FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS INFORMATION Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. FOREIGN ESTATES, INHERITANCES, Cuticura Soap BONDS AND COLLECTIONS Trans-Attentic Estates and Credit Co., GROWING TIMBER DEPARTMENT 219 Chamber of Com. Big. Portland, Or. Commercial Information furnished free ------ Imparts----- - of charge. Catalogues supplied and com­ mercial Inquiries cheerfully answered. GARAGES AND AUTO REPAIRING Write any firm belowl Do it nowl M. & F. Garage, 21st and Washington Sts WILL PAY WELL The Velvet Touch Please Mention This Paper When Answering These Advertisements. Multnomah Hotel Garage, 2d and Ankeny- Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS New and Second hand Farm machinery and Im­Commercial Garage, E. 11th and Burnside. I yo plements. P. E. Esbenshade,¡Portland. __ GUARANTEED REBUILT MACHINES Farmers Owning SmaH Tracts bonds—sell to us. If you can buy more LIBERTY ART LEATHER GOODS Oregon Typewriter Co., 94-A 6th St “Swan Songs.” Leather Leggins, Traveling Bags, Trunks,HARD WOOD FLOORING Will Find It Advantageous to or VICTORY bonds buy from us. We buy and sell Portland Leather Co., 226 Washington. _Elsman Hardwood Floor Co. 889 E Wash. There is an old superstition that at the New York market ARTIFICIAL TEETH SPECIALIST BONDS Dr. B. C. Rossman, 367 Journal Bldg. Oak-Leaf Hardwood Floor Co., 231 E. Market Crops Together. the swan breaks into song at the ap­ GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS 76th St N. Floors electric sanded. proach of death. Hence the expres­ Write for descriptive circulars and booklets. AUTOMATIC SEALING VAULT— East Side Hardwood Floor Co., Inc., 410 Address C. W. Goodsman, Linnton, Or. E. Burnside. sion “swan song” is often used to re­ BOILER WORKS— New— Repairing HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., East Side Boiler Wks, East Water & Main fer to a last poem or musical work Morris Building. 309-11 Stark Street___________'____________________PO R TLAN D . OREGON A. E. Hurwitz, Optometrist, 225 First St CASE IN NORTHWEST CITED BRAZING, WELDING & CUTTING Hemstitching, Buttons Covered, Plaiting ¡written just before the composer’s Northwest Welding & Supply Co., 38 1st St B. P. Sanborn, 242 Alder St. At Heilig Theater, Portland, Oregon death. The expression has also ex­ BUTTER FAT BOUGHT When Care Is Exercised In Selecting Three Nights: Sun.. Mon, Tues. Fernwood Dairy pays oaslrfor butterf&t. OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE tended to apply to the last speech of a Four Matinees: Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. CREAMERY Portland, Oregon Enter now. Position and Cutting a Woodlot May Be when competent. Catalogue free. politician before being forced into ob­ MATINEES—15c to 75c. NIGHTS—15c to $ 1.25 Willamette Dairy, Buyers of Milk, Cream Made Source of Income for an and Eggs. We pay cash, 488 Union Av.NH TH E T A IL O R . Suits cleaned, S I.25 scurity. Oregon.Creamery for Eggs, Cream 130 2nd We pay return Postage. Indefinite Period. FRED DUNDEE CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS JOY 104 Foujf th St., Portland, Ore & How it Sounded to Him. CYLINDER Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St. MANF. OF AGATE JEWELRY With the help of the Forest Service Motor Gar Repairing & Machine Works DANCING EVERY NOON & EVENING J. A, Lakin,wholesale,retail. 102 Grand Av At a big railway station a four-year- GRINDING Portland, Oregon. Oriental Cafe. Chinese-American Kitchen M ONUMENTS— E. 3d and Pine Sts. and the -county agent, a number of Corner Broadway and Wash. PORTLANDOtto Schumann Granite & Marble Worksfarmers who. live in Hangman Valley,old youngster wonderingly watched the DEFORMITY APPLIANCES K. E. Karlson & CO., 452 Burnside St. NURSERIES ___________ Wash., just north of the Palouse Di­ man step out on the balcony and call DO YOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER HOTEL ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS Russellville Nursery, R. F. D. 1. vision of the St. Joe Forest, are co­ the stations of the outgoing tirain 285 Aider Street. Portland, Oregon. Irwin-Hodson, Stationers, Portland, Ore. NURSERY STOCK operating this year in the sale of aboutthrough a megaphone. When the an­ Hotel Alder Will rent you a room for $1.00 per day, or a room FARM LOANS Villa Nurseries, R. No. 1, Portland. with bath for $1.50 to $2.00 per day? Devereaux Mortgage Co., 87 6th SL PRODUCE BOUGHT 300,000,000 feet of timber. nouncer finished and resumed his seat FLOWERS FOR ANY OCCASION Peerless Produce Co., 175 Front St. Last fall the Forest Service wasthe youngster pulled at his mother’s Geo. Betz & Son, 697 Williams Ave. Ship us your Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Eggs, Hides. R-K Produce Co., 209 Wash St requested to aid these farmers in dis­hand, “ Oh, mamma,” he said, “ ask posing of a considerable amount of Ship Your Cream to OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. the man to sing another song!” J. H. Lehmann, Prop. 1984 East Starktimber on their- claims. It developed PYORRHEA DENTISTS that there were approximately 200 MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. Smith Long Stevenson 310 Bash & Lane Bldg. settlers who owned about 300,000,000 Just Like Home. REALTORS PORTLAND Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark S t_____ feet of timber which they desired to Mother and I went into a drug store Highest Prices Accurate Tests Correct Weights SAFES— FIRE AND BURGLAR dispose of as a unit in order to attractand ordered chocolate sundaes. When Norris Safe & Lock Co., 105 2nd St some company capable of handling the SHEET METAL & RETINNING WORKS finished I piled up the dishes, as I had A good place to Eat and Live Well. Union Avenue Metal Works. 411 Union Aye. entire proposition. They were, how­ been taught to do at home, and carried BAB’S RESTAURANT Remarkable 50c luncheon at noon. ever, unable to agree upon a satis­them to the counter. Of -course, ev­ Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m„ 326 Stark St. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS factory price. The projefct had been eryone smiled and I realized what I Oregon Artificial Limb Co., Inc. Write worked up by the local county agent, Write us for prices and market conditions on for Catalog. 201 2nd St., Portland.______ had done. It didn’t take me long to Two of the most homelike ACCORD lAN^PLEAT ING______ _ _ J a former Forest Service man, from Li Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc et out of the store.—Exchange. & hotels in Portland, located in Knife and box pleating, hemstitching, whom the request for help came. Page So 10c yd. Buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Forty Years in the Same Location. Portland, Oregon the heart of the shopping and Mfg. Co., 85^ Fifth street, Portland. Not Needed for Crops. theater district. All Oregon BRAZING & WELDING WORKS The Forest Service agreed to make Memorial to an Apple. Sixth street opposite The Oregonian and Al­ Electric trains stop at the We sell you a welding outfit and teach an appraisal of the timber and to as­There is a monument of stones with Seward Hotel, the House of you the business. Portland Brazing & der street opposite Meir & Frank’s. The Best Machine Works, 3rd and Glisan. sist in drawing up a contract and salea bronze tablet which marks the spot Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee Cheer. Excellent dining room conditions. The appraisal was made I L Cafeteria in connection, The Hotel Cor­ DIAMONDS & JEWELRY BOUGHT where the York Imperial apple was and Pastry a Specialty. nelius, the House of Welcome, All kinds diamonds and jewelry bought; last spring and a price fixed of aboutdeveloped from a seedling 100 years name your price. Repairing a specialty.$3.50 per thousand feet. Although is only two short blocks from Reiner Jewelry Co., 85 N. Sixth. _____. ago. The monument is erected on a LIBERTY BONDS and UNLISTED HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. the land is well adapted to agricul­ the Seward. Our brown buses CLEANING AND DYEJNG farm along the Baltimore pike, two STOCKS ON ANY MARKET Railway Exchange Builning. meet all trains. Rates $1.50 ''TrorT’eÏÏafiî^ and Dyeing serv­ ture, it will not be possible for th and up. ice send parcels to us. We pay return owners to put all of it into cultivation miles from York, Fa., and was dedi­ postage. Information and prices given cated a few days ago. W. C. Culbertson, Prop. upon request. for a number of years. Consequently Where Your Money Has Its Pre-War Value ENKE’S CITY DYE WORKS it is to their advantage to devote it Established 1890 Portlandto growing timber until such time as The Gambling Instinct. DOORS AND WINDOWS NEW PERKINS HOTEL it is needed for raising crops. The We can-sell-you Doors, Windows, Roof­ The gambling instinct is in nearly stand consists of yellow pine of a Washington and Fifth Sts., Portland, Oregon WE USE IT OURSEVES ing, Paint, Glass and Builders’ Hardware, every energetic, ambitious person, and direct at wholesale prices. Write for good quality and contains a large WE KNOW IT IS GOOD prices before buying. Heacock Sash & few can resist the temptation to back Room with Bath Privilege, $1.00 up. Door Co., 212 First St., Portland. number of trees just beloty merchant* Let us show you how to save money HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING able size which will make rapida “sure thing.” There is nothing Room with Private Bath, $1.50 up. by using the genuine Accordian and Box Pleating. Button growth when the old timber is re­ amazing about investors taking a and Pleating Shop, 509 Royal Bldg. moved; It is distinctly a case where chance at any scheme. The amazing Preservative Guaranteed, EMBROIDERING AND PLEATING— Accordion, Side and Sunburst Pleating, it will pay the farmers to grow trees. thing is human nature.—Indianapolis B IS S IN G E R & C O ., Wool, Pelts, Tallow.
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