57 Political Situation In Uttar Pradesh Jyalstha 13, 1917 (Saka) PoHtlcal Situation in Uttar Pradesfi 58 "Th at clause 1, the Enacting Formula and the Long action thereon, it is evident that consequent on the Title stand part of the Bill". withdrawal of support by the Bahujan SamaJ Party, tfie mling party has been reduced to minority. The Government The motion was adopted. of the State should take appropnate actton fn the matter. Clausa 1, the Enacting Formula and the Long Title But if the head of the Government takes recourse to were added to the Bill. criminal steps to save his Government, then the Union Government and the Parliament should not remain silent SHRIMATI SHEILA KAUL : I beg to move : spectators. The issue, of course, falls within the jurisdiction That the Gtill be passed." of the Governor, but when the Chief Minister of the State has himself turned a criminal, the Central Government and MR. SPEAKER : The question is : the Home Minister have got to intervene In the matter. That the Bill be passed." The legislators are being beaten up and abducted and some of the legislators belonging to the ruling paity who The motion was adopted. have criminal record are assisting the Chiof Ministei. in view of the breakdown of the law and order in the State, the State Government should be dismissed. 16.42 hrs. Mr. Speaker. Sir. the legendary Bhishma Pitamah, [English] though a colossue in strength, could not make use of his strength due to some moral obligations, in this House also, POLITICAL SITUATION IN there are people with extraneous loyattios, who are not UTTAR PRADESH - Contd able to exercise their powers. Today the poopie of Uttar MR. SPEAKER : Now I will allow Shri Vinay Katiyar Pradesh are being denied justice and if timely action Is tb speak and then the Home Minister will speak. Our not taken, the caste conflict in Lucknow will spread to other method Is not to have questions on the statement made districts also. It may endanger the law and order situation by the Mmister. So. let the hon. Members have their say in the State. first. I would request the Central Government to use Its powers and to depend on the Governor of U.P. alone. P'ranslatlon] SHRI VINAY KATIYAR (Faizabad) : Mr. Speaker, Sir. [English] questions have been raised here about the activities of MR. SPEAKER : I will allow ail of you. Ai! of you have U.P. Government several times. Ever since this Govern­ to make short submissions. ment assumed power in U.P., several incidents have taken place which are not in public Interest. We had demanded MR. SPEAKER ; Sonkar Shastriji, be very brief so many a time that this Government should be dismissed. that many more can be accommodated. I would like to refer to the Allahabad High Court case in [Translation] which Samajwadi Party activist were involved. But only (hose officers were punished who were not favoured by SHRI RAJNATH SONKAR SHASTRI (Saidpur) : Today, the party in power. The C.B.i. report In regard to ^he the eveats of lojcknow defy the imagination of a citizen Muzaffarnagar incident has been submitted. But in sp.te of any democratic country. Today a reign of terror has been of repeated requests, no action has been taken on the let loose by goondas in the entire State of Uttar Pardesh. recommendations of the report or against the guilty officers And thjs has been done by the very people who are because of their proximity to tne ruling party. Officers are supposed to run the Government. being discriminated against on the basis of their loyalty Yesterday, the workers and leaders of the Bahujan to the ruling party. Incidents of atrocities are on the SamaJ Party were holding a meeting in the Quest House. increase. In my own constituency, there are persons Whatevei' the purpose, but they were holding a peaceful against whom as many as 18-20 cases were pending in meeting which was disturbed by about 3 to 3V, thousand courts. But these were withdrawn after the present party activist of another party. They started beating up the assumed power. This is not an isolated incident, there are M.L.A.S belonging to the Bahujan Samaj Party. The M.L.As numerous such incMents In the entire State where people were trying to escape in bathrooms, under the Chairs. It guilty of heinous crimes have been let off and there has Is said that Ms. Mayawati was also there and filthy abuses been a spurt in criminal activltlet in the State. were hurled at her. The police was a silent spectator all The Panchayat elections lieM In the Stale have also along. The most unfortunate part is that we are haijians been a subject matter of discussion here. The matter was and we are called k>y the names of our castes. It ¥08 not permitted to be rsdsad here on the ptoi of being a said in respect of Ms. Mayaw«tt that *a ^amra* *a State subject, It was the right decision bill In view of the chamaniya* is aspiring to beoome the Chief Minister. We fact that the State Government.and the penpn heading felt so agitated. At this humWation that njshed to the the Government are Involved In ereating dim, ll Is quite well of the Houee. ¥/• have ctherwlee full reepect for Me natural lor this House to deliberate the Issue and take august House. We are grateful to Ve^piyeeJI that he yielded 59 Political Situation in Utiar Pradosh June 3,1995 Political Situation in Uttar Pradesh 60 in our favour and gave us an opportunity to voice our experience, I can say that the administrative machinery grievances. We do not want to advise the Governor of can be categorised in two groups. One group comprisos U.P. on tlie course of action, he should adopt. He is a officers and employees who are prepared to forsake rules< learned person and he should foilow the ConstitutionaJ law, self respect to achieve their selfish ends. In requirement. But there are some relevant precedents yesterday's incident in the Guest House, besides followed by our preccessors. Shri Chandra Bhanu Gupta. legislators and anti-social elements, police personnel in Babu Sampurnanand and Choudhary Charan Singh large number were also present. Electricity and telephone submitted the resignation of thuir ministries when they connections were disconnected; people were beatedn up w«r« reduced to minority. Now wlion B.S.P. he(s withdrawn and abducted; but the police force did not intervene. its support, Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav should have Sue Politicians whether Muiayam Shigh Yadav or others-come Motu resigned. But he did not tender his resignation. to power for a transitory period but the administrative machinery is in a shambles. If the police force or the We have received information that bus loads of administration adopt a partisan attitude, each village would goondas are being mobilised from the rural areas and are become arena for violence. In the recent Panchayat on their way to their targets. One hour has passed since elections, there was large scale rigging, people were we received this information. The IHome Minister is sitting prevented from casting their votes. And, it were the officers here and he must note that if the situation is not brought and police personnel who were playing this role. In this under control today, there would be pitched battles in every manner, the administrative machinery would be in a village because bhangls. chamars and passis inhabit each shambles. village. We belong to the ruling party and our only submission is that the legislators belonging to the Mr. Speaker, Sir, the hon. Home Minister will be Scheduled Castes are humiliated in this manner and if this making a statement in the House. We cannot say that 29 crore population of India is united, the democracy of it is for the Governor to take the decision and we would this country would be In Jeopardy. Our getting elocted to be Just silent spectators. It is our duty to apprise him of this august body and participation thoroin is meaningless. the situation and to press him to see that the wrong doings are prevented. He should be advised to discuss the Mr. Speai^er, Sir. I would make this submission in the present Government as it has lost the moral and presence of the Home Minister that protection should be constitutional authority to rule the state. provided to the legislators belonging to Scheduled Castes, whatever their party affiliation and wherever they are Mr. Speaker, Sir, we hope that the Home Minister residing - in cities or villages, I hope the Minister would dould take appropriate measures keeping in view ail these make a statemont in this rospoct aspects. If the Chief Minister claims that he has no knowledge or that no such incident occurred, then you I would appeal to the Governor of U.P., Shn Moti Lai can very well guess the situation obtaining In the villages Vora to invite the party enjoying the majority support in and the towns. My submission is that the Central U.P. to form the Government. Shri Muiayam Singh Yadav Government should fulfil its obligation and dismiss the has tost his majority and he should not remain in power Government. a minute longer. Kumari Mayawati will be the first Scheduled Caste Chief Minister and everybody must lend [English] his support for this purpose. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA (Midnapore) : Sir I want to SHRI SHREESH CHANDRA DIKSHIT (Varanasi) : I speak only two or three sentences.
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