VOL. 120 - NO. 45 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 4, 2016 $.35 A COPY Baker-Polito Administration Launches New Shopping Website for Electric Supply Products Interactive Tool Will Allow Electricity Customers to Compare Competitive Suppliers The Baker-Polito Administra- reduce barriers to residential setts will make it easier for tion announced the launch of participation in the competi- residents and small businesses Energy Switch Massachusetts, tive electricity supply market,” to compare competitive electric an interactive online tool which said Lieutenant Governor Karyn product offerings and remove will provide product information Polito. “Today’s announcement barriers to a more robust com- to residential and small busi- reflects our administration’s petitive electric supply market,” ness electricity consumers who commitment to protecting rate- said Energy and Environmental seek to purchase their electric payers and ensuring the electric Affairs (EEA) Secretary Mat- supply from the competitive supply market is fair and com- thew Beaton. “The Baker-Polito market. The website is part of petitive.” Administration is dedicated to an ongoing effort by state offi - The Department of Public ensuring ratepayers’ rights are cials to help consumers manage Utilities’ (DPU) new website al- protected and they are provided their energy costs and follows lows licensed competitive sup- with the most reliable service at the recent release of the Com- pliers to list multiple products the lowest possible cost.” monwealth Energy Tool for Sav- to allow consumers to select the The electric service provided ings (energyCENTS), a web plat- supply product that best meets to residential and business cus- form for the Commonwealth’s their needs. Shoppers will be tomers in the Commonwealth is ratepayers to search available able to compare products based composed of two components: energy saving opportunities on price, length of contract, (1) supply service, which is the like energy rebates, incentives, renewable energy resource electricity commodity that we News Briefs loans, and tax credits. content, and additional prod- use to power our homes and by Sal Giarratani “Energy Switch Massachu- ucts and services. The website businesses, and (2) delivery setts will empower residents to also provides increased trans- service, which is the transport make their own choices about parency into costs, such as of electricity from the source where they get their energy,” cancellation fees, and provides of its generation to our homes Obamacare Starting to Flatline? said Governor Charlie Baker. an estimated monthly cost for and businesses. Customers of News just out: starting in January, ObamaCare pre- “This tool will not only allow each of the products listed on investor-owned local electric miums will see double digit increases. President Obama residents to choose a price the website. Website users can distribution companies can realizing what is coming a few months from now has and contract length that works fi lter and compare products on purchase their electric sup- started to spin that the Affordable Healthcare Act wasn’t best for them, but also choose Energy Switch Massachusetts, ply service from any competi- perfect, and was more like a starter home. When he how much of their electricity is and ultimately transfer to a tive supplier licensed by DPU. pushed it into law, it was being called a mansion like produced by renewable energy competitive supplier’s website Customers who do not choose the ones in Newport, R.I., wasn’t it? resources.” to purchase the electric supply to receive supply service from By the way, those rising premiums could be over 20 “This new resource for resi- product of their choice. percent higher for some. But not to worry. All those dents and small businesses will “Energy Switch Massachu- (Continued on Page 13) people getting free ObamaPhones, no rise for you if you are on Medicaid or state Medicaid like Mass Health here. Everyone here is still working for you. Oh, and By the Way ... Choices in providers? You don’t need no stinkin’ choices. You get what’s available, which ain’t much. Don’t like this? Call someone who has an ObamaPhone, they don’t know what premiums or co-pays are, either. They are on the gravy train ... Who would have thought ObamaCare expires on January 20, 2017, huh? Didn’t see that in the fi ne print, did you? Stool Pigeon Parrot This parrot’s actually a dirty little rat. A pet parrot squawked to its owner that her husband was two-timing her with the maid. The bird tattle-tailed with fl irty phrases she didn’t know, confi rming her suspicions that he had been cheating on her. However, since there was no way of knowing if the bird had heard the phrases on the TV, the guy wasn’t charged because charges of adultery against him wouldn’t hold up in court. One thing seems sure. The next time the maid comes over, the bird’s in the closet, huh? Saving Social Security Politicians have been talking about Social Security for years, but rarely want to fi x it. Remember back in 2000 when Al Gore was talking about the LOCKED BOX. They don’t even talk about that anymore. Social Security, we were told back in 1976, was in trouble and we were warned that it could go bankrupt. Twenty years ago, we were told bankruptcy would hap- pen in 40 years time. Twenty years have gone by, and VOTE FOR YOUR CANDIDATE now we are told the whole system will collapse by 2034. (Continued on Page 14) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE HAS MOVED TO 343 CHELSEA ST., DAY SQUARE, EAST BOSTON This offi ce is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information PAGE 2 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 4, 2016 Simple TIMES . by Girard A. Plante This year’s Presidential cycle for two decades to the sum of AT HOME IN OLD ROME, LA FAMIGLIA is the weirdest, most drama- $1 billion dollars. He gloated fi lled, and personally repulsive in beating the so-called “rigged the protection and the guardianship of the old- I have witnessed since I cast my system” simply because he and est son as did the unmarried girls in the family. fi rst vote for America’s highest other billionaires can. The early Roman laws also gave a father the offi ce in November 1980 (when After 11 months of attack ads, power to sell one of his sons as a slave for a fi xed I voted for Ronald Reagan). brutal TV commercials, and period of time. Later laws permitted the son to be My initial involvement in a bitter debates that served up automatically released from the “patria potestas” political campaign occurred more ugliness, we citizens and become a free citizen after having been sold in 1972 with my twin brother are weary. We desire a return three times. The law also gave the father the right and a group of close friends as to civility in our elections at of life or death over his wife, sons, and slaves. we distributed brochures for every level of government. We He had the power to disown a child at birth and a friend’s father running for need leaders. We do not like have it “exposed” (thrown out into the street). The a county seat. We came away our collective intelligence to be child was thus condemned to death by starva- enthusiastic and eager to join insulted any longer. tion, or it could possibly be rescued and sold into another campaign. Candidates who will serve slavery at a later date. The laws and customs That same year’s presidential us in government must offer During primitive times in ancient Rome, the were slowly modifi ed with the passage of time election also became the begin- hope to a hurting populace. family, or “familia,” was considered to be all of and the family was united by love and affection ning of a lengthy battle between Not proffer dread that America those persons living under a single roof. These as it is today. Congress, the United States never wins anymore, or that people came under the rule of the father, who Through all of their political activity, religious Supreme Court, and President China is doing better, or that was the man of authority and known as “pater and business affairs, cultural and leisurely Richard Nixon, who attempted the United States must become familias.” pursuits, and their strong family ties, there to gain an edge over Democrats great. No! We have an economy The familia included the wife, children, hus- seems to be one consistent trait that was evident by ordering the break-in of the that is chugging along far better bands or wives of married children, grandchildren, throughout all of Roman history; the capacity party’s headquarters in the than expected. Our military is servants, slaves, and even freed persons living in for obedience to the family elders. The patria Watergate Hotel in Washington, mightier than any nation on the the house. All owed their respect and obedience potestas or supreme authority of the father D.C. planet. America is a great na- to the pater familias. was the basis of their family life. Because of This past year has dragged on tion that offers hope, promise, The roots of the old Roman patriarchal system their ability to accept and obey a higher au- with Republican nominee Don- and opportunities. People fl ee- seem to go back to barbaric times when wives thority, Romans developed their capacity as ald Trump’s battle cry of “rigged ing war-torn nations are arriv- were captured or purchased.
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