June 16, 1949 * NATIONAL NEWS * $15 Million Loan Granted has so far been formulated without the Nationwide Campaign to Urge Probe participation of President Truman. At To National Fund the same time it was not clear to what Of Denazification Failure New York, (JTA)-A $15,000,000 extent the President had been advised loan to the Jewish National Fund in NEW YORK, (SPECIAL)-THE AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS AN- of the shift in State Department trac- Jerusalem has been granted by the nounced this week the launching of a nationwide campaign in support of a bi- tics, or whether he approved of this Bank of America National Trust and partisan Senate resolution calling for an investigation of the collapse of the de- shift. Savings Association of California, it nazification program in Germany. The resolution was introduced this week by Details of requests presented by U.S. was announced here this week by Judge Senator Claude Pepper diplomatic representatives to the Gov- (D., Fla.), Irving Ives (R., N.Y.), Guy M. Gillette (D., Morris Rothenberg, president of the Iowa), and Robert C. Hendrickson (R., N.J.)..Mass meetings will be held and ernment of Israel for the readmission J.N.F. in the United States. The loan petitions circulated to spur passage o: of Arab refugees were learned here bers of the Senate Foreign Relations is for a four-year period, Judge Roth- the resolution. this week. It was indicated that the Committee the urgency of a full ex- enberg said, adding that the funds In a telegram to the four Senator; State Department agrees that all the amination of the American policy in would be applied immediately "toward Irving Miller, Chairman of the Arab refugees cannot be admitted into Rabbi the denazification process, (see above), the purchase and improvement of land Executive Committee of the Americar Israel. However, a tentative Ameri- were hitting on resistance from a lead- in Israel and to help the mass settle- Jewish Congress, pledged AJC's sup can conclusion is that perhaps 200,000 ing member of. the Senate. ment of Jews there." The delegation was met with an un- Dr. Abraham Granovsky, world expected rebuke when they called on president of the Jewish National Fund, Sen. Tom Connally, chairman of the in a cable from Jerusalem, declared Senate Foreign Relations Committee. that granting of the loan would enable The Texas Senator is quoted as telling the Fund to "pursue and amplify" its them, "we gave you Israel, now what present large-scale activities, including else do you want?" The delegation acquisition of large tract of land, af- represented local A.J.C. branches in forestation, development of water re- 20 states and was headed by Rabbi sources and expansion of agricultural Irving Miller, chairman of the Amer- settlements. ican Jewish Congress; Dr. Joseph Ten- Russel G. Smith, executive vice-pres- nenbaumn, a member of the executive, ident of the Bank of America National and Dr. Robert S. Marcus, political Trust and Savings Association, speak- director of the organization. ing on behalf of the bank, stated that A statement issued by the group the loan was made on' a sound basis explained that this step was taken be- to provide for constructive accomplish- cause "of alarming reports from Ger- ment. "The Jewish National Fund has many that the denazification program established itself as a credit-worthy has completely collapsed, and that institution and this loan represents the Nazis have once again infiltrated fulfillment of banking policy that de- governmental agencies and educational serving borrowers are entitled to credit SENATOR CLAUDE PEPPER for proper business purposes," he said. A Collapse Investigated. institutions." Other Senators who were scheduled PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN port. The text of the telegram reads: FINANCE to meet with A.JC. delegates this week A Denial Emphasized "On behalf of the American Jewish included Irving M. Ives of New York, Palestine Economic Corp. Congress, representing scores of thou- of them might eventually be returned Forrest C. Donnell of Missouri, James sands of American Jews throughout the Shows $298,000 Profit to the Jewish state and the rest ab- PI. Kem of Missouri, Francis J. Myers country, I express our deep apprecia- New York, (JTA)-The Palestine sorbed in neighboring countries. of Pennsylvania, Edward Martin of tion of your introduction of Senate Res- Economic Corporation, oldest Ameri- The requests presented by the U.S. Pennsylvania, and others. olution 125 calling for an investigation can development company operating diplomats to Israel, it was reported of the denazification program and the in Israel, made a profit of $297,814 here, were made "in firm language" re-emergence of pro-Nazi forces in the according to the annual report released by U.S. Ambassador James G. McDon- ORGANIZATIONS U.S. Zone of Germany. We pledge you this week. This is an increase of $29,- ald in Tel Aviv, as well as by Mark our fulleest support in behalf of this Two Left-Wing Groups 027 over 1947. Capital and surplus Ethridge, the American representative also increased over 1947, rising nearly Conciliation resolution. Your action will be wel- Expelled from Congress on the U.N. Palestine comed by all serious minded Ameri- $500,000 from $5,391,663 to $5,890,- Commission who is leaving his post New York, (JTA)-The American cans concerned with the strengthening 769 in 1948, the report noted. within a few days. Jewish Labor Council and the Jewish of democratic forces everywhere. Pass- The Corporation recently expanded It is understood that the U.S. Gov- Peoples Fraternal Order, two left-wing age of your resolution will inspire re- its program in an effort to enlist new ernment has suggested that the best groups, were expelled from the Amer- newed confidence among the peoples of capital both for its establishment en- start for Israel to make in the direc- ican Jewish Congress with which they the world and particularly those who terprises and to organize new ones to tion of repartriation of Arab refugees had been affiliated, it was announced suffered most from the Nazi assault on help meet the need of Israel's rapidly would be to reunite Arabs who fled this week following a closed session of mankind, in America's determination growing population for jobs, housing Palestine with their families who re- the Congress administrative commit- to prevent any resurgence of a similar and goods, Julius Simon, president, de- mained behind. Israeli officials, it is tee. threat to world peace and security." clared. learned, reiterated that the refugee except as The resolution was introduced on The expulsion was decided upon fol- question cannot be discussed a part of the final peace settlement. June 7, the day after over 200 persons, lowing charges made by the executive representing AJCongress chapters in committee of the Congress declaring Truman Denies Pressure in more than 20 states, called on their that the two groups had demonstrated Israel-Arab Talks Senators and Representatives in Wash- their unwillingness to support the pro- Washington, (JTA) - The White THE SENTINEL ington and expressed alarm over re- grom of the A.J.C. The two groups were House denied this week to the Jewish June 16, 1949 Vol. CLXVI, No. 11 ports of the re-emergence of Nazi also charged with being 'in contempt" Telegraphic Agency reports emanating LOUIS S. BERLIN, Founder A Weekly News-Magazine forces in Germany and urged a Senate of duly arrived at decisions of the from Lausanne that President Truman American Jewish Congress. Devoted to Unity in Jewish Life investigation. had written a letter to the Israeli Gov- Associate Publishers ernment asking for the admission of a J. I. Fishbein, Editor Spokesmen for the Congress said J. M. Feldman, Business Mgr. Arab refugees CONGRESS that no further appeal could be made substantial number of Published every Thursday by Sentinel by the expelled groups unless the or- to the Jewish state. A White House Publishing Company of Chicago, Illinois. Senator Tells His Mind Advertising rates on application. ganization's convention, to be held in spokesman emphasized that the prob- Subscription price $5.00 per year. Plus On Denazification lem was being handled through regular $2.50 additional postage if sent to Eu- the fall, decides to reverse the annual rope; single copies 20 cents. Entered Washington, (JTA) - A group of report of its officers and to initiate diplomatic channels. as second-class matter, February 1, 1911, at the Post Office, Chicago, Illinois representatives of the American Jew- action in the case. However, the two It became clear here that the new under Act of March 3, 1879. ish Congress visiting the Senate last ousted groups cannot apply for a re- U.S. policy of insisting that Israel ab- 139 N. CLARK STREET CEntral 6-1787 week, in an effort to impress on mem- versal, sorb large numbers of Arab refugees.
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