PLACE AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INDEX Italicised page numbers refer to extended entries Aachen 598, 624 Aetolia and Acamania Alagoas 265 Almeria 1285 , 1286, 1295 Aalborg 464, 471 639 Alajuela 428 Almirante 1102 Aalst 228 Afar 522 Alamagan 170 I Ala 577 Aargau 1331, 1332, 1337 Afghanistan 89-93 Aland Islands 533 Aloft (New Zealand) Aarlen see Arion -in world organizations Alandur 746 1053 Aba 1065 11.72.73 Alappuzha 727 Alofi (Wallis & Futuna) Abaco 203 African Development Alaska 1519. 1566-9 577 Abadan 768 Bank 81 Alava 1286 Alor Setar 934. 938 Abaian~ 850 Afyonkarahisar 1377 Alba 1157 Alotau 1105 Abakahki 1065 Agadez 1059, 1061 Alba luIia 1157 Al phen aid Rijn 1022 Abakan 1189 Agadir 991 , 992, 993 Albacete 1286 Alphonse 1230 Abancay 111 6 Agalega 961 Albania II. 94-100 Alsace 541. 544 Abariringa see Kanton Agaiia 1698 -in European Alta Vera paz 650 Abbotsford 324, 327 Agamla 748 organizations 52. 53. Altai. Republic of 1173. Abeche 367 Agalti Island 757 56. 57. 58 1184 Abemama 850 Agboville 432 -in other organizations Altai Krai 1173 Abengourou 432 Agder 1071 38,84 Alto Al entejo 1140 Abeokuta 1064, 1065 Aghios Nik olaos 639 Albany (New York) Alto Paraguay 1111 Aberdeen (Scotland) Agigea 1162 1521. 1646, 1647. Alto Parana 1110 1415,1417,1444 Aginskoe 1192 1648 Alto Tras os Montes Aberdeen (South Dakota) Aginskoe-Buryat Albany (Oregon) 1661 1139 1672 Autonomous Obla<l Albany (West. Aus.) 185 Altoona 1664 Aberdeenshire 1415 1173, 1192 Alberta 307, 308, 312, Alvsborg 1320 Abia 1064, 1065 Agnibilekrou 432 320, 320-4 Alwar 742 Abidjan 432, 433 , 435 , Agra 693,750 Albina 1312 Alytus 908 436 A ri 1377 Albuquerque 1520. Amadora 1140 Abilene 1521 , 1677, 1678 Agrihan 1701 1644 Amagasaki 824 Abkhazia 590 Aguascalientes 966, 967 Albury-Wodonga 179 Amambay 1110 Abohar 741 Aguijan 170 I Alcala de Henares 1286 Amapa 265 Aboisso 432 Ahmadi 865 Alcobendas 1286 Amapala 671 Abomey 240, 243 Ahmadnagar 731 Alcorcan 1286 AI-Amarah 776 Abqaiq 1222 Ahmedabad 692, 719 Aldabra 1230. 1494 Amarillo 1520. 1677 Abruzzi 808 Ahuachapan 502 Aldemey 1485 Amarpur 748 Abu Dhabi 1405, 1408 Ahvenanmaa 53 I Aleg 957 Amasya 1377 Abuja 1063, 1064, 1065 AI Ain 1407, 1408 Alegranza 1286 Amazonas (Brazil) 265, Abyan 1740 Ain Chok-Hay Hassani Alentejo 1139, 1140 270 A~aba 957 991 Alentejo Cental 1140 Amazonas (Colombia) AcajutJa 505 Ain Della 102 Alentejo Litoral 1140 409 Acapulco de Juarez 967 Ain Sebaa-Hay Aleppo 1339. 1340, 1342 Amazonas (Peru) 1115 Accra 633, 634, 636 Mohammadi 991 Ales 542 Amazonas (Venezuela) Aceh 759, 761 Ain lemouchent 102 Alesund 1072 1726 Achaia 639 Aioun el Atrouss 957 Aleutians East 1566 Ambala 720. 721 Acklins Island 203 Airdrie (Alta.) 32 1 Aleutians West 1566 Ambato 490 Acre 265, 270 Aitutaki 105 I Alexandria (Egypt) 495, Ambattur 746 ACS69-70 Aix-en-Provence 542 496,497, 500 Amboin. 760. 763 Ad-Diwaniyah 776 Aizawl 736. 737 Alexandria (Romania) Ambon 764 Adamaoua 301 Ajaccio 541 11 58 Ambrym 1720 Adamawa 1064 Ajloun 833 Alexandria (Virginia) Amenca see Uni ted Adamstown I 505 Ajrnan 1405 1521, 1684 States of America Adana 1377, 1378 Ajmer 693, 743 Alexandropolis 640 American Samoa 74. Addis Ababa 521, 522, Ajvaz 768 Algarve 1139. 1140, 1519. /70/-4 524 Akashi 824 1145 Amersfoort 1022 Adebeya 500 Akele Guzai 512 Algeciras 1286 Ames 1603. 1604 Adelaide 131 . 132, 171 , Akershus 1071 AI~eria /01-6 Amhara 522 174 Akita 824 -Ill UN 9,11 Amherst 337 Adelie Land 156 Akjoujt 957 -in world organizations Amherst (Massachusetts) Aden 1740, 1741 , 1743 Akmola 838, 839 65,78.79, 81 1619 Adiyaman 1377 Akola 693. 732 Algiers see al-Jaza' ir Amiens 541 . 542 Akranes 684 Alhucemas 1286 Amindivi Islands 745 ~~0~k~r~065 Akron 1520, 1654, ((i55, Ali-Sabieh 477 Amindivis 757 Adoni 710 1656 Alicante 1286, 1295 Amini Island 757 Adrar (Algeria) 102 Aksaray 13 77 Alice Springs 152. 154 Amirante Isles 1230 Adrar (Mauritania) 957 Aksaz Karaa a~ 1379 Aligarh 693. 750 Amman 833. 834. 836 Adygeya. Republic of Aktau 841 Alkmaar 1022 Amphissa 639 1173, 1184 Aktube 838 Allahabad 693, 698. 750 Amravati 693 Adzope 432 Akure 1064, 1065 Allentown 1521 . 1664 Amritsar 693. 740. 742 A"IIean North Region Akureyri 684, 688 Alma-Ata see Almaly Amroha 749 (Greece) 639 Akwa lbom 1064 Almaly 838 Amstelveen 1022 Aegean South Region Akyab 1002. 1003 Almelo 1022 Amsterdam 1021. 1022. (Greece) 639 Alabama 1518, /563-5 Almere 1022 1023. 1028 1783 1784 PLACE INDEX Amsterdam Island 570 Antsiranana 924, 927 Armenia (Colombia) 409 Atlantic Zone Amtimam 367 Antwerp 227, 228, 233, Ambem 1022 (Nicaragua) 1055 Amur Oblast 1173 234 Arorae 850 Atlantico 409 An Giang 1734 Anuradhapura 1300, Arrah 715 Atlantida 670 An-Najaf 776 1301 Arras 542 Atlantique 240 An-Nasiriyah 776 Anvers see Antwerp Arta 639 Attica Region (Greece) Anaconda-Deer Lodge Anyang 854 Artigas 1710 639 1631 Anzoategui 1726 Artvin 1377 Attopei 875 Anadyr 1192 Aoba 1720 Arua 1393 Atyrau 838 Anaheim 1520, 1575 Aomori 824 Aruba 28, 1025, 103/-3 Aubagne 546 Anambra 1064 Apac 1393 Arunachal Pradesh 692, Auburn (Maine) 1613 Anand 718 APEC 74 695,712 Auburn (New York) 1646 Anantapur 710,711 Apeldoorn 1022 Arusha 1348 Auckland \038, \039, AI-Anbar 776 Apia 1209, 1211 Arvada 1578 1042, 1046 Ancash IllS Apolirna 1209 Arviat 352 Auckland Islands \037 Anchorage 1520, 1554, Appenzell-Inner Rhoden Aryanah 1371 Augsburg 598, 612 1566,1568 1330, 1332, 1333 as-Salimiya 865 Augusta 1613 Anchorage (Cook Appenzell-Outer Rhoden As-Samawah 776 Auk; 1255 Islands) see Suwarrow 1330, 1332, 1333 As-Sulayrnaniyah 776 Aulnay-sous-Bois 542 Anc6n 1102 Appleton 1692 Asaba 1064 Aunu'u 1702 Ancona 808, 811 Apra Harbor 1698, 1699 Asahikawa 824 Aurangabad 693, 732 Andalusia 1285, 1286, Apure 1726 Asanol 693, 753 Aurora (Colorado) 1520, 1287,1289, 1293 Apurimac 1116 Ascension /507 1578 Andaman Islands 692, Aqaba 833, 834, 835, Ascension Island 61 Aurora (Illinois) 1521, 695 , 698, 753-4 836,837 ASEAN 75-7 1597 Andean Community 68-9 Aquitaine 541 ASEAN Mekong Basin Aust-Agder 1071 Anderson 1600 Ar-Ramadi 776 Development Co-oper­ Austin 1520, 1677 Andhra Pradesh 692, Arab Maghreb Union 80 ation 76-7 Austral Islands 574 695,701,709-11 Aracajli 265, 266 Ashanti 633 Australia 130-91 Andizhan 1716 Arad 1157 Ashdod 800, 802 -in world organizations Andorra 107-9 Aragon 1285, 1286, Asheville 1650 11,41,60,72,73,74, -in world organizations 1287, 1289 Ashgabat 1385 75,84 11,52,53 Ashkhabad see Ashgabat Australian Antarctic Andorra-la-Vella 107 ~~:fu;6~ 726 Ashmore Island 61, 130, Territory 61 , 130, /56 Andros 203, 205 Arakuvalley 711 J59 Australian Capital Androth Island 757 Aranuka 850 Asia-Pacific Economic Territory 131 , 146, Ane-Ia-Raye 1202 Arauca409 Co-operation 74 /50-/ Anegada 1494 Araucani. 372 Asian Development Bank Austria II , 192-8 Anoho 1360, 1363 Arawa 1105 72 -in European Aneityum 1720 Arcadia 640 Asker 1072 organizations 42, 43, Anfa 991 Ardabil768 Asmara 512, 514 45, 46, 52, 53, 54, 56, Angarpota 212 Ards 1476 Assab 512, 514 57,58 Angeles I 123 Arecibo 1704 Assam 692, 695, 700, -in other organizations Angers 542 Arequipa 1116 701,702,7/3-/4 38, 41,59,65,67,72, Anglesey, Isle of 1414 Argenteuil 542 Assen 1022 84 Angola 110- J5 Argentia 337 Association of Caribbean Auvergnc 541 -in world organizations Argentina 119-25 States 69-70 Avadi 746 11,65,81,82,84 -inUN9,ll Association of South A varau see PaJrnerston Angoon 1566 -in world organizations East Asian Nations (Cook Islands) Angouleme 542 49,65,67,68,84 75-7 Ave 1139 Anguilla 61, 71,1489-91 Arge 1157 Assomada 359 ~vir.0n 542 Angus 1415 Argolis 640 Assumption 1230 AVla 1286 Anhui 384, 389 Argostoli 639 Astove 1230 Aviles 1286 Anjouan see Nzwani Argovie see Aargau Astrakhan OblaS! 1172 Avon 1413 Ankara 1376, 1377, Argyll 1415 Asturias 1285, 1286, Awbari 900 1378, 1382 Arhus 463, 464, 469, 471 1287,1289 Awdal1260 Ann Arbor 1521, 1620, Ariamsvlei 1012 Asuncion 1110, 1112, Awka 1064, 1065 1621 Arica (Bolivia) 249 11\3 Ayacucho 1116 Annaba 102 Arica (Chile) 372 Aswan 495, 496, 499 Aydin 1377 Annamalainagar 747 Arima 1367 Asyut 495, 496 Ayers Rock 152 Annandale and Eskdale AI Arish 496 at-Tarf 102 Ayre 1483 1415 Arizona 1519, /569-72 At Tur496 Ayson 372 Annapolis 1615 Arkansas 1518, 1572-4 Atacama 372 Az Zubayr 777 Annecy 542 Arkhangelsk 1173 Atafu 1050 Azad 1089 Annab6n 508 Arkhangelsk Oblast 1172 Atakora 240 Azarbayejan, East 768 Anshan 384 Arlington Heights 1597 Atakpame 1360, 1363 Azarbar.cjan, West 768 Antalya 1377, 1378 Arlington (Texas) 1520, Atar 957 AzerbaIjan J99-202, Antananarivo 924, 927 1677 Atbara 1307 1172 Antarctic Peninsula 1494 Arlington (Virginia) Athabasca 322 -in European Antigua and Barbuda 1520, 1586 Athens 638, 639, 640, organizations 53, 56 1/6-/8 Arlit 1061 644 -in world organizations - inUN II Arion 228 Athlonc 793 11,38,63,64,72 - in world organizations Armagh 1476 Ati 367 Azilal991 60,65,68,70,71 Armenia /26-9 Atiu 1051 Azogues 490 Antioquia 409 -in European Atizapan de Zaragoza Azores \139, \140, 1141. Antipodes Islands 1037 organizations 53, 56 967 1145 Antofagasta 372 -in world organizations Atlanta 1520, 1554, Azua 484 Antrim 1476 II, 38, 63, 64, 84 1590,1591 Azuay 490 PLACE INDEX 1785 Ba Ria 1733 Baltimore 1520, 1554, Barwon 179 Beira 931, 998, 999, Baarle-Hertog 227 1615, \ 6 \ 6 Bas-Zaire 419 WOO, 1001 Babahoyo 490 Baltislan 1089 Basel 1331, 1336, 1337 Beira Interior Norte 1140 Babelthuap 1097 Baluchestan see Sistan Basel-Country 1330, Beira Interior Sui 1140 Babil776 and Baluehestan 1332, 1337 Beirut 25, 886, 887.
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