RESOLUTION NO. 2020.68 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COT]NCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE TJNIFORM METHOD OF LEVYING, COLLECTING AND ENFORCING NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS FOR STORMWATER SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 197.3632, F.S. THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE VILLAGE; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village of Key Biscayne ("Village") has created a stormwater utility as set forth in Chapter 29, Section 29-I, et seq., of the Village's Code of Ordinances (the "Code"); and WHEREAS, Section 197 .3632, Florida Statutes establishes a uniform method for the levy, collection and enforcement of non-ad valorem assessments (the "Uniform Method"); and WHEREAS, Section I97.3632, Florida Statutes, authorizes the Village to elect to utilize the Uniform Method; and WHEREAS' the Village Council desires to use the Uniform Method for the purpose of collecting stormwater utility fees; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of this Resolution, the Village Council advertised and conducted a public hearing, as shown on the advertisement and proof of publication attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibits "A" and "B," respectively; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, the legal description of the properties which may be subject to the levy of non-ad valorem assessments is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "C;" and WHEREAS, the Village Council finds that this Resolution is in the best interest and welfare of the residents of the Village. Page I of7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COT]NCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. That each of the above-stated recitals are hereby adopted, confirmed, and incorporated herein. Section 2. Intent. Commencing with the 2022 Fiscal Year, concluding September 30, 2022, the Village of Key Biscayne intends to use the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem assessments as authorizedby Section I97.3632, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, for stormwater fees. Such non-ad valorem assessments will be levied within the incorporated area of the Village, as described in Section 1.03 of the Village Charter. A legal description and a map of the area which may be subject to the non-ad valorem assessment is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibits "C" and "D," respectively. The non-ad valorem assessments and the Village's use of the uniform method of collecting its non-ad valorem assessments may continue for more than one year. Section 3. Authorization. That the Village Council hereby authorizes the Village Manager to implement the intent and purpose of this Resolution by, including but not limited to, notifuing the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser's office, the Tax Collector and the Department of Revenue for the State of Florida of the Village's intent to collect stormwater fees by using the uniform method of collection and entering into a written agreement with the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector for this pulpose, subject to the approval of the Village Attorney as to form, content, and legal sufficiency. Section 4. Direction to Villaee Clerk. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to send certified copies of this Resolution to the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser, Miami-Dade County Tax Collector, and the Florida Department of Revenue. Page2 of7 Section 5. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 8th day of Decemher 2020. MICHAEL W. DAVEY, MAYOR ATTEST: Q,'.r-4*.^8. [C- J--, JOCEI,YN B. K6dH VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SI.JFFICIENCY: WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN COLE & BIERMAN, P.L. VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 3 of7 EXIIIBIT A COPY OF' NOTICE BY THE VILLAGE OF'KEY BISCAYNE OF'INTENT TO USE THE UNIFORM AD VALOREM METHOD OF'COLLECTION OF A NON.AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT 26^ LocalU State lllinnri llmlD I surMY mv4rrr s ron | I NrSrHEiltoIfi rR$t PA6t ZtA been muted duhg virud meedngs and th€atened to PATA have thei micrcphones st off. Political newcomer, five-time She apFared to be refering Depatu€nt abo d€clined to comm€nt to D€Fillipo, S€ city's mayor, r'Mut€ about the SPN story on what remains who shout€d) her dght an oFn inv$tigation. candidate face off in North nowl" h r€ference to Sdh at Seved Pata fmily memb€rs, in- a meeting last mon6. cluding $iblings and Hs mofr€r, had not hve sdd datr il she wins, reMed phone calls or texts to the Miami Beach runoff she wants commission m€et- Miad Herald by Wedn€sday after- irys 'to be a con$ant rednd€r of prQer decom md civility But Dav€ Howeu, on€ of Pata's best withh ou alais. For me, that's a fdends ed a fom€r t€ammate, sdd the city," lean said. "Theywant stdhg Fht." police pusue .tud.@,tuntikruu,@il shodd conthue to all to see improvem€nts h fteL Unlifte l€an, Love was blmt leads in the case. rrrt\ ma, They want to know Sq about her take on the Intsa- b€enso longand therehasn't tu employee of the city of coastal Mdl prcject, sayhg been any more trorffition that's led to No.h Mimiandaretired hve, 68, tr usmcessfully resid€nts of the n€arby Eastem an arest," h€ told the HeBld. "tud t€acher dl go h€ad to head in for Nofi Mmi Beach city Shor€s neighhrhood "were that iust leads to more fNtration for a moff elecdon Tuesday to coMssion in 2011, 2013, 2015 realyletdoM." She caledth€ the famill' decide who will r€place Phyus md 2018, She says her fust few develoFr pshg the project Pata was a 22-y€ar-old senior md Smith on the Nodh Miami campaiFs wer€ made more - GilDerer,whomsh€ also Beach City Comision. oaniela Jsn, left, and ffi rgaret chalenging by her ctreer teach- declned to mention by nme - and killed outside his Dadela Jeil, a filsltime 'hryie- Lm are lhe lwo ing kinderga&n in the Miami- a "shadychtracter" who home at the Colony Aprhents in canddate who works in th€ dndidales in a Nov t runoff Dade Couty hblic Schools. shodtu\ be trusted. The public Kenddl on Nov. 7, 2006. Pata, who was dsk management depffient fora No*hMiami Beachcity But she has sinc€ retild and leam€d in 2018 that DeErwas €rycted to be a Ngh NFL draft pick, in neighboring Norh Miad, commission $at, €mploying the wife of then- pracdce. had iut reM€d from finished first in th€ Nov. 3 on doors and M a campaign, mayor George valleio and pay- There wer€ no dir€ct eyewihesses to g€neral election with about hg her ftough secret shell the sh@tug. 34% of S€ votes in a sixrer- "l'm amill€ndal, I'min- "ln the b€giming, no one companies vallejo set up. The police depffi€trt's homicide son field. Mtrgset "Margie" novative, I'm a leader," she told me what you have to do to bve and .lean bruhed off bueau had long been tighllipp€d abst Love, who is Mfrg for city said. wh an electionr" she said. S€stions about he fact that details of the inv€stigadon, but €venN- commbsion for a ffth tim€, Iem declined to say how she the city's fou white el€ct€d ally releas€d some dom€nts to ESPN. lnished secondwidl 19%. migbt hav€ hmdled tuo critical officials tre all supofring mPN's reFd suggested that Jones Becaue no candidate took a recent dsisions by fre city bve, who i! white, while Mo appeed to be the most viable sup€ct. maiority of the votes, the top comdssion: one to teminate a Hdtian-hedcd comission- The neMork one plice records foud M finish€rs will now face off contmct for pdvate operatior of ers are $Wdng lean. A frrd cover sh€et that d€scribed Jones as a The ffiner dl hcome the the city's water udity, dal paiCn. Haitim-Medcm comdssion- but without "sspect" erylaifrg whF anofrer to aFrove a $1,5 billion hve told &e Herald d e4e- €r, Michael losph, did not The doMents obtained by ESPN Aeach politics. r€development of the htB- rience she had in 20rO, when respnd to an inquiry about dso revededdath fte hoEs afterthe Smith is temed out after coasd Mdl. she was the victh of a dme whom he's swoning. sh@ting, lones - who had bren ss- n€arly 14 y€are in omc€. May' hstea4 she said she prefers and was assisted by North Mia- About 20 % of fre Nod pend€d b€cause of a trd psitive mar- or tuthony D€Finip md d Beach polic€, moved her to Miami Beach popdation is iiuana test - sHped a mddatory tem Commilsion€rs Michael lo- residents will ben€fit from become a Neighborhood Cride Haitim herican, according to meedngatthe cmpu atliletic centei seph and McKenzie Fleui- those changes. She I'mat Watch advtrate, oryadz€d U.S. Censs data. The cityin The story also saF Jones changed his monal each defeated a chal- we wdt is hat the fr€etings for resid€nts at City nodest Mid-Dade CoMty phone nMber on th€ day of fre sh@! lenger Nov.3 to maintain their promiss that should be yielded Ha[ and browht in exp€n "h a tru€ meltug pot," sdd ing and asked ano$er sNdent alhl€t€ fton th€ d€cision lshould bel l€an. "ThaCswhat I want to go "to boFow mon€y to out of tom." Jem, 34, is an administrative acsily followed tfuough," Sheadd€d hat, shcefrb foro on: serying my commui- The sFds netuork frst began work- coordinator in No(h Miami's lean sdd of the wt€r utility were made to h€ civs polce ing on the story h 2017, but the rela- risk management dvision ed contnct, citing the jobs that deparhent nine yeils ago, she bve, memwhile, sgested tionSip with Mid-Dade Police has worked in lGal govem- may be offered to €mployees of beliwes th€ depatuent hast lhewodd "ignorerace" asa sou€d.
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