IN HONOR OF Mr. Yechezkel whjha Deutsch yhiee`aeil Ð miciq gd xve` Ð 'ixtq On the occasion of his birthday, ________________________________________________ on the auspicious day, 14 Kislev Mr. Zelig Yisroel whjha Zipp LIKKUTEI On the occasion of his birthday, 18 Kislev Mr. Mordechai whjha Leaderman zegiy ihewl On the occasion of his birthday, on the auspicious day, 19 Kislev SICHOS zyecw ceakn MAY THEY GO FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH IN HEALTH, HAPPINESS, TORAH AND MITZVOT. AN lcprnANTHOLOGY mgpn x"enc` OF TALKS * od`qxe`ipy DEDICATED BY THEIR FRIENDS מליובאוויטש מליובאוויטש Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Y. and Gittel Rochel uhjha Shagalov byb the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachemjzelrdaglya M. Schneerson `kbk wlg wlg zegiy zegiy ihewl ihewl ly ly zegiyd zegiyd itl itl caerne caerne mbxezn mbxezn (iytg mebxz) vhw au,; cvpm, gbhbh "nahj udtukv"!!! "nahj gbhbh cvpm, au,; vhw (iytg mebxz) 5HSULQWHGIRU3DUVKDW9D\LVKODFK kvesau, ukpryho buxpho: buxpho: ukpryho kvesau, 9RO yk/: 4486-357 )817( tu 5907-439 )323( 5907-439 tu )817( 4486-357 yk/: LQIR#WRUDKEOLQGRUJ thnhhk: C %H$3DUWQHU ,Q6SUHDGLQJInyonei Moshiach U'geula ici lr xe`l `vei 7R'HGLFDWH7KLV3XEOLFDWLRQ iciC lr xe`l `vei ,Q+RQRU2I<RXU)DPLO\2U$/RYHG2QHV "wgvi iel oekn" )RU0RUH,QIR&DOO 'a c"ag xtk " RU 'a c"ag xtk RUHPDLOLQIR#WRUDKEOLQGRUJ שנת שנת חמשת חמשת אלפי אלפי שבע שבע מאות מאות שישי ושבעי ותשע לבריאהלבריאה שנת חמשת אלפי שבע מאות ושבעי לבריאה giynd jln x"enc` w"k ze`iypl miyiyd zpy giynd jln x"enc` w"k ze`iypl dpy miyiy ldwd zpy )RUWKLVDQGRWKHUERRNVRQ0RVKLDFK *HXODKJRWR KWWSZZZWRUDKEOLQGRUJ 7ඈൽൾൽංർൺඍൾൺඇංඌඌඎൾංඇඁඈඇඈඋඈൿൺඅඈඏൾൽඈඇൾർൺඅඅ LIKKUTEI SICHOS THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE REDEMPTION as the waters cover the ocean bed."7 (From the talk of the end of 19 - beginning of 20 Kislev 5752 IN LOVING MEMORY OF Horav Schneur Zalman Halevi v"g - in a group private audience) ben Horav Yitzchok Elchonon Halevi s"hv Shagalov Passed away on 21 Tamuz, 5766 Reb Dovid Asniel ben Reb Eliyahu v"g Ekman 7. Yeshayahu 11:9. Passed away on 5 Sivan - Erev Shavuot, 5765 Mrs. Devora Rivka bas Reb Yosef Eliezer v"g Marenburg Passed away on the second day of Rosh Chodesh Adar, 5766 Reb Yitzchok Moshe (Ian) ben Reb Dovid Asniel v"g Ekman (Santiago, Chile) 71 Passed away on the 24th day of Shevat, 5769 /v /c /m /b /, AND IN HONOR OF In all that has been said this year, what requires the most Mrs. Esther Shaindel bas Fraidel Chedva whj,a emphasis is what the times require: the true and complete Shagalov DEDICATED BY Redemption through our righteous Moshiach. As has been said Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Y. and Gittel Rochel uhjha frequently of late, all the requirements have already been Shagalov completed and we only need to greet our righteous Moshiach in actual reality. This will be hastened even more through learning Torah in general, and in particular through learning all of the Reprinted with permission of: Talmud as divided on Yud Tes Kislev, when the inner teachings of “Vaad L’Hafotzas Sichos” Torah were given. For through "engaging in Torah study, etc."1 one by: realizes "Redeem my soul in peace"2 - "A Redemption for me and Moshiach Awareness Center, my children from the nations of the world,"3 through the true and a Project of: complete emancipation and Redemption. Enlightenment For The Blind, Inc. 602 North Orange Drive. Los Angeles, CA 90036 (Pamphlet on the occasion of the completion of the division of the Talmud for study, 19 Kislev - Sefer HaSichos 5752, p. 491) Tel.: (323) 934-7095 * Fax: (323) 934-7092 http://www.torah4blind.org e-mail: [email protected] Rabbi Yosef Y. Shagalov, Executive Director 1. Brochos 8a. Printed in the U.S.A. 2. Tehillim 55:19. 3. Brochos 8a. 2 27 BESURAS HAGEULO VAYISHLACH 52 The unique advantage of the 19th of Kislev of this year is that it occurs after the completion of the eighty-ninth year, in Gematria "Redeem."1 The Redemption from every thing that obstructed and hindered the coming of Dovid the King Moshiach, "who reviled the footsteps of your Moshiach," (as Psalm Redeem-89 [PaDaH--Pey- LIKKUTEI Tes] concludes) has been completed. We find ourselves already in the ninetieth [Tzaddik] year, connected with the third Redemption and the third Temple. SICHOS …In these times - the days of Moshiach - in which we now find AN ANTHOLOGY OF TALKS 2 ourselves, we only need "to open the eyes." Then we will see that the true and complete Redemption already exists, in the simple RELATING TO THE WEEKLY SECTIONS OF THE TORAH AND sense. All the Jewish people, "with our youth and our aged, etc., SPECIAL OCCASIONS IN THE JEWISH CALENDAR with our sons and our daughters,"3 are prepared, in every single, last detail, "to approach and sit at the table," the table prepared with every delicacy and delight, beginning with those of the by the Redemption, Livyosan, Shor HaBor4 and Yayin Meshumar.5 Also, Lubavitcher Rebbe [the Jewish people are ready for] the most important thing, "to Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson know G-d,"6 "the world will be filled with knowledge of the L-rd • 1. [This address was given in the Rebbe's 90th year. The Hebrew letters for Volume VI: Bereishis "89" are "Pey, Tes." The Hebrew word for "Redeem" is spelled "Pey, Daled, Hey." The letter "Tes" has the numerical equivalent of 9; the letter "Daled" has • the value of 5 and the letter "Hey" the value of 4. Thus, the word "PaDaH" (Redeem) is numerically equivalent to and therefore connected with the number In English rendition Pey-Tes (89). Translator's note.] by 2. As mentioned many times by the leader of our generation, my Rabbi Eliyahu Touger sainted father-in-law , that already much earlier all the appointed times have passed, and all aspects and preparations have been completed, including the buttons, etc. 3. Bo 10:9. 4. See Bava Basra 75:a. Vayikra Rabba chapter 13:3, and in other places. 5. Brochos 34:2. And in other places. 6. Rambam at the conclusion of his work the Mishneh Torah. 26 3 LIKKUTEI SICHOS THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE REDEMPTION breaker [HaPoretz] has gone up before them."9 ...In these days we really only need to open the eyes and to see the existence in actual reality10 - that we are sitting together with the V A Y I S H L A C H Holy One, Blessed be He ("Israel and the Holy One Blessed be He are altogether one"11) at the "Prepared Table" for the wedding feast, the feast of Livyosan, Shor HaBor and Yayin Meshumar. TWO NAMES, TWO PATHS OF DIVINE SERVICE (From the talk of Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach, 16 Kislev 5752) Our Sages1 compare the verse:2 “Your name will no longer be Yaakov. Instead, your name will be Yisrael,” with the verse,3 “Your name will no longer be Avram,” and state that a person who refers to Avraham by the name Avram commits a transgression.4 In contrast, a person who refers to Yaakov by that name, rather than by the name Yisrael, does not trans- gress. What is the difference? Our Sages explain that from the time G-d gave Avraham his new name, the Torah refers to him with that name alone. With regard to Yaakov, by con- trast, even after G-d gave him the name Yisrael, the Torah still refers to him as Yaakov. 1. Berachos 13a. 2. Bereishis 35:10. 3. Ibid. 17:5. 4. There are two opinions in that Talmudic passage: one that this involves the transgression of a positive commandment, and another that it involves the transgression of a negative commandment. The Jerusalem Talmud and the Midrash (Bereishis Rabbah 46:8) cite an even stricter view: “Rabbi Levi says, ‘[The transgression of both] a positive and a negative commandment [is involved].’ ” 9. Aggados Bereishis, end of chapter 63. And see Bereishis Rabba end of The latter opinion is cited by the Magen Avraham (at the conclusion of sec. 156). This differs with the view of several texts, which explain that the in- chapter 85 and in the commentary of Rashi. struction is merely an asmachta (a Rabbinic ordinance associated with a Scrip- 10. That is to say, not only is the Divine service completed and the tural verse). It would appear that the text of the Babylonian Talmud which the revelation needs to be brought into the world (as mentioned above), but Magen Avraham followed also contained the wording “and also a negative more than this, that it already is actually revealed. All that is needed is to commandment.” See also the Zohar Chadash (Chukas 51d), which states: “One who calls him Avram creates a blemish in the place called ‘a positive and a open the eyes, because already (in the past) "He gave to you... eyes to negative commandment.’ ” This is not the place for further elaboration on this see." subject. 11. See Zohar Vol. 3 73a. 4 25 BESURAS HAGEULO VAYISHLACH It may be said that herein is an allusion that in the refinement of What is the rationale for this distinction? Why does the France (Tzarfas) lies the overall completion and perfection of the Torah still refer to Yaakov by that name even after he was world, which was created in the seven days of building, with all its given the name Yisrael? myriad details. In Chassidus,5 it is explained that the names Yaakov and It should be noted that the refinement of "Tzarfas" which has the Yisrael reflect two different approaches to Divine service. numerical value of "770" was accomplished through ("the flame" Every Jew must possess both traits, for there are times when a Jew must carry out his Divine service in the path reflected by that is ignited from) "the house of Yosef." This refers to the house the name Yaakov, while at other times, his Divine service of Yosef in its simplest sense, the house which my sainted father- must reflect the path of Yisrael.
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