TALKS Rouzbeh Allahverdi - Nonthermal Dark Matter and Baryogenesis We study a simple TeV-scale model of baryon number violation which explains the observed proximity of the dark matter and baryon abundances. The model has constraints arising from both low and high-energy processes, and in particular, predicts a sizable rate for the neutron-antineutron (n−n¯) oscillation at low energy and the monojet signal at the LHC. We find an interesting complementarity among the constraints arising from the observed baryon asymmetry, ratio of dark matter and baryon abundances, n−n¯ oscillation lifetime and the LHC monojet signal. There are regions in the parameter space where the n−n¯oscillation lifetime is found to be more constraining than the LHC constraints, which illustrates the importance of the next-generation n−n¯oscillation experiments. Otávio Alonso - Probing Dark Matter properties using photometric surveys Despite decades of its first proposal, Dark Matter is still one of the big mysteries in cosmology. Different probes can shed light into different aspects of it, but they agree in a good level that it can be modeled as a pressureless perfect fluid, although we have reason to call that into question. Here we discuss how can we learn about Dark Matter from weak lensing and galaxy clustering in the context of photometric surveys. In particular, we present a phenomenological framework that generalizes DM behavior and look for constraints using The Dark Energy Survey data. Yang Bai - Primordial Extremal Black Holes as Dark Matter We show that primordial (nearly) extremal black holes with a wide range of masses from the Planck scale to around 1000 tons could be cosmologically stable and explain dark matter, given a dark electromagnetism and a heavy dark electron. The merger events of binary systems provide an opportunity to directly observe Hawking radiation. Because the merger products are not extremal, they rapidly evaporate and produce transient high-energy neutrino and gamma ray signals that can be observed at telescopes like IceCube and HAWC. Ronaldo Batista - Describing Warm Dark Matter with the Reduced Relativistic Gas The Reduced Relativistic Gas (RRG) is a simplified version of the ideal relativistic gas, which assumes that all particles have the same momentum magnitude. Although this is a very idealized situation, the resulting model preserves the phenomenology of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and, in some situations, can be described as a perfect fluid, without introducing large errors in both cosmological background and first-order perturbations. The perfect fluid description of RRG model was already used to study the warmness of dark matter, massive neutrinos and interaction of baryons and photons before recombination, showing very good agreement with previous works based on the full Einstein-Boltzmann system of equations. In order to understand these results and construct a more general and formal framework for RRG, we develop a theoretical description of first-order cosmological perturbations of RRG, based on a distribution function which encodes the simplifying assumption that all particles have the same momentum magnitude. The full set of Einstein-Boltzmann equations for RRG distribution are derived and quantities beyond the perfect fluid approximation are studied. Using RRG to describe warm dark matter, we show that, for particles with m∼ keV, the perfect fluid approximation is valid on scales k<10h/Mpc, for most of the universe evolution. We also determine initial conditions for RRG in the early universe and study the evolution of potential in a toy model of universe composed only by RRG. Antonio Delgado – Higgsino DM from natural susy We consider a minimal natural supersymmetric model based on an extra dimension with supersymmetry breaking provided by the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism. The lightest supersymmetric particle is a neutral, quasi-Dirac Higgsino and, unlike in previous studies, we assume that all Standard Model fields are propagating in the bulk. The resulting setup is minimal, as neither extra matter, effective operators, nor extra U(1) groups are needed in order to be viable. Pasquale di-Bari - A unified model of neutrino masses, dark matter and leptogenesis testable at Neutrino Telescopes Despite the lack of evidence of new physics at colliders, neutrino masses, dark matter and matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe require an extension of the Standard Model. After discussing some new concepts and tools in the description of seesaw neutrino models, such as motion in flavour lepton space and the introduction of the bridging matrix that nicely complements the orthogonal matrix, I discuss recent developments in the connections between neutrino data and scenarios of leptogenesis within some well motivated extensions of the Standard Model. Finally, I briefly review a simple unified picture of neutrino masses, leptogenesis and dark matter based on an extension of the seesaw Lagrangian where a non- renormalizable effective operator coupling right-handed neutrinos to the Higgs is introduced. This operator enhances the right-handed neutrino mixing between a coupled heavy right-handed neutrino and a decoupled one playing the role of dark matter. Interference between the two coupled RH neutrinos generate usual CP violation so that one can also achieve successful leptogenesis. Although the dark matter right- handed neutrino escapes direct and collider searches, its decays produce a detectable contribution to the very high energy neutrino flux now discovered by IceCube, so that the model is predictive and can be tested at neutrino telescopes. Marcos Cardoso -NMSSM and Dark Matter We will present in one very nice SUSY B-L model some nice candidate to Dark Matter. I can if it is necessary give talk (another poster) about Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) and also the General Singlet Extensions of the MSSM (GSEMSSM) models. We can show we can get pseudoscalars and neutralinos can give nice results in some cosmological analyses as presented Francesco D'Eramo - Displaced new physics at colliders and the pre-BBN universe Sylvain Fichet – The warped dark sector I present a dark sector scenario based on a 5d AdS space. Such a construction, also motivated as the AdS dual of a composite dark sector, naturally leads to models in which parts of the dark sector vanish at high 4d momentum or temperature.This sense of AdS "opacity" arises as a result of the dressing of propagators by bulk interactions. Exotic signatures are possible from laboratory to cosmological scales, including long-range forces with non-integer behaviour, non-standard momentum losses, periodic signals at colliders, “soft bombs” events, as well as a dark phase transition and a typically small amount of dark radiation. Vesselin Gueorguiev - The Scale Invariant Vacuum Theory as viable Cosmology Model Recent studies in applying the Weyl's original gauge symmetry idea within the framework of the Weyl's Integrable Geometry to modern observational data in cosmology has resulted in the Scale Invariant Vacuum Theory (SIVT) idea. A sequence of papers by Prof. André Maeder has shown that SIVT is a viable contender to standard LamdaCDM model. It has been also shown that the growth of the density perturbations of the early universe can be modeled within SIVT without the need of dark matter. Furthermore, SIVT has been able to explain the asymptotic limit of the Radial Acceleration Relation (RAR) in Dwarf Spheroidals better than MOND and Dark Matter models. An overview of the SIVT results will be summarized and discussed subject to the time constraints of the workshop. Nathan Herring - Particle Decay in the Expanding Spacetime of Post-Inflationary Cosmology The calculation of particle decay rates typically proceeds by an S-matrix approach in Minkowski spacetime. While such an approach is often highly eff ective, it fails, in general, when performing calculations in dynamic spacetimes since the S-matrix necessitates global energy conservation which is not present in an expanding universe, like ours. I will describe how the decay law of scalar particles decaying during the radiation dominated epoch of a standard cosmological model can be obtained by introducing an adiabatic approximation valid for degrees of freedom with typical wavelengths much smaller than the particle horizon at a given time. Furthermore, this decay law is calculated, treating the cosmological expansion consistently, through the non-perturbative Wigner-Weisskopf method adapted for cosmology. I will discuss both scalar to scalar and scalar to fermion (with Yukawa couplings) decays within this framework highlighting how the effects of cosmic expansion, such as cosmic redshift and the confluence of time-dependent particle frequencies with a renormalizable theory, lead to salient differences from the usual Minkowski spacetime results. Finally I will discuss implications for very long-lived particles (DM) and baryogenesis. Jay Hubisz - Cosmology of Brane Worlds From Symmetry Principles Alejandro Ibarra - Astrophysical Uncertainties on Local Dark Matter Searches Dark matter substructure can contribute significantly to local dark matter searches and may provide a large uncertainty in the interpretation of those experiments. For direct detection experiments, sub-halos give rise to an additional dark matter component on top of the smooth dark matter distribution of the host halo. In the case of dark matter capture in the Sun, sub-halo encounters temporarily increase the number of captured particles. We assess the impact of sub-halos on direct dark matter searches in a probabilistic way. Markus Luty - Blowing in the Dark Matter Wind Light bosonic dark matter can interact with ordinary matter, giving rise to steady-state forces from the dark matter wind that are small but potentially observable. We compute these forces and give some estimates of experimental sensitivities to them. Adam Martin - Custodial Dark Pions A new, strongly-coupled dark sector could be accessible to LHC searches now. These dark sectors consist of composites formed from constituents that are charged under the electroweak group and interact with the Higgs, but are neutral under Standard Model color.
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