Environmental Statement March 2017 Prepared by: Turley Environmental Statement Proposed Development at Haydock Point Volume 2: Main Text January 2017 Glossary of Terminology Term / Abbreviation Definition Measures which may be implemented at specific points in the Additional mitigation future or when specific events are observed The ALC system classifies land into five grades (Grades 1-5) based on climate, site specific criteria and soil type, with Grade 3 subdivided into Subgrades 3a and 3b. The best and most Agricultural Land versatile land is defined as Grades 1, 2 and 3a by policy guidance Classification (ALC) (see Annex 2 of NPPF). This is the land which is lost flexible, productive and efficient in response to inputs and which can best deliver future crops for food and non food uses such as biomass, fibres and pharmaceuticals. Website which provides information on existing levels of air Air Pollution Information pollutants and provides details on emission levels likely to System impact on specific habitat types. Area identified by the local authority, within which there may Air Quality Management be locations where the air quality objectives are not being Area (AQMA) achieved. A nationally defined set of health-based concentrations for nine pollutants, seven of which are incorporated in Regulations, Air Quality Objectives setting out the extent to which the standards should be achieved by a defined date. There are also vegetation-based objectives for sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Statistical survey of households conducted quarterly by the Annual Population Survey Office for National Statistics, which aims to provide reliable (APS) estimates on a range of key topics including education, employment, health and ethnicity. Annual survey by the Office of National Statistics to collect Annual Survey of Hours information on the levels, distribution and make-up of earnings and Earnings (ASHE) and hours paid, based on a 1 per cent sample of employee jobs drawn from HM Revenue and Customs records. An assessment, based on BS 5837:2012, of trees in terms of their potential value within a future development (by one of Arboricultural Implication four quality categories: A, B, C or U). Includes an assessment of Assessment (AIA) the impact of the proposed development on the existing tree stock and measures to minimise any such impact; Automatic Traffic Count A method of traffic data collection, typically using two rubber (ATC) tubes laid across the carriageway linked to a road side recorded box. The tubes can measure both speed and number of vehicle movements and in some cases the weight of vehicles passing over. Average Annual Daily Average annual daily traffic flow using a select link or movement Traffic Flows (AADT) over a seven day 24 hour period. Average Annual Weekday Average annual daily traffic flow using a select link or movement Traffic Flows (AAWT) over a five day 18 hour period. Baseline Traffic Flows Traffic flows as surveyed. Bat Conservation Trust National charity involved in research, conservation, monitoring, (BCT) training and guidance on bat issues. Best and Most Versatile ALC Grades 1, 2 and 3a by policy guidance (see (BMV) Biodiversity Action Plan A plan to conserve and/or enhance a habitat or species. Bird of Conservation Birds are listed as red, amber or green in relation to their risk of Concern (BCC) extinction. "British Standards" means formal consensus standards as set out in BS 0-1 paragraph 3.2 and based upon the principles of British Standard (BS) standardisation recognised inter alia in European standardisation policy. The Department of Transport document, CRTN, describes the Calculation of Road Traffic procedures for measuring and calculating noise from road Noise (CRTN) traffic. Chartered Institute of Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management Ecology and (formerly IEEM). The leading professional membership body Environmental representing and supporting ecologists and environmental Management (CIEEM) managers in the UK, Ireland and abroad. Construction Environment A document prepared to help manage impacts during the Management Plan clearance and construction phase of a development Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment (CLEA) The model procedures (also known as ‘Contaminated Land Report 11’ or ‘CLR 11’) have been developed by the Contaminated Land Report Environment Agency to provide the technical framework for (CLR) applying a risk management process when dealing with land affected by contamination. A measure of how much demand a road it is experiencing Degree of Saturation (Dos) compared to its total capacity. A document prepared to help manage how deliveries to a Delivery Management Plan development are received. The ministerial department responsible for moving decision- Department for making power from central government to local councils. This Communities and Local is intended to help put communities in charge of planning, Government (DCLG) increases accountability and helps citizens to see how their money is being spent DfT is a ministerial department. The department provides Department for Transport policy, guidance and funding to English local authorities in (DfT) order to run and maintain road networks, improve passenger and freight travel and develop new major transport schemes. The government department responsible for environmental Department of Environment protection, food production and standards, agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs fisheries and rural communities in the United Kingdom of (DEFRA) Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The “Design Manual for Roads and Bridges” was introduced in 1992 by the Overseeing Organisations specifically for Trunk Road Works throughout the UK. In England, the Overseeing Design Manual for Roads and Organisation is The Highways Agency. It provides a Bridges (DMRB) comprehensive manual system which accommodates, within a set of loose-leaf volumes, current Standards, Advice Notes and other published documents relating to Trunk Road Works. A World Heritage Site, Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, Protected Wreck Site, Registered Park and Garden, Registered Designated heritage asset Battlefield or Conservation Area designated under the relevant legislation. Designated or proposed Areas of land recognised as being at least county, importance County Wildlife Sites (CWS) for their nature conservation value. Desk Based Assessment A Desk-based Assessment takes into consideration all known (DBA) records relating to a defined area A Circular issued by the Department for Transport in 2013 entitled ‘The Strategic Road Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development’ which sets out the way in which DfT Circular 02/2013 Highways England will engage with communities and the development industry to deliver sustainable development and, thus, economic growth, whilst safeguarding the primary function and purpose of the strategic road network. DfT Matrix Publicly accessible Department for Transport website which provides street level traffic count data for A roads and the motorway network in Great Britain. Ecological Impact A standard process of assessing impacts of development on Assessment (EcIA) features of nature conservation value developed by CIEEM. DNA that can be extracted from environmental samples, in eDNA Environmental DNA this case great crested newt DNA in water bodies. How the Project has been specifically designed to avoid or Embedded mitigation minimise the occurrence of adverse environmental effects. The Environment Agency is an executive non-departmental public body sponsored by Defra with responsibility for regulating major industry and waste; treatment of Environment Agency (EA) contaminated land; water quality and resources; fisheries; inland river, estuary and harbour navigations; conservation and ecology. The formal process used to predict the environmental Environmental Impact consequences (positive or negative) of a plan, policy, Assessment (EIA) program, or project prior to the decision to move forward with the proposed action. Environmental Protection Act 1990 which makes provision for Environmental Protection the improved control of pollution arising from certain Act (EPA) industrial and other processes within the UK. Environmental quality standards concerning the presence in surface water of certain pollutants and substances or groups Environmental Quality of substances identified as priority on account of the Standard (EQS) substantial risk they pose to or via the aquatic environment, as defined within the European Directive 2008/105/EC. Environmental Statement Presents the findings of an Environmental Impact (ES) Assessment. Environmental Statement The formal opinion from BMBC on the scope of the EIA. Scoping Opinion (ESSO) Environmental Statement Presents the proposed assessment methodologies for the EIA. Scoping Report (ESSR) Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) Report assessing flood risk from a range of sources. A logistics led development proposed by Bericote Properties on a site to the north of the A580 East Lancashire Road in Florida Farm North Haydock (Ref 2016/0608). A resolution to approve the planning application was granted at planning committee in January 2017. Number of full-time employees, plus part-time employees Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) converted to a full-time basis. Surveyed traffic flows with the addition of background traffic Future Baseline Traffic Flows growth and traffic related to committed developments European protected species under Schedule 2 of the Great Crested Newts (GCN) Conservation
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