October 1988 South Africa's decades of resistance CPPA $1.75 Books...movies...concerts...theatre..,albums.. STAFF BOX Kinesis welcomes volunteers to work on all aspects of the paper. Call us at 255-5499. Our next News Group is Tues. Oct.ll at 3:00pm at Kine­ sis, #301-1720 Grant St. All women welcome even if you don't have experience. PRODUCTION THIS ISSUE: Marsha Arbour, Gwen Bird, Lea Dawson, Patty Gibson, Susan Lash, Andrea Lowe, Le- anne Macdonnell, Allisa Mc­ Donald, Joni Miller, Sarah Or- lowski, Nancy Pollak, Cathy Stonehouse, Sonia Marino, Yvonne Van Ruskenveld. Cookies from Elsie. FRONT COVER: Photos from Analisis, a Chilean peri­ odical: "Freedom for political prisoners." BACK COVER: We don't usually feature Mila's hus­ band, but who could resist? EDITORIAL BOARD: Mar­ sha Arbour, Pat Feindel, Allisa McDonald, Nancy Pollak, Nor­ een Shanahan, Esther Shan­ non, Michele Valiquette. CIRCULATION AND DISTRI­ BUTION: Gwen Bird, Cat L'Hirondelle. ADVERTISING: Marsha Ar­ bour. OFFICE: Cat L'Hirondelle. Kinesis Is published 10 times a year by the Vancouver Sta­ The White Spot menu now features tus of Women. Its objectives Battered women feel they are "looking in a mirror" when the VOICE are to be a non-sectarian fem­ troupe performs 7 union-busting 5 inist voice for women and to work actively for social change, specifically combat­ ting sexism, racism, homopho­ bia and imperialism. Views expressed in Kinesis INSIDE are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect VSW policy. All unsigned material is the responsibility of the Kine­ fiBtfttM.? sis Editorial Board. 0WX ....3 SUBSCRIPTIONS: Individual BCGEU gets a new contract subscriptions to Kinesis are Feminists won't network with REAL Women .. .... 3 $17.50 per year or what you can afford. Membership in the Everywoman's Health Centre opens soon 4 Movement Matters ... .. 2 Vancouver Status of Women B.C. Woman's Housing Coalition active 4 is $25.50 or what you can af­ ford, includes subscription to Assault trial leads to lenient sentence ....5 Whats's News .. 6 Kinesis. SUBMISSIONS: All submis­ sions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit and submis­ Beans .10 sion does not guarantee publi­ Wife assault gets big bucks 7 by Nora D. Randall cation. All submissions should by Noreen Shanahan be typed double spaced and must be signed and include In South Africa: picking up the spears .... 8 Commentary . 11 an address and phone number. by Sadie Kuehn by Anne Innis Dagg Please note Kinesis does not accept poetry or fiction con­ Whether to play Pinochet's game ....9 and Pat Davis tributions. For material to be by Carmen Rodriguez returned, a SASE must be in­ cluded. Editorial guidelines are Moving the censor in women's film ...12 Natural Causes . 14 available on request. by Duane Burton by Heather Herington ADVERTISING: For informa­ tion about display advertising rates, please contact Kinesis. flfvf <~> ...15 For information about classi­ Feminists Organizing for Change in review ... In Other Worlds . 20 fieds, please see the classified by Melanie Conn by Frances Wasserlein page in this issue. ... 16 DEADLINE: For features and Uncluttereby Pam Gallowayd by the language of Art reviews the 10th of the month Letters . 21 preceding publication; news Miriam Makeba: determination and hope ...17 copy, 15th; letters and Bulletin by Maura Volante Board listings 18th. Display advertising: camera ready, Fringe Festival: laughs and laundry ... 19 Bulletin Board . 21 18th; design required, 12th. by Yvonne Van Ruskenveld compiled by Sonia Mai 7/70 Kinesis is a member of the 1 Canadian Periodical Publish­ ers Association and is indexed in the Alternative Press Index. r Camera work by Northwest CORRESPONDENCE: Kine­ Graphics. Laser printing by Second class mail #6426 sis, Vancouver Status of Each Time and Eastside Data Women, 301-1720 Grant St., Graphics. Printing by Web ISSN 0317-9095 Vancouver, B.C. V5L 2Y6 Press Graphics. KINESIS MOVEMENT MATTERS To obtain this booklet, information about bulk orders and the Health Press' publi­ Movement cation and poster hst, write to C.P. Box LEAF offers 1000, Station Place du Pare, Montreal PQ, Off to matters listings speakers Canada H2W 2N1. Nicaragua information West Coast LEAF and the Charter of Members of the women's sector of B.C. Rights Coalition (Vancouver) have created Nic are planning a three week tour of Nicaragua during November. The tour or­ Movement Matters is designed to be a a Speakers' Bureau which will provide vol­ New books on ganizers are hoping to gain exposure to network of newt, updates and informa­ unteer speakers to address groups on equal­ women's health issues, cooperatively- run tion of special interest to the women's ity rights for women. women/feminism businesses, women artists, writers and ar­ movement. Submissions to Movement Mat­ LEAF—the Women's Legal Education tisans, and the many other women partici­ ters should be no more than 500 words, and Action Fund—is a national organiza­ pating in building Nicaragua's new society. typed, doable-spaced on eight and a half by tion which supports court test cases to ad­ New Books on Women and Femi­ eleven paper. Submissions may be edited for vance women's equahty under the Charter nism is one of the regular offerings from The tour will maintain a record of their length. Deadline is the 18th of the month of Rights and Freedoms. Their goal is to the Women's Studies Librarian for the Uni­ activities, via slides and audio tapes, and preceding publication. help women use the law to effectively re­ versity of Wisconsin System. An impressive plan to share their experience upon their re­ dress inequality. bibliography of English- language publica­ turn. tions, New Books is divided into topic ar­ Besides offering the speaker service, West eas (Film Criticism, Humour, Spirituality, Any form of assistance is welcomed by Coast LEAF is interested in hearing from Economics ... ) and includes subject and the organizers (there might even be tour members of the community about potential author indices. spaces still available) who may be contacted Outreach to equahty rights cases. at: Second Women's Tour to Nicaragua, 9 The Women's Studies Librarian gener­ W.Broadway, Vancouver B.C. V5Y 1P1 Groups who would hke a speaker to ad­ ates other bibliographies and directories Caribbean women dress either equality rights in general or throughout the year. For information about some specific application (e.g. workplace is­ these publications and how to order them, Words of Women is an ambitious project sues) are welcome to contact coordinator write to Susan E. Searing, 112A Memorial aiming to promote the exchange of writ­ Susan Hayne at 733-3382 or the West Coast Library, 728 State St., Madison WI53706 ings between Canadian and Third World LEAF office at 684-8772. women. In its initial stage, WOW is activat­ ing a program of contact and exchange be­ Ukrainian Corrections tween English-language feminist publishing groups in Canada and the Caribbean. women meet In "Retribution ... and the Party of Canadian women's groups can become Low-cost The Second Wreath Cultural Society is God" in September's Kinesis, Zaynab active participants by linking (via WOW) a Toronto-based Ukrainian feminist col­ should have been described as the grand­ with a Caribbean women's group, providing health booklets lective. On Oct 28-30, they will hold a daughter of the prophet Mohammed. that group with a continuous supply of fem­ conference in Toronto entitled "Ukrainian Also, in last month's listing of resources inist literature. Similarly, individuals are in­ Health Press Women: Tradition and Change", an event for incest survivors, the telephone number vited to form local WOW committees and The Montreal Health Press is a non-profit they describe as an opportunity to explore for the Vancouver Incest and Sexual Assault forge a connection. women's publishing house which has dis­ the themes of feminism and ethnicity. Centre (VISAC) should have been 738-3512. WOW has asked book and periodi­ tributed over 18 million copies of their book­ Workshops and presentations will exam­ cal publishers to supply them with fem­ lets in the past 20 years. They are commit­ ine Ukrainian women's historical and cur­ inist literature which they will then dis­ ted to producing low cost, mass distribution rent status, their contribution to the arts, Display tribute to Caribbean women's organiza­ texts that both inform and encourage peo­ and their role in the community and family. tions; Caribbean publishers will make a sim­ ple to make their own health decisions. Advertising: ilar exchange to Canadian groups. English will be the primary language of Their most recent publication, A Book the conference, which is wheelchair accessi­ This space is yours WOW is coordinated by MATCH Inter­ About Menopause, is now available. It pro­ ble and offers daycare through advance reg­ national, a Canadian-based women's orga­ vides details on all aspects of menopause: istration. (Travel subsidies and billets also for only $23. nization committed to working with Third body changes, sexuahty and strategies for available.) Registration is limited, and the Ask us about discounts. World women for a feminist vision of dealing with this mid-life stage. The publi­ fees are $45, $35 students/seniors. Make development. Contact WOW at North­ cation is illustrated with medical diagrams cheques payable to Second Wreath, Box Phone 255-5499 ern Woman's Bookstore, 184 Camelot St., and photographs, and is available in both 340, Stn D, Toronto Ont. M6P 3T9. Thunder Bay Ont. P7A 4A9, or at MATCH, English and French for $4. (Bulk orders 1102-200 Elgin St., Ottawa Ont. K2P 1L5 available.) 6 issues/year: • $5-$10 individual • $25 sustaining Wor •$15 institution The Womanist P.O.
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