Chandrayaan-1 PDS Data Products Archival Generation and Browse By Ajay Kumar Prashar HRDPD/SIPG Chandrayaan-1 SAC Data Processing Team Contents • ISDA (ISRO Science Data Archive) Overview • PDS (Planetary Data System) Overview • Mission & instrument Overview • Archive Process • Data Products Definitions • Data Products Archive Generation • Archive Organization : Mission & Instrument level • Visualizations of PDS Data Products (Ch1PDSViewer/NASAVIEW/USGS-ISIS) • Chandrayaan-1 Browse Application ISDA – Overview Central repository for all scientific and engineering data returned by ISRO’s planetary missions Established at Indian Space Science Data Centre (ISSDC) Bangalore - in 2008. ISDA archives data sets from following missions: Chandrayaan-1 Mars Orbiter Mission Astrosat Chandrayaan-2 (Future) ISDA adopted PDS as archive standard for generating mission & instrument specific data sets for the scientific user community ISDA provides international collaboration with IPDA (International Planetary Data Alliance) PDS - Overview Well known Archive standard for all the NASA planetary missions in the scientific user community. Adopted by ESA, JAXA and other space agencies across globe. Features of PDS Self structured, documented & Peer Review Data Sets Long-term access and usability of data ISRO had also adopted PDS3 for following missions Chandrayaan-1 Mars Orbiter Mission. ISRO will adopt PDS4 for Chandrayaan-2 and continue PDS4 for future planetary missions. PDS Home Page (http://pds.nasa.gov) Mission & Instruments – Overview Chandrayaan-1, India’s first mission to Moon, was launched successfully on 22 October 2008 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. Spacecraft was orbiting around Moon at a height of 100 km from the lunar surface for chemical, mineralogical and photo-geologic mapping of the Moon. Spacecraft carried 11 scientific instruments built in India, USA, UK,Germany, Sweden and Bulgaria. Satellite made more than 3400 orbits around the moon. Mission duration : Nov. 2008 to Aug. 2009. Instruments: Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC) Hyper Spectral Imager (HySI) Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI) High Energy X-ray Spectrometer (HEX) Moon Impact Probe (MIP) Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS) Near Infrared Spectrometer (SIR-2) Sub Kev Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar (Mini SAR) Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) Radiation Dose Monitor (RADOM) Archive Process Sr. Steps Activity Involved No. 1. Orientatio Analyzed PDS requirement for Data by studying missions n that have archived Mars Data in PDS 2. Archive Deciding what to archive, when, and generally how. Planning Document Preparation - Archive Plan - Archive Conventions 3. Archive Learning the details of putting an archive data set Design together. EAICD Document Preparation - EAICDs for TMC and HySI 4. Software Design, Development, Testing and Operationalization of Developme CH1 PDS Data Archive Pipeline Software nt Implement and Test the data and Volume 5. Dataset Pulling the pieces together Assembly and Validation 6. Data Set PDS Data Sets quality check Review 7. Delivery Distributes Peer Reviewed data to the scientific users Data Products Definitions Payload Type Products ISRO LEVEL-0 Raw payload data along with the ancillary information, which includes ephemeris, attitude and rates. This TMC CODMAC LEVEL 2 level of processing includes data qualification, byte alignment, data decompression and time tagging. Also the data is given along with the calibration information for radiometry. The pixel values are given in terms of counts, with a model to convert in to radiance. Data from all the three views (AFT, NADIR and FORE) are considered individually as well as together for processing. ISRO LEVEL-1 Radiometrically calibrated/corrected and geometrically mapped products. The processing includes detector CODMAC LEVEL 3 response normalization, framing, line/pixel loss correction and tagging the selenographic coordinate to each pixel. The pixel values are given in terms of radiances, with a model to convert in to counts. Here again data from all the three views (AFT, NADIR and FORE) are considered individually as well as together for processing. Band separated raw payload data along with the ancillary information, which includes ephemeris, attitude HySI ISRO LEVEL-0 and rates. This level of processing includes data qualification, byte alignment and time tagging. Also the data CODMAC LEVEL 2 is given along with the calibration information for radiometry. The pixel values are given in terms of counts, with a model to convert in to radiance. ISRO LEVEL-1A Band separated radiometrically calibrated/corrected and geometrically mapped products. The processing CODMAC LEVEL 3 includes detector response normalization, framing, line/pixel loss correction and tagging the selenographic coordinate to each pixel. The pixel values are given in terms of radiances, with a model to convert in to counts ISRO LEVEL-1B CODMAC LEVEL4 Same as Level ‘1a’. Band to band registration applied additionally in this level, which needs resampling Data Products Formats & Label Structure Instrume Instrument PDS Primary PDS nt ID Output Data Products Secondary Data Products TMC Three Raw Count & Browse grayscale images Radiance (BROWSE_I of Moon surface (IMAGE) MAGE) Geometry - Grid data (TABLE) HySI Band wise images Count & Browse of Moon (64 Radiance (BROWSE_I Bands) SPECTRAL QUBE MAGE) Geometry - Grid data (TABLE) Data Products Archive Generation TMC (Level 0 Raw Data) HYSI (Level 0 Raw Data) & Ancillary Information Radiometric & Ancillary Information Correction Band to Band Registration (For HySI) SelenoTagger Ch1 PDS Generator Ch1 PDS Verifier PDS Archive Pipeline Ch1 PDS Archival DPGS Scheduler TMC Level 2 TMC Level 3 HYSI Level 2 HYSI Level 3 HYSI Level 4 (ISRO (ISRO Level 0) (ISRO Level 1) (ISRO Level 0) (ISRO Level 1a) Level 1b) REFDR EDR PDS RDR PDS EDR PDS RDR PDS PDS Archive Organization : Mission Level Archive *PLSP *LEOP *LTMC *LCPT *NPO *TPO TMC HYSI LLRI HEX C1XS Mini-SAR SIR-2 RADOM M3 SARA MIP * Mission Phases PLSP – Pre-launch Simulation Phase LEOP – Launch and Early Orbit Phase LTMC – Lunar transfer Trajectory and Midcourse corrections LCPT – Lunar Capture Phase NPO – Normal Phase Operations TPO – Terminal Phase Operations Archive Organization : Instrument Level CH1ORB-L-TMC-3-NPO-RDR-FULL-RES-V1.0 AAREADME.TXT VOLDESC.CAT VOLINFO.TXT INDEX SOFTWARE DATA DOCUMENT CATALOG EXTRAS INDXINFO.TXT INDEX.TAB DOCINFO.TXT SOFTINFO.TXT TMC_HYSI_EAICD.PDF EXTRINFO.TXT INDEX.TAB TMC_HYSI_EAICD.LBL CATINFO.TXT CH1PDSVIEWER_SOFT.ZIP BROWSE_INDEX.TAB CH1_PDSGEN.PDF BROWSE_INDEX.LBL CH1PDSVIEWER_SOFT.LBL CH1_PDSGEN.LBL MISSION.CAT ORBIT_00000_ GEOMETRY_INDEX.TAB ORBIT_mmm TO_00099 mm_TO_nnn DATAINFO.TXT GEOMETRY_INDEX.LBL INSTHOST.CAT nn INST.CAT ORBIT_00000 ORBIT_00099 ORBIT_00000_TO_00099 ORBIT_00100_TO_00199 ORBIT_mmmmm_TO_nnnnn DATASET.CAT SUN PARAMETER (SPM) FILE PERSON.CAT REF.CAT ORBIT & ATTITUDE (OAT) FILE ORBIT_00000 ORBIT_00001 ORBIT_00099 SOFT.CAT TMC FORE IMAGE FILE LIBERATION (LBR) FILE TMC FORE LABEL FILE TMC AFT IMAGE FILE TMC AFT LABEL FILE TMC NADIR IMAGE FILE TMC NADIR LABEL FILE Archive Organization : Instrument Level CH1ORB-L-TMC-3-NPO-RDR-FULL-RES-V1.0 CALIB CALINFO.TXT TMC_NRF_SR.TAB TMC_NRF_SR.LBL GEOMETRY BROWSE TMC_NRA_SR.TAB BRWSINFO.TXT TMC_NRA_SR.LBL GEOINFO.TXT TMC_NRN_SR.TAB ORBIT_00000_TO_00099 ORBIT_00100_TO_00199 TMC_NRN_SR.LBL ORBIT_mmmmm_TO_nnnnn ORBIT_00000_TO_00099 ORBIT_00100_TO_00199 ORBIT_mmmmm_TO_nnnnn ORBIT_00000 ORBIT_00001 ORBIT_00099 TMC FORE BROWSE FILE TMC FORE BROWSE LABEL FILE ORBIT_00000 ORBIT_00001 ORBIT_00099 TMC AFT BROWSE FILE TMC FORE GRID FILE TMC AFT BROWSE LABEL FILE TMC FORE GRID LABEL FILE TMC NADIR BROWSE FILE TMC AFT GRID FILE TMC NADIR BROWSE LABEL FILE TMC AFT GRID LABEL FILE TMC NADIR GRID FILE TMC NADIR GRID LABEL FILE Archive Organization : Instrument Level CH1ORB-L-HYSI-4-NPO-REFDR-FULL-RES-V1.0 AAREADME.TXT VOLDESC.CAT VOLINFO.TXT INDEX SOFTWARE LABEL DATA DOCUMENT CATALOG EXTRAS INDXINFO.TXT INDEX.TAB SOFTINFO.TXT LBLINFO.TXT DOCINFO.TXT INDEX.LBL EXTRINFO.TXT TMC_HYSI_EAICD.PDF CH1PDSVIEWER_SOFT.ZIP BAND_BIN.FMT BROWSE_INDEX.TAB CATINFO.TXT TMC_HYSI_EAICD.LBL BROWSE_INDEX.LBL CH1PDSVIEWER_SOFT.LBL CH1_PDSGEN.PDF GEOMETRY_INDEX.TAB MISSION.CAT ORBIT_00000_ ORBIT_mmm DATAINFO.TXT CH1_PDSGEN.LBL GEOMETRY_INDEX.LBL TO_00099 mm_TO_nnn INSTHOST.CAT nn INST.CAT ORBIT_00000 ORBIT_00099 ORBIT_00000_TO_00099 ORBIT_00100_TO_00199 ORBIT_mmmmm_TO_nnnnn DATASET.CAT SUN PARAMETER (SPM) FILE PERSON.CAT REF.CAT ORBIT & ATTITUDE (OAT) FILE ORBIT_00000 ORBIT_00001 ORBIT_00099 SOFT.CAT LIBERATION (LBR) FILE HYSI QUBE IMAGE FILE HYSI QUBE LABEL FILE Archive Organization : Instrument Level CH1ORB-L-HYSI-4-NPO-REFDR-FULL-RES-V1.0 CALIB CALINFO.TXT HYS_NR_RDN_NRML.TAB HYS_NR_RDN_NRML.LBL GEOMETRY BROWSE HYS_NR_RDN_CAL.TAB BRWSINFO.TXT HYS_NR_RDN_CAL.LBL GEOINFO.TXT HYS_NR_RDN_SPC.TAB ORBIT_00000_TO_00099 ORBIT_00100_TO_00199 HYS_NR_RDN_SPC.LBL ORBIT_mmmmm_TO_nnnnn ORBIT_00000_TO_00099 ORBIT_00100_TO_00199 ORBIT_mmmmm_TO_nnnnn ORBIT_00000 ORBIT_00001 ORBIT_00099 HYSI BANDWISE (1..64) BROWSE FILES ORBIT_00000 ORBIT_00001 ORBIT_00099 HYSI BANDWISE (1..64) BROWSE FILES HYSI GRID FILES(BAND No. 32) HYSI LABEL FILE (Band No. 32) Visualization of TMC & HySI PDS Data Products Ch1 PDS Viewer TMC Data Product HySI Data Product Visualization of TMC PDS Data Products - NASAVIEW Visualization of HySI PDS Data Products - NASAVIEW Visualization of TMC & HySI PDS Data Products USGS-ISIS Chandrayaan-1 Browse Application Chandrayaan-1 Browse Data Download Chandrayaan-1 TMC DEM Search Output Globe View TMC MOSAIC HYSI FIRST SEASON WITH CLEMENTINE BACKGROUND M3 FIRST SEASON TMC Coverage Plots HYSI Coverage Plots TMC Image Plots TMC NEAR SIDE COVERAGE TMC 90 degree EAST COVERAGE 0° 90° TMC FAR SIDE COVERAGE0° TMC 90 degree WEST COVERAGE 180° 270° For Chandrayaan-1 Data Access : - www.issdc.gov.in/CHBrowse/index.jsp Thank You.
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