E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2019 No. 99 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Son americanos en todo el sentido de called to order by the Speaker. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- la palabra—menos en un papel. tain up to five requests for 1-minute Tuve el honor de ser un profesor en f speeches on each side of the aisle. un colegio en mi distrito, Modesto Jun- ior College. f PRAYER Una de mis estudiantes era una joven The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick IT IS TIME TO PROVIDE que estaba estudiando para ser J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: STABILITY TO DACA RECIPIENTS farmace´utica. God our Father, we give You thanks (Mr. HARDER of California asked Pero como su familia la trajo a este for giving us another day. and was given permission to address paı´s cuando tenı´a solo tres meses, su Bless the Members of this people’s the House for 1 minute and to revise futuro esta´ en peligro. House as they gather at the end of an- and extend his remarks.) Historias como la suya son comunes, other week in the Capitol. Endow each (English translation of the statement especialmente en mi distrito en el with the graces needed to attend to the made in Spanish is as follows:) Valle Central de California. issues of the day with wisdom, that the Mr. HARDER of California. Madam Ma´ s de diez mil jo´ venes son elegibles results of their efforts might benefit Speaker, I demand that the Senate para recibir ciudadanı´a con La ‘‘Dream the citizens of our Nation and the take action with respect to the Dream Act.’’ world. Act. Los Dreamers merecen esta We also ask Your blessing leading I was proud to vote this week to ap- oportunidad. Es tiempo para pasar la into this weekend upon fathers prove this law because it is time to ‘‘Dream Act.’’ throughout our country. May they be provide stability to the recipients of The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. their best selves and may their chil- DACA. FLETCHER). The gentleman from Cali- dren appreciate fully the blessing they The Dreamers are our friends and fornia will provide the Clerk a trans- have been to them. neighbors. lation of his remarks. They are Americans in every sense of May all that is done this day be for f Your greater honor and glory. the word—except on paper. I had the honor to be a professor at a HONORING OSCAR NIPPS, JR. Amen. college in my district, Modesto Junior (Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma f College. asked and was given permission to ad- One of my young students was study- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- THE JOURNAL ing to be a pharmacist. vise and extend his remarks.) But because her family had brought Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- her here when she was only three Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- months old, her future is at stake. my June Veteran of the Month, Mr. ceedings and announces to the House Stories like hers are common, espe- Oscar Nipps, Jr., and to share his her approval thereof. cially in my district, in the Central American hero story. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Valley. nal stands approved. More than 10,000 young people are eli- Mr. Nipps served as a rifleman, com- gible to receive their citizenship by the pany cook, and sergeant with the 1st f Dream Act. Calvary division during World War II, Dreamers deserve this opportunity. liberating thousands of civilians from PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is time to pass the Dream Act. the Santo Tomas Internment Camp. He The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Presidenta de la Ca´ mara de continued fighting alongside the Allied from Oklahoma (Mr. KEVIN HERN) come Representantes, exijo que el Senado forces to liberate the Philippines and forward and lead the House in the tome accio´ n al respecto a la ‘‘Dream was on a ship headed to the front lines Pledge of Allegiance. Act’’. of the Japan invasion when victory was Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma led Con orgullo, esta semana vote´ para declared over Japan in 1945. the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: aprobar esta ley porque ya es tiempo de At 92 years old, he continues to be a I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the darles seguridad a los recipientes de leader and public servant as a volun- United States of America, and to the Repub- DACA. teer at the Military History Museum in lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Los Dreamers son nuestros amigos y Broken Arrow. In fact, the city has indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. vecinos. even named two streets in his honor. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4631 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 21:22 Sep 04, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD19\JUNE\H13JN9.REC H13JN9 H4632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 13, 2019 He is a familiar face at the museum, because of a dangerous and life-threat- know how to preserve a self-govern- where he shares his stories of the brave ening situation as part of a sports team ment. men and women he fought beside and or a club ritual. Ben Franklin said: It is a Republic, friends he lost during the war. Parents who have lost children to in- madam, if you can keep it. Mr. Nipps’ bravery will never be for- cidents of hazing have been working If we don’t stop the invasion, we will gotten, and I am grateful for the work with fraternities and sororities to en- not keep it. he continues to do to serve this great gage in aggressive student education, f country and share the stories of those outreach, and advocacy efforts to end REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 962, who fought for justice and peace. I am tragic hazing incidents. Their work has BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SUR- honored to name him the First Dis- included successfully pursuing legisla- VIVORS PROTECTION ACT trict’s Veteran of the Month for June. tion with transparency requirements in f several States, including my home Mr. GOHMERT. Madam Speaker, I State of Pennsylvania. ask unanimous consent that the Com- HONORING EDDIE JONES, II A Federal solution will more quickly mittee on the Judiciary be discharged (Ms. KELLY of Illinois asked and was address the problem and ensure stu- from further consideration of H.R. 962, given permission to address the House dents across the country can enjoy a the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Pro- for 1 minute.) safe collegiate experience with involve- tection Act, and ask for its immediate Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Madam ment in extracurricular activities and consideration in the House. Speaker, today I pay tribute to the life student organizations without fear of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under and legacy of a selfless community being hazed. guidelines consistently issued by suc- servant, Eddie Jones, II, who passed Madam Speaker, I urge my col- cessive Speakers, as recorded in sec- away last week at the much-too-soon leagues to support this bill. tion 956 of the House Rules and Man- age of 69. f ual, the Chair is constrained not to en- Eddie was truly remarkable and ex- tertain the request unless it has been emplified the best in us. He was a RECOGNIZING WOMEN VETERANS cleared by the bipartisan floor and steady hand for anyone who needed it (Ms. BROWNLEY of California asked committee leaderships. and a sturdy presence who dedicated and was given permission to address Mr. GOHMERT. Madam Speaker, I himself to being a good steward of our the House for 1 minute.) urge the immediate scheduling of that Chicagoland community. Ms. BROWNLEY of California. bill for a vote here. Born in Arkansas to Eddie and Rosie Madam Speaker, yesterday was Women The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Jones, Eddie grew up in Chicago’s Veterans Day in my home State of tleman has not been recognized for de- Bronzeville neighborhood, graduating California, also home to 145,000 women bate. from Wendell Phillips High School and veterans. f Western Illinois University before em- Seventy-one years ago, President barking on a 30-year career with IBM Truman signed the Women’s Armed TAKING ACTION AGAINST OUR NA- and All Points Security. Services Integration Act of 1948. This TION’S GUN VIOLENCE EPIDEMIC Eddie was chairman of the Iota Delta law recognized women’s enduring and (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of Lambda Educational Foundation, the critical service to the Nation and made New York asked and was given permis- March of Dimes, and served as the them permanent members of the sion to address the House for 1 minute.) president of the Chicago Urban League United States Armed Forces. Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New Metro Board. He was a proud brother of As chairwoman of the Women’s Vet- York. Madam Speaker, yesterday was Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and made erans Task Force, I am working with 66 the third anniversary of the Pulse sure we all knew it.
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