?AGE W E.-TTl Manrtfratpr lEttnting 1 | m U l Until 9 0 *clock Tonight for Xmas Shoppe^ Avaraga Daily Nat.Praaa Run fbe Hia Montk «C NeveaMw. 18M 9 , 6 3 5 Mambar ^ * 0 AoM t Bm w m o f f « ManeheMter^4 CUy of VlUage Charm VOL. LXVin., NO. $1 (CInaeiaad Advarttalag an Page 1#) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, DECE&1BER 11, 1948 (TWELVE P.\GES) PRICE FOUR o n m Production Trends Death Blast R i^ Power Plant News Tidbits Chinese Communists Called . Prom (A*) W irts Strong as Buying Little Tojo Sbiaagawe, bora when Jap war criminal was popu­ lar national figure, gets hia name Give Ground Before ohaaged... Film Urtter Lester Cole, who refused to tell House Moving Backward committee whether he was Oom- Sylo-Cowns munlat, says he is "loyal Ameri­ can" as be sues Metro-Gridwyn- Mayor for reinstatement to his Spirited Relief Unit Of a&nforlxad Siiedena flannelette. Bngiiiess Cdntinnes at| Convenient Taint* writing Job ... Beatrice Korla, With perky walat and yoke ruffles. Saves Cash la Safe ChfeagO, who agreed to g o back to ❖ Free action sleeve, assorted colors. Odds With Itself I her husband on a “ klseleas” heals, This Week; All Major, Chcago, Dec. 11.—(F)—Irvin is back in court seeking divorce Montraal Woman Picks Nationalist High Com- Kapper, 49, was calm as three again because her huebaad tried la Alliance Talks lines of Heavy In-j gunmen took $778 from his e ber...Grand Dragon tells Br c of Ripe Strawb«Ties jnanfl Predicts Cohmoi 'dostry Operate at| cash register in his shoe store meeting o f 800 new K feaeoea in Will Make Omtact yesterday. Macon, Ga., that the Klan beUevas Kept Secret MontreoL Que., Dec. 11.—(iF> Satisfactory Levels Ttaen they ordered Kapper in “giving the Negro an equal i<—Mrs. James Lyon walked In­ With 12th Army Group to open the atore safe. Bight chance." to a newrspaper office here yes­ then, Kapper later told Mar­ Luther McCoy, 18, Detroit, rs- Officials Seen Confi­ terday with a bag of ripe Inside i 2 Honrs Ahont New York, Dec. 11.—(flP)— quette police, he thought that Joins his 16 year old bride after strawberries she said' she had Basineaa continued at odds would be a convenient time to stowaway fUght from Alaska... dent Pact Will Be Juat picked in her backyard 45 Miles Northwest with itself thin week. Al­ "faint.” He promptly fell to Soviet government announces pub­ garden. It has been unseason- Of Pengpn; Admits the floor and a customer lication of documents oa.- Korean Ready Before Spring ally warm. 'The temperature though production trends screamed “call a doctor!” The queeaea. Findland, > at auggas- yesterday waa 35 degrees. Heavy Casualties were strong, backward ten­ holdup men fled, Kapper aald tlon of Russia, has shut down two Washington, Dec. 11 —(F)—A dencies in consumer and dis- $1,500 was in the aafe. plays which were oonaidered "hoe- secrecy lid covered tbe Atlantic tile to the Soviet Union” . .Sene- Nanking, Dec. II.— ( jp ) - . trlbnOon channels became tor-EIect Margaret Chaee Smith alliance talks today but officials Chinese Communiats encir­ Cotton House Dresses mmre pronounced/ A ll the ma­ o f Maine says ahe might favor seemed confident tbe final defense Assembly Ends cling the 12th Annjr gronp jor lines of heavy industry. change in Republican leadaiohlp in pact will be ready for Senate ac­ t o ­ Inclnding Btecl, 00^ crude oil. Santa Village the Senate.. .Frank Russek. W, tion before spring. gave ground on the south A . » 3 electric and power and automo- founder of New York atore, la Negotiations from seven nations Paris Session day before a spirited govern­ 14 to 44. 46 to 62. i bUea, operated at highly aattafae- dead. • are scheduled to get down to braaa ment column which ia trying ton.lavela, some at naw higba. W m Be Host UNESCO, at Beirut, Lebanon tacks Monda)rwhcn the western to open the jaws of the Red Seiuwnal decUnea wera noted in meeting, planning weaterh bemle- European representatltnM ore home building and commercial P^wo aeadquartera at Havana... pected to present their propose Is Winds Up 12 Week trap. The nlief colnmn ia $ 3 . 9 8 t o $ 5 . 0 0 conztrucUon, interior ahipptng, Thousands of Young* Chinese marshall opposes laadiag for the historic mutual aid agree­ Meeting Tonight; Lit­ from the Sixth Army group. This Season's / | carloadlnga and mining opera­ of American Marlnea at Shanghai ment. It is fighting north from the Huml tions. Labor troublea in western sters to Visit Once Run­ aa Infringement of Chinese sover­ ’The diplomatic parleys, launch tle Progress on Peace river Une and its anchor of P e ^ } f ninstrated) Second Floor copper mines and in the lead and down Hamlet Today eignty.. .Greek general staff-aa ed last July, were resumed late g i. 105 miles northwest o f Naa- nine belts o f Mlasouri, Oklahoma Bounces killing by booby trap of yesterday after a three-month re­ Paris, Dec. 11—(F)—Tha United and Kanaaa kept output of these Oommunist leader called -The cess. Csataet Predieted Successes Nations Oeneral Assembly winds badly needed metala far below Savage, Md., Dec. 11—0^— Aa Butcher o f B^ros.** Their aim is a North Atlantic Nationalist high oonunand sources predicted the relief col­ Wardrobe leaders . smartly dressed women never average. though a fairy waved a wand, this Blonrn-ont windows hang precariously tnn the walls of the Kansas ECA Adadaletrator VaM Hoff, stronghold Unking the* United up tonight's 12-week seaaioa la Retail aales were a tiny bit umn would make contact with tha have enough of . handsomely styled dresses made southern Maryland village be­ Power A Light fiOb plant n<sr>y>pMM»i iffer two thundering ex- man, en route to Chino, ooya we States and Canada to the defense which it has ceiled on peoples of ahead of the previous weak In all phMdoBS ripped taroogb tbe M HfiagrM tiHV 'h t lesat aU aflfl tnjnring are not financing Cblnaaa people ramparts being set up by the 12th within 72 hours about 45 Yew're o lisdy In beauty from oil lidet when yee wear sue for fashion-wise wear this'season and for nuuiy to came a Chriatmaa wonderland to­ the world to live in peace, bat o f­ miles northwtwt o f Pengpn. They come . of ever-popular failles and soft crepes. principal dUes but fbr the fifth 15. (NEA telephoto). "to fight Communism. Rather we Western European union: Britain, day. fered little to enforce peace. ■aid a Junction o f the two foccea diotstlag cemliole tUp. EnwcloBy ^dsaed by YhfkrsO is straight week failed to match the are trying to get them back on France. Belgium, Tbe Netter- The Aasembly cooled diplomatic large turnover at thla time last would permit the 12th to take up Thousands of youngsters arriv­ their feet so they won’t turn Com­ lands end Luxembourg. fevers over three of the woHd’s ■Ke dies predeut feeRng of feminine leuellnem . It wig year. » ing in special trains and autos munistic” .... Ursula (Boots) After yeoterday'e meeting in posiUona ia the Rwal river de­ trouble epota, Palestine, Berlin and fense line. not ride up. Of muMfllomen) reyon crepe in dielt or white. Told Net to Be Upeet will find a tinseled toy town where Schmidt, Monde Berlla singer, Undersecretary of Stats Lovatt'a Greece. But it found no real cure. %\Q9S to $ 19.98 Only a few opUmlste held hope there was once a rundown hamlet Grand Jury Pushes says she is the "other woman” in office, the State department an­ The government admitted the It urged nations to live wrlthout 12th hod euffered heavy Sizes 32 le 38, In new fen lengtht $ 5 * 9 8 that thla year’s Chriatmaa bus- threatened with a Mostly exis­ mhced up love life o f Edward J. nounced "no information concam- wars, wrlthout fears o f atomic die- ineaa would match tha record vol­ tence. Lada, blackade • busting Romeo Ing their substance will be made during Its mors than two weak# aster and huge armies, but gave no of Rad encirclement A apokee- ume o f 1947. Retailera were told, Before the day la over the from Newark, N. V. Interna­ public until such time as decisions final clue on how these things could For Early Findings are reached." nuB estimated the loasaa at abont however, not to be upeet about It Btriklngly unsuitable name o f tional Labor Organisation deeldea be adiieved. Te Seek 59-Tear ADteaM , Instead, they ware advised by the Savage will be changed to Santa <9 not to att«B9 t to draft model Only Moral Aathorlty of 100,000. It was understood, however, that National Retail Dry Goods asso­ Helm. Helm ia the man who wav­ safety code for atomic workers un­ The Assembly passed last night, the European nations will ask for Reds Creasing Hwal ciation to get down to the facts ed the wand and by coincidence it Anothier Former Federal til some of the eecrecy surround­ over bitter Russian o|q>oaltion, a also means “home” in German. a 50-year alltance—a point expeet- Meanwhile, two Communist col- of post-war life and pay closer at­ Papers to Be ing atomic induktry is lifted . World declaration o f human rights Gift Handbags- tention to customer demand. Hence a fitting name of "Santa Official Called for Britain tries out' mock atomic ed to cause something of an argu­ umne were reported croaring tha proclaiming freedom and equality *TUtailers need have onlyv one Hoqia.” bomb as simulated defense against ment river eest of Peagpu and Q uestioning' by New moving toward ICaghnaag,.
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