all photos courtesy Cynthia Chuang Above: An Angular-style arrangement Above: A Synergistic-style arrangement Below: “California, Here I Come” Below: A Transparent-style arrangement 16 2009 American Rose Annual THE GIF T OF BEAU T Y THE GIF T OF BEAU T Y WHEN EAS T MEE T S WES T : ENDURIN G JOY OF ROSE ARRAN G E M EN T S Cynthia Chuang, PhD • Los Altos, CA • [email protected] In The Beginning: arrangements that the stems were lean- ing the show and learning from the Passion for Beautiful Roses ing toward the sun or bent by the imag- masters to show appreciation to the After retiring at the end of 1999 inary wind. Ed Yesan always demon- Cleveland Rose Society for holding a from a 7-year assignment in market and strated perfectly balanced centerpieces large national show shortly after the sales in China for Raychem Corpora- by his attention to details and proficient 9/11 crisis. In the show, I met Steve tion, I returned to our California home skill. I also took Ikebana lessons from House, who won the Harry B. Over- and started taking care of our small, Katsko Thilke, an inspiring teacher esch Trophy. His pink roses in two neglected rose garden. With thorough with the touch of magic design. column containers reflected a danc- pruning and spraying followed by To make beautiful rose arrange- ing party in vivid, rhythmic, happy nourishing and mulching under the ments, I started from the basics of grow- movement. There was a sense of life San Francisco Bay Area sunshine, I ing beautiful and healthy roses. Admir- in that design. Steve encouraged me was happy to see most rosebushes ing the perfect hybrid tea roses exhibited to practice with mind and hands. It is revived to normal growth. Knowing at the winning table of the horticulture important to form a plan in your mind that the World Federation and Ameri- section, I decided to choose whenever first and then translate it in your hands. can National Rose Convention would possible the queen quality HT roses for Steve’s encouragement and sugges- be held in Houston mid-April 2000, I my arrangements, which means fol- tions have been most valuable to me, decided to attend the convention and lowing, in a timely manner, every step and I usually spend a great deal of time enter a simple arrangement just to get from the selection of show rose variet- practicing my arrangement before any involved. Since I had never made a se- ies to pruning, culture, disbudding and formal exhibitions. In 2002, shortly rious rose arrangement, I borrowed an cutting them, and from packing for air- after the Philadelphia National Show, Ikebana Sogetsu Book No.1 and stud- plane transportation to placing the final Steve passed away, and I could not be- ied the lines and angles of the basic arrangement on the show table. Bob lieve that we no longer could see the vertical design. Two days before the Martin Jr.’s book Showing Good Roses Master of Art. Now, whenever I think show, I cut five stems each of 'Dou- has been my bible of “searching for ex- of his creativity, giving and teaching, ble Delight' and 'Altissimo', packed cellence.” he is immortal. them in a carry-on ice chest and flew In Cleveland, I also met Glenda to Houston. It was already hot there. Broaden Views to Uplift Standards: Whitaker, who sang “America the I cut a few colored daylily buds from Exhibit to Get Involved Beautiful” in memory of those who my sister’s garden for the lines of the On September 21, 2001, my perished on 9/11. I was most touched Oriental Manner design and entered husband Chi Ning Liu and I flew to by the mood and spirit. The Rose is it in the Novice Class. Overwhelmed Cleveland to attend the Fall National America’s National Floral Emblem by winning the Best Novice Award, I Rose Show. I was very inexperienced and represents love, beauty, appre- knew then it was a beginner’s luck and in transporting roses long distance for ciation, growth and patriotism. This only by serious learning would I ever exhibition, but I deeply felt we had to inspired me to grow more roses. I absorb this profound knowledge. support the event by exhibiting, enjoy- wanted to arrange roses to show their characteristic meaning and beauty. Learning the Very Basic: Traditional crescent line-mass ar- In the spring of 2002 at the San Jose Practice with Mind and Hands rangement with 'Double Delight' and National Rose Show, Glenda gave me Barbara Gardon taught me the 'Olympiad' the most encouraging praise: “It seems very basics of traditional arrangement. courtesy Cynthia Chuang that there is always light shining on When I was frustrated by recutting and your arrangement!” I hope that I’ll live re-inserting the rose stems into an al- up to it. Glenda, thank you very much. most crumbling oasis, she always kind- You are guiding me all along. ly said, “Just practice, and you will be At the New Orleans National there.” With hope, I made progress but Show in the spring of 2003, I did not still brought an extra oasis to shows know exactly what a modern line- just in case. Earl Parsons showed me mass arrangement was. So, I made a in the lines of many rhythmic modern traditional crescent line-mass using THE GIF T OF BEAU T Y 2009 American Rose Annual 17 all photos courtesy Cynthia Chuang Bronze Certificate Winner at the 2008 Denver Spring Show “China Town” 'Double Delight' and 'Olympiad' and In the spring of 2004, I entered a Achieve Personal Style: From Ori- put a bold black wood grid frame in modern line arrangement titled “Cali- ental Manner to East Meets West the background (p. 17). Happily, the fornia, Here I Come” (p. 16) at the The traditional oriental manner, arrangement won the Nora Katherman San Diego National Rose Show. In- for example, the Sogetsu School, calls Trophy for my very first time. Wheth- spired by the theme “Bowers of Flow- for three main lines: the Heaven, the er the combination of traditional and ers,” I lifted three black open frames Earth and the Man, specified by their modern elements is considered “mod- (made by my husband) of different relative heights and angles in reference ern” might draw some debate among heights and angles to reflect the di- to the container size. The container can judges. Nevertheless, it was my own versified culture of California. Then, be flat or tall. The choice of line ma- creation stimulated by “Just Do It and four pieces of apricot branches were terial and flowers follows closely with See.” connected through the frame in an up the seasonal change and folk festivities. and downward open loop, and seven The versatility is that each line may Accept New Ideas and New Looks: stems of brilliant pink 'Signature' in change position to transform a vertical Eventually Establish a Routine three clusters were arranged along the look to a slanted version or vice versa. It took me a long while to break loop. Overall they represented the rich However, the overall look is always out of my cocoon — a comfort zone to culture, fertile land and cheerful, sunny asymmetric yet balanced — an artistic stay put. Dr. Lew Shupe, with his great weather. The judges awarded me the appreciation of nature’s beauty. sense of humor, had been patiently sug- Nora Katherman Trophy for the sec- One example of this is my arrange- gesting for me to change, and I knew I ond time. What a boost of confidence! ment that won the Oriental Award and should, but hesitation delayed action. Yes, I can change. Thank you, Lew and Bronze Certificate at the 2008 Denver At one of our NCNH District Arrange- Kathy. Spring National Show (above). In this ment Workshop, Kathy Leonardi read After practicing several styles of arrangement, for the line material, I from the ARS Arrangement Guide- modern arrangement, for example, chose pine branches bearing new cones lines for Judging Rose Arrangements. Transparent, Angular and Synergistic to reflect the spring growth, and for the (Revised 1997, the third paragraph (p. 16), I learned that the open space flower, I chose the pink blend 'Gemini' of Foreword) “New ideas are forever created by lines or loops offers the luring for attention. overtaking the old, and when they be- viewer the opportunity to see different Oriental free style lifts most rules come part of the practice, then they be- emphases from different angles, which but requires more effort to focus on come the standard.” I felt an alarming in turn gives the designer more choices the design. At the 2003 Fall National wake-up call. There was no excuse to to stage the arrangement at different Show in Washington, D.C., I entered delay further — I should keep up with positions in a room. an arrangement in this category titled the trends, try new things and arrange “China Town” (p. 18). Four sticks of roses as wild and bold as I can. fresh bamboo of different heights were 18 2009 American Rose Annual THE GIF T OF BEAU T Y all photos courtesy Cynthia Chuang Left: “East Meets West”; Above: “Reflections of St. Paul”; Right: An example of Oriental Free style but similar to the modern an- gular design because of the sharp bending foliage vertically hammered into pin frogs in then tall spiky iris buds were chosen really followed a modern line. I named two flat containers.
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