Youtve s'een thls mon before, but you Próbobly iust possed hlm by. He ltghts hls poth through ïh" dorknes of the nlght. Who is he? Whot'r 4 qnd 5' Vol. XXIX, No. 18 Fresno, Calif. Mar.6, 1975 ' is he doing? Turn to Poge Boord denies studium use for rock concerl Use of the 13,800-seat R¿tcliffe 20,000.'Dean Richard Clel¿nd of but attendance would be lirtritêã St¿dium has been denied bY FCC and Board President HarrY to 12,000 to 14,0ü) Persons and trustees of the State Center E. Hiraoka citcd the exPerienee there would be no use of the Community College District to of several yeañ¡ ago when a rock football field itself. Pacific Presentations, a Los concert at Euless Baseball Pa¡k, Angeles promotional group' q stale a leries of sPring and summer rock concerts' the trustees cited lack of adequat drinking rock concert had been denied ties, and previously to FCC students," for den said District SuPerintendent simil¿r Charles E. Chapman. "To grant Papa for their own ProÍit. events such use now to an outside the issue of the non-athletic denied also. Assist¿nt SuPerintendent' ì"rnå Business, Kenneth S. Wheeler called the faeilities "grosslY A bid for st¿dium use has also undersized for a crowd of been m¿de by Papa Productions' trustees. Hollowell--new trustee Creighton, Hollowell elected ENABI,ER clinic slorls uP the not-Yet-official David L. Creighton and according to attitude," ìÁrs. Emerzian s¿id. his college studies and vocation¿l Coralein (Coke) Hallowell were count. diagnosing the student's goals. scored 18'7?2 e "We're elected to the State Center Mrs. Ilallowell problem, evaluating hi5 - The clinic. located in the Medi¿ William a learning Community College District votes to L2,020 for and' from presentlY 60 11,677 for to alleviate the learning residual capabilities, Center, Provides Board of Trustees in Tuesday's Frank, R. Frank, a remediation students with corrective reading (BetsY) Von Der Ahe Þroblems of students with there creating election. Elizabeth plan. In other words, through and pre-vocational instruction in and 4,149 for FloYd D. Thornton ihvsie¿l disabilities' Creighton, an incumbent, ' new prescriptíve and vocational addilion to limited tutoring in in Area VI, where LYnn B. Ford ianice Emerzian, FCC's defeated George E. Engstrom disabilities specialist instruction we are going to help specific subjects. Clinic staffers 13,870 Are¿ V' is retirinc from the board' learnins individual instruc' tt,426 to in and coorãinator of the clinic, said him maximize his potentials and confer with only other clinical circumvent his learning defi- tors on a regrl¿r basis to find out the Program progress a student and ìike it in the nation is at DeAnza ciency." the of be done to helP him Collese in Cupertino. Mrs. Emerzian said students what- can Mri. Emerzian said the are given a battery of succeed in a course. "culture-free" tests to determine "Our students also utilize the learning disabilities as well as college's regular vocational interests, aptitudes, when they want abilities, and learning sophistica- tutoring in a Par tion. In this way Mrs. Emerzian Mrs. Emerzian and the five Fresno State eood because it emPhasizes University graduate òtudents ímainstreaming' and not isola- who work under her, can decide tion." on the learning process best Mrs. Emerzian said the clinic suited to each individual and set also offers students a look at the up a program that corresponds to See Enobler, PogeT Piroted topes cosl srfísfs m¡llíons tn muslc ro Yql¡ies By llichard H¡¡eon clsins .,More than one fourth of the the electronic impulses ¿nd e¿ch merehandise." Another .^-^- ^^ra:- +L- rrs o¡a nirqrnrt. nr¡rtrroes ; H*írtit; from the ly^tijf:1t:]XrH*,$"H Eight-trock topes--$ I .5O, í2 , $2 .50 oveihead." He s Senote hqs vqcon( commend stores McKenz ¡n delete tions, eight-trac rt of the every between $ approved Mik lowest pri luesday. at the Auction u ichaich' s Fashion Fair, s¿id he knows and t2.50. leetronic some people who make the tapes Rampag ; Lounge and he knows how they make Westlastf Donrt Forget the rsB concert Frldery f, Poge 2 EN ABLER sef for RC compus science studies. --Authorized FCC to hire a stage technician to service the new theater. -Aceepted a bid of $11,020 for a walk-in freezer that will allow for greater food storage capacity and will enable the district to affect purehasing economies through volume bulk and storage. -Approved the hiring of a e tutorial student personnel services tech- nician to help íecruit and advise s, readers, prospective d guidance Native American 3tudénts. The position will be ctor of the staffed at FCC. tate leader --Declined to employ a of college landscape architect for FCC uutil proÉframs for handicaPPed stu' the financial arrangements are äenis, will assist RC personnel made more clear. spring in the planning. -Accepted gifts of $6,000 this glassware The board also: worth of and chemieal supplies from Van Waters- -Accepted a bid of $12'007 from Weger Corporation for a Rogers Company and $2,000 movable bãnd-choral shell for the from the Stauffer Chemieal new FCC theater. Company. The chemistry suf John Entwhistle plies will be used at FCC and the IONG ruIYER -Awarded a bid of $10,1?0 for purchase six comPuter iz,o00 will be used by the the of program. terminals for the FCC science Reedley agriculture consider program to Digital Data SYstems A special meeting to services ôt San Jose. The terminals will costs and architectural Uhots Entwh¡stle3 allow students to work with a for a campus service center at held last night. tcn b¡tes dog mini-computer as Part of'their FCC was By Kurt Kr¡ner homosexual child debaucher, unfinished feeling. It has all the Four nqmed "Uncle Ernie." earmarks of a rush job, including Mad Dog-Iohn Entwhistle's Ox The ever-lengthening spans of unnecessaly remakes of Fifties inactivity between lVho albums standards like "Hound Dog" and os BA nom¡nees MCA 2129 prompted six-minute reprise of Ent- humanities; eventually Entwhistle a Fresno City College has and Ronald L. Pope, Entwhistle, bass guit¿r- to begin releasing solo albums on whistle's own "My Wife." Ever technic¿l-voc¿tional. John in nominated four second-year ist for The Who, had never the side. He wasted no time: Entwhislte's once-fascinatiug participatæ in the These students will compete seemed t< students to written a song prior to 1966 and betweenrUYho'e Next in 1971 and terest in depravity competitive round in Bank against students from neighbor- sick first lVho Quadrophenie in late '73, have degenerated into a ing community colleges in a The s second album, A joke. of America's 19?5 community One. that time all Entwhistle put out three solo awards program. semi-final event March ã) at the Quick At chapter in college sonryrriting chores for the band discs, Sm¡¡h Your IIe¡d Against M¡d Dog, the latest Fresno Hilton. \üinners will be (sic), The were handled by Pete Town- the lVdl, llthietle Rlmes Entwhistle's solo legacy, lies students and their study selectcd by a panel of judges on ex- Vogt, shend, but for A One the and Rigor Mortie Sete In. somewhere between .the fields are Randy J. the basis of ac¿demic record, Suick recent tVilliam Koole, group and their manager decided Together they comprise the high tremes of his early and business; A. sehool and community activities, it, would be a good gimmick if and low points of Entwhistle's work. The unfortunate trend science-engineerinç lVesley J. and character and leadership group member were to solo career. toward more casual album Hammond, social science- qualitÍes. each in compose two songs of his own to The high points occur mostly construction and dabbling point out The lVho s versatility. on the first two albums, Sm¡eh Fifties ùrivia has coótinued, but To do his share, Entwhistle Your IIe¡d, a mad foray on the end result is a good deal less Police check pieced togethei various riffs and everyday life in all its demonic patchy, more refined and perple4ity, and l¡Vhietle Rymee, a listenable. It's also the best- chord changes that had been oulo thefi floating around in his head, collection of perverse parables prodúced of Entwhistle's albums, the material (all original this added some star{lingly bizarre, detailing the exploits of some of and Police are investigating the Mankind's most pathetic misfits. time out) is fairly decent downright perverse lyrics, and theft Feb. 26 of a 1963 Chewolet This Entwhistle at his most throughout, though it still lacks came up with his first two is Impala owned by James Rivis, a the finesse and cohesive quality compositions, t'\4Ihiskey Man" meticulous: meaty material and night student. of the earlier discs. and "Boris the Spider." These ear-catching arrangements, spot- Rivis said he had parked his Mad fine Entwhistfe's favorite theme extremely tuneful tales of lighting John's own ear in Lot A at University and instrumental t¿lents seems be alcoholic dementia and creepy- vocal and these days to McKinley and had locked all the (he bass, keyboards aggressive (or simply over- crawly paranoia, respectively, exeells on doors, had his windows rolled up, and leaving the rest powering) females, as first ¡I$DAY surprised the hell of and brass), and had locked his ignition. The SPEC¡AL out best, depicted Wife" from Townshend and Co.
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