27459. 4833 The London Gazette.> $u6ltsj)el> bg 9utl)ontg. TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1902* By the KING. By the KING. A PROCLAMATION For appointing a Day for the Celebration of the A PROCLAMATION Solemnity of the Coronation of Their Majesties.AngloBoerWar.com EDWARD, It. & I. For appointing Saturday, August 9th, a Bank Whereas by Our Royal Proclamation, bearing Iloliday and a Public Holiday. date the 10th day of December last, We did (amongst other things) publish and declare Our EDWARD, R. & I. Royal intention to celebrate the Solemnity of Our Royal Coronation and of the Coronation of We, considering that it is desirable that Satur­ Our dearly-beloved Consort the Queen upon day, the 9th day of August next, being the occasion Thursday, the 26th day of June, at Our Palace of the Solemnity of Our Royal Coronation, should at Westminster; and whereas We were con­ be observed as a Rank Holiday and as a Public strained to adjourn the said Solemnity to a day in August thereafter to be determined, We do Holiday throughout the United Kingdom, and in now by this. Our Royal Proclamation, give pursuance of the provisions of “ The Bank notice that W e liave resolved, by the favour and Holidays Act, 1871,” “ The Bank Holidays blessing of Almighty God, to celebrate the said Extension Act, 1875,” “ The Customs Con­ Solemnity upon Saturday, the 9th day of solidation Act, 1876,” and “ The Revenue Offices August next; and We do hereby strictly charge (Scotland) Holidays Act, 1880,” Do hereby, all Our loving subjects whom it may concern, that all persons of what rank or quality soever by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, they be, who either upon Our Letters of Summons and in exercise of the powers conferred by to them directed were charged to be present on the Acts aforesaid, appoint Saturday, the 9th' the 26th day of June last, or by reason of their day of August next, being the occasion of the said offices and tenures or otherwise were called to do Solemnity of Our Royal Coronation, as a special any service at the time of Our Coronation, do day to be observed as a Bank Holiday and as a duly give their attendance at the said Solemnity on Saturday, the 9th day of August, in all respects Public Holiday throughout the United Kingdom furnished and appointed as to so great a Solemnity and every part thereof, under and in accordance appertaineth, and answerable to the dignities and with the said Acts, and We do, by this Our places which every one of them respectively Royal Proclamation, command the said day to be holdeth and enjoyeth, and of this they or any of so observed, and all Our loving subjects to . order them are not to fail, as they will answer the con­ themselves accordingly. trary at their perils, unless upon special reasons, by Ourself to be allowed, We shall dispense with any of their services or attendances. Given at Our Court of Saint James, this twenty-sixth day of July, in the year Given at Our Court of Saint James, this twenty-sixth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and two, and in the second year of Our and two, and in the second year of Our Reign. Reign. GOD save the KING. GOD save the KING THE LONDON GAZETTE, JULY 29, 1902. 4835 War Office, those who have been mentioned. This, however, 29th July, 1902. is the fortune of war, and will, I am sure, be well understood by the Army I have been so ■ The following Despatch has been received proud to command. from Lord Kitchener, G.C.B., &c., Coramanding- In the first place, I wish to convey to his in-Chief, South Afiica :— Excellency the High Commissioner my cordial : From Lord Kilchener to the Secretary of State thanks for the past, and my best wishes for the i for War. future. In the many difficult situations in which. I have had to co-operate with Lord Milner, it ;> Cape Town, has been the greatest relief to me to feel that I Sir, 23rd June, 1902. could always rely upon his unfailing sympathy ' and ungrudging assistance. ’ •* ■ ; 1. have the honour to submit a final despatch which covers the period between the signature I find it difficult in the short space at my dis- ' of the terms of peace at Pretoria and my depar­ posal to acknowledge the deep obligation of the ture from Cape Town. In this I have endeav­ Army in South Africa to the Governments of oured to acknowledge some small portion of the Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Cape Colony, : kind assistance or loyal service rendered me by and Natal. I will only say here that no" request-., civilians and soldiers during my command in of mine was ever refused by any of these Govern­ South Africa. ments, and that their consideration and generosity - 2. In my last despatch, dated 1st June, I had were only equalled by the character and quality the pleasure of reporting the conclusion of peace. of the troops, they sent to South Africa, or raised Directly the terms were signed I appointed tho in that country. • >■ following three Peace Commissioners to receive I am greatly indebted to Admiral Moore, the the surrenders iu the territories of the new Commander of His Majesty’s Naval Forces in I Colonies:— South African waters, for the kind manner in • General Bruce Hamilton, for the Eastern which he has always endeavoured to meet the ’ Transvaal. requirements of the Army in Hie field. .General W. Kitchener, for the Western Trans­ vaal. I have already, in a farewell order, expressed . to Major-General Iladeh- Powell my deep appre­ General Elliot, for the Orange River Colony. ciation of the services rendered by the South I also directed General French to make the African Constabulary, but I.am glad to have this necessary arrangements for the same purpose in opportunity to again testify to the good work : the Cape Colony. rendered by this fine body of men. 3. The reports of General French and the Sir Richard Solomon, K.C.M.G.> K.C., Legal three Peace Commissioners are herewith sub­ Adviser, has been much more than a legal adviser , mitted, and it will, I think, be evident from their to me. His quickness and his ability, joined to perusal that the Boer leaders concerned playedAngloBoerWar.com his iatim&to knowledge of South Africa and" its their part with loyalty and in a thoroughly people, have always been fully and loyally placed straightforward manner, whilst the burghers and at my disposal. rebels on commando also accepted the situa­ tion in a manly spirit which augurs well for the I beg to take this opportunity of acknowledgin g future of South Africa. So strongly did I feel with gratitude the obligations under which the this that I sent the following telegram to Gen­ Army in South Afiica has been placed by the - erals Louis Botha, De la Rey, ana Christian de ungrudging assistance given me by Mr. T. R. W et:— Price, O.M.G., and the staff of the Cape Govern­ ‘•‘Now that the surrender of the arms in ment Railway, as well as by Sir David Hunter, - the hands of the burghers in the Transvaal K.C.M.G., and the staff of the Natal Government and Orange River Colony has been com­ Railway. pleted, ' I desire to place' on record my Major-General (local Lieutenant-General) Sir I. nigh appreciation of the unflagging energy S. M. Hamilton, K.C.B., D.S.O. At much personal and unfailing ta'ct with which you have inconvenience, Lord Roberts lent me his Military . facilitated the work of my Commissioners. I Secretary, Sir Ian Hamilton, as my Chief of Staff. recognize hew much it is due to your exertions His high soldierly qualities are already well that the burghers- have displayed everywhere known, and h'is reputation does not require to be such a loyal spirit in accepting the change of established-now. I am much iudebted to him Government that has taken place, and I can in­ for his able and constant support .to me as Chief form you that the manner in which the burghers of Staff, also for the marked skill and self-reliance have come in has greatly pleased His Majesty he showed later, when directing operations in the the King, and deeply impressed the British peo­ Western Transvaal. ple, who are heartily anxious to welcome them as fellow citizens. I feel confident that a new era Brevet Colonel H. I. W. Hamilton, A.D.C.,. of complete reconciliation between all races has D.S.O., Military Secretary, has displayed m ost.. now dawned in South Africa.” untiring zeal in the performance of his duties. His reliability, accuracy, and unfailing attention The total numbers of the surrenders of armed to business are deserving of my special .recog-' burghers in the Transvaal were 11,166, in the nition. Orange River Colony 6,455, and in the Cape Colony 3,635. Total, 21,256. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel W. N. Congreve, ' V.C., Rifle Brigade, has been my private secre- ’ 4. I well understand that the accompanying tary since I took over the chief command; during • list, which is in continuation of the other lists that period he has dealt with many troublesome submitted periodically by me, of Departmental, matters to my complete satisfaction. Staff, and Regimental Officers, who have in my opinion rendered exceptionally good service Major-General W.
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