verlookedby the Clifton whose work now sells all over the thirsfywork, have no fearbecause SuspensionBridge, 19th- world,is this thrivingscene's most the 1Oth Bdstol Cider Festival is centuryengineering genius famous name, takingplace on 25-27Jan" Sample lsambardKingdom Brunel'sbest For a taste of history try M Shed, 1OO-plusciders and perries (cider known work, Bristolis a historiccity a museum dedicated to Bristol's madefrom pears),and enjoylocal with a decidedlymodern outlook, glorious past. lt's located in a entertainmentin the atmospheric Begin your tour at The Clifton former 195Os transit shed and uses surroundingsof the BriJnelOld Observatory for an excellent view interactive displays,quirky objects, Station,one of the oldesttraln of the bridge and Avon Gorge, and films and phoiographs to explore stationsin the world, be sure not to miss the extraordinary the city's hisiory,from its role in camera obscura.lt's one of only a the Transatlanric slave trade [o li[e handful in the country.Anoiher Brunel in Bristol during World War Two, highlightis the ss Great Britain, and more, once a luxuriouspassenger To see how Bristolianslived in the steam ship and now a fascinating 18th century, there's the Georgian museum in the heart of Bristol's House Museum, a six-storey historicHarbourside, townhouse in the city centre,or a Also in the Harboursideyou'll find litrleway out of town is the charming the Arnolfini, an importantcentre Blaise Castle House Museum, for contemporary ads that hosts art which includesthe remainsof the exhibitions,dance performances, Kings Weston Roman Villa, conceds and more, lt'sjust one of Back in the city,kids and adults severalhighly acclaimed cultural alike will enjoy themselvesat Bristol institutionsin the city that include Zoo, which occupiesa five-hectare the Bristol Old Vic, the UK's oldest site in Clifton,an area admiredfor its working theatre. A new adaptation gorgeousGeorgian architecLure. Time of J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan - Ihe your v,s.tLo coincide wilh ihe perguin TRAVELII,.NFORMATION ultimatefamily show - is runn ng and seal feeding,and don't miss the Rail:Direct trains depart from until 1 I Jan,The Bristol Museum entertainingand educatonal talks 9* LondonPaddington, to And Art Gallery is also we I worth a that take placethroughout the day. * BristolTemple Meads, visit- its extremelyvaried collection And while you'rein Clifton, Journeytime is approximately incorporateseverything f rom ancient take advantage of the area's great 90 mins. Japanese art to dinosaursfossils. shoppingopportunities, from trendy When it comes to visualart in boutiquesspecialising in independenl VISITORCENTRE Bristol, however, all you really need to fashion and jewel ery,to the beautiful E Shed,1 CannonsRoad, Bristol, do is keep your eyes peeledas you Clifton Arcade with its range of 8S1.409067 112 191, walk about - the city is a mecca tor enlinr ra< anrl nra{lc qhonc p vtstrDnsTot.co.uK street art. Banksy, the graffitl artist lf all that s ghtseeingsounds llke 22 I visitbritain,comI LONDONPLANNER I January2013 .
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