BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS _ ' A.-PURE CHEMISTRY | DECEMBER, 1935. General, Physical, and Inorganic Chemistry. Slight correction to the Rydberg constant for 1000 A. have been photographed and arranged into hydrogen (H1). R. C. Williams and R. C. Gibbs three progressions for wliich formuła; are given. (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, 491). L. S. T. They are due to normal O. Otlier bands at shorter T riplet 3p complex of the hydrogen molecule. XX and between 1210 and 1000 A. liave also been G. H. D ieke (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, CIO—614; measured. L. S. T. cf. this vol., 917).—M any peculiarities in the Fulcher Oxygen in the sun’s chromosphere. T. R oyds bands of H2 can be explained by the interaction of (Naturę, 1935, 136, 606—607).—The observed infra- the ?yjM\ with tlie 3f>?£ level (cf. following abstract). red O emission lines 7771, 7774, and 7775 show th at N.' M. B. 02 is a normal and probably abundant constituent of 3p3I, -> 2s3L bands of HD and D2. G. H. the sun’s chromosphere. L. S. T. D ieke (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 606—609; cf. New emission spectrum of sulphur in the this yoL, 555).—Fuli data for the system in the photographic infra-red. M. D k sib an t and J. extreme red and near infra-red are tabulated, and D uchesne (Compt. rend., 1935, 201, 597—598).— the band consts. are calc. N. M. B. Bands at 6650—7765 A., degraded to the violet, and Vibration and rotation spectrum of the mole­ attributed to S2, are described. H. J. E. cule HD. G. C. W ick (Atti R. Accad. Lincei, 1935, [vi], 21, 708—714).—Theoretical and mathematical. Deepest terms in ions of the isoelectronic O. J. W. secjuence Ai—Mn v m . P. G. K r u g e r and S. G. Anomalies in the Zeeman effect of helium. W eissberg (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 659—663).— L. E. K insler and W. V. Houston (Physical Rev., Radiations corresponding with the energy difFerences 1934, [ii], 45, 134). L. S. T. bet^-een the terms 3pa 1S0—3]f>4cSsP<i, lP\ in Ti v, V Tl, Cr vn, Mn vhi, and 3/)61>S,0—3p55s3P°l, lP° in V vi and Photographic record of the resonance line of Cr vrr, and connecting the upper states with the helium . K. H aid eicii (Phot. Korr., 1935, 71, deepest terms in each ion, have been observed. 106—107).—The He resonance line atX 10,830 (2-s—2p) Series limits and vals. of the deepest terms are calc. can he photographed on Ilford I.-R. plates sensitised N. M. B. by neocyanine. The greatest intensity of the line is Spectrum of the zinc arc in a vacuum. C. W. near the cathode. J. L. H etzler, R. W. Boreman, and K. Burns (Physical Electric and magnetic effect on the helium Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 656—659).—D ata for 60 lines in lines for perpendicularly crossed fields. W. the rangę 2178—7799 A. are tabulated. Two new S teubing and W. R edepenning (Ann. Physik, 1935, solar Zn lines, XX 4292 and 7799, are reported. A [v], 24, 161— 182).—The combined Zeeman and Stark source for obtaining weak lines in vac. is described, effeets on the He lines have been investigated. Detailed and data for the stronger lines of Pb, Cu, Cd, Ag, Sn, results are given for the lines 2s—3p, 2p —nd (n—4, 5, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Sr, and Be are given. N. M. B. 6), 2p—ns (?i=4, 5, 6), 2S—nP (n = 3, 4), 2P —nD Spectrum of doubly-ionised zinc. S. B asu (m=4, 5, 6, 7), and 2P —n S (n—4, 5, 6). A. J. M. (Indian J. Physics, 1935, 9, 537—544; cf. Bloch, A., Perturbations in the second positive nitrogen 1934, 1051).—D ata and analyses for 104 lines and 23 bands. L. G ero (Z. Physik, 1935, 96, 669—676). new term vals. are tabulated for the region XX 5513— A. B. D. C. 2387. N. M. B. Action of hydrogen bromide on the nitrogen Hyperfine structure in selenium, palladium, afterglow. W. H. Robebush and M. L. Spealman and gold. L. Sibaiya (Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., (J. Anier. Chem. Soc., 1935, 57, 1881— 1882).—HBr 1935, 2, A, 313—319).—Hyperfine structure analysis or Br alters the relative intensity of certain transitions of sonie Se and Pd lines shows that none of the in the afterglow, but the band spectrum of Br was levels examined reveals even isotope displacement. not observed. E. S. H. The Se 77 and Pd 105 nuclei have very smali magnetic Electronic and vibrational absorption in 0 4 moments, and their spin moment is probably 1 /2(kj'2~). and O, molecules. J. W. E llis and H. O. ICneser The doublet structure (Av=0-224 cm.-1) in the reson­ (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, 133). L. S. T. ance lines of Au is confirmed by the redoubling of Absorption of oxygen in the extreme ultra- each component due to self-reversal in the source. violet. G. B. Collins and W. C. Price (Physical Evidence points to a single Au isotope of mass 197, Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, 561).—Absorption bands below indicating that the accepted at. wt. is too high. The 5 c 1437 1438 BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTBACTS.----A. nuclear spin moment of Au is 3/2, and the g(I) factor Intensity relations in the hyperfine structure is 0-136, agreeing with Landó’s theoretical val. of the optically-excited mercury line 5461 A. N. M. B. E. E. Boggs and H. W. Webb (Physical Rev., 1934, Quenching of cadmium resonance radiation [ii], 45, 561). L. S. T. by foreign gases. H. C. Lipson and A. C. G. Wave-length standards in the extreme ultra- M itc h e ll (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 625—630).— violet. J. C. Boyce (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, The ąuenching of the Cd resonance line X 3261 by 289; cf. A., 1934, 1147 ; this vol., 799). L. S. T. H2, D2, CO, NH3, N2, and CH, was measured by comparing line intensity from a celi containing pure Flame and spark-in-flame spectra of rare Cd vapour and one containing Cd vapour and the earths. C. J. Rodden and O. S. Plantinga foreign gas. Applying the Stern-Volmer formuła, the (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 4 5 ,280—281).—Bands given ąuenching cross-sections are : H 2 0-67, D 2 0-19, CO by La, Sm, Pr, Nd, Gd, and Yb when the correspond­ 0-14, N H , 0-041, N . 0-021, CH, 0-012 x 10"16 sq. cm. ing rare-earth salts are introduced as a spray in the N. M. B. spark-in-flame method are recorded. L. S. T. Wave-length shifts of the spectral lines of Sn Current distribution between a smali (point) due to change of pressure. T. Y tjasa (Sci. Rep. cathode and a large (infinite) anodę for glow Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, 1935, 2, A, 267—277).— discharges in different gases. F. K e ll e r (Z. X shifts and modes of appearance of the lines of Physik, 1935, 97, 8—33).—Inert gases give diffusion Sn i, ii, in cxcited at 1 atm. and a few cm. pressure flow of electrons when electron concn. near the cathode are tabulated. As tho inner ąuantum no. j increased, is sufficicntly large, and gradient flow when this is the shifts and changes in modes of appearance were smali; N2 belongs to this class. 0 2 and H 20 give more marked. Arc lines showed no appreciable shift ionic sheath flow. A. B. D. C. with pressure increase, but the modo of appearance changed. EfFects were comparatively smaller for tho Sparking potential of hydrogen at high principal series in Sn n and Sn nr. Results are frequencies. R. Zouckbbmann (Compt. rend., tabulatcd also for a no. of unclassified lines. 1935, 201, 649—651; cf. A., 1933, 656).—D ata are N. M. B. rccorded for tho effcct of Hg vapour on the pressure Absorption spectrum of diatomic antimony. yariation of sparking potential of H2 in a Si02 tube S. M. Naude (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, 2S0).— with external electrodes. " H. J. E. Two band systems obtained at different temp. and Development of a spark from a glow. E. L. E. v.p. of the Sb are described. Sonie bands show fine W heatcroft and H. Barker (Phil. Mag., 1935, [vii], structure, and the head corresponding with tho mol. 20, 562—571).—The vtransition glow-spark is dis- Sb121Sb123 is more intense than those corresponding cussed, and the relations no. of sparks-pressure, crit. with the mols. (Sb121), and (Sb123)2. L. S. T. pressure-electrode spacing, and crit. pressure-current are examined and plotted. N. M. B. Perturbations of the higher caesium terms by methane hydrocarbons and measurements for Paschen’s law at Iow striking potentials. the doublet ls-3p of the potassium principal E. L. E. W heatcroft and H. Barker (Phil. Mag., series. C. Fuchtbauer and H. J. Reimebs (Z. 1935, [vii], 20, 571—578).—Paschen’s law is found to Physik, 1935, 97, 1—7).—CH4, C2H,„ and C3H8 give be valid over the glow-spark discharge rangę. The red' displaccment similar to A for the Cs terms, the striking potential curve for air is found. The striking displacement increasing with perturbing mol. size. potential is approx. 50—100 volts lower for the spark Half-width and displaccment measurements are given than for the glow.
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