CONTENTS OBSAH Opening Adresses Address by the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic . 3 Words by the Minister of Economy . 4 Self-government of the Slovak republic Technical University of Košice . 35 Slovak Republic – Maps . 5 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. 36 Slovak Republic – General Information . 6 Comenius University in Bratislava. 38 Great Moravian Empire . 7 Self-government – Cities and Towns . 8 Slovak Agricultural and Food Chamber Roads & traffic infrastructure of the Slovak Republic Words by the President of SAFC . 42 Road Network . 13 Air Transport . 20 Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry Railways Transport . 21 Words by the President of SCCI . 45 The Region of Banská Bystrica . 48 Important Companies Presentation The Region of Bratislava . 50 1. Industry . 22 Office of SCCI Košice . 51 Agricultural and Food Sector The Region of Nitra . 52 Building Industry The Region of Prešov . 53 Car Industry The Region of Trenčín . 54 Electrotechnics, Electronics The Region of Trnava . 55 Engineering Sector The Region of Žilina – North-Slovakia County . 56 Paper and Cellulose Power Engineering Addresses of National Institutions . 59 2. Services . 30 Fairs and Exhibitions Diplomatic Missions Financial and Economic Services Slovak Embassies Worldwide . 60 Science, Research, Education Slovak Missions and Slovak Institutes. 63 Translations and Interpreting Foreing Embassies Accredited for Slovakia. 64 Transport and Logistics Water Management Database . 69 3. Tourism . 32 V. I. P. 71 Hotels, Accommodation Facilities Register . 72 Regional Tourist Centers Spas Published by: Graphical design: Head of the Editorial Board Copyright © INFOMA Business Trading, spol. s r. o. INFOMA Business Trading, spol. s r.o. INFOMA Graphics Studio Dipl. Ing. Miroslav Porubän 18th edition Bulharská 70 Bulharská 70 Editorial board: Circulation: 4000 copies 821 04 Bratislava 2 821 04 Bratislava 2 Dipl. Ing. Július Geleta All Rights Reserved tel.: +421 2 4342 1531 tel.: +421 2 4342 1563 Emília Gurská ISBN ISBN 978-80-89087-76-1 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.infoma.sk Mgr. Marcel Kostelník Editor: Dipl. Ing. MIlan Nehaj Printed by: Print4U, s.r.o. Košice 9 788089 087761 1 OBSAH CONTENTS Príhovory Príhovor ministra zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí SR . 3 Príhovor ministra hospodárstva . 4 Samospráva SR Technická univerzita v Košiciach . 35 Slovenská republika – Mapa. 5 Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave . 36 Základné informácie o Slovenskej republike . 6 Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave . 38 Veľkomoravská ríša . 7 Samospráva – mestá a obce. 8 Slovenská poľnohospodárska a potraninárska komora Dopravná infraštruktúra Slovenskej republiky Príhovor predsedu SPPK. 42 Cestná doprava . 13 Letecká doprava . 20 Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora Železničná doprava . 21 Príhovor predsedu SOPK . 45 Región Banská Bystrica. 48 Prezentované spoločnosti Región Bratislava . 50 1. Priemysel . 22 Kancelária SOPK Košice . 51 Agrárny a potravinársky priemysel Región Nitra . 52 Automobilový priemysel Región Prešov . 53 Elektrotechnika, elektronika Región Trenčín. 54 Energetický a elektrotechnický priemysel Región Trnava . 55 Papier a celulóza Región Žilina . 56 Stavebný priemysel Strojársky priemysel Adresy štátnych inštitúcií. 59 2. Služby . 30 Doprava a logistika Diplomatické misie Finančné a ekonomické služby Slovenské veľvyslanectvá vo svete. 60 Preklady a tlmočenie Slovenské misie a Slovenské inštitúty. 63 Veda, výskum, školstvo Zahraničné veľvyslanectvá akreditované pre Slovenskú republiku . 64 Veľtrhy a výstavy Vodné hospodárstvo Databáza. 69 3. Cestovný ruch . 32 V. I. P. 71 Hotely, ubytovacie zariadenia Register . 72 Kúpele Regionálne turistické centrá Vydalo: Grafické spracovanie: Vedúci redakčnej rady: Copyright © INFOMA Business Trading, spol. s r. o. INFOMA Business Trading, spol. s r.o. INFOMA Graphics Studio Ing. Miroslav Porubän Osemnáste vydanie Bulharská 70 Bulharská 70 Redakčná rada: Náklad: 4000 výtlačkov 821 04 Bratislava 2 821 04 Bratislava 2 Ing. Július Geleta Všetky práva vyhradené tel.: +421 2 4342 1531 tel.: +421 2 4342 1563 Emília Gurská ISBN 978-80-89087-76-1 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.infoma.sk Mgr. Marcel Kostelník Editor: Ing. MIlan Nehaj Tlač: Print4U, s.r.o. Košice 9 788089 087761 2 ADDRESS BY THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN AND EUROPEAN AFFAIRS OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC PRÍHOVOR MINISTRA ZAHRANIČNÝCH VECÍ A EURÓPSKYCH ZÁLEŽITOSTÍ SR Dear Reader, if I had learned anything in the previous nine months Cooperation between nations has brought us tre- of my tenure as the President of the 72nd General mendous benefit. It has shown us that working Assembly of the United Nations, it is that a number together yields more and better results than when of politicians tend to take a short view on the world we act alone. Multilateralism has also a major role matters. It might be understandable to some extent: in advancing peace. It has allowed us to rally in sup- national leaders are often too overwhelmed coping port of peace agreements, and to mobilize against with everyday issues – from addressing economic threats to international peace and security. There problems and in general taking care of business of are old and new threats to rally against – from politi- running the nation to their own political survival. cal violence to international terrorism to irregular But more often than not being too close to a situa- migration. tion does not help; one needs to step back and get a little perspective, to see the whole forest instead of When we think of consequences of conflict, we often individual trees. first think of death and human suffering, the highest price humanity can pay. Furthermore, financial and The year 2018 has already brought about sweeping economic costs are also crippling and can set socie- changes affecting a number of places around the ties back by years – even decades. And, in turn, can world – including my home country Slovakia –, and contribute to human suffering. called in question a whole lot of issues, which we had thought were already solved and decided upon. The We need to significantly strengthen prevention.
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