissioning. fies the definition in paragraph (b)(1) of this section (or each of which individ- Subpart C—Operating Requirements and ually satisfies the definition in para- Procedures graph (b)(2) of this section). Where an OPERATING REQUIREMENTS applicant or licensee is a consortium of small businesses (or very small busi- 87.69 Maintenance tests. 87.71 Frequency measurements. nesses), the gross revenues of each 87.73 Transmitter adjustments and tests. small business (or very small business) 87.75 Maintenance of antenna structure shall not be aggregated. marking and control equipment. (c) A winning bidder that qualifies as 87.77 Availability for inspections. a small business, as defined in § 80.1252(b)(1), or consortium of small RADIO OPERATOR REQUIREMENTS businesses may use the bidding credit 87.87 Classification of operator licenses and specified in § 1.2110(f)(2)(ii) of this chap- endorsements. ter. A winning bidder that qualifies as 87.89 Minimum operator requirements. a very small business, as defined in 87.91 Operation of transmitter controls. § 80.1252(b(2), or consortium of very OPERATING PROCEDURES small businesses may use the bidding credit specified in § 1.2110(f)(2)(i) of this 87.103 Posting station license. 87.105 Availability of operator permit or li- chapter. cense. (d) A winning bidder that qualifies as 87.107 Station identification. a small business or a consortium of 87.109 Station logs. small businesses as defined in 87.111 Suspension or discontinuance of oper- § 80.1252(b)(1) or § 80.1252(b)(5) of this ation. subpart may use the bidding credit specified in § 1.2110(e)(2)(ii) of this chap- Subpart D—Technical Requirements ter. A winning bidder that qualifies as 87.131 Power and emissions. a very small business or a consortium 87.133 Frequency stability. of very small businesses as defined in 87.135 Bandwidth of emission. § 80.1252(b)(2) or § 80.1252(b)(5) of this 87.137 Types of emission. subpart may use the bidding credit 87.139 Emission limitations. specified in § 1.2110(e)(2)(i) of this chap- 87.141 Modulation requirements. ter. 87.143 Transmitter control requirements. 87.145 Acceptability of transmitters for li- [63 FR 40065, July 27, 1998, as amended at 68 censing. FR 43000, July 21, 2003] 87.147 Authorization of equipment. 175 VerDate Sep<11>2014 09:41 Dec 07, 2015 Jkt 235213 PO 00000 Frm 00185 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT 31 lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB.
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