E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 No. 155 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was of the school. In that same year, he al- CONGRATULATING EMD PERFORMANCE called to order by the Speaker pro tem- lowed women to attend for the first MATERIALS ON THEIR 40TH ANNIVERSARY pore (Mrs. BEATTY). time and he transitioned the college Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam f out of its role providing high school Speaker, I rise today to recognize the programs and into a 4 year, degree- 40th anniversary of EMD Performance DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO granting institution. Material’s Savannah location. TEMPORE Nearly 100 years later, the school re- I am so proud of the work this com- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- mains a vital part of the Savannah pany has done over the last 40 years, fore the House the following commu- community. They have earned patents providing nearly 140 jobs for citizens in nication from the Speaker: in battling Alzheimer’s and ALS, built the First Congressional District of WASHINGTON, DC, new science and technology buildings, Georgia. September 25, 2019. and purchased new property for a new More than just jobs alone, EMD I hereby appoint the Honorable JOYCE marine lab. brings a prestige to our area that BEATTY to act as Speaker pro tempore on Madam Speaker, I want to thank ev- comes along with its brand name. this day. eryone at Savannah State University, At the Savannah location specifi- NANCY PELOSI, cally, they manufacture ground- Speaker of the House of Representatives. especially President Kimberly Ballard- Washington, for following in Mr. breaking liquid crystals that are large- f Wiley’s footsteps to continue breaking ly responsible for advancing razor MORNING-HOUR DEBATE barriers, their commitment to the Sa- sharp margins in smartphones, laptops, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- vannah community, and for providing a flat-screen TVs, and more. ant to the order of the House of Janu- great education for the students. EMD’s success is a great example of ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- WORLD PHARMACISTS’ DAY 2019 why the State of Georgia was named as nize Members from lists submitted by Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam the top State to do business for the the majority and minority leaders for Speaker, I rise today to recognize sixth year in a row. And Savannah morning-hour debate. World Pharmacists’ Day 2019 being itself has a strategic location with its The Chair will alternate recognition celebrated today. I am proud that we connection to a major seaport and between the parties. All time shall be have a day like this for people all over interstates. equally allocated between the parties, the world to remember the important Madam Speaker, I thank EMD for and in no event shall debate continue role that pharmacists play in keeping their work in our area, and I congratu- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other all of us and our loved ones healthy. late them on their anniversary. I hope than the majority and minority leaders There are currently over 2 million that we will have another 40 years of and the minority whip, shall be limited practicing pharmacists around the working together. to 5 minutes. world, but in each nation, pharmacists RECOGNIZING GEORGIA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD f are combating unique problems. For Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam some countries pharmacists are at a se- Speaker, I rise today to recognize the RECOGNIZING CYRUS G. WILEY vere shortage. Georgia Army National Guard, whose The SPEAKER pro tempore. The In the United States, pharmacists last unit is coming home this month Chair recognizes the gentleman from have been thrown into the front lines from Afghanistan. Georgia (Mr. CARTER) for 5 minutes. of a critical issue: the opioid epidemic. Stationed at Fort Stewart in the Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam Currently, more than 115 people die First Congressional District of Geor- Speaker, I rise today to recognize the every day from opioid addictions, and gia, the 177th Brigade Engineer Bat- ninth President of Savannah State pharmacists will play an integral role talion is the only unmanned aerial ve- University, Mr. Cyrus G. Wiley. in bringing this number all the way hicle unit in the entire Georgia Na- At the time called the Georgia State down to zero. tional Guard. Industrial College for Colored Youths, Madam Speaker, I encourage every- Because of that expertise, they re- Mr. Wiley made tremendous strides one to get to know their pharmacists mained in Afghanistan longer than forward for the oldest public histori- and to thank them for the work that other units, and their high quality of cally Black college in the State of they do. work has not gone unnoticed. Georgia. As the only pharmacist currently Upon returning home, they will be He started his term in 1921 and was serving in Congress, I thank all our working in a brand-new facility at Fort the first alumnus to become president pharmacists around the world. Stewart for the first time. I am proud b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7907 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:21 Sep 26, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25SE7.000 H25SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H7908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 25, 2019 to have this group located in the First at Parkridge Pregnancy Medical Clinic In the debate over abortion, the late Congressional District of Georgia. in Lubbock, Texas. Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey said: Madam Speaker, I thank them for Parkridge, a nonprofit pregnancy The real question is not when life begins, their service to our country, and I wel- center, is celebrating 26 years of pro- but when love begins. come them home. viding compassionate care to mothers For 26 years now, the people of f throughout their pregnancies, and Parkridge Pregnancy Center have been often in the most difficult of cir- WE HAVE BEEN VINDICATED coming alongside these young mothers cumstances. not in judgment, but in joy, not in con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The By providing ultrasounds, medical demnation, but to comfort, praying Chair recognizes the gentleman from services, material assistance, and even with them, loving them, and minis- Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. ministering to mothers’ deeper emo- tering to them and meeting their deep- Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speak- tional and spiritual needs, the people est needs in their darkest hours. er, and still I rise, because I love my at Parkridge are truly and literally Thanks to the good and godly work country. saving lives. I rise today, Madam Speaker, to You see, Madam Speaker, they be- that they are doing, along with count- thank the Speaker of the House for lieve, like I do, that all life is a gift less organizations like them across standing up for this country, advancing from God. They believe in the words America, I hope, pray, and I believe the cause of justice, and taking on the etched into our Declaration of Inde- that we will soon see a day in our coun- challenge to protect our Nation, when pendence, our founding principle and try when every child is loved and every it is obvious that national security is fundamental belief that all of us are life, born or unborn, is celebrated, of great concern. created equally by God and endowed by cherished, and protected. I rise because there were persons who our creator with the right to life, lib- Madam Speaker, may God bless the made yesterday possible. There are erty, and the pursuit of happiness. Parkridge family, may He bless their some who say that yesterday was a tip- But for nearly 50 years now, we have mission to protect life and promote ping point, others say that things hap- fallen short of that national ethic. love, all to the praise of God, the au- pened that were the equivalent of a Ever since the Supreme Court erred in thor of both life and love. straw that broke the camel’s back as it Roe v. Wade, we have failed to protect Go west Texas. relates to impeachment, but I say that the sacred right for the most vulner- Madam Speaker, may I inquire how yesterday was a seminal moment in able among us, rejecting the notion much time I have remaining? time that has the potential to impact that life at every stage is equally valu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- the rest of our time. able, equally precious, not only in light tleman from Texas has 11⁄4 minutes re- I say that yesterday was a moment of of the Constitution, but in the eyes of maining. truth, and I say that there were people God. WE SHOULD BE MORE RESPONSIBLE IN CARRYING who made yesterday possible. Since then, over 60 million lives have OUT OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTIES I would like to read a statement into been terminated through the practice Mr. ARRINGTON. Madam Speaker, I the RECORD that will address many of of abortion in these United States. And would like to say that I feel like it is the people, not all, but many of the yet even in the shadow of this dark- incredibly irresponsible and premature people who made yesterday possible.
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